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Faith Nation: March 26, 2019

Faith Nation: March 26, 2019 Read Transcript

- [John] Tonight,Democrats call out members

of their own party for anti-Semitism

at a Pro-Israel Conference in Washington.

- [Jenna] This amid afrenzy on Capitol Hill,

as Democrats react to the Mueller Report.

- [John] Plus (bomb explodes) tension

in the Gaza Strip with Israeliair strikes Hamas targets,

and militants in Gaza firing back.

- [Jenna] All this and more

tonight on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

- Leaders of the Divided States of America

uniting around a common cause.

Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

- Well it's not everyday you see leadership

in both parties unitedbehind a single message,

and that message, support for Israel.

- While members of theGOP look to solidify

their relationship with the Jewish State,

Democratic leadershiptried to quiet naysayers

from their own party.

Amber Strong has more on theattempt to repair the rift.

- Support for Israel hastraditionally been bipartisan

and politicians at thisyear's AIPAC made that clear,

but this year traditionalvalues in support

of the Jewish state has seencracks along political lines.

- Anti-Semitism has noplace in the Congress

of the United States of America.

(audience clapping and cheering)

- [Amber] Top members ofthe Trump administration

sought to send a clearmessage to Jewish supporters.

The GOP has their back.

- Let me go on record,anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

The Trump administrationopposes it unequivocally,

and we will fight for it relentlessly.

- [Amber] Charges ofanti-Semitism among Democrats

came after controversial comments

from Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar,

suggesting support ofIsrael equals dual loyalty.

That was coupled with a tweet suggesting

congressional support of Israel was

quote all about the Benjamins.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

says support of Israel isabout common values, not money.

- From this Benjamin, it'snot about the Benjamins.

- [Amber] Adding to thecharge, several Democrats

seeking the White Housein 2020 stayed away

from this year's gathering.

- Anyone who aspires to thehighest office in the land

should not be afraid tostand with the strongest

supporters of Israel in America.

- [Amber] But many keyDemocrats in attendance

tried to make clear the fewdon't speak for the majority.

- By the way, there are62 Freshman Democrats.

You hear me?

62, not three.

- [Amber] In fact of the 62 freshman,

seven are Jewish.

- I cannot stand and stay silent

when the entire DemocraticParty is castigated

as Jew haters, when what we really need

is leadership that unitesthis nation and the world.

- [Amber] Party leaderssay their fight against

things like the BDSmovement and anti-Semitism

is consistent.

- When someone says that beingJewish and supporting Israel

means you're not loyal to America,

we must call it out.

When someone looks at a neo-Nazi rally

and sees some very finepeople among its company,

we must call it out.

- While presidential hopeful Kamala Harris

didn't attend this year's conference,

she did meet with AIPAC representatives,

a move that's growingire from progressives.

Amber Strong, CBN News in Washington.

- Thank you Amber.

Well Democrats response to the AIPAC rift

within their own partywas the least of the drama

up on Capitol Hill today.

CBN News Capitol Hillcorrespondent Abigail Robertson

joins us now from the Hill.

Abigail, first to the issue of Obamacare.

The Justice Department hasdeclared the individual mandate

of the Affordable CareAct unconstitutional.

What does that mean for the law,

and why do you think theWhite House and Republicans

seem to be renewing theirfocus on healthcare?

- Well what that meansJenna is it would dismantle

Obamacare as we know it,

and Democrats are jumping on this.

Senate Minority LeaderChuck Schumer said that

this spells a lot oftrouble for Republicans,

and many Democrats believethat they won so strongly

in 2018 because they ranon protecting healthcare.

Senate Republicanleadership this afternoon

admitted that they don'thave an alternative right now

to the Affordable Care Act if this goes

the way that PresidentTrump would like it to

in the courts, but PresidentTrump remained adamant

this afternoon that he wantsto see Obamacare dismantled

and replaced with aRepublican alternative.

Take a look.

- The Republican Party will soon be known

as the party of healthcare.

- Remember Republicanscould not get a replacement

for Obamacare passed when they controlled

both the House and Senate,so it is very unlikely

with a Democrat controlledHouse that they would

get another opportunityto get that accomplished.

- Abigail, today was a big House vote

to override a presidential veto

that Democrat led House votewas meant as a show of force

after President Trump's first veto

knocked down the Senate'sbipartisan rebuke

of the President's nationalemergency declaration

on the southern border wall.

This vote really neverhad a chance, did it?

- Nope, not really.

They needed a 2/3 majority in the House,

and while Democrats control the House,

they fell far short of that number.

The final vote came out to 248 to 181,

and even with 14 Republicans voting

with Democrats, they stilldid not come even close

to that 2/3 majority that they needed

to pass the override.

- Abigail there was supposedto be another big vote

up on the Hill today.

Why did Senators decide to hold off

on Green New Deal resolution?

- Well Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell

really want to bring theGreen New Deal to the floor

to get Democrats on therecord on this legislation,

and Republicans have pointed out

that there are a lot of Democrats,

particularly those who arerunning for president in 2020

that cosponsor this legislation

that aren't even planningon voting for it.

They instead would vote presentand they won't support it

when it comes to the floor,

so they're saying that whywould they have a legislation

that they won't even vote for.

But Democrats on the other hand have said

that they want Republicansto bring an alternative

to the table to offer up something else

on climate change, andSchumer even pointed out

that this afternoon wasone of the first times

that McConnell said that he agrees

that climate change is an issue,

so they're calling onRepublicans to offer up

some kind of alternativeto the Green New Deal.

Bring something else to the table.

- Quickly here, we have little time.

The President had a reactionto the Mueller Report today.

What did he have to say?

- Well President Trumptold reporters on the Hill

that the Mueller Reportcould not have gone better,

and he's also accusing those of starting

the counterintelligenceinvestigation of treason.

Take a look.

- No collusion, noobstruction, no nothing.

I think it went very high up.

I think what happened is a disgrace.

I don't believe ourcountry should allow this

ever to happen again.

This will never happen again.

We cannot let it ever happen again.

It went very high up andit started fairly low,

but with instructions from the high up,

this should never happento a president again.

We can't allow that to take place.

- Yesterday Senate JudiciaryChairman Lindsey Graham,

said that he would like aspecial council appointed

to investigate the otherside of the Mueller Report,

and what happened in the FBIand Department of Justice

when what he calls shady behavior.

- Abigail Robertson, always keeping on top

of all things on Capitol Hill.

Thank you Abigail.

- Well joining us now is Ronald Kessler,

and New York Times best selling author,

and former Washington Postinvestigative reporter

and contemporary of BobWoodward and Carl Bernstein.

Ron, thanks so much for being here today.

Great to have you.- Great to be with you.

Thank you.

- You know, firstquestion, now that we have

the Mueller Report out of the way,

some Republicans are callingfor another investigation

into the Obama administration,

and if they meddled with the 2016 election

and tried to defeat then candidate Trump.

Is this the right move?

What do you think?

- I think that theindividuals do have to be

held accountable, andthere's one individual

who actually started this whole thing,

and that's Andrew McCabe,the acting FBI Director.

In his book, he actually cites the reason

that he opened thisinvestigation of Trump,

and it's unbelievable.

He says in the book that it's because

of Trump's interviewwith Lester Holt of NBC,

in which Trump said, "I fired Comey,

"and I thought about this Russia thing."

But then he went on tosay, "and I realized."

He twice said, "I realizedthat by doing that,

"I'm probably prolongingthe FBI investigation."

Well where did that appear in his book?


McCabe omitted that fromthe book dishonestly,

deliberately, because itwould undercut his position.

Of course to start an FBI investigation

based on someone saying something on TV

is absurd to begin with.

But this shows how the whole investigation

of Trump specifically was a real hoax.

- Ronald speaking of books,you wrote a book last year

called The Trump White House:

Changing the Rules of the Game.

It essentially highlights how the media

failed to report or underplayedTrump's accomplishments

in the White House.

How do you rank this accomplishment,

how he came out on topof the Mueller Report

and how the media's reporting it?

- I've known Trump for two decades

and invariably he wins, nomatter what the issue is,

he wins, and this is just another example

of his winning.

He sees beyond the corners.

He sees things that others don't see.

He latched onto the wall issue way before

it became a big issue,

and I do say in the book

that he will be seen as oneof the greatest presidents

based on the results,which are unbelievable.

Now certainly we all cringe sometimes

at some of his comments,

but what's more important,

the lowest blackunemployment rate in history,

lowest female unemploymentrate in history,

getting rid of ISIS?

It's simply endless.

Why do we hire a president,is to get those results.

- Yesterday we had JohnSolomon on from the Hill,

and he talked about the comparisons

of Watergate to now, with theRussian Mueller investigation

and the media coverage of it.

We want to roll that sound bite of him,

and then Ron we'll get your reaction.

Let's go ahead and see that.

- I think all the credibilityand all of the public trust

that the industry gainedfrom Watergate 50 years ago

was eroded by this.

When you tell the Americanpeople there's a scandal

and you don't have the goods,

and you're pontificating about it,

when it's not really there factually,

you've really wounded the industry.

I think all of that allure that we gained

as an industry after Watergate,

it's been reallytarnished from this story.

- So Ron, what do you think?

Do you think this has reallyhurt the media's reputation?

- Well sure.

You know, I sat next toWoodward and Bernstein

during Watergate.

Every night I heard themdiscussing their sources,

arguing with each other,

and I guarantee you that if any of us

had engaged in the dishonestreporting that goes on today,

we would have been fired immediately.

I mean, that's how muchthings have changed,

totally undercutting thecredibility of the media today.

- Ron, how do we move on from here?

How do we make things better?

- I think the only solutionus the marketplace,

and that means thatoutlets that are dishonest,

that report literally fake news,

have to wither.

Otherwise it's just goingto continue, unfortunately.

I think people are tuning out,

they're getting sick of it.

They want to see some positive reporting

such as you guys do,

and we can just hope for the best.

But meanwhile we do have these outlets,

such as yours that do tell the truth,

and I really appreciate that.

- [John] Well Ronald Kessler,we really appreciate you

being here tonight.

Thank you so much.- Thank you.

- [Jenna] Thank you Ron.

- Jenna.

- Well the Trump administrationtaking more steps tonight

toward protecting the livesof unborn babies overseas.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announcing

the U.S. will stop providing money

to foreign non-governmental organizations

that perform or actively promote abortions

as a method of family planning,

essentially closing aloophole to what Pompeo

called a back door end run around

the Reagan era Mexico City policy

President Trump reinstated in 2017.

- Well tonight allcharges have been dropped

against actor Jussie Smollett.

In a stunning turn of events today,

prosecutors dropped all 16 felony charges

against the Empire star.

The charges alleged Smollettstaged his own attack

and then lied to Chicago police about it.

Well today Smollett spoke outmaintaining his innocence.

Here is what Ben Shapiro,a conservative commentator,

had to say about it.

Actor Jussie Smollett off the hook.

The policemen, they laid outthe evidence in this case,

in that press conferencethat we all saw last month.

Why do you thinkprosecutors now have decided

to just drop these charges?

- It seems to me that there are only

a couple of possible explanations.

One is that the prosecutorswere initially attempting

to intervene in this case.

Kim Foxx who is the DA in this case,

apparently was tryingto intervene with CPD.

She then supposedly recused herself,

but it was her office thatdecided to let Smollett off.

So it's possible that shehad political motivations

for letting Smollett off.

Obviously she's at odds with the heads

of the Chicago Police Department.

Possibility number two, it seems to me,

is that the prosecutiondecided that they didn't

want to prosecute Smollettbecause they were afraid

that Smollett's defense attorneys

were going to make anissue out of Chicago PD's

racial history, or theDA's racial history,

and just didn't want themedia scrutiny on her

at this point.

Neither one of those is a good excuse

for letting off the mostnotorious hate crime hoaxer

of the last several years.

- Ben, could it be thatJussie Smollett is innocent,

is the victim, as a lotof people are saying?

- No, that's a bunch of crap (laughs).

I mean not to put toofine a point on that,

but no, that is notcredible in this light,

as his story originally was deeply flawed,

and CPD has announcedthey have a signed check

to the people who apparently did this.

His initial accusations about the accusers

did not match who thepeople who actually ended up

apparently beating him up.

The evidence is fairly clear.

They have a video of the two brothers,

the Nigerian brothers,with whom he was friends

actually buying the goodswhich they performed

this fake crime.

Smollett's behavior all theway through was dishonest.

No, the chances thathe was an actual victim

of a hate crime are zero or below.

- And he is not the onlyone with strong words

about these latest developments.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuelcalled today's move

a whitewash of justice, by prosecutors.

He says this is somethingthat all Americans

should be outraged by.

(drum bang)

- [John] When we come back,crisis in the Gaza Strip.

How tensions there areescalating after days

of cross-border fire on both sides.


(upbeat music)

- Tonight tension in Gazaafter a night of rockets

and heavy fire exchanged on both sides.

Israeli air strikes across the Gaza Strip

mark the second day ofcross-border fighting

between Hamas and Israel,

as Gaza militants firedrockets into Israel.

The latest surge in violence began Monday

causing Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

to cut short his visit to the U.S.

- Joining us now is CBN NewsMiddle East Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell.

Chris, you just returned from Sderot

and talked with residents

who slept in bomb shelters overnight.

First, where do thing stand now

as far as a possible cease fire,

and what's the mood like there?

- Well right now John,

Israel's saying there is no cease fire.

Hamas says there was,

but right now Israel was still preparing

for a possible continued retaliation.

Israeli Prime MinisterNetanyahu cut his visit short

to Washington, D.C., but hedid have a videotape message

by live satellite to the AIPAC Conference,

where he said they wereprepared to do anything possible

to stop these rocket attackscoming into Southern Israel,

and even beyond.

- Well some Israelipublications are reporting

that the Hamas rocket thathit that home near Tel Aviv

was ordered by Iran.

What are you hearing about that?

- Well not surprising thatIran would try to do this.

They had a setback whenthe United States said that

the Golan Heights would besovereign Israeli territory.

They're trying to push back,

and they might be tryingto affect the elections

just coming up in a couple of weeks.

So Iran being involved withHamas, trying to instigate this,

is no surprise.

- Why don't we stick right there.

So that attack overshadowedwhat was supposed

to be big news for Israel.

President Trump withPrime Minister Netanyahu

at his side, signing that proclamation

officially recognizing the Golan Heights

as Israeli territory.

You reported perhapsthat, that was Hamas's

attempt to sway theupcoming Israeli elections.

How does that potentiallyaffect how people

vote at the poles?

- Well, it's really puts Netanyahu

in a very delicate position.

If he goes too soft on Hamas,

he might be accused of allowing Hamas

to go ahead and indiscriminatelyfire into Israel.

If he goes too hard,that could be difficult

for him politically too.

But he's saying right now that this

is not a political matter,

this is matter of national security.

You have to take him at his word for that,

but as you said, thisreally did overshadow

a historic announcement by President Trump

to declare that that the Golan Heights

was sovereign Israeli territory.

Israeli's been waiting more than 50 years

for someone to recognize that,

and President Trump has done it,

and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said,

"President Trump hasmade history once again."

- Do you think other nationswill quickly follow suit

like they did with the Jerusalem Europe?

- I'm not sure about that John.

I don't know if they'll go too far.

Right now a lot of nationsare trying to decide

if they're going to bringtheir embassy's to Jerusalem.

I think that might be abridge too far for them,

but it really makes a big difference

when the U.S. is standing behind Israel

on the Golan Heights.

It's a very strategic landto so many geopolitics here

with Syria, Russia, Hezbollah.

It means a big deal.

- Chris, a question alot of people are asking

is why didn't Iron Dome defense system

intercept that rocket?

- That's a great question John.

I had read that it wasa nonlinear trajectory

by the rocket and theIron Dome for some reason

didn't pick that up.

If that's true, that could be

a very difficult situation for Israel.

Last night it did shoot down many rockets

that were fired out of Gaza,

but that one could be problematicgoing into the future.

- Chris, final question for you.

When it comes to unrestin the Middle East,

people often quote Psalms 122 which says,

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

Can you remind people whyit's important to pray?

- Well it's so important John.

Prayer makes a difference.

You know we talked tosomebody there in Sderot

on the Gaza border.

His name was Elliahu, and he said,

Thank you for Christians,our brothers and sisters.

Praying for us.

He says, we need thephysical defensive shield

of the Iron Dome, butwe need the spiritual

defense of the people praying for us.

It really makes a differencefor the people here

in Israel, that people are standing

with them in prayer.

It means a whole lot.

It's just like Psalm 122 says,

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

It also says in Psalms thatthe Lord watches over Israel,

but those prayers are sonecessary for the people

here in Israel, southern border

all the way up to thenorthern border as well.

- Well Chris, we appreciateyou being a watchman.

Chris Mitchell, CBNMiddle East Bureau Chief,

thanks for being with us.

- Great to be with you John.

(drum bang)

- Coming up, howincreasing the minimum wage

could put a damper on small business.

(upbeat music)

The push to raise theminimum wage to $15 an hour

is growing across the country.

Supporters say it's necessary

to lift millions out of poverty.

- They're saying boosting the minimum wage

could cost workers jobs, andforce businesses to close.

Caitlyn Burke has the story.

- Things get frozen.

- [Caitlin] Tom Knapphas always loved cars.

- This is a passion ofmine in high school.

I went to college for it.

I went to an automotive college for it.

- [Caitlin] After earning his degree

in automotive management,Knapp ran this shop

for three years before buyingit from his former boss.

- I worked at a dealership when I was

right out of high school,and did not like it,

so I knew that private shopwas the only way to do it.

- [Caitlin] As a small business owner,

Knapp knew he would face some challenges,

like changing technology.

- You can't advertise in the newspaper,

and radio ads are disgustinglyexpensive for small business,

so you gotta learn how to getyourself out there other ways,

and social media hasbeen the newest thing.

- What he didn't expectwas the Grand Bargain,

a new Massachusetts state law

that went into effect January 1st,

and requires an increasein the minimum wage.

This year employers must pay $12 an hour,

that will gradually increaseover the next four years

until it reaches $15 an hour.

- I was trying to add more employees.

The issue is to hire a C level technician,

you can't afford to paythem that much money.

That's grossly overpaidfor the job that they do,

oil changes and simple things like that.

The same way with an office manager.

I can't hire someone to answer the phones

for that kind of money.

It would put me out of business.

- [Caitlin] Two jobs now likely lost,

and dreams of expansion put on hold.

Other employers here worryit will mean layoffs,

or worse.

Durgin-Park, a BostonRestaurant since 1827,

when John Quincy Adams was president

closed at the beginning of the year,

the owner citing the minimum wage increase

as one of the main reasons.

Massachusetts didn't start this trend.

First came Seattle, thenCalifornia, New York,

Washington, D.C., andnow Democrats in Congress

want a national $15 minimum wage.

- We now have an opportunityand a responsibility

to restore the value of the minimum wage,

lift millions of hard workingAmericans out of poverty

and boost the economyof Main Street America.

- There's deep partisandivide on the issue.

Democrats pushing forthe Raise the Wage bill

to move forward through Congress.

Republicans calling it a radical idea

from the far left.

- They don't know what's happening

in the economy right now.

They're obviously detached.

Unemployment is at itslowest level in 49 years.

Wages are up.

The economy is booming.

Everywhere I go in my District,

people are saying what weneed are more skilled workers.

We have 7.3 million jobsunfilled in this country.

- [Caitlin] Scott says theincrease would simply provide

someone the basic essentialsof living in the U.S.

- Workers should not be forced

to work for poverty level wages

regardless of where they live.

- [Caitlin] ButRepresentative Foxx points out

that only 2.3% of the American workers

make minimum wage.

- Minimum wage jobs are launching pads

to go into other jobsthat will pay a lot more.

I doubt very many of us who started,

who are now working, didn'tstart out at minimum wage,

but the idea's not to stay at minimum wage

all your life, but to move up.

- [Caitlin] The Raisethe Wage Act it expected

to eventually pass the House,

but will likely hit a roadblock

in the Republican held Senate.

While that may stop anational minimum wage hike,

employers in states like Massachusetts

must grapple with the consequences.

- I'm hoping that thevolume eventually increases

and I can just put it offfor a little while longer,

but honestly, it's probablymore a situation where

I'll have to continueworking in the business

and continue doing the jobs myself.

- [Caitlin] Caitlin Burke, CBNNews, Boston, Massachusetts.

- You know Jenna, I havea sneaking suspicion that,

that's going to be a campaignissue for the 2020 candidates,

at least on the Democratic side.

- I think you might be right.

- Well, just have to wait and see.

Well that's gonna do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Have a great evening.

(upbeat music)


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