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News on The 700 Club: March 8, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” March 8, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well welcome to the 700 Club.

Condemning anti-Semitism,well, it should be easy,

but that's not the case for Democrats

in the House of Representatives.

It took them a week to respondto controversial comments

made by one of their newest members.

- They finally agreed on a resolution

that does condemn anti-Semitism,

but not before expandingit to include other groups.

Jennifer Wishon joins us,from Washington, to explain.

- What began as a House resolutioncondemning anti-Semitism

morphed into a seven-page document

condemning anti-Muslim bigotry,

along with a whole hostof other bad behaviors.

It all started when freshmanCongresswoman Ilhan Omar,

one of two Muslim members of the House,

suggested lawmakers who support Israel

are pledging allegianceto a foreign country,

something many lawmakersfound deeply offensive.

- We are having this debate

because of the language oneof one of our colleagues,

language that suggests that Jews like me,

who serve in the UnitedStates in Congress,

and whose father earned aPurple Heart fighting the Nazis

in the Battle of the Bulge,that we are not loyal Americans?

Why are we unable to singularlycondemn anti-Semitism?

- [Jennifer] A question asked passionately

by members on both sides of the aisle.

- We came here because ofan anti-Semitic remark,

and we came here to condemn anti-Semitism,

but this resolution, aschanged up over the last hour,

now condemns just about everything.

- [Jennifer] Along withanti-Muslim rhetoric,

the resolution condemns

past white extremist attackson African Americans,

bigotry against Latinos, NativeAmericans, Asian Americans,

Pacific Islanders, otherpeople of color, Jews, Muslims,

Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQcommunity, and immigrants.

- We left out

the Church of Jesus Christof Latter Day Saints,

we left out Wiccans, we leftout Jehovah's Witnesses,

we left out disabled peoplewho are often discriminated

and had hateful things about.

- [Jennifer] And somemembers were outraged

Congresswoman Omar wasn'tcalled out in the resolution.

Speaker Pelosi pushedto keep her out of it.

- There is one resolutionaddressing these forms of hatred,

not mentioning her name,because it's not about her,

it's about these forms of hatred.

- The debate comes

as American support for Israel is falling.

When asked about theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict,

a new Gallup Poll finds 59% of Americans

say they're moresympathetic towards Israel.

That's down from 64% just last year.

The divide among Democratsover support for Israel

may have politicalimplications heading into 2020,

as the party works to win back

more moderate DemocratsPresident Trump won in 2016.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.

- Well, here's the amazingthing about this story.

Since the end of World War I,

it's been America's foreign policy

to recognize the rightof self-determination

for the Jewish people, and they supported,

this goes all the way back

to the council at San Remo in 1920.

They supported formingan independent state,

an independent Jewish state, in Palestine

in what used to be partof the Ottoman Empire.

So the Ottomans ruled it,they lost World War I,

and from that point forward,

the British Mandate was established,

and that mandate was tocreate a Jewish state.

So it's been part of our foreign policy

for almost 100 years.

So you look at this,

and now you have a new,newly-elected member of commerce

saying it's unpatriotic,

that somehow or otheryou're pledging allegiance

to a foreign power if you support Israel,

and the House of Representatives

can't come to their senses andsay we need to condemn this?

And this is anti-Semitism?

What this resolution does,

it doesn't do anything otherthan support the remarks.

When you say we're not gonnacall out Congresswoman Omar,

we're not gonna name her specifically,

we're not gonna distanceourselves from her remarks,

and then you add into it

you can't have anti-Muslim hate speech,

well, this resolutionactually supports her.

It doesn't condemn her at all.

I don't understand what just got passed,

but it just, it doesn't cut it.

And in our foreign policy,we have recognized Israel,

we have recognizedIsrael's right to exist,

and anything that opposesthat has not been in any part

of the Americanconversation for 100 years.

Well in other news,

Senate leader Mitch McConnellis ready to go nuclear

to speed up confirmationof judicial nominees.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

Right now, more than 130federal court seats are vacant.

Republicans say Democratsare obstructing the process,

delaying President Trump's nominees.

For example, Naomi Rao,

who's on track to filla key Appeals Court seat

formerly held by Brett Kavanaugh.

She's facing opposition overpast writings about date rape

and her views on abortion.

Leader McConnell isconsidering a rule change

that would speed up the process

and fill the lower-court spots

before the end of PresidentTrump's first term.

Well, former Trump campaignchairman Paul Manafort

will serve close to four years in prison

for tax and bank fraud.

That's far below the 20-year term

sentencing guidelines recommendand prosecutors wanted.

Still, it's the longest sentence

for a defendant in cases stemming

from Robert Mueller'sRussia investigation.

It's important to note,Manafort was not charged

with colluding with theRussians in the 2016 election.

The special prosecutor is expected

to submit his final report soon.

Manafort will also be sentenced next week

on additional charges that he served

as an unregisteredforeign agent for Ukraine,

laundered money, andtampered with a witness.

Well hundreds of ISIS fighters

are giving up the fight inSyria, and they're fleeing

to the embattled village ofBaghuz, the final holdout.

Meanwhile, families are takingrefuge in makeshift camps.

Some civilians are arriving

at an open-air medicalcenter in the Syrian desert.

There to meet them are volunteers

from the Free Burma Rangers,a Christian medical aid group.

They've been providing careto the injured and sick.

The ministry's Dave Eubanks spoke by phone

on CBN's Worldbeat program

about sharing the love ofChrist in the war zone.

- [Dave] We try to giveour food and blankets

and medical care withlove and with prayer,

and most of the time,we can pray with them.

Very few refuse that.

When we begin to talk about Jesus,

many say they don't wantto hear it, but some do,

and so we had a chance to give some Bibles

to a very few that wanted them,

to pray with many, especially the wounded,

and they always want prayer,

and we have a chance to say,

call on Jesus' name, this is a new start.

Call on His name and seewhat He does for you.

We're not tryin' to convert you.

You just ask Him to helpyou and see what happens.

- Eubanks and his own teamhave risked their lives

to help rescue civilians caught

in the middle of the fighting.

Well, because of itsgroundbreaking technology

and competitive business atmosphere,

Israel has been calledthe start-up nation.

This week, Israeli companiesshowcased that technology.

CBN's Chris Mitchell shows ushow it's changing the world.

- Nearly 20,000 innovators and investors

from almost every country came to see

or signed up online

for the largest tech meetingin the history of Israel,

the OurCrowd Global Investor Summit.

The summit brings togetherextraordinary technologies

like Beyond Meat, that developed

a plant-based meatsubstitute, and many more.

Very good.

They make water out of air.

- We think that we found thesolution for the entire world

for the new source of drinking water.

- [Chirs] They plan to connect the world

through micro-satellites.

- There are four billionpeople in the world

that are not connected.

They need to be able tochoose whether to connect,

to be connected.

- [Chris] And they help theparalyzed get on their feet.

- It's very innovative, it's perfect.

It's so stable, and when Iwalked down the aisle with it,

it was a dream come true.

- [Chris] OurCrowd showcasedall these technologies.

John Medved is the CEO and founder.

- OurCrowd is the world'slargest investment platform

for investors to invest in startups online

and in person at eventslike this OurCrowd summit.

- At the summit,investors meet innovators.

OurCrowd democratizes capital

by giving smaller investors an opportunity

to invest in cutting edge innovations

just like the large-venture capitalists.

After six years, OurCrowd is celebrating

$1 billion raised for 170 companies.

But the bottom line is changing the world.

They call it the double bottom line:

making money and doing good.

- What's most exciting about today's event

is that we're focused on impact.

On how startups cantackle global challenges,

and how can startupsreally bring to humanity

a huge impact for the better?

- [Chris] Medved explainsit as an expression of

(speaks in a foreign language),

the Jewish concept of healing the world.

Betty Wu Adams believesChristians can play a role.

- God is our first entrepreneur.

He created this world out ofnothing for the first six days.

I believe there's a callingfor us, as Christians,

to partner with OurCrowdas we invest in companies

that's gonna transformand change the world.

- [Chris] Medved sees the summit

through the lens of the Bible.

- It's a little bit Biblical today,

because the nations are flocking to Israel

to see what we can do to helptackle global challenges,

and how they can bring back

those lessons to their own countries.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

OurCrowd Global Summit, Jerusalem.

- Some exciting newinventions, thank you Chris.

Well, President Trump visits Alabama today

after last week's deadly tornado.

The president will see the region

where the powerful storm torethrough the rural countryside

leaving 23 people dead.

Now, many of the survivorsare digging through

what's left of their homes and belongings.

Operation Blessing is on the ground

helping residents like Barbara Rowen.

She wasn't home when the storm hit,

and believes her life was spared.

Operation Blessing prayed with her,

and helped her sort throughand clean up the debris.

Gordon, some importantand heartening work there.

- We just landed on, justmoved in to help those people.

If you want to be a part of it,

all you have to do is give

to Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.

You can call us, 1-800-700-7000.

You can also write us

at CBN Center, Virginia Beach, VA 23463.

Just put in the memo line of the check

the Operation BlessingDisaster Relief Fund.

We also have a place on

where you can designate your gift.

If you want to helppeople, do it right now.

Call us now, 1-800-700-7000.


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