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CBN NewsWatch PM: April 1, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: April 1, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this edition of CBN Newswatch.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Georgia could be on the verge of passing

one of the country'stoughest abortion laws.

Pro-life advocates sayit is just the beginning

of a growing movement

to pass stricter laws against abortion.

George Thomas is working thisstory in the CBN Newsroom

and joins us now.


- Efrem, Georgia lawmakers on Friday

passed House Bill HB481, with 92 votes.

The bill also known as thefetal heartbeat measure

protects pre-born childrenwho have a heartbeat

from death by abortion.

In a statement, FamilyPolicy Alliance of Georgia

hailed the bill's passage, saying it was

quote, "a pivotal momentin the state's history."

This bill holds the government accountable

to families by recognizingthe value of each child,

the group said, adding thatit establishes the personhood

and protection of theunborn across Georgia.

The group says the bill's impact will echo

far beyond the borders of the state.

Georgia is among a growing list of states

moving to pass similarlaws restricting abortion.

Georgia's GovernorBrian Kemp, has promised

to sign the bill into law.

Meanwhile, the pro-lifemovement got another boost

last week, when the Trumpadministration announced

a $5 million family planning grant

to the Obria Group, in an attempt

to shift family planning fundstoward faith-based groups.

The company owns a chain

of California crisis pregnancycenters that oppose abortion.

Obria's founder, Kathleen Eaton Bravo

welcomed the administration's decision.

She told the Daily Signalthat her goal is to,

quote, "build a model ofcomprehensive, holistic

"medical clinics so that a woman

"facing an unplanned pregnancynever has to darken the door

"of a Planned Parenthood again."

Meanwhile, here in theCommonwealth, thousands

are expected to marchnear the State Capitol

on Wednesday for the VirginiaMarch for Life event.

The Wednesday, April 3rd event in Richmond

kicks off at 11:00 amwith a rally on the steps

of the Capitol.

Organizers say it is the firstofficial March for Life Rally

in the state.

Efrem, back to you.

- Alright, George, thank you.

Joining us now is pro-lifeactivist Lila Rose

from Live Action.

So Lila, how are you feelingwith some of the advances

we are seeing thus far?

- It's all great news.

It's all steps in theright direction for life.

The fact that Georgia ison the verge of passing

a heartbeat bill to protect life,

when a heartbeat can be detected.

They're joining two other states

in recent weeks thathave done the same thing.

And there are other statesthat are considering

the same law.

This is a huge win forthe pro-life movement

and for the lives of pre-born children

that are seen otherwise asnon-persons, in most states.

In New York State, therehave been incredible

steps to try to allow more abortions

through all nine months.

California, other states, have abortions

paid for by the State of California.

In other states, they'repaid for by the state.

So to see the opposite,states like Georgia

doing the right thingto protect life is huge.

And to see the Trumpadministration taking steps

to protect life as well,and to actually award

family planning money,not to Planned Parenthood,

which pushes abortions and commits a third

of all US abortions, but to instead,

give that money topro-life, life-affirming,

healthcare facilities is anincredible victory as well.

- What precedent do youthink that move is setting

and what do you think it'sgoing to mean going forward

for organizations like that?

- It's a huge step.

I serve on the advisoryboard for Obria Group,

which is the beneficiary of these funds

that are coming through thecurrent Trump administration.

And this is unheard of.

They have not received funds historically.

Historically, these funds havegone to Planned Parenthood.

They've gone to abortionfacilities that are making

the abortion rate higherinstead of actually

limiting abortions and ObriaGroup and other pro-life

healthcare groups likethem, are actually looking

for abortion alternatives.

So they're providing realauthentic choice to women.

So to have the governmentfinally notice this,

and again, this was the promiseof the Trump administration

to stop the forced taxpayerfunding of Planned Parenthood,

but the fact that they'rere-rewarding the money

to pro-life health centers, is wonderful.

I hope that this trend continues.

There's a lot more moneythat Planned Parenthood

is currently getting throughMedicaid, through other funding

streams that I thinkshould also be stopped

and instead that moneycould potentially be awarded

to pro-life health centersas they get up and running.

So I think it's a hugestep in the right direction

and I'm also concerned, though, for 2020

and future elections because a lot hangs

on future elections.

This is the power of anelection, to see the good use

of government funds, as opposed to the use

for pro-abortion groups.

- And turning it to election,what are our lawmakers

across the countrydoing in your estimation

to protect the unborn.

What else?

- The Heartbeat Bill, I thinkis the most cutting edge

of all the legislationthat's being passed.

So the fact that Georgiais about to pass it,

Governor Brian Kemp has saidthat he'll sign it into law.

Kentucky, Mississippi,have passed recent bills.

This is a huge step in the right direction

for the pro-life movement.

Historically, our movement has focused on

far less aggressive steps.

So for example, in the '90s,

it was a partial-birth abortion ban

which was a federal banwas attempted to stop

the gruesome partialbirth abortion procedure.

The problem with thatis late-term abortions

are still happening legally in many states

across the country.

So the fact that the statesare taking into their hands

to protect life withintheir own jurisdiction

is a huge, huge thing, because federally,

because of Roe v. Wade,because of Doe v. Bolton,

because of other cases,Supreme Court cases,

the federal restrictions onabortion are non-existent.

So the fact that statesare taking into their hands

is a good step.

I do think that thiscould lead to a challenge,

in legal challenges forGeorgia, for these states.

And so we are lookingto the Supreme Court.

The recent nominations andappointments of Kavenaugh

and Justice Kavenaugh and Justice Gorsuch

are a step in the right direction.

We're hopeful that they willbe life-affirming justices.

But we're gonna have tosee how this all plays out

when it comes to the Supreme Court

because that's where it's heading next.

- Indeed, Lila Rose, thankyou so much for your time.

- Thanks for having me.

- House Judiciary Chairman,

Jerry Nadler is preparing asubpoena for the full report

from Special Counsel, Robert Mueller,

but he has not said whether he would do so

before Attorney General,William Barr releases

the redacted version.

Democrats had set a deadline for Barr

to release the reporttomorrow, but he says

it will not be ready until mid-April.

The Trump administration iscutting aid to El Salvador,

Honduras and Guatemala.

It comes as US BorderPatrol Agents say they've

reached a breaking point at the border.

Friday, the president threatened

to close the southern border.

He also criticized Mexico

and several Central American nations

for failing to stop migrantsfrom heading to the US.

Border Patrol Commissioner,Kevin McAleenan said

many are single adults tryingto escape being captured.

- While 65% of crossings arenow families and children,

who most often present themselvesto Border Patrol agents,

35% are still single adultswho try to evade apprehension

at our border.

And within that flow, arethousands of criminals,

smugglers, gang membersand public safety threats

that we're sworn toprotect this country from.

- Border Patrol agentsencountered or apprehended

more than 100,000 in March.

That is the highest monthlyfigure in more than a decade.

Former Vice President, JoeBiden, is defending his conduct,

saying he doesn't believe he's ever

acted inappropriately with women.

Even before entering the race,

the Democratic presidential front-runner

is facing a firestorm from his own party.

He's being accused of touchingwomen inappropriately.

But the allegations are not new.

The issue is being re-ignited

by Nevada Democrat Lucy Flores,

pointing to his actionsat a rally in 2014.

- I feel Joe Biden puthis hands on my shoulders,

get up very close to me from behind,

lean in, smell my hair,and then plant a slow kiss

on the top of my head.

It's been dismissed as ifit's just Biden being Biden,

boys will be boys, no big deal.

It is a big deal.

- Biden says, in manyyears on the campaign trail

and in public life, I haveoffered countless handshakes,

hugs, expressions ofaffection, support and comfort

and not once, never, did Ibelieve I acted inappropriately.

If it is suggested I did so,I will listen respectfully,

but it was never my intention.

And we'll have more onthis story this evening,

as well as some other headlinesfrom our Washington Bureau

on Faith Nation.

You can watch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.

Brazilian President, JairBolsonaro, is in Jerusalem.

He's looking to boost relations

with Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu.

It comes just days aheadof Israeli elections.

During his three-day trip,Bolsonaro was expected

to decide whether tofollow through on a promise

to move the Brazilian Embassyfrom Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Well, he offered no commenton the embassy plans

during a news conference late Sunday.

The Brazilian president did, however,

announce plans to open a trade

and innovation office in Jerusalem.

Netanyahu called Bolsonaro a good friend

and says Israel and Brazil have entered

a new era of relations.

The two leaders wrappedthe trip with a visit

to the Western Wall.

And with elections in Turkey underway,

Turkish President Recep TayyipErdogan's political party

suffered a major defeat Sunday.

The president's Islamic basedJustice and Development Party

lost control of Turkey's capital,

marking a significantsetback to Erdogan's 16 years

of power there.

The opposing party, theRepublican People's Party

won control of the citywith more than 50% of votes.

Thousands of the supporterscelebrated the party's win,

saying history is being written.

Voters are now waitingon ballots to be counted

in Istanbul, which coulddetermine the race.

Pope Francis ended hisvisit to Morocco on Sunday

with a public mass for thecountry's Christian minority.

Thousands attended Francis' afternoon mass

in hopes that his visit

would influence the Moroccan government

to be more tolerant ofreligious diversity.

Francis used the timeto encourage Christians

and Muslims in thecountry to come together

and build relationships.

Catholics represent less than1% of Morocco's population

and nearly all of them forced

to practice their faith privately

because Morocco's governmentprohibits Muslim conversions.

A reminder to check out ourCBN News Daily Rundown podcast

with Caitlin Burke.

She gives you a behind the scenes look

at a key story in the news daily.

You can find it at

On the show tab, simplyclick on its title.

There you can listen as well as subscribe.

Coming up, the latest controversy

over the new Unplanned filmand what pro-life advocates

have to say.

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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know that there aremore than 148 million orphans

in the world today, 148 million?

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain

of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family

to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- The new pro-life movie,Unplanned, is sparking controversy

in more ways than one.

The movie tells the true storyof former abortion clinic

director, Abby Johnson anduncovers shocking truths

about America's abortion industry.

It brought in $6 millionand took 5th place

at the box office opening weekend.

That came despite severalattempts to block the film,

including television networksdenying them the opportunity

to purchase ad time.

And even in its openingweekend, controversy sparked

after Twitter banned the film's account.

Many pro-life advocatesoutrage, claiming Twitter CEO,

Jack Dorsey, as having pro-abortion bias.

Twitter did later re-instatethe film's account,

saying quote, "It does notappear to violate the rules."

Joining us now is Media Research Center's

Vice President of Business, Culture

and Techwatch, Dan Gainor.

Dan, this is just one ofthe most recent examples

of censorship bias on Twitter.

What's your thoughts?

- Well, Twitter isconsistently, the worst of all

the social media outlets.

There's no pretense.

This is not the treatmentthat liberals receive.

Planned Parenthood or abortion movies

don't get shut down.

Their accounts don't get shut down

on their opening weekend.

You don't have people whotry to follow the account

and it automatically unfollows you.

There's a huge uproar onTwitter and Twitter's response

is always, the muted, ohyeah, okay, and they move on.

Imagine the media outrage if this happened

to some sort of left-wing account.

It's simply, the way it is.

Twitter is in no way, shape or form

a neutral platform to conservatives.

In light of what we are seeing here,

does the company need tore-evaluate its policy?

- The company needs to but it won't.

So then the question is, what can happen?

I'm not a lawyer, I don'tplay one, even on TV.

But certainly, if I werethe Unplanned movie,

people involved in that,I'd be talking to lawyers.

I'd be talking to Congress.

The Free Speech Alliance thatthe Media Research Center

heads up has urged thenew Attorney General

to get involved, lookinginto these companies

and seeing the biasesagainst conservatives.

And I certainly thinkthis is one of the cases

where they need to look at it and say

this is the way things are.

And they're only getting worse, it seems.

- Turning now, real quick, we are seeing

that Google is coming under fire in Brazil

for trying to manipulate the research

on the opposition leader, Jair Bolsonaro.

What do you make of this?

- All of these companies arerunning into global problems.

To some extent, I feelsympathetic towards them

because every country

has different rules, different language.

When you're a global platform,it's a major requirement.

I saw for Facebook, it'ssomething like a hundred

different languages, thatFacebook has to handle

across the globe.

That's a lot.

And inevitably, you're gonnarun into content problems.

And we saw this weekend,where Mark Zuckerberg

from Facebook is calling forglobal regulation of content.

We're heading down tovery scary territory here

and the more countriesget involved in this,

the more these companies are looking

for a one size fits all solution.

And I'm not convincedthat there needs to be

or ever could be, that would work.

- So looking back over thecourse of recent years,

do you think that mediabias is getting worse?

- Well, I think media,

the best and worstthing about social media

is that social mediamade media bias overt.

Gone are the days whereyou could do an analysis

of reporters, would besurprised that someone

was looking at theircontent and writing it up.

Now, they all have their own platforms.

They all are on Twitteror Instagram or Facebook

or YouTube or wherever, andit's almost encouraged them

to bring out their biases.

And since reporters andeditors and producers

are overwhelmingly liberal,vote overwhelmingly Democratic,

it's really proven to be a boom for people

who do what we do, but at the same time,

it's very divisive for the country.

- Alright, Dan Gainor,with Media Research Center,

thank you so much for your time.

- Thank you, it's been a pleasure.

- [Efrem] Still ahead, afterthe break, we're gonna sit down

with the author of an exciting new book

that gives readers a uniquelook at World War II.

And as we go to break, here's a look

at what's trending at

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The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

- Spearhead is a book thatdebuted at number four

on the New York Times Bestseller List.

That's because it is filledwith emotion, romance,

heartbreak, suspense and action.

And it beat most fightsin fiction bestsellers.

Paul Strand spoke with the author.

- We're speaking with Adam Makos,

author of the book, Spearhead.

It's an exciting story abouttank warfare in World War II.

Adam, why should people care about wanting

to read about some tankguys in World War II?

- They led the way to victory.

And a lot of times, I alwaysthought the paratroopers

or the infantry guyswere the first in front.

But really, these man inthe Spearhead Division,

that was their specialty, piercing through

the enemy lines, anddriving down the enemy lines

and winning these big battles.

But with it, there was a big downside.

They lost a lot of men, a lot of tanks.

They paid a lot of sacrifices.

- You concentrate on thisone crew that has this guy,

Clarence, is they guy who shootsoff the guns all the time.

And they had, they werespecial in the fact

that they got a tank that wasbetter than all the others,

right towards the end of the war, right?

That was in importantpart of how they managed

to survive their battles.

- We have the Shermantank and we thought it was

the best tank ever and thenthe Germans just kept getting

bigger and better and theywere beating ours around.

So, as an emergencymeasure, we had to rush

these 20 Pershing tanksto the European theater

and our hero Clarence got one of them.

He was just a 21 year old corporal

from coal country Pennsylvania,

and now he's given the most advanced tank

in the America arsenal,the only tank that can go

toe to toe with the Germans.

And with that comes a new responsibility.

He has to lead the way inevery attack since then.

- Since one of his biggest motivations

was surviving the war, thatwas always on his mind.

So they got to Cologneand it was important

that they take the cityof Cologne in Germany.

And there was a tank, a Panzer tank

that was waiting for them there, right?

And they got into a one-on-one dual.

And what was it about the American tank

that ended up allowing them to survive,

the fact that the Germanscould have shot the first shot.

- The difference really, wasthat man, Clarence Schmoyer,

the gunner of the American tank.

You see, he knew thathe had to shoot first

and shoot straight and not miss.

Because if he missed, somebodyin his crew was gonna die.

And his crew was his family.

He used to say, we're a family locked

in a sardine can.

- And wasn't it also afact that the German guy

in the tank, he thought

because this was a new American tank,

he thought it was maybe one of theirs.

He wasn't sure that he wasabout to kill a German tank.

- Clarence had an advantage that day.

The German hesitated.

A millisecond could be thedifference in a battle like that.

They say it was like a western gun fight

in the streets of Cologne.

- And one of the saddestthings is just before

this one-on-one battle, acivilian car drove through

and both sides startedto shoot at it, right?

And what happened with that car?

- They shot and they woundedand then later she died,

a civilian woman.

Her name was Caterina Esser.

She was just a grocery store clerk.

But she was driving through the city,

trying to flee the city of Cologne.

- And that was onClarence's mind for decades

and tell me how it finally ended, with him

and one of the Germans from that tank,

meeting in Cologne.

And what did the German sayto Clarence to give him peace,

finally, about the waythat that woman died?

- It stayed with Clarence for decades.

And eventually, he hadto talk to somebody.

Now, his whole crew had all died by then.

Who was left?

Just the man he fought against.

And so he traveled to Germany.

And in front of the cathedral,he and Gustav Schafer,

the young German tank gunner,who in fact then was 18,

who was battling him.

And they put their arms around each other

and Clarence said, the war isover, we can be friends now.

Gustav said, here's where my tank was.

Here's where Clarence's tank was.

And these men said, this iswhere the mistake happened.

And Gustav said those beautiful words

that would later give Clarence peace.

He said, Clarence, it's war.

It's in the nature of it.

It can't be undone.

War was what was responsible.

War was what took her life.

- Well, thank you so much,Adam, for telling us about it.

This has been Adam Makos,we've been speaking to,

author of the book, Spearhead,a New York Times bestseller.

Thank you very much, Adam.

- Thank you, Paul.

- [Efrem] Coming up, anupdate on Anne Graham Lotz,

where she stand right nowin her battle with cancer

and what's she is saying about her faith.

Stay with us.

(tense music)

- [Pat] When you give

smiles grow bigger.

When you care

homes are happier.

When you comfort

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know that there aremore than 148 million orphans

in the world today, 148 million?

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain

of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family

to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

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- Evangelist, Anne GrahamLotz is praising God

and thanking her followersfor their prayers

as she continues cancer treatment.

She posted this onFacebook over the weekend,

announcing the firstmonth of daily radiation

went extremely well.

She also shared a verse, 73:26 from Psalms

and it reads, God is thestrength of my heart.

She said her greatest concernhas been for her heart

and lungs but is holdingon to God's promise

through the radiation.

She also thanked herfollowers for praying with her

through this journey.

We will continue to do so.

Wall, that will do it for this edition

of CBN Newswatch.

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on the issues you caremost about at

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