- [Announcer] The head ofHomeland Security is out.
The latest after the abruptresignation of Kristjen Nielsen.
Israel gears up for whatlooks to be a close election.
We go to Jerusalem for alook at what's at stake
as voters head to the poll.
And a look at how somecollege basketball stars
are turning to God duringtheir moment in the spotlight.
All this and more,tonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat music)
- A leadership shake up at the
Department of Homeland Security.
Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
Well, just one day afterannouncing the resignation
of DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen,
tonight the head of the U.S.Secret Service is out too.
- That's right, PresidentTrump instructing
his Acting Chief of Staffto fire Randolph Tex Alles.
We have Ben Kennedy atthe White House with more
on what the administration is saying
about the changes atDHS, but we begin tonight
with National Securitycorrespondent, Eric Philips.
- And Eric, just last week the President
was praising the SecretService saying that
they've done a fantasticjob since day one.
What is, Alles, why is he out?
- A lot can change in a week,
and still many questionstonight on what is behind
this decision?
But the President hasdecided to replace Alles
with James Murray.
He's a career Secret Service official.
As the new head of the Secret Service,
he will report directly tothe Head of Homeland Security.
That current head willbe changing very soon.
In fact, Neilsen will only beon the job until Wednesday.
President Trump announced last night that
she is leaving her post.
I think she's going to betaking her place somewhere else,
and the acting Directorof DHS is Kevin McAleenan,
current Head of Customsand Border Protection.
All of this makes it very clear,
the border is a major priorityfor this administration.
- I've spent the last24 hours since yesterday
talking with government officials,
with the administrationofficials, members of Congress,
to ensure a smooth transition.
- [Eric] DHS SecretaryNielsen resigned just two days
after traveling to the borderof California and Mexico
with the President to assesswhat he calls, a crisis.
Part of her letter saying,despite our progress
in reforming homelandsecurity for a new age,
I have determined thatit is the right time
for me to step aside.
The President thanked her for her service,
while also characterizing the situation
at the border on Twitter.
More apprehensions, captures,at the southern border
than in many years.
Border Patrol amazing.
- The system is full,can't take you anymore.
- [Eric] Sources say Nielsen'sresignation followed tensions
and angry phone calls betweenher and the President,
with the Commander in Chiefholding her responsible
for a spike in migrant crossings.
- So much of the focus andthe questions I received
this morning have allbeen about the tick tock,
the palace intrigue ofthis particular move.
I wish the focus wouldbe on the actual problem
facing this country.
- [Eric] President Trumpappointed Kevin McAleenan
as Acting Secretary of DHS.
He was serving as Commissioner of
U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
and has a good relationshipwith the White House.
- His knowledge of thisissue is not just extensive,
but I think it will go to helpeducate the American people,
educate Congress, andhopefully it will lead to
some massive changesalong the southern border.
- Kevin McAleenan previouslyserved as Border Patrol's
Deputy Commissioner duringthe Obama administration.
He's been responsible foroverseeing 60,000 employees
and managing a budget ofmore than $13 billion.
And John and Jenna, I should mention that
Nielsen will stay on thejob at DHS through Wednesday
to make sure the transitionto McAleenan is a smooth one.
- Thanks Eric, wellnow back to Ben Kennedy
at the White House.
Ben, a lot of change overat Homeland Security,
even though the announcement came today,
it appears the Secret Servicehead, Randolph Alles's firing,
had been in the works for weeks.
- Yeah John, you're right.
It appears this DHS shakeup has been in the works
for some time now.
We are hearing that aftertwo years of service,
the White House simply waslooking to make a change.
Now don't forget, the SecretService falls under DHS,
as Eric was talking about.
So Alles reported to Nielsen,who again, just resigned.
The AP states that aWhite House official said,
Alles's departure stemsfrom a personality conflict
within the agency.
And this might only bethe first personnel change
in the department this week.
Claire Grady is currently serving as
Acting Deputy Secretary at DHS.
She was next in line for Nielsen's job,
but since she was passed over by Trump,
it is reported that shemight actually step down
on her own.
Today is only Monday guys,it is hard to believe.
And we will of course keep you posted
as this story develops.
John, Jenna.
- A busy Monday indeed.
White House correspondent,Ben Kennedy, thanks Ben.
Well here with us nowto examine the shake up
at the Secret Service andthe behind the scenes account
of Nielsen's resignation isCBN's Chief Political Analyst,
David Brody.
David, as we were justtalking about, a busy Monday.
So first we have Alles's resignation,
which comes a day after Nielsen's.
Are the two in any way related?
- Well I don't thinkthey're related necessarily
as it relates to why each one was let go,
but they obviously all comeunder the umbrella of DHS,
and it all comes under theumbrella of Donald Trump.
And Donald Trump wantsto go full throttle,
and if you're going throttleand you're not going
full throttle, there's the disconnect.
And look, Kristjen Nielsenwas going throttle.
A lot of people say fullthrottle, not enough for Trump,
and clearly that was abig part of the problem.
- Well, you know, not at all a secret that
the relationship between Nielsen and Trump
had been rocky, but itseemed to be improving
after John Kelly, former WhiteHouse Chief of Staff, left.
So maybe expected, but alittle bit out of the blue?
- Yeah, I think a lot ofpeople were expecting this
for a while now.
And once again, why,because he wanted her to do
certain things that shejust couldn't get there.
She just couldn't do.
For example, I mean Trumpsays, it's no secret,
I mean he came out in public the other day
and he talked about, thesefolks, they come across
the border and they wantto just claim asylum.
And we know it's nottrue, it's not asylum.
They just want to come across and provide
for their families.
It's not hard ship or anything like that.
So he was basically telling Nielsen,
you know to crack down on that.
But how are you going to do that?
And I think you know at some point
there was so much frictionit was just untenable.
- And not just PresidentTrump, but a lot of people
within the White House, who are in
the President's inner circle, what role
did Steven Miller, oneof his senior advisors,
what role did he playin pushing Nielsen out?
- Well Steven Miller is the defacto
Department of Homeland Security Chief.
He has been for awhile.
And that's the truth of the matter.
Now the question becomes,how much will his hard line
positions on let's remember,not just immigration,
we're talking about illegal immigration.
You know the media always talks about,
New York Post, Washington, excuse me,
Washington Post, NewYork Times, talks about
how Trump's and Miller'shard stance on immigration.
It's not on immigration,it's on illegal immigration.
And I think that's veryimportant to understand.
But he will be key on all of this, yes.
- Don't they want toincrease the not number
of legal immigrants thatare led into the country?
- Well they do, right, donethe proper way, for sure.
And I think that's a big part of the story
that's never told.
But look, Steven Miller,the question now becomes,
will he, there's a lot of folks saying,
just make him Department ofHomeland Security Secretary.
Now, people will say, wait aminute, he can't get confirmed.
Hold on for a second, you canthank the Democrats for that.
You only need 50 votes in the Senate.
They've got 53, so they'vegot some wiggle room.
- David, President Trump reportedly wanted
the toughest cop aroundon border security.
What do we know about McAleenan
and how does he fit that bill?
- Well he pushed backagainst that executive order.
Remember, that separated families.
The executive order thatcame from Jeff Sessions
at the time.
And he pushed back on it, said you know,
it was the right thing to doto kind of think it through,
but at the same time, he seems to have
pretty much towing the line,
he's towing the line here as well.
So I think what's goingto be fascinating to watch
is the Steven Miller,Donald Trump inside game,
if you will, from inside the White House.
And this, the Departmentof Homeland Security Chief,
whether it be an Acting Chiefor whoever the new person is,
how that plays out in public?
There's going to be twodifferent tracks going.
That's going to be therubber, where the rubber
potentially meets the road.
- Alright, David Brody,thank you very much.
- Thanks.
- Well the Trump administrationwill now label Iran's
Revolutionary Guard a foreignterrorist organization.
It's the first timethe U.S. has designated
a part of another governmentas a terrorist entity.
Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo says,
it's an important stepto counter terrorism
within the Iranian regime.
- This designation is a direct response
to an outlaw regime andshould surprise no one.
And it builds on the morethan 970 Iranian individuals
and entities that the Trump administration
has already sanctioned.
For 40 years, the IslamicRepublic's Revolutionary Guard
Core has actively engagedin terrorism and created,
supported, and directedother terrorist groups.
The RGC masquerades as alegitimate military organization,
but none of us should be fooled.
It regularly violates thelaws of armed conflict.
It plans, organizes, andexecutes terror campaigns
all around the world.
- And the designation imposes sanctions
that include freezing assetsof the Revolutionary Guard,
and bans Americans from doingbusiness with the group.
Iran is threatening toretaliate for the decision.
- Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu, says,
he'll declare Israeli sovereigntyover Jewish settlements
in the West Bank.
It's a move Palestinianleaders warn could destroy
the peace process.
And it means the West Bankwould be part of Israel
and any future negotiationswith the Palestinian authority.
- [Translator] We will go tothe next stage in applying
Israeli sovereignty in the settlements.
But I don't make a differencebetween the settlement blocks
and the isolated settlementsbecause from my perspective,
any point of settlement is Israeli
and we have responsibility towards them
as the Israeli government.
I will not uproot anyone and Iwill not transfer sovereignty
to the Palestinians.
When we abandon territories,Islamic extremism
emerges immediately and slaughters us.
And I won't give them theheart of the state of Israel.
- Netanyahu's announcementcomes just as Israel
is set to hold an election tomorrow.
Well that election willdecide the political fate
of Prime Minister Netanyahu.
- Polls show a closerace between his party
and the coalition partydetermined to defeat him.
John Waage has more from Jerusalem.
- Depending on which poll youbelieve, Netanyahu's party
is running a little aheadof or a little behind
the new blue and white party.
It's a coalition ledby political newcomer,
Benny Ganz, former Chief ofthe Israeli Defense Forces.
In fact, the blue and whiteparty is a notable collection
of military and secular leaders.
Many of them once served with Netanyahu,
but now are his bitter political rivals.
They see the pending indictmentof the Prime Minister
as an opportunity to replace him.
Israel's Attorney Generalannounced his intention
to indict Netanyahu justweeks before the election.
Since then, Likud has risen in the polls.
Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein is Likud's
second in command.
He often fields media questions
about the pending indictment.
- You have to remind us that indictment
happens in court.
And before that, you know, according to
the very old rule, everyone's innocent
until proven guilty.
And that's the situation ofthe Prime Minister right now.
- [John] Pollster, MitchellBarack, says even a week
before the vote, it doesn'tfeel like the campaign
has started.
- You know there's beena lot of mudslinging
back and forth, but ifyou walk around Jerusalem
or Tel Aviv or anywhereelse, you don't see signs
on people's balcony.
You don't see signs in their window.
- [John] Netanyahu hasreaped the benefits of his
close relationship with President Trump
and the visit of Brazilian President,
Jair Bolsonaro, to Israel.
Barack recently took an indepth survey of Israelis
and found their support forTrump has sky rocketed to 73%.
Trump has fulfilled a dreambasket of Israeli wishes
for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
to recognizing the Golan as part of Israel
to cracking down on Iranand Palestinian terrorists.
- So Israelis really to a certain extent
see that there's a Likudneck, if you will,
a Likud person in the White House.
And they see that Netanyahuis very, very close
with President Trump.
- [John] Israelis will decideApril 9th, whether those
close U.S. ties will beenough to put Netanyahu
over the top.
Experts say many, if notmost, voters won't even decide
until the final four days.
John Waage, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- [John Jessup] Coming up, the fight over
President Trump's tax returns.
Why the White House says,they'll never be released.
(upbeat music)
- The White House Chiefof Staff vows Democrats
will never see PresidentTrump's tax returns.
This could set in motiona huge legal battle
between the Trumpadministration and law makers.
CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
is also covering thisstory for us tonight,
and he joins us againfrom the White House, Ben.
- Jenna, Acting Chiefof Staff, Mick Mulvaney,
called this a political stunt.
Trump says there's nothing tolearn from his tax returns.
And to top that, he saidcan't even release them
because he's being audited.
- I've been under audit for many years.
- [Ben] The President's taxreturns were all the talk
on Sunday shows.
- That's an issue thatwas already litigated
during the election.
Voters knew the President couldhave given his tax returns.
They knew that he didn't,
and they elected him anyway.
Which of course is whatdrives the Democrats crazy.
- [Ben] Democrats say it'snot crazy to want to see
those returns, which wouldreveal Trump's sources of income,
tax rates, charitable donations, and more.
- This is a President whohas resisted any oversight
or inquiry into his affairs.
And so I think theChairman of Ways and Means
has every right to determine is the IRS
following its own policy and protocols?
- [Ben] Lawmakers wantthe IRS to hand over
Trump's personal and business returns,
from 2013 to 2018.
But the President's lawyer says Democrats
are trying to use the IRSas a political weapon.
- So this idea thatyou're using a hearing,
a ways and means hearing,about IRS enforcement
as a way to get to thePresident's private,
individual, and business tax returns,
makes no sense bothconstitutionally and statutorily.
- Law makers asked theIRS to provide six years
of Trump's tax returns by April 10th,
that is this Wednesday, two days from now,
so it is clear that won't happen.
The next stop for thiscase is the courts, Jenna.
- Ben, we also understandit's not just Democrats
here in DC who want the tax returns.
- Yeah Jenna, you're right.
We're learning that theNew York State Legislature
is set to introduce abill allowing the release
of Trump's state tax returns.
The New York Times reportsit will allow state returns
to be released for specific and legitimate
legislative purposes.
That would only happenif the state returns
were requested by threeU.S. Congressional leaders.
The bill is slated tobe introduced sometime
later this week.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, The White House.
- Thanks, Ben.
Well another day, anotherWhite House candidate.
Democrats are on courseto having the largest crop
of candidates in historythis election cycle.
Henry Hughes is the latest,officially announcing today.
He dropped by Faith Nationlast week and explained
why as a pro life Democrat,
he's running a long shot campaign.
Why are you running andwhat makes you qualified
to be President of the United States?
- Well, my opinion isevery American is qualified
to be President of the United States.
We can look at some ofour past Presidents,
it doesn't require genius.
It doesn't require good morals.
But what really qualifies me most is that
I have a view of the world that I think
would help America to betterrealize its possibilities.
- Henry, you just hintedthat your campaign
is going to encounter a lot of setbacks,
so you've got what some people might call
is a long shot campaign.
What's your ultimate goal in running?
- My goal and the goal ofeverybody participating
in the primary process isto participate in the debate
and to structure thefuture of the country.
Because stories are really what constitute
the future of America.
How do we tell the stories?
What do we say?
What do we discuss?
And so I am interested ingetting the pro life issue
discussed as part of theDemocratic primary process.
I've challenged everysingle Democratic candidate
to debate me one on oneabout the life issue.
And the force of the proabortion movement in America
has been to stop debate.
Because the only way thatthe pro abortion people
can win is by stoppingthe debate on this issue.
- Henry, if you were tobe the party's nominee,
how would you challenge President Trump?
- Obviously the best candidatefor the Democratic party
would be an older, whitemale, heterosexual,
who doesn't believe intaking people's guns away
and doesn't believe that babyand partial birth abortion
or abortion for sex selection because
that would preventDonald Trump from getting
all of the people in those areas.
- As far as messaging and as far as attack
and counter attack, how would you defeat
a President Trump in a campaign?
- Well I would say, youknow, you don't have to vote
for President Trump becausehe's pro life because
I'm pro life too.
You don't have to vote forPresident Trump because
he would protect people'ssecond Amendment rights
because I would protect some people's
second Amendment rightsas vigorously as he would,
perhaps even more vigorously.
And you know what, I'm a nicer guy.
I'm more sincere.
And if you sat down and you had to say,
would I leave my childrenwith Donald Trump
over the weekend?
Or would I leave mychildren with Henry Hughes
over the weekend?
People will make the decisionthat they would rather
leave their children with Henry Hughes.
- And there are currentlyabout a dozen major candidates
who've already declared they're running.
Several more lesser known.
More are expected toannounce a possible run soon,
including former VirginiaGovernor, Terry McAuliffe,
and of course former VicePresident, Joe Biden.
- [Jenna] Still ahead, wehead to Minneapolis for a look
at the biggest nightin college basketball.
(upbeat music)
- Jenna, big night tonight.
- Uh huh.
- Big night.
As the University of Virginiafaces off against Texas Tech
with a National Title on the line.
- That's right, but as Shawn Brown reports
from Minnesota, players fromall the Final Four teams
say they aren't just playing basketball.
- Hello everyone andwelcome to U.S. Bank Stadium
here in Minneapolis, where CBN's coverage
of the 2019 Final Four whereVirginia, Michigan State,
Auburn, and Texas Tech battled their way
round after round to get here for a shot
for the National Title.
But after an exhilaratingSaturday night of basketball
filled with big shotsand controversial calls,
Virginia and Texas Tech will play tonight
for the National Championship.
And listen, I don't know about you guys,
but I can't wait to see it.
I understand that Auburnand Michigan State
are headed home, but playersfrom all four teams agree,
that win or lose, God stillhas a plan for their lives.
The Auburn Tigers hada historic run during
this year's NCAA Tournamentbecoming the only team
to beat Kansas, NorthCarolina, and Kentucky
back to back to make it to the Final Four.
Their first in school history.
Though they fell just shy of advancing to
the championship game, they still give God
the glory for the opportunity.
- My sole purpose like on the earth
is to glorify God.
And having a faith inChrist, you want to work
as hard as you possibly can for the Lord.
That doesn't mean God'llbless you with a win,
do your part, play 100%, and you know
God will have a plan for you.
- In the lows and highs,and just know that
He's going to be there for you,
you just gotta give glory to God.
- [Shawn] Michigan Statedid what many thought
would be near impossible for any team,
defeat Zion Williamsonand the Duke Blue Devils
to get here.
And a lot of their motivation came from
sophomore guard, Joshua Langford,
who was injured earlier this season.
And he's relied heavily on his faith
to keep things in perspective and to help
inspire his team mates from the bench.
- I think beause of my belief in God,
I think it's allowed meto have a good foundation.
I think throughout the whole process,
I've just been trying tofigure out what else it is
that God's placed inside of me.
And I feel like that's my voice,
that's a gift from Him,and I've been using it,
just trying to help throughthat way for the team.
- I believe God works in mysterious ways
and He works in each way possible,
so for me to go out there, He's giving me
the ability just to play out there.
So I thank Him everytime I step on the court
because I know one dayit could be taken away.
- [Shawn] During the 2018 NCAA Tournament,
Virginia made history,but for the wrong reason.
When they lost to UMBC, becomingthe first number one seed
to get knocked out in the first round.
But redemption camethis season because now
they're playing for aNational Championship.
It's a story that beganwith head coach Tony Bennett
and five biblical pillars.
- There's a verse thatsays, always be prepared
to give a reason forthe hope that you have,
but do it with gentleness and respect.
And I think that's what you have to do.
do I know what my hope is for me?
I know what my life is grounded on,
and there's nothing that touches it.
It's a joy that's unspeakable.
And so, when you have players, our program
is built on pillars, five,
they're actually biblical pillars.
And whether our guys,I'm always respectful,
whether they believe that or not,
their wisdom for our program.
Humility, do you knowwho you are as a team
and as a player?
Passion, do you play with passion?
Unity, being a part ofsomething bigger than yourself.
Servant hood, the way togreatness is being a servant.
And then thankfulness.
So we use those for our team specifically.
And again, you know your always hope that
guys through sports, theybecome better players
and young men, and they'llalways return to what
you just model to them.
- [Shawn] Virginiaguard, Kyle Guy, has been
a shooting rock starthroughout the tournament.
During the gritty match against Auburn,
his skill was on centerstage when he had to make
three free throws withthe game on the line
after he was fouledtrying to make this jumper
for the win.
Every kid dreams of moments like that.
But after preparation meets opportunity,
Kyle says he leaves everythingelse in God's hands.
- I would not be here without Him.
You know I always shower before games,
and that's kind of whereI get my mind right,
say a little prayer, whatever,
and you know I alwaysobviously through everything
I've been through, thisteam's been through,
I just when I'm praying,I'm always like you know
I want to win more than anything,
but I know your plan is greater.
So that's something Ialways hang my hat on.
- [Shawn] Who would havethought that Texas Tech
would be playing Virginiain the championship game?
Most probably didn't, but the Red Raiders
have shown resilience throughthe entire tournament.
And for some of them,that tenacity and focus
stems from a shared faith in Jesus Christ.
- My dad's a pastor.
Jarrett Culver's dad is a pastor as well.
And I just grew up ina house hold that God
is the center of everything I do.
Back home, if I was to wake up anytime,
wake up at five a.m., pray,just have our quiet time
before we start the dayand things like that.
And just having thatrelationship with Christ
and it just fuels meand it keeps me going.
- [Shawn] Matt Mooney had a biggame against Michigan State.
The sharp shooter dropped 22points against the Spartans,
including four three pointers.
And he says that's his way toglorify the name of the Lord.
- Number one is my faith.
And the end of the day,basketball is not eternal,
the only thing that's eternal is Jesus.
And you can't take moneyor basketball or anything
with you when you die,so you know I'm blessed
and I try to play for an audience of one
when I get out there.
- Great report.
You rooting for any team?
- I was going to ask you.
- I think Abigail Robertsonis the sweetest person I know,
but if I don't root forUVA, she might get at me.
- Okay, I'll go for Tech.
- Alright, well that's goingto do it for Faith Nation.
- Have a great night.