- Well welcome to the 700 Club.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
is fighting for his political life.
Israel's attorney generalis planning to indict
him on charges of bribery,and breach of trust.
And today, Netanyahu is fighting back.
- The charges coming as Netanyahu faces
a tough election in April.
As CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell
reports, the Prime Ministersays his political enemies
are trying to drive him from office.
- [Chris] Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu
went on national TV to defend himself.
- The left is doing this because they know
they can't beat us at the ballot box.
They simply can't beatus at the ballot box.
For three years, theyhave been carrying out
in political pursuit against us.
An unprecedented huntingexpedition with one goal,
to topple the right winggovernment led by me.
And to bring to power theleftist party of Lapid
and Gantz.
- [Chris] Netanyahu saidthe left put enormous
pressure on Israel'sattorney general to influence
the elections.
And felt confident he'd be vindicated.
- I tell you, the citizensof Israel this house of cards
will collapse.
I'm absolutely certain of that.
I am certain of it 4000%.
I plan on serving you andthe state as Prime Minister
for many years.
- [Chris] Netanyahu's mainchallenger retired General
Benny Gantz said Netanyahu had to go.
- People of Israel,tonight via the publication
of the recommendationof the attorney general,
and in these circumstancesthis has happened,
sitting with Benjamin Netanyahuin the same government
is off the table.
I call on you, BenjaminNetanyahu from here tonight
to come to your senses,show responsibility,
and resign from your post.
- [Chris] Israel's attorneyGeneral Ivy Hai Mandelbid
announced he would indictNetanyahu in three ongoing
In the most serious case,Netanyahu is suspected
of firing Israel'scommunications ministry director
in exchange for favorablecoverage in one of Israel's
top news sites.
- We are entering unchartedwaters, an incumbent prime
minister was never indictedin Israel's history
as he was still serving as prime minister.
From a legal perspective,nothing will change
in the immediate termbefore the decision on
the indictment is final.
Once the decision is final,there's legal ambiguity
on whether the prime ministercan remain in office or not.
- The indictments alsothreaten Netanyahu's
political future, thecurrent polls are so lcose
that even if Netanyahu'sLacood party lost a few
seats, it could turn the tideof the upcomign elections.
The elections will be held on April 9th.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- We all await theresults of the election,
but this is definitely a bombshell.
Underlying it, here arethe two major charges,
one is that there weretwo or three favorable
articles put out by a newsorganization in return
for Netanyahu sacking thecommunications minister.
That's supposedly themost serious and Netanyahu
said in the avalanche of all the negative
press by the sameorganization, you're going to
accuse me of somehow buying two to three
favorable articles.
That's one of the charges,the other is influencing
for a friend who happened tobe a political contributor
and pointing out, havingthe finance minister
point out that there's atax advantage transaction
that he could do that waslegal under Israeli law.
Those are the two majorcharges, and so we'll
see how the Israelielector responds to it.
But this has been atactic to try to take out
elected officials through litigation.
It happened in the US withTom Delay, he actually
was convicted, theconviction was overturned by
a Circuit court, but bythen it was too late.
Delay was out of office and out of power.
So we'll see what happens here,
the election is just around the corner.
And we'll see how theIsraeli people respond.
Well President Trump sayswalking out on Kim Jong Un
was a necessary step in a long journey
towards a lasting peace.
And while critics may callthe Hanoi summit a failure,
Trump says his negotiations will continue
and that his relationshipwith the North Korean
dictator remains strong.
Gary Lane has more.
- Despite the abruptend to the Hanoi summit.
President Trump is optimisitcabout eventually reaching
a deal with North Korea.
Thursday night he toldFox's Sean Hannedy that
relations with Kim JongUn remain friendly.
- We get along reallywell, he's a different kind
of a guy, and I just saidlook this isn't gonna
be working.
So I have a feelingsomething down the line
will happen, and it'llhappen, it'll be good.
- [Gary] CBN AsiaCorrespondent Lucile Taluson
was in Hanoi for the summit.
On CBN's Global Laneprogram she reported that
lower level negotiations withNorth Korea will continue.
- Our relationship betweenNorth Korea and the
United States is buildingup, it's developing.
And as secretary Pompeo also said,
they know each other better.
The teams from both parts North Korea
and the United States, theyknow their limitations.
They understand oneanother, and they hopefully
they will work together.
- [Gary] Foundation forDefense Democracies Vice
President Johnthan Schanzersays building a lasting
relationship with North Koreais a matter of devleoping
trust, and verification.
- If you loko at thehistory of our dealings with
North Korea, it's likeold peanuts cartoon.
It's Lucy and thefootball, where she holds
the football, Charlie Browncomes up to kick the field
goal and falls right on his back.
- [Gary] A history of NorthKorea deceiving the west,
agreement is reached to halttesting, western sanctions
are lifted, eventuallyNorth Korea resumes nuclear
development and missile launches.
In Hanoi, Kim wanted sanctionslifted without destroying
all his missiles and nucleardevelopment facilities.
Like Ronald Reagan whowalked out of the Rake Evic
summit with Soviet leaderMacycle Korbicha in 1986.
Trump said no.
- Whether it's Reagan,whether it's anybody,
I mean, you have to be prepared to walk.
And this just wouldn'tof been good for country.
- [Gary] Gary Lane CBN News.
- And certainly a developing story.
In my lifetime I'd neverthought we'd reestablish
relationships with Vietnam.
But we have, the stakesare really high here
if North Korea can leavetheir nuclear weapons aside,
it brings a whole lot ofstability to a very dangerous
part of the world.
So he's playing a very high stakes game.
Keep this in mind, noother sitting President
wanted to ever sit downwith them on the basis
that you could never trust the other side.
You could never get to a deal
and it would be badpolitically, so Trump's taking
it on and he's playinga very high stakes game.