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Praying For Your Needs: March 15, 2019

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

- So let's take it all to him in prayer,

no matter how small or howbig, for God cares for us.

He cares so much for us that he asks us

to cast all our care upon him.

And when you understandhow much he loves you,

how much that he longs to hear your voice,

how much he longs to spend time with you,

well then you don'thave to bargain anymore

and you don't have to beg anymore.

You just have to sayDaddy, could you do this,

could you help me with this?

I can't do this on my own, I need you.

And when you do that andyou get to that place

of just being like a little child,

well then you get all the faith you need,

you can get all the support you need,

and you find out thatDaddy has been pursuing you

all this time.

Now we're going to pray.

Before we pray, we want to encourage you

with some other miracles,

and here's one from Monicain Anaheim, California.

She had a swallowing issue.

And then Terry said this.

"There's a woman who feels a constriction

"when she swallows."

Well, Monica claimed it.

Her throat opened instantly

and she's not had any trouble since.

- That's awesome.

Well this is Robert.

He lives in Stanton, Texas.

Suffered for several years froma terrible rash on his leg.

His doctors tried to help,but couldn't find a cure.

Robert heard you, Gordon,give a word of knowledge

about a terrible rashthat would not go away.

As Gordon declared healing,Robert received it by faith.

The rash went away andhe is completely healed.

- There's nothing too small for God.

There's nothing too big.

When you consider it,

so often we just getoverwhelmed with things.

Here's the word.

The word says nothingis impossible with God.

So let's believe that

and let's start thinkinghow big is possible.

If nothing's impossible, thatmeans all things are possible.

How big is that?

So let's come to him, let'spray, let's be in agreement,

and let God do all the rest.

Pray with us.

Lord, we come together in agreement

and we lift up the needs of the audience

and we just say there's nothing too small,

there's nothing too great for you.

You're able to raise peopleout of hospital beds.

You're able to heal all our diseases.

You're able to forgive all our iniquities.

Everything we come to you with

and we say Daddy, Abba Father, Daddy,

could you help with this,

could you be the answer to my need?

So Lord, we come into agreement now

and we speak restoration,we speak recovery,

we speak healing, and we speakit all in the name of Jesus.

And we ask now that youwould stretch forth your hand

to do miracles.

So do miracles today, Lord God.

For we ask it in Jesus' name.

God, Terry gave you something.

- Yeah, there's someone named Andrew

and you're asking God for a petition

you've never really voicedto anyone else about,

but you're gonna know thisis you because you're a twin.

God has heard your prayer, Andrew,

and he's answering it evenas we pray together today.

And someone else, you have aterrible problem with balance.

It's just, you know, you'redizzy a lot of the time,

you have a hard time just staying balanced

and feeling safe and secure.

God's changing that for you right now.

In Jesus' name, be made whole.

- There's someone, you'velost a piece of jewelry.

It's very precious to you.

It's got a lot of memory to it

and you're saying can I please find this,

can it just please be recovered.

God wants you to find it.

And just as the poor womanfound a mite in her home,

he wants you to find this

and so he's going to open it up for you

and you're going to discover it.

Let it be today that you discover this

and have restoration and recovery.

Someone else, you need a healingand there's an infection.

It's really raised your body temperature.

The doctors are concerned

that somehow it's goingto affect your brain.

God is healing you from this

and this infection isleaving you right now.

This fever is breaking over you now.

In Jesus' name, it will nevercome back, never return.

It's going down.

You're healed now in Jesus' name.

- There's someone named Leslie.

You have a lot ofquestions about something

and God is just goingto reveal answers to you

one by one by one.

Be listening.

He sees you.

He knows your name.

He knows your need.

- Someone else, you've gotpain in your left knee.

It's severe.

Literally, it's always there,

whether you're sitting,standing, walking, lying down.

You just have pain in that knee.

God's able to heal it, restore it.

He's able to put the cartilage back in.

He's able to restore all the tendons,

everything that's needed right now.

Be healed and be made whole.

- There's someone else,you've been in an accident

of some kind and you'vebroken like that scapular

part of your skeleton andacross the front of you.

God's healing that for you right now.

That pain, the discomfort, that deep ache

are just gonna go away andleave you as he heals that bone.

- Lord, we thank you.

We thank you for your sacrifice,

what you did for us, howyou died for our sins,

how by your stripes we are healed.

We look to you at the cross

and we just receive all that you died for.

We receive it now inJesus' name, amen and amen.

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