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Every Life is Redeemable

Ryan fell into drugs and crime in his search for something better. He reconnected with God in jail, but he was just beginning the journey to breaking old habits. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Lookingback on his childhood,

Ryan Forbes remembers hisfather's struggle with alcoholism,

emotional and physicalabuse he endured at home,

and the fear he felt thatled him to a life of running.

- I recall kinda hiding a lot,

whether it was just hiding behind some

persona of humor that Imade up or literally hiding

under furniture.

I'd run away from myhouse, I would be outside

til all hours

'cause I didn't feel safe andI didn't wanna be at home.

- [Narrator] As a teenager,drugs, alcohol, and partying

became his release.

He eventually dropped out of high school.

In 2001 on the nighthe would've graduated,

he was arrested fordriving under the influence

at the age of 18.

Soon after, he receivedhis first felony charge

for stealing a motorcycle.

While out on bail, he was atan underage drinking party

when a fight broke out andpolice were called to the scene.

It was his first of many arrestsby Officer Wendell Metzler.

- I saw him hiding behind a bush.

- And I ended up running fromhim and getting into a fight

with him and assaultinghim so I got a felony

aggravated assault on a police officer.

- If there was trouble, he wasusually the guys behind it.

- [Narrator] In 2002, Ryanwas arrested several times

for disorderly conduct, fighting,and marijuana possession.

Then in 2003, he served timefor driving under the influence

and leading police on a high speed chase.

Surrounded by chaos, he felt empty inside.

- One of the major thingsthat I thought I was missing,

missing out on was

love, but not just loveas an abstract idea but

love in the sense of

you know, a loving father.

- [Narrator] Ryan rememberedsaying the salvation prayer

and asking Jesus into his heartwhen he was a little a boy.

During his prison sentenceshe would reconnect with God,

but he'd return to his old ways.

- In that place where Ididn't feel any value,

in a prison cell, God continued

to faithfully reach outto me and love on me

and eventually, somethingstarted to change inside

and I realized that I was valuable

and that I was worth something to him.

When I was released, Ifound myself caught up

with the old friends,people, places, and things.

I didn't have a church family yet and

I wound up back on drugs.

- [Narrator] In 2004, he faced off

with Officer Wendell againand rammed his police car

during a high speed chase.

He was arrested and sentencedto a year in prison.

After being released, he binged on cocaine

and prescription pills for six months.

- I remember thinking,

"I have no hope at all for a better life.

"I have no hope of ever owning a home,

"ever having a family,ever having children,"

and I really felt like

taking my life.

- [Narrator] Ryan was alone and crying

when a familiar presence surrounded him.

- Where I felt the love of God enter in

and capture my heart, thatI felt totally valued,

and loved, and held, andthat's when I knew like,

okay, God, you got me.

And I've tried so manyways to do it myself

but I'm gonna let you do itand I surrendered to him.

- [Narrator] He calledhis probation officer,

confessed about his drug use,

and began a Christian transition program.

Ryan stopped running andbegan to right his wrongs,

starting with Officer Wendell.

- And he was willing to talk to me

and I just took responsibility

for my actions and apologized.

- The power of forgiveness,

it exists and you know, if

you're at odds with someoneand you let that fester,

you could be missing out onone of the best opportunities

of your life.

- [Narrator] Wendell beganinviting Ryan over for dinner

with his family and today,

the two have a special bond.

- My relationship with Wendell is awesome.

You know, he's one of my best friends.

So he was the best man at my wedding,

we hang out often, weencourage one another,

we call one another, wepray for one another,

that's my brother.

- [Narrator] Ryan andWendell share their story

through speaking engagementsand their book, Unchained.

- One thing it's taught meis every life is redeemable.

We had kinda predictedthat Ryan wouldn't be alive

by age 23 because of thelifestyle that he was living

and to become the man that he is today,

fixing the cycle and his family where

he's a good father now,

good husband, it's just remarkable.

- [Narrator] He's earnedtwo Bachelor degrees

and works at the prisonwhere he once served time.

Ryan found the love he was searching for

and gained more than he ever expected.

- The wonderful, wonderful life that God

has blessed me with, thathe has given me his grace

and his mercy,

I get emotional because

he's a good, good father

and his character is good

and he loves his son andI'm happy that he does.


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