- Welcome to this edition of The 700 Club.
There's one cry now inWashington by the Democrats.
Let's not worry aboutAmerica, let's get Trump.
We're gonna, we hate Trump,we're gonna destroy Trump,
but whatever does it do to America,
we don't care what it does to America,
we're going to destroy Trump.
And what they're doing now,
they're gonna battle withthe Justice Department,
and they're voting to subpoena
the Mueller report unredacted,
but look what Jerry Nadler had to say.
We'll show you that later on,
about what he said about the Starr report.
Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson
has that report, Abigail.
- Even with the Attorney General
preparing a redacted version
of the Mueller report for Congress,
a House panel voted tosubpoena the full report
on Russian interferencein the 2016 election.
- I, frankly, believe thatwe are being both fair
and balanced.
- [Abigail] Democrats in the House
made it official and partisan.
- This committee has theright and the responsibility
to see the full contents of this report.
- [Abigail] Voting 24-17 along party lines
to authorize subpoenas,
but waiting before firing them off.
- Adjourned.(gavel cracking)
- [Abigail] Attorney General William Barr
has already promised to get them a version
scrubbed of classified material,
secret grand jury testimony,
and anything related toongoing investigations
or the personal privacy of third parties.
- The department is wrong
to try to withhold that information.
- [Abigail] But that's not enough
for the House Judiciary Chairman.
- The Constitution charges Congress
with holding the president accountable
for alleged official misconduct.
That job requires us to evaluatethe evidence for ourselves,
not the Attorney General's summary,
not a substantially redactedsynopsis, but the full report.
- [Abigail] Representative Jerry Nadler
compared Mueller's report
to the release of the Starrreport into President Clinton.
- Boxes of such informationproduced by Ken Starr.
- [Abigail] And the Nixonimpeachment process.
- Just some of the grand jury material.
- [Abigail] GeorgiaRepublican Doug Collins
called those props apples and oranges.
- Starr, Mueller.
It just doesn't work.
- They're sore losers.
- [Abigail] The White Housemaintains the report's release
is up to the Attorney General.
- Anything that's given tothem will never be good enough.
- [Abigail] On Faith Nation,
Julia Manchester, areporter with The Hill,
said Democrats need toproceed with caution.
- I think a lot of Democrats are trying
to save face in all of this.
- [Abigail] And CBN NewsChief Political Analyst
David Brody added:
- That's a bit irresponsible,
to have an unredacted report,
whatever you think, if you'rea Republican or Democrat.
- This week's authorizationsinclude subpoenas
for former Trump administration officials
Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, Hope Hicks,
Donald McGahn, and Annie Donaldson.
As to whether the AttorneyGeneral has authority
over what to release andwhat to keep private,
that decision will likely bemade in the nation's courts.
Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Nadler took a totally different position
in 1990, 1998, excuse me,
when he strictly opposed
releasing the entire report of Ken Starr
on Democratic President Bill Clinton.
Look at what he said then.
- Mr. Starr, in his transmittal letter
to the speaker and the minority leader,
made it clear that much of this material
is Federal Rule 6(e) material.
That is material that, by law,
unless contravened by a vote of the House,
must be kept secret.
It's grand jury material.
It represents statementswhich may or may not be true
by various witnesses, salacious material,
all kinds of material, thatit would be unfair to release.
- This is a episode ofhypocrisy, blatant hypocrisy.
The Democrats, I mean, therewas a time the Democratic Party
really cared about America.
They wanted to help workers,
they wanted to makethis country prosperous,
they wanted to stand upto our foreign enemies,
and they wanted to worktogether in harmony
with their Republican friends on the Hill
and throughout Washington.
No longer.
It is so partisan and sotoxic, it makes you sick.
But that kind of hypocrisy
is the kind of thing we're looking for,
and there's no way under Heaventhat a good Attorney General
is going to release grand jury testimony.
That's against the law.
He's not gonna give awayintelligence secrets.
That's against the law.
He's not going to dosomething that is blatantly,
contravenes his own swornstatement of upholding the law,
and the Democrats are just crazy
if they allow this to happen,
and the Republicans will not submit to it.
Well, in other news, theDemocrats are fighting
even more things with the president.
John Jessup has more on that.
- That is right, Pat.
Another battle is brewing.
This one over PresidentTrump's tax returns.
Ways and Means CommitteeChairman Richard Neal
asked the IRS to turn overthe president's personal
and business returns from 2013 to 2018.
He says they're needed to shed light
on potential conflicts of interest.
President Trump says hecan't release the returns
because he's being audited.
- But, until such timeas I'm not under audit,
I would not be inclinedto do that, thank you.
- Texas Congressman Kevin Brady,
the senior Republican on Ways and Means
called the move and abuse ofthe committee's authority.
Former Vice President Joe Biden
is addressing multiple claims
of inappropriate contact with women.
In a video he posted on Twitter,
the potential 2020 presidential candidate
defended his past behaviors,
but noted social norms are changing.
- I'll be much more mindful.
That's my responsibility.
My responsibility, and I'll meet it.
But, I'll always believegoverning, quite frankly,
life, for that matter,is about connecting.
About connecting with people.
That won't change, butI will be more mindful
and respectful of people's personal space.
- Biden has been pollingat the head of the pack
of Democratic presidential hopefuls,
though he has yet to officiallyannounce his 2020 campaign.
Well, the political scandalsthat rocked Virginia politics
are back in the spotlight.
The commonwealth's toptwo elected officials
are dealing with more tension
from potentially career-ending bombshells.
CBN's senior correspondent Eric Philips
brings us the latest from Richmond.
- [Crowd] Life, life, life, life, life!
- [Eric] A pro-life rallyon the Capitol steps,
followed by a march, as Virginia lawmakers
headed for the final day ofthe session known as Veto Day.
A growing coalition of Virginians
looking to veto GovernorNortham's gubernatorial career.
- Virginia can and must do better,
and this is why we remain,
along with the SCLC and the NAACP,
to call for Governor Northam to resign.
- [Eric] The coalition,
led by the Douglass Leadership Institute,
says controversy over a blackface photo
on Northam's college yearbook page,
and what they call hissupport of infanticide,
are reasons he's not fit to be governor.
Alveda King, niece of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.,
joined in the chorus.
- There's one way that thegovernor really can stay in this,
in the position ofgovernor, with integrity.
Reverse that terrible covenant with death.
- Of course, Northam, whosenickname was Coon Man,
knew exactly what he wasdoing in his yearbook page.
- [Eric] House Republicansare calling the governor out,
saying he needs to keep his promises.
- Well, what happened to theinvestigation he promised,
what happened to the private investigator
he was going to hire,
what happened to thefacial recognition software
he was going to employ
to get to the bottom of this photograph?
- [Eric] The commonwealth'ssecond in command,
also embroiled in renewed controversy.
- He did things that youshouldn't do to someone
without their permission.
- [Eric] The two women who've accused
Lt. Governor JustinFairfax of sexual assault
spoke out this week forthe first time on TV.
Virginia House Republicans are calling
for a public hearing todelve into the allegations.
- This should all besorted out very publicly,
and we hope that our colleagueswill join us in that effort.
- But House Democrats have refused,
and without bipartisan support,
the alleged victimssay they won't testify.
In all likelihood,
the chances of Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax
facing a public hearinghere at the State Capitol,
slim to none.
Whether Governor RalphNortham will respond
to being called out by HouseRepublicans is yet to be seen.
In Richmond, Virginia,Eric Philips, CBN News.
- Thanks, Eric.
Pat, back to you.
- You know, the presidenthas said Virginia's in play.
Virginia has been anextremely conservative state
for years and years and years,
and all of a sudden, becauseof Northern Virginia,
there's such a flood of federal money
that has come in to that part of the state
that the state has turned Democratic,
and has elected a number of people.
The House of Delegates is stillin the hands of Republicans,
but it's a very tenuousmajority that they have now,
and the president has saidVirginia's now in play,
so it just may be thatthis state will go back
to being more conservativethan it has been,
but these scandals atthe top of the ticket
are just outrageous.
The Attorney General liedabout what he was going to do.
He completely, he said,
I'm gonna defend theDefense of Marriage Act.
I will support it, thenhe turned against it,
exactly contrary to what he promised.
Northam has said some shockingthings about infanticide,
that is as if one of,
after a botched abortion,as a baby is born alive,
that it'd be possible to murder it.
That was his statement.
And now the lieutenant governoris, seems to be, clearly,
well, he's accused by twopeople of sexual assault,
and both seem quite credible,
and he said, well, Itook a lie detector test.
I don't think that means a whole lot,
but in any event, that's.
I'm a Virginian, we live in Virginia,
this program comes out of Virginia,
and we're ashamed ofhaving leaders like this
in power in our state,
and I think it's time todo something about it.
Well, Christian and conservative leaders
are calling on techcompanies to do something,
and John has more about that.
- That's right, Pat.
They're calling on tech companies
to stop using the SouthernPoverty Law Center as a resource
because of the SPLC's practiceof labeling them hate groups.
This, as the organization itself
is also dealing with internal turmoil,
and calls for an IRS investigation.
CBN's Jenna Browder has this story.
- [Jenna] More than 25conservative leaders
say enough is enough,and have signed a letter
to the CEOs of Facebook,Twitter, Google, and Amazon,
urging them to end anyworking partnerships
with the Southern Poverty Law Center.
- This is a time of decisionfor big tech and big media.
Are you going to continue to embrace
the Southern Poverty Law Center
as your standard of morality,
even though they've been fully exposed
as an organization rifewith bigotry and racism.
- [Jenna] The Family Research Council,
led by Tony Perkins, is justone group targeted by the SPLC
and listed as a hate groupfor its Biblical beliefs
and defense of traditional marriage.
Others, like the AllianceDefending Freedom,
have also been put on the SPLC's Hate Map.
The letter reads, in part:
It is now clear that theSPLC has proven to be
a hate-filled, anti-Christian,
anti-conservative organization,
and nothing more than aweapon of the radical left,
whose goal is to bully people
into compliance with their ideology.
Fail to comply with their demands,
and you will be labeled as ahate group or an extremist.
And this may be just thebeginning of the SPLC's worries.
Senator Tom Cotton is calling on the IRS
to investigate the organization.
- They've really become kindof a hate group themselves.
They have this so-called Hate Map,
and they use it to stigmatizetheir political opponents.
Respectable, center-right organizations.
- [Jenna] He wants itstax-exempt status reviewed.
- Serial, repeated defamation
against your political opponents
is not a tax-exempt purpose.
- [Jenna] The SPLC has areported $500 million in assets,
with a good chunk of thatin offshore accounts.
- So, the Southern Poverty Law Center
has over half a billion dollars.
About a quarter of that, Tucker,
is parked in overseasaccounts, as best we can tell.
I don't know many charitable advisors say
it's best practice to send your endowment
to overseas accounts in the Caribbean.
That's one of the reasons why CharityWatch
gives them an F rating.
- [Jenna] This all comesamid serious allegations
of sexual and racistdiscrimination within the SPLC.
Co-founder Morris Deeshas been forced out,
and President Richard Cohenhas also stepped down.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Thanks, Jenna.
Pat, back to you.
- Just think of it.
It sounds so good, theSouthern Poverty Law Center.
Nothing but a front for the left,
and, yes, I agree with Senator Cotton.
It's time to jerk their tax-exempt status,
and to park a lot of money,
well, there's nothing wrongwith having a overseas account,
but, I mean, to put thatkind of money in it,
they're hardly, well, theyjust need to say goodbye that.
Well, there's somethingthat is in crisis mode.
I've been talking about it before.
Now we understand this, in addition,
they don't have enough power.
Their power grid in state of collapse.
The medical hospital area is in collapse,
and now I'm told that there is a crisis
in relation to communicable diseases
where they didn't have any ofthem, or hardly a few cases.
Now, there's an epidemic of things
like measles in Venezuela.
So, John has more, and I am so concerned,
and I think you should be,
about the tragedy unfoldingat our Southern border
because of socialism, John.
- Pat, Venezuela'sfailing health care system
has led to a surge in preventable diseases
like measles and diphtheria.
A report by Human RightsWatch and John Hopkins
surveyed refugees in Colombia and Brazil,
including health care professionals.
It estimates more than9,300 cases of measles
reported in Venezuela since June 2017,
up from only 1 recordedcase between 2008 and 2015.
And 2,500 suspected cases ofdiphtheria since July 2016.
Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro
has blocked food and medicalsupplies at the border,
and, Pat, the report urges the UN
to take the lead in gettingaid into the country.
- I tell you, I knowit's nice to give aid,
to get aid in, food andmedicine and so forth,
which, of course, they urgently need,
but what they need is tothat man to be taken out.
It needs military force.
Now we're talking about Russians.
They have at least 600 Russiansoldiers in that country
in violation of the Monroe Doctrine,
and they, it's not enough to just say,
well, I think we ought to protest.
It's time for action, and the OAS,
the Organization of AmericanStates, needs to come together,
and it may be it's gotta havethe Americans to lead it,
but I could see, you know, wehave very effective drones.
We have what are called Hellfire missiles
that could be fired from drones,
and I believe it's time to give Mr. Maduro
a little taste of what he'sbeen doing to the opposition,
but right now, the duly elected president
has lost his exemption, andthere's a very real possibility
that they will eitherkidnap him or execute him
while all this talk is going on,
and then Maduro will have a free hand.
Something has got to be done.
This is a cancer at our Southern border
that should not be allowed to continue,
and it's time, frankly, for force.
When you've got a thugholding people captive,
sooner or later thepolice have got to come in
and take that man out,
and it's overdue in the case of Venezuela.