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CBN NewsWatch PM: March 13, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: March 13, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch.

I'm Mark Martin.

More fallout today from ahuge college admission scam.

The Department of Justicesays it's the biggest one

it has ever prosecuted,

with 33 parents accused ofpaying $25 million in bribes.

One of those parents,actress Lori Loughlin,

turned herself in to the FBI this morning.

Our Heather Sells is inthe newsroom with more.

Heather.- Yes, Mark.

This scandal involved alot of wealthy parents

who paid bribes to get their kids

into eight elite universities.

You might know, might remember,actress Lori Loughlin.

She played Aunt Becky onthe sitcom Full House.

Prosecutors say that she and her husband

paid half a million tohave their two daughters

labeled at recruits

for the University of SouthernCalifornia's crew team.

In fact, neither of the two is a rower.

One daughter, Olivia Jade Giannulli,

started at USC last fall

and she is a big social media influencer.

- To know that there's people

who are just scamming theirway in is really upsetting,

especially when it's someonethat I've looked up to

on YouTube for so manyyears as like a role model.

- To be honest, it's awful.

It's sort of a disrespect tomy hard work that I put in.

Because, I mean, just because you're rich

doesn't mean you can dowhatever you want, right?

- [Heather] Authorities have also charged

another well-known actress,

Felicity Huffman of ABC'sDesperate Housewives.

They say she paid a bribeto have an SAT proctor

fix her daughter's test score.

Other parents are also chargedwith paying similar bribes

to the scam's allegedmastermind, William Singer.

- Numerous parents paid Singerbetween $15,000 and $75,000

to have someone either takethe exam for their child

or to correct theirchild's answers afterward.

- Mark, other parents chargedinclude movers and shakers

in the corporate world,

and authorities say theirinvestigation is not over,

and this is all raising a lot of questions

about the college admissions process

and just how fair andtransparent it is or is not.

- All right, Heather,thank you for that report.

And for more on this, we're joined now

by Nathan Harden who'sthe Education Editor

for Real Clear Education.

Nathan, thanks for joining us.

- Good to be here.

- In the wake of this scandal,

many are saying college admissions

have always been for sale to some degree,

but this scandal seems different.

How do you see it?

- Well, I mean, it reallysort of takes the mask

off the system, doesn't it?

I mean, to see that somany people were involved

in this scandal is what's really striking.

It would be one thingif this were, you know,

a couple of administratorsin one or two schools,

but we see dozens of people

across many of the eliteuniversities in our country

involved in this, so itreally makes you wonder

if we're just seeingthe tip of the iceberg.

- There are so many stakeholdersin the education world,

from college administrators and professors

to students and their parents.

What are you hearing, Nathan,

from some of these different groups?

- I think people feel likethe optics aren't good.

In other words, these arealready kids who are privileged,

they're coming from very wealthy families,

they've had all theright test preparation,

all the best privateschools, and yet still,

they're getting this extra, unfair,

and illegal advantage on top of all that,

so I think there's a sensethat maybe already we felt like

it's not necessarily amerit-based system to begin with

but to see that this, over and above that,

it's really disheartening for people

who had trust in the system.

I mean, think about theperson who got denied

and one of these other kids got put in

because their parentpaid a million dollars.

It's just disheartening.

- What do you think's going to happen next

as the investigation unfolds.

Do you think it mightlead to increased scrutiny

when it comes to college admissions

and maybe even possible reform?

- Well, I mean, first of all,

a lot of people are gonna lose their jobs

if they haven't already.

But I do think this raises the question of

what are the standards that these schools

are usin' to begin with?

You know, there are so many other factors,

extra-curriculars, and isit really that important

that you're on the rowingteam to begin with?

Should that be an advantagefor getting into college?

If you go to Australia, for instance,

they have a much moretransparent, merit-based system.

It's purely based on your academic record,

and so all of these wildcard factors about, you know,

your grandpa gave $2 millionto name a building after you.

Those are eliminated in that system,

so I think there could be acall for more transparency

and a more straightforwardsystem of standards

for entrance into these schools.

- At the root of this scam is parents

who desperately wanted theirkids to get into elite schools.

You went to Yale as a student,

so you understand some of this world.

Do you think thatgetting into a top school

should be a priority, and doesit really make a difference?

- Look, parents areputting too much emphasis

on the brand name of these schools.

It's really a sad storyto think these people

could be facing jailtime over this obsession.

And we all understand wewant the best for our kids,

but building good characteris so much more important

than the name of theschool that you get into,

and what is the message that these parents

were sending their kids?

That it's okay to cheat to get ahead.

I think that it's a time for all of us

to really reexamine ourpriorities, if you would.

- Okay, Nathan Hardenwith Real Clear Education.

Thank you for your time today, sir.

- Yeah, good to be here.

- The US Department ofEducation has announced

it will no longer enforce a restriction

barring religious organizations

from serving as contractproviders of services

solely because of theirreligious affiliation.

US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos

made the announcement Monday.

The Department said in a press release

that the restrictions that require

an equitable servicesprovider to be independent

of any religious organizationare unconstitutional

because they categoricallyexclude religious organizations

based solely on their religious identity.

This comes from a 2017 rulingby the US Supreme Court

involving a church-runpreschool in Missouri

that stated that the governmentcannot exclude churches

and other faith-based organizations

from a secular government program

simply because of theirreligious identity.

Mounting pressure on theFederal Aviation Administration

and Boeing to groundits 737 Max 8 airliners

after the deadly crash in Ethiopia.

Several countries are grounding the jets

or closing their airspace to the planes.

But so far, the US hasnot made that decision.

Here's Charlene Aaron.

- [Charlene] The FAAfacing growing criticism

for not grounding Boeing's 737 Max 8 jets

after the Ethiopian Airlines crash,

the FAA saying there's nobasis to order grounding.

US carriers, Southwest and American,

are still using the jet,

but the list of countriesbanning it continues to grow.

Hong Kong recently joinedFrance, the UK, China,

Australia, Germany, andseveral other countries

no long allowing the jetto fly in their airspace.

In the US, lawmakerscalling for the FAA to act.

- The 737 Max 8 shouldbe immediately grounded

until the FAA can assureus that they are safe.

- Well I think out ofan abundance of caution

and, frankly, common sense, it makes sense

to ground aircraft that's been involved in

two very tragic accidentsin only six months.

- [Charlene] Flight 302crashed Sunday morning

shortly after takeoff

from the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa

killing all 157 passengersand crew onboard.

The crash follows a similar one

of a Lion Air jet of the same model

in Indonesian seas last year killing 189.

Boeing is sending a technicalteam to the crash site

to help Ethiopian and US investigators

determine the cause of the crash.

The plane's black box has been recovered,

but it's damaged and the Ethiopians

will have to send it to another country

to access the information.

It could take days.

- If there's a problem with the airplane,

the world needs to know now.

- [Charlene] At least twoUS pilots have complained

about the planes in the past,

saying that an automated system

seemed to cause theirBoeing 737 Max planes

to tilt down suddenly.

They recovered afterdisconnecting the autopilot.

President Trump hasspoken with Boeing's CEO

who said he is absolutely confident

in the safety of the airplanes.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Venezuela's oppositionleader Juan Guaido

addressed a peaceful crowdin Caracas Tuesday afternoon

saying that as an engineer,

he could fix the country'selectrical problem.

Guaido, who's trying to oustPresident Nicolas Maduro

and hold elections, blamescorruption and incompetence

for nearly a week of nationwide blackouts.

The outages have deprivedcitizens of not just electricity,

but also water and communications.

Venezuela's chiefprosecutor announced Tuesday

that Guaido is being investigated

for allegedly sabotagingthe national power grid.

The US is dismissing accusations

that it triggered the powercrisis with a cyber attack.

The most senior Catholic to beconvicted of child sex abuse

was sentenced in anAustralian court today.

Cardinal George Pell was sentenced

to six years in prisonfor molesting that is

two choir boys in a Melbourne cathedral

more than 20 years ago.

Pope Francis' former finance minister

had been convicted by a unanimousjury verdict in December.

A court order had suppressed

media reporting the news until last month.

- Today's a victory for notjust Australians, but globally,

because today we sent a message

that our children are importantand their lives matter,

and in the future we create good people

by treating them well.

And these people who callthemselves the good and the just

have deceived not just us as children,

but our entire society.

No more!

- The 77-year old denies the allegations

and will appeal his convictions

in a Court of Appeal on June 5th.

Coming up, a big winfor pro-lifers in Ohio.

What a new ruling could mean

for the abortion industry in that state.

(cinematic news music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises

God has made to His children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

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be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

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and see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

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- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

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but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are more than

148 million orphans in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever,

and out of it grew a ministry

from my heart called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- A federal appeals court

upheld an Ohio pro-life law on Tuesday,

declining public fundingfor Planned Parenthood.

The ruling overturned House Bill 294

which was signed into law in 2016

and blocked the state from stripping

about $1.5 million of annualsupport from the clinics.

Tuesday's ruling refusedPlanned Parenthood

any financial help thatthe organization receives

from the state's health programs.

The legislation also rejects funds

from entities that eitherendorse or carry out abortions.

And joining us now with more on the case

from Alliance DefendingFreedom is Kevin Theriot.

Kevin, what are the chancesthe ruling gets appealed

and heads to the Supreme Court?

- Ah, well, there'scertainly a good chance

that it will be appealed.

Whether or not the SupremeCourt takes it or not

is a different issue.

They don't take many of these cases,

and this is a situation where the state

has the right to control its own funds

and not allow abortion providers,

especially ones like PlannedParenthood who have a,

who are much criticized

because of their fraudulentbehavior over the years.

- If it does make it to the Supreme Court,

what do you think would happen?

- Well, it's difficult to predict,

but I think there is someSupreme Court precedent

that says that the governmentdoesn't have to fund abortion.

There's a Supreme Courtcase right on point

when the federal governmentdidn't want to fund abortions,

so, certainly, states like Ohio

who don't want to allow abortion,

abortionists to participate,

and then use tax moneyto pay for abortions,

they have a constitutional right to do so.

- It's a pretty big win for pro-lifers.

Should we expect to see more laws

like this one in other states?

- Absolutely, there are manystates across the country

that are doing their best tonot allow Planned Parenthood

to get government funds

so that they continuetheir abortion agenda,

and it's become more radical.

You see that in New York,you see that in Virginia,

in just the past couple weeks.

Illinois, Texas is also battlingagainst Planned Parenthood

to make sure that they don'thave to fund abortions.

- Let's talk a little bit more

about what's going on across the country.

What's the next stepin the fight for life?

- Well, there arenumerous cases right now.

There are a couple cases pendingbefore the Supreme Court,

one out of Indiana that,

where Indiana prohibits abortion

because the baby is disabledor because of the race

or the sex of the unborn child,

and the Seventh CircuitCourt of Appeals upheld that,

but the Supreme Court could take that

and uphold the right ofIndiana to do what we do

in every other aspect of society

and that is not allow discrimination

against people even thoughthey haven't been born yet.

- Are you encouraged by whatyou're seeing from pro-lifers

in response to what youtalked about earlier,

the extreme pro-abortionmeasures that have been passed.

- We really are.

You see the states thatare, that feel threatened,

by the gains that pro-lifers have made,

not only in the courts,

but also in the courtroomof public opinion,

that many young people now are pro-life

because they can't deny the science,

that this is an unborn baby.

It's a fully separate human entity

from the point of conception

and we're winning on the science

and the hard line pro-abortionistsare threatened by that.

- Okay, Kevin Theriot withAlliance Defending Freedom.

Thank you for your insights today, sir.

- You're certainly welcome.

'Preciate you havin' me on.

- Coming up, how two college students

are hoping to encourage theirpeers to read the Bible.

(cinematic news music)

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- The Good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God.

The latest teaching from Pat Robertson.

- Welcome back.

A pair of college studentshave created a Bible

made for millennialsand made by millennials.

They were involved in the campus ministry

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

at the University of Southern California.

They saw an opportunityto redesign the Bible

for today's visually-centric culture.

CBN's Wendy Griffith spoke

with Brian Chung of AlabasterCompany earlier today.

- You grew up Buddhist.

We've gotta find out, first of all,

how did you become a Christian?

- Yeah, well, my parents are Buddhist.

I went to a Catholic middle school,

and went into college agnostic.

I got reached out to by some nice people

who happened to be Christian.

They were part of thisgroup called InterVarsity,

and so they invited me toone of their Bible studies

and that's where I really discovered God

for myself as an adult.

And so, it wasn't until aftermy freshman year in college,

where I decided to follow Jesus.

- And what happened when youreceived your first Bible?

- When I received my first Bible,

I was a little intimidated.

I didn't know where to begin.

I really wanted to dive into the Gospels,

but that's sort ofburied within the Bible.

I flipped through the couple of pages

and it had some background,

it had some informationabout the translation,

and so for me, as someonethat was new to faith,

as someone that was a designer,

I thought, could this be done differently?

- So it sounds like youwere the perfect person

to redesign the Bible forthis Instagram generation,

using imagery, tell us about that.

- Yeah, so, we were inspired by this book

that said that each generationhas a spiritual question

that they ask that points them to Jesus.

In the past it's been whatis true, what is real,

what is good, and theauthor makes a prediction

that we're moving into a generation

where asking the questionwhat is beautiful,

and we found that just to be true.

We're constantly on our phones,

consuming media throughInstagram, through Facebook.

We judge a company by thebeauty of their website.

We love restaurants whenthey're designed well,

and so we thought what would it look like

to turn an already beautifulstory, the story of Jesus,

into also just a beautifulreading experience,

and so, we thought about everything

from how does the paper feel,how does the cover feel,

how does it flip between your hands?

How can we integrate negative space

for a more breathableexperience for the reader?

- I love it.

Well, what's the mission of the new Bible?

Of course, you mentioned some of that,

but what do you hopeto see happen with it?

- One of our biggest goals toshow that beauty is important

in our understanding of who God is.

As both Bryan and I, the co-founders,

we were really interested

in sort of the intersectionof art and faith.

In the past, in the church,

art has played a very strong and high role

with the Renaissance paintings,

the stained glass windows.

So we wanted to put artagain at the forefront

of showing the world how beautiful God is.

- Oh, sorry to interrupt.

I just want to interjectthat your co-founder's name

is also Bryan Chung,

spelled a little bitdifferently than your name.

- Yes, yes.- That's amazing.

That's a little, you know Godhas a sense of humor, right?

- Yes, I'm with a I, he's Bryan with a Y.

- Well, Brian, how are people responding

and where can people get this Bible?

- Yes, so people can buy our Bibles

on our website,

We ship within the UnitedStates and internationally.

We also are on Amazonfor folks who are located

within the United States.

I'm sorry, what was yourfirst question again?

- [Wendy] How are people responding,

and is it only just thephysical Bible that you have,

or do you have something online as well?

- Yeah, so people are loving our Bibles.

Our, the places that bring us the most joy

is the emails that come in saying

Hey, I have a friend

that didn't consider themself a Christian

and they started reading your Bible,

or my marriage wasn't doing well,

and we read one of your Psalmsbook together as a couple,

and it's been so helpful for our marriage,

and so it's been really,really encouraging

hearing those types ofstories from our customers.

- Do you have a copy of itsitting right next to you?

- We have, yes, right over here.

- [Wendy] I've got, you've gotta show it.

There it is, okay, Psalms, beautiful.

- Psalms.- Love the cover.

And there's lots of beautifulimagery inside as well.

- Yes.

- Well, Brian, thank you so much.

We loved interviewing you andwish you guys all the best.

I know it's gonna be a big hit out there.

- Thank you, Wendy, thanks for having us.

- [Wendy] Okay, God bless you.

(intense cinematic music)

- [Mike] Neat magazine-style Bible.

Well, after the break, a lookat what's new in Hollywood

as we look ahead to tonight'sStudio 5 entertainment.

(cinematic news music)

(gentle orchestral music)-[Pat] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are more than

148 million orphans in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever,

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey kids, do you love games?- Yeah!

- [Gizmo] And do youlove discovering things?

- [Child] Yeah!

- Well, do ya?- Yeah!

- [Announcer] Then you're gonna love this!

It's the new freeSuperbook Kid's Bible app.

You can play games, watch videos,

find answers to your questions,and a whole lot more.

The new Superbook Kid's Bible app.

- [Children] Yeah!

- [Announcer] Free downloads available

on iTunes and Google Play now.

- Thanks for staying with us.

March is brain injury awareness month,

and right now, more thanfive million Americans

live with a disability relatedto Traumatic Brain Injury.

Studio 5 is taking acloser look at the issue

through the eyes of anup-and-coming recording artist.

- [Efram] Singer CristabelleBraden returns to Studio 5.

♪ Got a lot on my mind,don't know what to say ♪

♪ And I know you knowwhat I'm thinking anyway ♪

♪ So I'm just gonna start with hello ♪

- [Efram] This time as an author.

Tell me about what made you decide

that you needed to sit down

and pen a journal for people to get.

- So I thought it was justgonna be a seven-day PDF

off my website, that was my original goal.

I was just gonna writea seven-day devotional,

free PDF on my website, and Istarted to sit down and write,

and I just felt the HolySpirit just flowing out

all of these scriptures,

and as I was breaking down, itgoes through the song lyrics

of the song, it takesthrough that journey,

and as I was breaking down the lyrics

and in the Word and in thescripture there was so much more.

- That sounds fascinating.

Love her unique voice as well.

Well, get Cristabelle'sfull story tonight.

We also sit down with three-time

Grammy nominated singerBrian Courtney Wilson,

and we're taking you behind the scenes

of the new film Five Feet Apart.

It's all on Studio 5tonight at 9:30 Easern

only on the CBN News channel.

That's gonna do it forthis edition of Newswatch.

Hope you'll join us next time.

Have a great day.

(cinematic news music)


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