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Mystery Illness Brings Pastor to Brink of Death

John never had time to be sick until a mysterious illness left him on his deathbed, and his community praying for a miracle. Read Transcript

- [Reporter] As the pastorof a thriving church,

John Barton never had time to be sick.

But that was about to change.

- And I felt something in my throat

like a lump or something, so when I

went to the restroom, I spit it out.

It was a gulp of blood.

- [Reporter] Even then it took five days

of debilitating fatigue, fever, and chills

before John went to the doctor.

In fact, he went to three,including a trip to the ER.

But no one could find a cause.

- I had just come fromtraveling out of the country.

I just started thinkingwell, I hope I didn't

get into contact with someone that was

sick or what have you.

- [Reporter] One morning atthis twin brother Michael's home

John started throwing up.

- That just started to progress and then

all of a sudden he just keptsaying that his head is numb.

- It felt like my headwas about to explode,

and I said call 911.

This doesn't feel right, call 911.

- I felt too weak to pray.

The only thing I hadthe strength to say was

God, help.

Just help.

- If I don't get the help I need,

God if you don't help me,I feel like I'm gonna die.

- [Reporter] John was takento Our Lady of Lourdes

Medical Center in Lafayette, Louisiana.

By then his whole body was numb.

He couldn't talk or hear, andwas having trouble breathing.

While doctors put John on life support,

Michael started recording,believing for a miracle.

- I wanted it documentedfor the doctors to see,

and I especially wanted itdocumented for him to see

whenever he got out, that was my hope.

That was my faith.

- [Reporter] After four days of testing

and still no answers,

neurologist, Dr. Kevin Hargrave,

finally figured it out.

- Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis,

which is easier to abbreviate as ADEM.

- [Reporter] Usually triggeredby a viral infection,

ADEM is a disease that causesinflammation in the brain

and spinal cord, resultingin a host of problems:

nerve damage, paralysis,and in severe cases, death.

- The brain stem wascompletely obliterated

with inflammation.

If you look at the images, Imean there's no square pixel

of the brain stem that was not affected.

This was the worst case that I've seen.

(solemn music)

- He pretty much saidwe give it a 10% chance

of surviving this.

It was tough to swallow, it was you know,

it was something I did not want to hear.

- [Reporter] They treated Johnwith antiinflammatory drugs,

hoping to at least keep him alive.

At times he was aware,but still unable to move,

hear, or communicate.

- I felt so helpless.

I literally felt, I felt death.

- I feared and predictedthat if he did have

a prolonged survival, he'dbe ventilator dependent

with a tracheostomy and a feeding tube.

(dramatic music)

- [Reporter] Still, John, his family,

his church, and now peoplearound the world prayed,

believing for a miracle.

- I may not have knownit in my natural sense,

but in my spirit, my spiritual sense,

I knew he was gonna come out.

- [Reporter] Then afterone week in the hospital...

- He was able to movefingers or toes a little bit.

When a patient in his situation

shows any degree of improvement,

that's the best sign offurther improvement to come.

- My faith is just, it's activated,

it's holding me up, you know?

Prayers that I was going for,

'cause I was needing it too.(laughs)

- [Reporter] With the help of a trach,

John's lungs started working on their own.

Doctors also attached avoice box so he could talk

and worship God.

- Oh God.

I know I've been healed by your strength.

- [Reporter] About four weeks later,

he was moved to a rehab facility

where he continued to improve.

- Soon as he rose out of that wheelchair,

off that walker, and hestarted walking again,

I realized okay, yeah,he's gonna make a comeback.

Oh, yeah.

- Different doctors would come in,

it's like wow, you're a miracle.

You're a miracle.

- [Reporter] Then after a month in rehab,

John went home.

- I just was thanking God.

Lord, I thank you

for giving me a miracle, Lord.

I thank you for your grace.

- In the past, honestly,I was a big skeptic

even though I'm a Christian,

but I'm no longer a skeptic.

(mellow music)

- [Reporter] John is still thepastor of Living Life Church,

and recently married Lori.

- I'm just living withthe peace and just the joy

and this sense of gratitude to be alive.

It has taken my faith toa whole 'nother level.

I'm believing for things thatI've never believed before.

It's like if God spared me from death,

oh my God, I trust him.

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