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Jerusalem Dateline: 3/8/19 Hopes Rise as Trump Says US Troops Stay in NE Syria

ISIS nears defeat as Trump says 100% he'll leave troops in NE Syria; Plus Israel's Gaza border heats up and Israel's prime minister shows the world how a wall can work; and OurCrowd brings together innovators and investors to change the world. Read Transcript

(horn blares)

- This week on Jerusalem Dateline,

ISIS nears defeat asPresident Trump says 100%,

he'll leave U.S. troopsin northeast Syria,

what will this mean forthe people in that region.

Plus, Israel's Gaza border heats up

and Israel's PrimeMinister shows the world

how a wall can work.

And Our Crowd brings togetherinnovators and investors

to change the world.

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,

I'm Chris Mitchell.

ISIS could only be days away from defeat

and inside Northeast Syria,the best allies of the U.S.

in the fight against the Islamic State

say they're fighting for their freedom

and for those who losttheir lives in the battle

against radical Islam.

(bomb explodes)

That's the sound of victory

as one of the final ISIS weaponsdepots goes up in flames.

One more sign the end ofthe Islamic State caliphate

is near.

While the U.S. provides air support,

this prolonged fight is alsorequired boots on the ground.

In 2015, the city ofKobani was the epicenter

in the battle against the Islamic State.

Nearly four years later

you can still see much of the destruction.

It was also the beginningof the U.S. led coalition

to defeat ISIS.

(machine gun fires)

Those fighting alongside U.S. troops

are a team of Kurds, Arabs,Christians and others

called the SyrianDemocratic Forces or SDF.

- [Chris] As the frontlineshifted to the south,

these men and women paid a high price

as they took back territoryfrom the Islamic State.

- [Chris] Aram sufferedgreat personal loss.

- [Chris] They fought side by side

and now are buried side by side,

even Christians and Muslims.

Ree Mardo takes care of the cemetery.

- [Interpreter] They sacrifice themselves

and give their souls to keepus in safety and at peace

and at least we can just take care

of this cemetery forthem, this is our duty.

- [Chris] The living now fightfor a new way of life here

where everyone is equal.

- [Chris] With more insighton this critical region,

here's CBN News SeniorInternational Correspondent,

Gary Lane.

(dramatic music)

- Joining us with insightson his recent trip

to the Syrian frontline

is CBN News ContributingCorrespondent, Chuck Holten.

Chuck, President Trump now says 100%,

he's gonna keep troops inSyria, U.S. troops there.

What does that mean?

- Well I think that means thatwe are supporting the Kurds,

the Syrian DemocraticForces which are primarily

made up of the Kurds and giving them space

to establish a safe areafor them in Eastern Syria.

So the Kurds right nowcontrol everything to the east

of the Euphrates River for the most part

and they have been looking for that.

One of the reasons theyhave been fighting so hard

against ISIS, they've beenso committed in this fight

is because they see thisas their opportunity

to establish, if not their own country

at least a safe haven for the Kurds

and so they're very dedicateD to that

and leaving U.S. troops there

is gonna be a calminginfluence in the region

because you got a lot of players there

that are at odds with each other.

You've got the Russians,you've got the Iranians,

you've got Hezbollah,a very large presence

on the Eastern side of the Euphrates.

You've got of course, theSyrian democratic forces.

You've got the UnitedStates, you've got Turkey.

Now if the U.S. leaves, TurkeyBashar al Assad's forces,

the Russians, the IGRC, theyall go back against the SDF,

the Kurds and that's badfor stability in the region

without a doubt.

One of the things I thinkthat President Trump got wrong

is that he was on aphone call with Erdogan

which is ostensibly ourally but he's not an ally.

Everyone says Erdogan is ISIS.

Erdogan has supported ISIS in the past,

he's definitely straightMuslim Brotherhood.

- He allowed them to go backand forth over the border then.

- Yes, right and theyhave found the SDF Forces,

they have found stacksof Turkish passports

in ISIS safe housesthat they've taken over.

So, Turkey is not ourfriend in this battle.

- No he wanted to use ISISto get at Assad, right,

- That's right, yes.- Overthrow Assad.

- Right and so the U.S.staying there means

it's a deluding influence onthe all those power struggles

and it'll keep the firedown enough to let,

hopefully, the Syrian DemocraticForces create a safe haven.

- So what did they tell you about it,

were they very worried that the U.S.

was going to abandon them, their friends?

- Yes, they were absolutelyand one of the things

that I heard over andover again from the Kurds

is they have a saying about Americans.

They say the Americans willalways do the right thing

once they've expended all other options.


And I think that we've proven them right

on that unfortunately.

- Now you were on the front lines,

is the caliphate done now, ISIS through?

- To say the caliphate, I mean, yes,

ISIS was, they createda government in Syria

and Northern Iraq.

Their caliphate was a country.

They minted their own currency.

I've got here an ISIScoin that they minted

and they had legal tender in there

for buying and selling.

That has now fallen,that country is no more

and now to say ISIS is goneis another question entirely.

Because the idea that is ISIS is not dead

and it's spread out across the globe

to 30 or 40 different countries.

They're saying now that Yemen, Nigeria,

places in Africa are gonnabe the new hotspots for ISIS.

- Well, what people don'trealize is the origins of ISIS

was in Iraq,

it was Al Qaeda Iraq- That's right.

originally.- Yes.

- So this is really likewe're dealing with Al Qaeda.

- Right and the people, we'vetalked about this before

that in that area, theculture of that area,

especially Muslim culturefollows a strong horse.

So when ISIS was the strong horse,

people signed up in drovesand that's one of the reasons

they were able to take over so much area

with so little timeand so little resources

was because it was all Sunni area,

ISIS is a Sunni organizationand they came in and said

we're the new leaders in townand everybody said great,

sounds good to me.

Now that they've been bombed into oblivion

people are going, heymaybe the Turks are better.

- Do you see another ISIS orsome other group like ISIS

coming to power?

- I think what you're going to see is

there will be something under a new name

that comes along that will be the new face

of the global Islamic Jihadist movement.

And especially the SunniIslamic Jihadist movement

that then will become thenew enemy we have to fight.

This fight is not over.

The battle against ISIS might be over

but the greater war is not.

(dramatic music)

- The House of Representativespassed the resolution

condemning racism and bigotry.

It was an attempt bydemocrats to evade charges

of anti-Semitism triggeredby freshman Congresswoman

Ilhan Omar's controversialremarks about Jews in Israel.

Younger Democrats praise the resolution

for condemning all formsof bigotry in America.

But critics say itfailed desperately short

of addressing the growingproblem of blatant anti-Semitism

within the democratic party.

- What began as a House resolutioncondemning anti-Semitism

morphed into a seven page document

condemning anti-Muslim bigotryalong with a whole host

of other bad behaviors.

It all started whenfreshmen Congresswoman,

Ilhan Omar, one of twoMuslim members of the House

suggested lawmakers who support Israel

are pledging allegianceto a foreign country

something many lawmakersfound deeply offensive.

- We are having this debatebecause of the language

of one of our colleagues,language that suggests

that Jews like me whoserve in the United States

in Congress and who'sfather earned a purple heart

fighting the Nazis inthe Battle of the Bulge

that we are not loyal Americans?

Why are we unable to singularlycondemn anti-Semitism?

- [Jennifer] A questionasked passionately by members

on both sides of the isle.

- We came here becauseof an anti-Semitic remark

and we came here to condemn anti-Semitism

but this resolution aschanged up over the last hour

now condemns just about everything.

- [Jennifer] Along withanti-Muslim rhetoric,

the resolution condemnspast white extremist attacks

on African Americans,bigotry against Latinos,

Native Americans, AsianAmericans, Pacific Islanders,

other people of color, Jews,Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs,

the LGBTQ community and immigrants.

- We left out the Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter Day Saints, we left out Wiccans,

we left out Jehovah's Witnesses,

we left out disabled people

who are often discriminatedand had hateful things about.

- [Jennifer] And some members

were outraged CongresswomanOmar wasn't called out

in the resolution.

Speaker Pelosi pushedto keep her out of it.

- That is one resolutionaddressing these forms of hatred

not mentioned her namebecause it's not about her,

it's about these forms of hatred.

- The debate comes as American support

for Israel is falling.

When asked about theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict,

a new Gallop poll finds 59% of Americans

say they're moresympathetic towards Israel,

that's down from 64% just last year.

The divide among Democratsover support for Israel

may have politicalimplications heading into 2020

as the party works to winback more moderate Democrats,

President Trump won in 2016.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.

(dramatic music)

- Coming up, Israel's border fence,

could it be a model for the U.S.,

when we come back.

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(dramatic music)

- For weeks, Hamas has heatedup the Israeli-Gaza border

by sending explosive devices

across that border by balloon.

It's been nearly a yearsince Hamas launched

it's so-called march ofreturn along that border

with sometimes daily violent protests.

Israel Defense Forces aircraft

have been striking Hamastargets inside Gaza

for more than a week inresponse to those balloons

and other explosive devices.

Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu said

Israel would provide a responseto the increased violence.

- [Interpreter] I'maware that in recent days

there have been somerenewal of Hamas aggression

in all sorts of ways.

Hamas should understand thatany display of aggression

will be met with a very vigorous response

on Israel's part.

They will do well to understandthis now rather than later.

- Netanyahu was speakingafter a tour and briefing

at Israel's border fence further south

along the Israel-Egypt border.

- [Interpreter] This fencehas been a phenomenal success.

It's completely stopped theentry of hundreds of thousands

of people from Africaand the entry into Israel

of terrorists from Sinai.

- As President Trump and Congressbattle over a border wall

they could possibly learn from Israel

that's been through the same exercise.

Israeli's had their own national debate

about border security andthey found a solution.

- [Chris] During a sometimesheated oval office meeting

with congressional Democratsover U.S. border security,

President Trump pointed toIsrael as an example to consider.

- If you really wanna findout how effective a wall is

just ask Israel, 99.9% effective

and our wall will beevery bit as good as that

if not better.

- Eight years ago, Israel faced

it's own border security crisis

when thousands of Africansfrom nations like Sudan,

Ethiopia and Eritrea cameacross it's southern border.

In 2012, 55,000 illegalimmigrants flooded into Israel.

- They came into Israel illegally,

they caused major problemsin southern Tel Aviv

which was already a little bit run down

but the rape rate and themurder rates skyrocketed

from those 55,000 illegal immigrants.

- [Chris] David Rubin,author of Trump and the Jews

remembers the debateIsraelis went through.

- There were protests in Israel,

there were a lot of peoplefrom southern Tel Aviv,

those neighborhoods, theresidents who were protesting.

- [Chris] Israel's solution,build a high tech fence

along it's southern border.

It's eventually cost nearlyhalf a billion dollars,

one of the most expensiveprojects in Israel's history.

The fence runs more than 150 miles

stretching from the Gaza Stripto the Israel town of Eilat

on the Red Sea.

- The wall was finished in 2015,

in 2016 there were 11 illegal immigrants

to Israel from that southern border.

In 2017, there werezero illegal immigrants

to Israel from that southern border.

So I think that the evidenceis clear, the wall works.

- [Chris] In addition to stopping the flow

of illegal immigrants,the fence has helped

with many other key needs.

- No doubt if that walland that fence didn't exist

there would be many more terrorist attacks

and the free movement of those terrorists

that are coming in from Egyptor from Sinai into Israel,

we've now stopped that from taking place.

- [Chris] Israel only hadto build a 150 mile wall,

while the U.S. faces a 2,000mile border with Mexico.

Even so how could this possibly help

with the current debate inthe U.S. about a border wall.

- We're very happy tohave the high technology

and the creativity andthe entrepreneurship

that we do in Israel and we'revery happy for our friends

in America to learn from us.

- [Chris] However Congressand the White House

reconcile their differencesabout border security,

Israel can point to one wall that works.

(dramatic music)

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(upbeat music)

- We've often told you

about Israel's groundbreaking technology

and how it's been describedas the start up nation.

Much of that technologywas together in one place

and this week we'll lookhow it's changing the world.

Nearly 20,000 innovators and investors

from almost every country came to see

or signed up online forthe largest tech meeting

in the history of Israel,

the Our Crowd Global Investor's Summit.

The summit brings togetherextraordinary technologies

like Beyond Meat

that developed a plant basedmeat substitute and many more.

Very good.

They make water out of air.

- We seemed to have found thesolution for the entire world

for the new source drinking water.

- [Chris] They plan to connect the world

through microsatellites.

- There are four billionpeople in the world

that are not connected, theyneed to be able to choose

whether to connect, to be connected.

- [Chris] And they help theparalyzed get on their feet.

- It's very innovative, it's perfect,

it's so stable and when Iwalk down the isle with it,

it was a dream come true.

- [Chris] Our Crowd showcasedall these technologies.

John Medved is the CEO and founder.

- Our Crowd is the worlds'largest investment platform

for the investors toinvest in startups online

and in person at eventslike this Our Crowd Summit.

- [Chris] At the summit,investors meet innovators.

Our Crowd democratizes capitalby giving smaller investors

an opportunity to investin cutting edge innovations

just like the large venture capitalists.

After six years Our Crowd iscelebrating one billion dollars

raised for 170 companies.

But the bottom line is changing the world.

They call it the double bottom line,

making money and doing good.

- What's most exciting about today's event

is that we're focused onimpact on how startups

can tackle global challenges,

how we can look right in the eye,

these issues of climatechange and pollution, hunger,

healthcare, transportation, energy

and how can startups really bring

to humanity a huge impact for the better.

- [Chris] Medvet explainsit as an expression

of (speaks in foreignlanguage) the Jewish concept

of healing the world.

Betty Wu Adams believesChristians can play a role.

- God is our first entrepreneur,he create this world

out of nothing the first six days.

I believe there's a callingfor us as Christians

to partner with Our Crowdas we invest in companies

that's gonna transformand change the world.

- [Chris] Adams sees thisas a way to bless Israel.

- Read your Bible, whatdoes God say in Genesis

to father Abraham?

This is the apple of his eyes,

the Jews are his chosen people, this land,

it's written in theBible and being a gentile

I see prophecy being fulfilled everyday

when I'm involvedinvesting with Our Crowd.

- You know there is asentence in the Torah

that says that (speaksin foreign language)

from Jew's land will come for all

and this is (mumbles) situation.

- [Chris] Medvet sees thesummit through the lens

of the Bible.

- It's a little bit biblical today

because the nations are flocking to Israel

to see what we can do tohelp tackle global challenges

and how they can bring back those lessons

to their own countries.

(dramatic music)

Still ahead, a Christianfamily flees ISIS in Iraq

finds help from Christians Jordan.

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(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

- When an Iraqi Christianfamily of nine fled ISIS,

they found refuge in Jordan

but they were cold and hungryuntil Operation Blessing

stepped in to help.

- [Narrator] Sandra andher brothers and sisters

have struggled to surviveas Christian refugees

ever since her family wasbrutally attacked by ISIS.

- [Interpreter] Masked men with guns

broke into our home in Mosul.

They beat me over the head,then they handcuffed me

and threw me into the hole in the ground.

They locked me into die.

- [Interpreter] Theytold me they were going

to kill my husband asthey dragged him away.

I thought I lost everything, so I just sat

on the floor and cried.

- [Narrator] Wassam was held captive

in the hall for threedays, with no food or water

then American and Iraqi forces rescued him

and he was reunited with his family.

They made their way to Amman Jordan.

- [Interpreter] I have nothing.

The government won't let us

have regular jobs and Ispent everything I had

to get us away from ISIS.

- [Interpreter] We canonly feed our children

one meal a day and they can't go to school

because we don't havemoney to register them.

It's unbearable seeing them go without

but I have faith in Jesus,that's something ISIS

could not take away from me.

- [Narrator] After Operation Blessing

learned about their problems,

we took Wassam grocery shopping for meat,

rice and fresh fruits and vegetables.

We also got the familypowdered milk, diapers

and other things for the baby.

- [Interpreter] My refrigeratorwas completely empty

and we didn't know how we would get food.

Now my children have good things to eat.

- [Narrator] We alsofound out the whole family

was freezing in their bare floor apartment

during the winter.

So we bought them carpet and gas heater

they can also use for cooking.

And we got the kids new winter clothes.

- [Interpreter] Before we were super cold

and now it's much better.

- [Narrator] Sandra andher brothers and sisters

were enrolled free of charge

in our Operation Blessingfunded Christian school.

- [Interpreter] I lovethis school so much.

My favorite part is learning about Jesus

and how to be a good Christian.

- [Interpreter] My husbandand I are so proud of them

we are all very gratefulfor this opportunity.

- [Narrator] Wassam helpsout around the school

and in return we helphim with his expenses

with the support of Operation Blessing,

Sandra's family is doingmuch better than before

and their hope has been restored.

- [Interpreter] Mychildren now have a chance

for a good future and you have helped me

forget the problems of the past.

I pray you will be blessed to God.

- [Interpreter] Jesus sent you to us

and I'm very thankful,I'm so happy to have you

in our lives.

- [Interpreter] Thank you for all the help

you've given my family.

It makes my heart feel glad knowing

that you think about us.

- Please pray for many ofthese families like Sandra's

who's lives were changed forever by ISIS

and if you'd like to helpyou can go to

Well, that's all for this edition,

thanks for joining us.

Remember you can follow us on Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time

on Jerusalem Dateline.

(dramatic music)


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