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'Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!' Disabled Vets Caregiver Overwhelmed by Operation Blessing's Aid in Tornado Aftermath

'Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!' Disabled Vets Caregiver Overwhelmed by Operation Blessing's Aid in Tornado Aftermath Read Transcript

- When an EF-4 tornado ripped through

Lee County, Alabama, earlier this month,

Kathy Brown's first thought was to

protect the disabledveterans under her care.

While 23 people died in the twister,

Kathy and the veterans were spared.

But one of their buildingswas hit by the tornado.

As Mark Martin shows us,

CBN's Operation Blessing is helping

them clean up and rebuild.


- [Mark] Kathy Brown isan owner and caregiver

at Loving Touch, a homefor disabled veterans

in Lee County, Alabama.

She serves 14 veterans atthe home and lives next door.

Her husband is also a disabled vet.

He was awarded the Purple Heart

after suffering woundsfrom a mine in Vietnam.

- I'm a nurse by trade and that's

what I always wanted to be.

I'm retired now, but I just always try

to make other people feel better.

To me it was always aboutother people and not myself.

- [Mark] On Sunday, March 3rd,

Kathy turned on the newsand heard the warning:

severe weather in the area.

Rushing next door to makesure the veterans were safe,

her worst concerns came true.

Two tornadoes touched downnearby, one on her street.

- So we got the veterans in a safe place

and just prayed that we would be okay.

And thank God, we wasn't hurt.

We had no damage to the veteran home.

- [Mark] Miraculously,the tornado did not damage

her home either, but apath of destruction blew

right by her house.

The tornado took offalmost the entire roof

of the veterans' recreation center

and threw debris all over her yard.

It also blew apart hergrandchildren's play set.

(metal clanging)

That's when Operation Blessing stepped in

to remove the heavy debris.

The crew also got up onthe roof and covered it

with a blue tarp to keepthe recreation center dry.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Kathy believes the Lord sentOperation Blessing workers

to her because she did noteven have to make a phone call.

Her friend reached outto the organization,

saying you just have to help this woman.

She's the sweetest womanI know besides my mother.

- It's hard for me.

I like to be the one that give.

And when Operation Blessingcame and they showed up

and I didn't even call for 'em,

it's just something that I can't explain.

I was so grateful to knowthat God got somebody

that would come and youdon't even have to ask

for their help, He would just send 'em,

not knowing that you all was gonna come

until someone calledme early this morning.

I was just so grateful for youall showing up and helping.

It's just something Ican't hardly explain.

- [All] Amen.

- [Mark] Mark Martin, CBN News.

- God bless the people like Kathy Brown

and people like her suffering in Alabama.

Pat, back to you.

- Operation Blessing, Isaiah 58,

here's what the fast that God has chosen,

that you deal your bread to the hungry,

you see the homeless, you take 'em in,

you see the naked, you clothe them.

And Operation Blessing after many years,

40 years or so, is still outdoing the cleaning up debris,

putting tarps on roofs, helping survivors,

praying and lending spiritual support,

and also food and water andmedical help and all the rest.

If you want to help Operation Blessing,

you can call 1-800-700-7000,

be a volunteer, or you can make a donation

to Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.

And let me tell you, there's been some

serious, serious problemsand that's just the start

of what Operation Blessing is doing.

These tornadoes, this vicious weather,

the things that arehappening, not only in America

but all around the worldOperation Blessing is there

and helped probably asmany as 300 million people

with their work.

It's really a very wonderful thing.

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