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Get Ready for Jesus Global Youth Day

Youth evangelist Ron Luce shares how you can help reach the next generation for Jesus around the world. Read Transcript

(upbeat electronic music)- Ron Luce

has reached millions of teenagers

with the message of Christ.

But that's getting harder to do

with the decline of Biblicalvalues in our culture.

In order to combat this problem,

Ron is bringing together youth leaders

from across the world

for Jesus Global Youth Dayin Manila, Philippines.

It will be the world'slargest global summit

with youth leaders coming together

to share what's workingin reaching young people

and how they can passthose strategies down

to the next generation.

- Well Ron is here,

and let's talk aboutyour next big project.

You're havin' a global day.

- Jesus Global Youth Day.

The Catholics haveactually been doin' this

for three decades.- Oh really?

- Pope John Paul started it.

And I talked to several

guys that were his leftand right when he started.

And they said, "Nobodyin the Catholic church

"wanted to do it."

The cardinals, nobody wanted to do it.

But he said, "We're gonna do it.

"We're gonna do it."

And the youth came.

And now, 30 years later,all the cardinals love it.

The archbishops come.

They go, "Oh we get just as much

"encouragement as the young people do,

"seein' them come together."

They just had one in Panama.

So Bishop Ef Tendero, who you know,

who's from the Philippines

who's a leader now at theWorld Evangelical Alliance,

probably five or sevenyears ago, we were talking

about young people of the world.

He goes, "Well the Catholicshave been doin' it.

"Why don't the Protestantsdo an event like this?

"Ron we need to do it.

"And you need to lead this."

And I'm thinkin', well I'm busy.

- So you got your assignment. (chuckles)

- Well yeah and so, but the seed

that kinda continued to build

and began to build relationshipsall around the world.

It's the coming together of church leaders

to focus on the next generation.

Of course, we're inviting them to come

with their youth groups.

And I think the thing that's.

What we're trying to dothat's really different.

Leaders are frustrated,all around the world.

Almost every place yougo, Christianity is.

It's shrinking.

We're called the grain of the church.

There's a lot of old people,very few young people,

both in America and around the world.

- [Gordon] How about in the Philippines?

- In the Philippines,

there are some movementsof young disciples

which are great.

But the whole evangelicalchurch isn't full of youth.

But it's a young nation though.

And so--- South Korea's

the poster child for this.- The latest--

- They lost a generation.- 33 percent

down to 1.7 percent forthe young generation.

In one generation, they lost it.

- And here was a nationdedicated to church,

dedicated to prayer--- Right.

- dedicated to seekingGod, dedicated to missions.

And they lost their youth.

- So as I've traveled andmet with leaders from like

100 different nations,there's this overall

sorta like what do we do?

They know that they'reall on their phones.

They get the culture fromthe West and all of that.

What do we do?

And as we talk about the vision

for Jesus Global Youth Day

and that it's not just us coming together.

That would be great ifthat was all it was.

But we're also bringing together

about a dozen different best practices,

churches and leaders, the pastors that are

reaching and discipling atlike exponential levels.

For example, a church of 40,000

where 60 percent are under 25,

things like that.

They're reaching and discipling

and to share their bestpractices with leaders

all around the world.

And so it's not like wehave to reinvent the wheel

or split the atom.

Has it ever been done?

No people know how to do this.

And not just having a big hype event

but having tools to reach and disciple

that you can take backto your own culture.

What applies?

How do you adapt it to your culture,

to your DNA of your ministryand that kinda thing?

And so people get either comein person with their group

or they can host a watchparty in their church.

We've got about 83,000 churchessigned up to do that now.

Or on the final day, theycan fill their church

with youth and be a part ofa kinda global connecting

for the very first time

and see a bunch of people come to Christ,

right there in their owncity or their village.

- How are you solvingthe time differences?

- Well it won't be live live on that.

It'll be seven o'clockyour local time zone

in your part of the world.

And so it'll be translated,

many different languages around the world.

And sometimes, someplaces it'll be online.

Some places, it'll be broadcast.

So be lots of different ways to get it,

depending on where you live.

- Okay how do people get involved?

They heard you.

They said, "Okay can I go?

"Can I set up my on watch party?"

How do you go?-

simple as that.

And you can click, you wanna go

or you wanna watch.

And we'll give you allthe information about

how you promote it inyour local community,

how do you bring a groupif you wanna bring a group

and how you can getinvolved in this first ever

10,000 voice virtual youth choir.

We've got a theme song.

We're just rollin' out a video for it.

You can submit a video

of your youth group singin' the song.

We're gonna aggregate all those voices.

And so we'd love to have you be a part of.

Let's come together asthe global Body of Christ

to focus on gettingthe baton of the Gospel

in the next generation's hands.

- After the conference,what are you gonna do

to get the strategy out?

'Cause I think that's thekey piece, going forward.

- It is.

Well I have a book coming out

that'll have a lot of the strategies.

But probably more importantly than that,

is we're inviting the pastors

that both come or that host awatch party in their country

to join a global coalition of pastors

who are serious aboutreaching and discipling.

So it becomes an ongoinglearning community.

Hey I tried this.

There's a blog about this,

a video about this.

And so we're not gonnaget it all in one meeting.

But we can start dippingour toe in the water.

And let's learn together.

So we're really looking atthe next decade, 2020 to 2030.

Could we get 100,000, a half a million?

Could we get a million churches

that are aggressively going after

the younger generation,

out of hope that we can do this?

We can learn from each other

and reaching and disciplingthe 13 and 14 year olds

that are the most likelyto receive Christ anyways.

- Most people don't know that.

They don't know the concept of,

it's called the 4-14 Window,

that by the age of 14, if you haven't

made a decision for Christ,

it's going to get harder and harder

every decade following that.

- And one of the thingsthat you also hear is,

"But there's no money in that.

"They can't tithe or give offerings."

But we found just the opposite of that

where some of these best practices,

where these churches are really focused

on reaching the younger generation.

They teach 'em to give and to tithe.

And they actually,

they get so blessed financially,

it defies logic.

And I could tell you the stories.

But it's really amazing.

So the common sort of logic,

well that doesn't pay for itself,

well it does in God's economy.

- Okay. (chuckles)- It does; it does.

And it also brings life to your church

and hope, I think.

And I'll tell ya--- Are you serious?

You really hear objections about

reaching youth, based on finances?

- Oh yeah because they don't tithe.

They don't have any money.

They don't have jobs andall that kinda thing.

- Wow.- Yeah so.

But--- Wow.

- But it's God's economy,

and He wants to reach the next generation.

- Yeah God's economy is all about

how many people go to Heaven.

- Right.- You take care of that;

God's gonna take care of you.

- Exactly.- And that's wow.

- So it's a big leap.

It's a paradigm shift really for adults

pastors to start focusingon the next generation

'cause they think, I'm not young.

I'm not cool.

But the guy who runs MTVis not young and cool.

But he's strategic, and so must we be.

- Yeah all you have todo is think about it.

Jesus Global Youth Daywill take place in Manila,

August 8th through the 10th.

And for more informationhow you can take part

or how you can submit a musicvideo of your youth group,

all you have to do is go to

And you can hear more fromRon on our Facebook page.

Just go

(upbeat electronic music)


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