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CBN NewsWatch AM: April 10, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: April 10, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this first edition of CBN Newswatch

for Wednesday, April 11.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, historic victory.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

wins a tough reelection race

for an unprecedented fifth term.

We'll take a look at whyhe won and what comes next.

Then in Washington,Republicans push a bill

to ban abortions after five months,

but Democrats are saying no.

Attorney General WilliamBarr on Capitol Hill

talking about releasing the Mueller Report

and saying there will be an investigation

into the FBI's actions during

the 2016 presidential election.

And tens of thousands ofpeople take to the streets

in Sudan demanding anend to their president's

30 years of dictatorship.

All those stories and more are ahead

in this edition of CBN Newswatch.

We want to begin with the victory

by Israel's iron man,

as Benjamin Netanyahu appears

to have done it again.

Numbers so far have the Prime Minister

winning his fifth term.

It comes after a hard fought battle

against the leader of the

Blue and White Party, Benny Gantz.

As CBN's John Waage nowreports from Tel Aviv,

Netanyahu's task will now be to build

a governing coalition and to heal

from the scars of a rough campaign.

- When the voting stopped Tuesday night,

Benny Gantz supportersprepared for an upset

in the making.

Their brand new party hada narrow lead in the polls.

And on the Prime Minister's camp,

the media far outnumbered

the Prime Minister's Likud faithful.

(all cheering)

But that had all changed by the wee hours

of the morning.

Although the first exit poll showed

a virtual dead heapbetween the pro BB right

and the anti-BB left,as the night wore on,

the Prime Minister'ssupporters grew more hopeful

that BB would be able toform the next government

and become the longest serving leader

in Israel's history.

Even after 97% of the voteswere counted Wednesday,

less than a percentage point separated

Likud from the Blue and White Party.

Some have speculationthat a unity government

between Netanyahu and Gantzwould help the country

heal from a bitter election

and respond to threatsfrom Iran and Hamas.

- The coalition is not clear yet

because we need to see who are the parties

that are in the game.

So two days, we'll besmarter about the coalition,

but one thing we know about and for sure,

Netanyahu is the next Prime Minister.

- I intend to work quickly to establish

a stable government.

I want to make it clear, it will be

a right wing government, but I intend

to be the Prime Ministerof all Israeli citizens,

right or left, Jews or non-Jews, the like.

All Israeli citizens.

- [John] Netanyahu has already phoned

many probable partnersin his latest coalition,

almost certainly agovernment of the right.

John Waage, CBN News, Tel Aviv.

- Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell

joins us now from Jerusalem.

So, Chris, what were the main factors

in Netanyahu's victory?

- Well, Efrem, I thinksome of the main factors

is first of all that itwas an anti-BB campaign

that just didn't work.

The Blue and White Party ran on that

sort of like anybody butBB and they had vague

promises of what they would do and I think

that strategy failed.

The other I think is one thing is that

the impact of the Trump administration,

I think having President Trump recognize

Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights

just a few days before theelection had an impact.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was

not too long ago.

We sat down with an interview with him.

So I think the strengthof the relationship

between President Trumpand Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu hadan impact on the election

and I think finally you have to see that

Netanyahu's a master politician.

For the last four days, since last Friday,

he's been running in sort of an oy vey

kind of give all strategylike the sky is falling,

you gotta get out and vote,

we're losing right now.

He played that fromFriday almost till Friday

when the polls closed.

I think that had a lot to do with it

and one political consultanttold me last night,

he said, you know, whenthe game's on the line,

you want the ball to be inyour star player's hands.

We just finished theFinal Four in the U.S.,

and I think Netanyahu'sas the master politician

was able to take and maybe even win

the political fight of his life.

- What are some of the Likud leaders now

telling you about the new government?

- Well, we talked toseveral of them last night

and I think number one,they would say that we're

gonna continue the policiesof the Netanyahu government.

Number one, I think,would have to be the fact

that they're all gonnabe unified about Iran.

Iran's the number one threat with its

nuclear ambitions, also tryingto have a military presence

inside Syria, that's number one.

Also, the revolution in the economy.

They want that to continue.

We talked to Yuli Edelsteinat a press conference

just a few days ago and from 2009,

when Netanyahu took over to 2019,

there's really been arevolution in the economy.

And I think the other thing there's been

a revolution in foreign relations.

If you take a look at IsraeliPrime Minister Netanyahu

has formed relationshipswith world leaders all over.

You know, the nations of the world

are coming here to Israel.

Many people see that asa prophetic development

and you also see thisnew historic relationship

with many of the Sunni Arab nations

and I think that will continue.

Perhaps if the Blueand White Party get in,

that would be a moredifficult road to hoe there,

but I think that's gonna continue.

And one thing you couldsay there's probably

not a good night for Tehran last night

when Netanyahu was elected

the next Prime Minister, most likely.

- A victory indeed forNetanyahu, but what about

the forthcoming indictments against him?

What happens now?

Do his supporters simply feel that these

are politically motivated?

- Well, some people certainly think

they're politically motivated.

I think Netanyahu saidthat over and over again.

What's gonna happen right now is sort of

the prosecutor's been on the offense

for months right now and now Netanyahu

will be able to play some defense.

He's at an opportunityto present his case.

The attorney generaldid not indict Netanyahu

for breach of trust and bribery.

He said he was gonna intend to indict

and now Netanyahu has atime to, maybe months,

could be more than ayear to make his defense.

And even if he is indicted, we don't know

if he'll have to resign.

If he's convicted,certainly, but that's how

that's gonna play out right now,

at least on the legal front.

- All right, we'll continue to watch that.

Chris Mitchell, thank youso much for your reporting.

- [Chris] Thanks Efrem.

- Attorney General William Bar is back

on Capitol Hill today to testify before

a senate subcommittee.

He appeared before ahouse committee Tuesday

answering questionsabout the Mueller Report

and responding to democratic criticism

over his summary of it.

Barr says the redacted reportwill be released next week,

but that may not be goodenough for some Democrats.

Our Mark Martin is on this story.

- [Mark] For the first time,Attorney General William Barr

face off with lawmakers about his handling

of the Mueller Report.

- I do think it's important that public

have an opportunity to learn the results

of the special counsel's work.

- [Mark] Testifying beforethe house appropriation's

committee Tuesday, Barrstuck to his promise

to deliver a redactedversion of the report

in coming days.

- And so I think that from my standpoint,

within a week, I will be in a position

to release the report to the public

and then I will engage with the chairman

of both judiciary committeesabout that report,

about any further request that they have.

Although Barr was officially on the hill

to testify about theJustice Department's budget,

many lawmakers circled backto the Russia investigation.

- I must say, it isextraordinary to evaluate

hundreds of pages ofevidence, legal documents

and finding, based ona 22-month long inquiry

and make definitive legal conclusions

in less than 48 hours.

Even for someone who hasdone this job before,

I would argue it's moresuspicious than impressive.

- [Mark] Democrats have been critical

of Barr's approach and want to see

the complete conclusions

of the 22-month long investigation,

threatening to issue a subpoena if they

don't get what they want.

Barr addressed scrutinyof his four-page letter

summarizing his main conclusions

from Mueller's nearly 400 page report,

stating the Mueller's team finding

that neither PresidentTrump nor his campaign

conspired or coordinatedwith Russia's interference

with the 2016 election.

- All we have is your four-page summary,

which seems to cherry pick from the report

to draw the most favorableconclusion possible

for the President.

- [Mark] He defended his decision

to release that letterinstead of summaries

written by the special counsel.

- I think any summary,regardless of who prepares it,

not only runs the riskof being under inclusive

or over inclusive, but also,you know, would trigger

a lot of discussion andanalysis that really

should await everything coming out at once

and I tried to use as much of the

special counsel's own language as I could.

They were just stating thebottom line conclusions.

- No obstruction, it's over, it's done.

- Well, the letter speaks for itself.

- [Mark] Meanwhile, Barris also investigating

whether the FBI abused its authority

in getting wire taps on Trump aids

that fueled the investigation leading

to the Mueller probe.

The attorney general will testify before

the senate today.

He says he will answer more questions

from Congress next month

after the full MuellerReport has been released.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- [Efrem] A major pro-life bill is coming

before Congress once again,

a move to ban abortions after five months

on the grounds the unborn babies

can feel pain.

We'll have that story when we come back.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We are going to talk about some of the

incredible promises Godhas made to his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you will discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,

show him my salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to now the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,your path to overcoming

fear and anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember fora moment what it was

like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphans

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should

have the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges and turn

them into the possibilities,the chance to stand

on the promises of God,to recognize their place

in the greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

There's is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

- And we saw a new pushfor an old pro-life measure

on Capitol Hill Tuesday with lawmakers

bringing back the fight to ban abortions

after five months of pregnancy.

Their argument, babiesbeing aborted can feel pain.

Abigail Robertson brings us

that story now from Washington.

- Only seven countries currently allow

elective abortions afterfive months of pregnancy,

including North Korea, China and Vietnam.

The United States ispart of that small group

and Senator Lindsey Grahamhopes to change that

through the Pain CapableUnborn Child Protection Act.

- I think most people,once they know about

what we're talking aboutthat will gain momentum,

this will become law.

- [Abigail] The billwould restrict abortions

on demand after five months of pregnancy

because of mountingevidence proving babies

in the womb feel pain at that stage.

- I would ask the opponents of this bill

to dispute the fact that anesthesia

is provided routinely to a child

who is in the fifth month of the pregnancy

to protect the child from the pain

that would occur that would save

it's life through surgery.

- [Abigail] DemocratSenator Richard Blumenthal

disputes the research and tells CBN News

he believes the bill is a hoax.

- Well, the bill as a wholeis unsupported by science.

It has no foundation and fact and it

violates the constitution.

- There's so much that woman aren't told.

- [Abigail] According toa Marist Poll last month

66 of all voters want this law passed.

- The tide is turning in America

and Americans are becomingmore and more pro life.

- [Abigail] She testified alongside

abortion survivor, Melissa Ohden.

- The extreme abortionlegislation is worrisome.

It's painful.

- [Abigail] Some Democrats on the

senate judiciary committeewho are running for president

skipped the hearing.

- It was really tellingthat they don't want

to go on the record and maybe be seen as

being so extreme that they would oppose

this common sense law, common sense bill

that the majority of Americans agree on,

even pro-choice Americans.

- [Abigail] Foster claims according

to abortion industry studies,health reasons are not

why the majority of womenseek these abortions.

- Their own studies say, in fact,

it's not because of fetal anomaly,

it's not because of life of the mother,

it's because of, in large part,

the same reasons why women seek

those first trimester abortions.

It's issues of finances,it's relationship issues.

It's not really feeling ready to handle

a pregnancy yet.

- Senator Graham says heknows getting the votes

in the house and senatewill be tough right now,

but he's committed to fight for this

over the long haul.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,

Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- [Efrem] And still ahead,

tens of thousands of protestors take

to the streets of Sudan,

demanding an end to a 30plus year dictorial rule.

Stay with us.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible

promises God has made to his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you will discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,your path to overcoming

fear and anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphans

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity todream, the chance to take

challenges and turnthem into possibilities.

The chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place in the greatest

story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us.

(gentle music)

- [Caitlin] Check out theCBN News Daily Rundown

podcast each weekdaywith me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the show tab at

where you can listen and subscribe.

- Sudan's president isfacing the biggest challenge

to his leadership as tensof thousands of people

are on the streets now demanding

he step down from power.

In today's edition of World Beat,

our George Thomas takes a closer look

at what's fueling the protest

in this North African nation.

(uplifting music)

- Hello everyone, welcome to World Beat,

where we show you what'shappening in the world

and how you can pray about it.

Hundreds of thousands of peopleare staging demonstrations

calling for the president ofthe African nation of Sudan

to step down.

For days now, protestorshave staged a sitting

outside the military headquarters

in the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

Security forces loyal toPresident Omar al-Bashir

tried to break up theanti-government demonstrations

and it led to skirmishes,

(guns firing)

between unarmed civilians and soldiers.

Right now more than two dozen people

have reportedly been killed.

Their demonstrations began in December

over an economic crisisbut quickly escalated

into calls for an end toal-Bashir's 30-year rule.

Joining me is CBN's chief

international reporter, Gary Lane.

You've been covering Sudan for years.

These protests are unprecedented, right?

- George, I've seen nothing like it.

Thousands of people out in the streets

in Sudan demanding changein their government

and demanding reforms.

Many people, women especially,want equal rights there.

Some of them are sayingwe want to experience

what our grandmother andour mothers experienced.

We don't want to beforced under Sharia law

to wear head coverings,burkas and so forth,

we want equal rights.

And that's one thingcoming from the women.

I have never seen anything like this

in over 30 years of covering Sudan.

- Specifically what other things

are the demonstrators demanding?

- Well, it startedGeorge back in December,

just before Christmas, abouta week before Christmas,

people wanted to have economic reforms.

The price of bread went up.

They said look, we can't make ends meet

in this economy.

So it started as that,but it quickly evolved

int demands that Omar al-Bashir,

the dictator of Sudan,who came to power in 1989

when he seized power in a military coo,

he's been there sinceand he imposed Sharia law

shortly afterwards when he aligned himself

with the national Islamicfront there in Sudan.

They've had Sharia law ever since and he's

been pilfering the coffers there,

the treasury in Sudan and some say

he has as much as 9,maybe 10 billion dollars

that he's stolen from the people of Sudan.

- How is Sudan's powerfulmilitary responding

to the uprising?

- Well, so far, sinceDecember, we've seen at least

60 people have been killed by gunfire

from the military.

Now the government willsay no, no, no, no, no,

it's maybe 20 or 30people, but still there

have been people killed.

The military has been taking the side

of Omar al-Bashir and hisNational Congress Party

up until this point.

Now the protestors are saying they're

seeing some cracks in that.

There are some soldiers that are treating

them very well, not coming against them,

but if the military comes against him

and it's a life or death thing,

he may leave.

- Sudan, as you know Gary, is number six

on Open Doors' worst placesin the world for Christians.

What is it like for people of faith there?

- Christians are terriblypersecuted in that country,

especially those who convert from Islam,

because as you know,Sharia law was implemented

or imposed on the people I should say

back shortly after Omaral-Bashir seized power in 1989

in a military coo.

He aligned himself withthe national Islamic front

and they were all aboutIslamic Sharia law.

So that was imposed onthe people and that's

what we have today, so forChristians, it's not good.

Their churches are being shut down,

they're being demolished,

they're being arrested and the evangelism

definitely is out and little children

are even being harassed,Open Doors says this,

little children are evenbeing harassed in school,

Christian children forpracticing their Christian faith.

- In the last minute that we have,

how can we pray for Sudanduring this time of uncertainty?

- Well, George I wantus to pray for Sudan,

so why don't you join me right now,

let's pray for the peace of Sudan.

Lord Jesus, we know that you love Sudan,

you love the people there,Muslim or Christian,

whatever they may be,you want to see people

come to you and come to faith in you.

And we pray also for Omar al-Bashir.

This man has committed terrible atrocities

against his own people,especially in Darfur,

and against the Christiansin South Sudan years ago

and now the Christians in his country.

So we pray that he willcome to faith in Jesus.

We pray that his heartwill be changed Lord

and we pray that your will be done.

We pray that peace come upon that country,

that you protect life, the protestors

and that your will be done there in Sudan.

In Jesus name, we pray.

- Amen.

Amen, Gary thank you somuch for coming on the show.

- Sure, George.

- Well, folks, that isit for today's edition

of World Beat.

Until next time, goodbyeand God bless you.

Now, back to Newswatch.

- [Efrem] And shiftinggears here on Newswatch,

we're gonna take a look at some new films

coming out this weekend to the box office

and what's new in animation,

along with interviews of some of the

biggest names in Hollywood, stay with us.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk about

some of the incrediblepromises God has made

this his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,

show him my salvation

and see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphans

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity todream, the chance to take

challenges and turnthem into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God.

To recognize their place in the greatest

story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

There's is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us.

(gentle music)

- [Announcer] Come home to the

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- The weekend brings newfilms to the box office

and this evening's new edition of Studio 5

has your first look atwhat's new in animation.

- A name that has special meaning to you.

- [Reporter] That's Hugh Jackman at work.



- It's still there.

Excuse me, hi.

- You can speak.

- [Reporter] And he's taking Studio 5

behind the scenes of hisanimated film Missing Link.

- You're going to need my help.

You're going to need my help.

- [Reporter] Zoe Saldanawill join us as well.


- You have killed my grandmother.

- Quick, quick, quick, someone should give

her the kiss of life.

- And you can see thatfull story on Studio 5

along with an interview with acting legend

Jon Voight and a preview ofthe new film Breakthrough.

The show begins thisevening at 9:30 eastern

and of course you can find that

on the CBN News Channel.

Time now for your Wednesday word

and today's word is simplythe most powerful name

in heaven and earth.

That name is Jesus.

Never forget the name of Jesus

is greater than them all and at his name

every other name must bow.

That includes your name and anything

that has a name, sickness, disease,

lack, failure, it must all bow

to the name of Jesus.

With that word and his name make this

a wonderful Wednesday.

Well that will do it for this Wednesday

edition of CBN News.

Remember that you can find more on the

issues you care most about always


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- We'd love to know what you think about

the stories you've seen here today.

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Hope you will join usagain right here next time.

Make it a wonderful Wednesday.


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