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News on The 700 Club: March 15, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” March 15, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

A deadly attack on two mosques

has left at least 49 peopledead and many more wounded.

It happened in the city ofChristchurch in New Zealand.

Three people are now in custody.

- One suspect apparentlylive-streamed the attack

on social media

and posted an anti-immigrantmanifesto online.

Dale Hurd reports.

- After a deadly attack

that had obviously been well-planned,

New Zealanders are trying to come to grips

with the worst massacre intheir nation outside of wartime

in more than 200 years.

(sirens blaring)

The attack came during Friday prayers

when the mosques were full of worshipers.

Witnesses saw a man dressed in black

enter a mosque in centralChristchurch at about 1:45 p.m.,

then heard dozens of shots.

As people fled the mosque,

witnesses reported seeingdead people everywhere.

Three men have been arrested.

So far, one of the suspectshas been charged with murder.

This peaceful island nationof five million people

was shocked as the massacrewas covered on national TV.

- This is New Zealand.

We don't expect somethinglike this to happen.

The attacks, the terror.

- [Dale] Scores of victims wererushed to nearby hospitals.

- I saw some peoplehad blood on their body

and some people who were limping.

- [Dale] This woman sawthe shooting unfold.

- I heard and saw what Ithought were firecrackers,

and I saw fellows running down the street,

and then all of a suddenit got quite violent.

- [Dale] A man who claimedresponsibility for the shootings

left a 74-page anit-immigrant manifesto

on the website 8chan,

in which he identifiedhimself as Brendan Tarrant,

a 28-year old Australian.

He reportedly live-streamedthe attack on Facebook.

Muslims make up only 1% ofNew Zealand's population.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardernsaid the values of her country

would not be shaken bythe deadly mosque attacks.

- This is one of NewZealand's darkest days.

- The attacker's alleged manifesto says

he targeted New Zealandbecause it was remote

to show that Muslim immigrantsare not safe anywhere.

President Trump issued a statement saying,

"America stands in solidarity

"with the people of NewZealand and their government

"against this vicious act of hate."

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, let me add to that,we stand in solidarity

with every Muslim thatwants to worship peacefully

in their own mosques.

There aren't many times in my life

where I've wanted to go to a mosque,

I don't believe in Islam, I'ma Christian, but today I do.

I want to stand with them

and say you have aright to worship freely.

We have freedom of religion,we have freedom of assembly,

and we're not going to let

this kind of terror attack deter us.

We need to have a free and open society.

What we're running intois a bizarre dialectic

where the rise of Muslim extremism,

the terrorism that comes with that,

has now led to a rise inwhite nationalism and fascism.

Here's what this gunman said.

He said, "For once,

"the person that will be called a fascist,

"is an actual fascist."

And it's just bizarre to me

anyone would ever wantto claim to be that.

How did fascism arise?

Well, it arose from the NationalSocialist Party in Germany.

It was originally a political movement,

and it arose in responseto what communism was doing

on the other side of the Russian border,

and they became virulently anti-communist

and in that, somehow, struck a chord,

and got enough supportto get elected to office.

It's absolutely bizarre to me

that anyone would want to go back there,

the terror that they unleashed,

the murder that they unleashed.

Let's not go there.

Let's think about Heaven and in Heaven,

is there every nation,every tribe, every tongue?

The answer is yes.

So if you're a white nationalist,

somehow saying we needto purify, good grief,

there's no place for that here,

there's no place for that in Heaven.

And the words of Jesuswe need to keep in mind,

that God's will would be doneon Earth as it is in Heaven.

So, if in Heaven there's every nation,

every tribe, every tongue, letit be so true here on Earth.

Let's live together in peaceand strive for harmony,

and our thoughts and prayers

are with everyone in the Muslim community.

In other news, Israeli warplanes

have now struck more thana hundred targets in Gaza

after rockets were launched at Tel Aviv

from the Hamas-controlled territory.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.

John?(cinematic whooshing music)

- Thanks, Gordon.

There are reports that thoseinitial rocket launches

might have been an accident,

but with terrorists in Gaza

now launching more rocketsat Southern Israel,

the fighting could escalate.

Chris Mitchell reports.

- [Chris] On Thursday and Friday,

fighting filled the skiesaround Southern Israel.

Israel's Iron Dome defense system

intercepted severalrockets fired into Israel

by Islamic groups inside Gaza.

Israeli warplanes retaliated

by hitting Hamas military installations.

The IDF released a graphicmarking sites they targeted,

including an undergroundrocket manufacturing site

and a weapons manufacturing site.

Hamas, a terror organization

dedicated to Israel's destruction,denied responsibility,

but the IDF held them accountable

for what happens inside Gaza.

The Iranian-backed Islamic jihad

also has a formidable rocketarsenal inside the Gaza Strip.

(sirens blaring)

The fighting began on Thursday,

when sirens wailed throughout Tel Aviv

after Islamic groups fired two rockets

toward Israel's second-largest city.

Israel's Channel 10 reportedthe rockets were Iranian made.

After the rocket attacks,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

met with security officials

at the Defense Ministry in TelAviv to discuss a response.

Some Israelis seem unfazed.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] I took my dog for a walk.

There was a siren.

Honestly I didn't know if itwas here in the neighborhood

because it was a bit low,

and I thought maybe from a nearby area.

Anyway, as we do, we went into a building,

we heard an explosion, we went out,

and that's it, we move on.

- [Chris] Hamas and Israelhave fought three wars

since Hamas took controlof the Gaza Strip in 2007.

Whether this situationwill escalate is unclear.

The escalation comes as Jerusalemholds its annual marathon

and just weeks before Israeliselect a new government.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News.

- Thanks, Chris.

A rebellion in theRepublican-controlled Senate

over President Trump'semergency declaration.

12 Republicans joined Senate Democrats

to block the president's declaration,

allowing him to bypass Congress

to access funds to build a border wall.

Those GOP senators say theissue isn't border security,

it's about protecting the Constitution.

- President can't overrulethe decision of Congress.

- Already, Democratpresidential candidates

are saying they would declare emergencies

to tear down the existing border wall.

- The House alreadyapproved the resolution.

It is the first time inhistory Congress has voted

to block a president'semergency declaration.

President Trump respondedafter Thursday's vote

with just one word on Twitter: Veto.

Congress doesn't has enough votes

to override a presidential veto.

Well, the United StatesHouse wants people to know

what's in the long-awaited Mueller Report.

In a unanimous 420-0 vote,

the House approved a resolution Thursday

calling on Attorney General William Barr

to publicly release findingsof the Russia investigation

once it's finally finished.

It is a non-binding resolution,

so it does not force Barrto unveil the report,

but it does add some pressure.

Well, more severeweather across the nation

with a bomb cyclone creating chaos

and tornadoes leavingpaths of destruction.

Twisters tore through Indianaand Kentucky to the south,

destroying land and property.

Fortunately, there was no loss of life,

and residents thank Godthat no one was hurt.

In Colorado, the massive bombcyclone dropped a foot of snow

and highway drivers were stranded,

in some cases for more than 24 hours.

The danger isn't over,though, with concern now,

avalanches following all the snowfall.

The storm is expected to bringheavy rains in the Northeast

as it moves out of the US.

Well, every week, thousandsof people flee the political

and economic crisis in Venezuela.

Those who escape often lack

adequate food, water, or medical care.

That's why an assessmentteam from Operation Blessing

is on the ground in neighboring Colombia.

As Chuck Holton reports,

Operation Blessing is working

to get the help where it's most needed.

- [Chuck] The catastrophe in Venezuela

appears to be worsening by the day.

More than a tenth of all Venezuelans

have fled their country,

and about a million arenow residing in Colombia.

More than half of thosearrived in the last year alone.

This family rode a busfor two days to get here

and are now sleeping on the street.

They say the only thingkeeping millions more

from leaving Venezuela,

is that they can'tafford the $20 bus fare.

This mother, named Ulenys,

had to leave her four childrenbehind to try and find work.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Here in Venezuela,

we have no resources, no medicine.

Everyone needs help.

(traffic whooshing)

- Back in November of last year,

I spent a few days withthe migrant caravan

walking north to the UnitedStates out of Honduras.

Well, there's another caravan

that many people don't knowabout in the United States,

and that's hundreds ofthousands of Venezuelans

leaving their country on foot

and walking all the wayto Bogota in Colombia,

where there are big camps for refugees.

- It's ready to explode.

- [Chuck] Diego Traverso is OB's

Director for International Relief.

This week, he brought anadvanced team to Colombia

to figure out where aid canhave the biggest impact.

After a day spent meeting these walkers,

strung out along hundredsof miles of mountain roads,

he's gained a newappreciation for the problem.

- The sense of desperationof these people is getting,

it's on the air, you cansmell it, you can feel it.

It feels like somethingis cooking, you know?

People is drinking water from the rivers,

contaminated, polluted,

and Operation Blessinghas a lot of solutions,

tools, and equipmentto provide clean water

to people here in Colombia.

- [Chuck] The physicalneeds are easy to see.

They need socks, better shoes,

diapers for their babies,and a place to rest.

But those are just thesymptoms of their biggest need,

to know the love of Jesus.

- But love, what is love?

It's actions, you know?

And that's why we want to be here.

Operation Blessing want to be

the hands of Christ, of mercy, you know?

Providing food, water,shelter, and medical.

- [Chuck] OperationBlessing is rushing help

to where it's needed most,and for these Venezuelans,

that help simply can't come soon enough.

From Pamplona, Colombia, I'mChuck Holton for CBN News.

- Gordon, the sufferingand desperation there

seem unmeasurable.

- Ah, it is, it's aongoing human catastrophe.

One of the things theadvanced team has discovered

is the absolute need for medical care

at that border crossing,

so we're going to besetting up medical teams.

We're flying them in from El Salvador,

another team coming in from Mexico.

We're looking for help, also,

from our OperationBlessing office in Honduras

to rush aid to them.

If you want to be a partof the relief effort,

give us a call: 1-800-700-7000.

Just say I want to give

to Operation Blessing Disaster Relief.

We also have a mailing address for you.

Disaster Relief Fund,

CBN Center, VirginiaBeach, Virgina, 23463,

or you can go to or

and designate your gift there.

Either way, do it now.

Let's help those in need.

1-800-700-7000, Terry.


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