Though Keith grew up in a loving home, he ended up as part of a feared biker gang. After finding Christ, now he rides for a new reason.
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- [Narrator] Harley's,drugs, girls, and violence,
life in one of Virginia'smost feared biker gangs.
- If you weren't a Renegade,you weren't nothin'.
I was like untouchable.
I was above everybody and everything.
- [Narrator] Keith Tank Watsonwas a high school sophomore
when he got his first tasteof being in a biker gang.
- They didn't care.
And they would party and have a good time,
and they stayed out, theyhad girls hangin' around 'em.
I just felt like they had a freedom.
They just didn't care,and I said, "I like that."
- [Narrator] But for Tankit was more than that.
Like them, he saw himself as an outcast,
someone who needed a place to belong.
- Because of the kidsdidn't really accept me,
I was always a fat, ugly kid,
and that's the way I perceived myself.
They used to like to call me Lumpy.
So those aren't really wordsof acceptance, you know?
You try to play it off, but it hurt.
- [Narrator] Tank was raised in the church
and even asked Jesus tocome into his life at 15,
but wanting friendship, hefell in with the party crowd.
Then he met the Renegades
and a place to belong.
- You needed a helpin' hand,
you pick up a phone, they were there.
And that's what it was about.
It was a brotherhood.
- [Narrator] By the time Tank was 21,
he was working as a bouncerand selling and using drugs.
It was then he became anofficial member of the Renegades.
Now his intimidatingsize was an advantage.
- When it was battletime, it was battle time.
I mean, we ran thisarea, this was our area,
and we didn't want other clubs comin' in
and stuff like that.
- [Narrator] Tank wouldspend the coming years
climbing the ranks of the Renegades
where guns, violence, and drug dealing
earned him four years behind bars.
But that changed nothing.
In fact, his drug use escalated to meth,
which fueled his egoand violent outbursts.
- Never got sober, I stayed high.
I'd go out sometimesjust to look for a fight,
almost beggin' people tohit me just so we can,
I could take my frustration out.
I felt like I had self respect, because,
I mean my self esteem was big.
- [Narrator] EventuallyTank married and had a son.
But when they divorced after four years,
Tank finally began to see how far his life
had veered off course.
- I wasn't seein' my son likeI wanted to 'cause my ex,
he's livin' with her dad.
I was really tired of it.
I was tryin' to get away from the drugs
and so I started doin' more cocaine,
thinkin' I could get away from the meth.
I was not happy with myself at all,
just 'cause everything I lovedwas goin' down the tubes.
- [Narrator] Then, in1999, Tank, along with 30
of his Renegade brothers,
was indited on meth distributionand weapons charges.
- Like everything was just, I mean,
I didn't have anything left.
- [Narrator] Tank wasin jail awaiting trial
when a prison chaplainbrought him a Bible.
With nothing to lose, he started reading.
- And I reached rock bottom.
I'm done, I didn't know what else to do.
And I'm sayin', "God, I know you're real,
"and I know I've been such a idiot."
So I sat there and said, "You know, Lord,
"you never turned your back on me."
I said, "I know you're right here for me."
I said, "I'm yours, I'm done."
And that's all I had todo was turn, trust in Him.
And that's what I did.
And if it was the restof my life in prison,
I said, "Okay, God,use me here," you know?
"And I surrender all to you."
- [Narrator] Tank pledguilty to the charges,
and facing life in prison,
threw himself on the mercy of the court.
- I said, "I'm sure youhear it all the time,
"but the Lord's changed my life."
I said, "This ain't a Jesusthing to get outta jail
"or anything, but He'sjust totally changed me,
"and I've learned my lesson."
- [Narrator] The judge reducedthe sentence to 16 years,
time Tank used to study theBible and draw close to God.
His anger, hurt, and ego slipped away
as he saw himself andothers through God's eyes.
- He just made me bubble.
I mean, I knew I was accepted,I knew I was loved by Him.
I started lookin' froma Christian perspective.
I started seein' people as lost.
Well, I'd sit there andtalk to them about the Lord,
and I just continue tellin'people 'bout Christ.
- [Narrator] Tank walkedout of prison in 2012
with a renewed mind and spirit.
He quickly found a good church
where he met his wife, Caroline.
- I am totally blessed.
I've got a super wife that loves me,
encourages me, prays for me.
God's just so good.
- [Narrator] Now, thisformer Renegade has found
a new brother and sisterhood,the F.A.I.T.H. Riders.
A group of Christian bikerswho tell the outcasts
of this world about a loving God.
- I mean, when you get it, you get it.
And now I know I have it.
And I just I can't turn back.
I mean, God's just awesome.