- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thank you so much for joining us
with this first edition of CBN Newswatch
on Friday, March 1st, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, was President Trump's summit
with North Korean dictator KimJong-un a success or failure?
We're gonna take a look at that question.
And the issue of humanrights and the persecution
of Christians in North Korea.
Plus Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu now
in the fight of his politicallife as he faces an indictment
just about a month before elections.
Plus police in London arrestan elderly Nigerian man
and rip a Bible out of his hands.
His crime, preaching thegospel on the street.
And Tim Tebow runs the race.
I talk with the Christiansports star about his new movie
that debuted in the top10 at the box office.
All those stories and more are ahead
in this edition of CBN Newswatch.
We wanna begin, though, with the aftermath
of President Trump's summit.
His critics are calling it a failure.
But President Trump and members
of his administration say walking
out of the summit was a necessary step
in a lengthy process to reach an agreement
on denuclearization of theNorth Korean Peninsula.
Back in the United States,
President Trump remains optimistic
that negotiators willeventually reach a deal.
During an interview withSean Hannity Thursday night,
the president said relations
with Kim Jong-un remain friendly.
- Really well.
He's a different kind of a guy,
and I just said look, thisisn't gonna be working.
So I have a feeling somethingdown the line will happen,
and it'll happen, it'll be good.
- And Gary Lane isfollowing this story for us.
He joins us right now with more.
So the North Koreans aresaying that they did not demand
that all economic sanctions be lifted,
just as a partial lifting.
What is the White House saying to that?
- Well, basically whatthe North Koreans said
is look, we'll shut down theYongbyon nuclear facility,
that's their main facility,
and then maybe have apartial lifting of sanctions.
But Trump is saying no, thatisn't quite the way it was.
It's gotta be all or nothing, folks.
You wanted all sanctions lifted for that,
but you've gotta shut everything down.
So what good is it, Efrem, ifyou have Yongbyon shut down
but you have other developmentaround the country going on?
- Yeah, makes sense.
Now we know that you reportedon the Reagan Gorbachev summit
back in 1986; it was held in Iceland.
Remind us what happened there,
and explain why walking outin Hanoi reminds you of that.
- Well, that was in Reykjavík, Iceland,
and Ronald Reagan walkedout of that summit.
He cut it off because Mikhail Gorbachev
wanted an end to Star Wars.
He said look we'll dismantleall of our nuclear weapons.
You dismantle Star Wars.
You don't proceed with thatspace base initiative program,
defense program.
And Reagan looked over atGorbachev, and he said nyet.
And he said that's something the Russians
had never heard before, and he walked out.
And Gorbachev was visibly shaken by that.
- Back now to North Korea,are human rights on the table,
including persecution of Christians?
- President Trump was asked that,
and Kim Jong-un was asked that.
He did not answer at the summit.
The president saideverything's on the table,
but, Efrem, it really isn't on the table.
They may have mentioned it briefly,
but especially religious freedom.
Religious persecution ishorrible in North Korea.
There are probably atleast 30,000 Christians
in prison there, no one knows for sure,
out of a population of 300,000 Christians,
as many as 300,000.
And just for carrying aBible or being disclosed
that you're a Christian,you can be arrested
and almost certain deathand that harsh gulag system
there in North Korea.
Ask otto Warmbier.
- Yeah, yeah.- He's no longer living
because of it.- Absolutely.
Mm, so sad, thank you so much.
Tonight on CBN's Faith Nation,
Vice President Mike Pencespeak out at the CPAC,
the Conservative PoliticalAction Conference,
rallying conservativesagainst the Democrats
as they increasingly movefurther and further to the left.
And the president willspeak to the group tomorrow.
We're gonna talk about thatand more on Faith Nation.
That is tonight at six, and, of course,
you can find that on the CBN News Channel.
Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu fought back
after Israel's attorney generalannounced Thursday he plans
to indict Netanyahu on charges
of bribery and breach of trust.
The charges put Netanyahu,
the second longest-serving prime minister
in Israel's history, in a battlefor his political survival.
Chris Mitchell brings us thestory now from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu went
on national TV to defend himself.
- The left is doing thisbecause they know they
can't beat us at the ballot box.
They simply can't beatus at the ballot box.
For three years, they have been carrying
out a political pursuit against us,
an unprecedented huntingexpedition with one goal:
to topple the right-winggovernment led by me
and to bring to power theleftist party of Lapid and Gantz.
- [Chris] Netanyahu said theleft put enormous pressure
on Israel's attorney generalto influence the elections
and felt confident he'd be vindicated.
- I tell you, the citizens of Israel,
this house of cards will collapse.
I am absolutely certain of that.
I am certain of it 4,000%.
I plan on serving you and the state
as prime minister for many years.
- [Chris] Netanyahu's main challenger,
retired general Benny Gantz,said Netanyahu had to go.
- People of Israel,tonight for the publication
of the recommendationof the attorney general
and in the circumstancesthis has happened,
sitting with Benjamin Netanyahu
in the same government is off the table.
I call on you, Benjamin Netanyahu,
from here tonight, to come to your senses,
show responsibility, andresign from your post.
- [Chris] Israel's attorneygeneral, Avichai Mandelblit,
announced he would indict Netanyahu
in three ongoing investigations.
In the most serious case,Netanyahu is suspected
of firing Israel'sCommunications Ministry Director
in exchange for favorable coverage
in one of Israel's top news sites.
- We are entering uncharted waters.
An incumbent primeminister was never indicted
in Israel's history ashe was still serving
as prime minister.
From a legal perspective,nothing will change
in the immediate term before the decision
on the indictment is final.
Once the decision is final,there's legal ambiguity
on whether the prime ministercan remain in office or not.
- And Chris Mitchell joinsus now from Jerusalem.
So Chris, can you walk us through
what these indictments mean for Netanyahu
both legally and politically?
- Okay, yeah.
First, legally, it looks like, right now,
Netanyahu will have timeto refute these charges.
That could take six months to a year,
so that's what's happening literally.
Technically, the attorneygeneral didn't indict him.
He just said I will intend to indict
as long after Netanyahupresents his defense.
Politically, it's a whole different story,
and, Efrem, it has a lotto do with the numbers.
Before the announcement,the numbers of this Blue
and White party were gonna be more
than Netanyahu's Likudparty, was 36 to 29.
The polls said if Netanyahu isindicted, what happens then?
It goes up to 44 to 25.
So the Blue and White Party, Benny Gantz,
who just are in that package,right now looks like he
could actually form a government.
If Netanyahu Likud partydoesn't get enough votes
to go over the 60- or 61-seat threshold
to form a government, itcould be in the next election
that Netanyahu won't beable to form a government.
That would be really ahuge blow for Netanyahu
and for the right here in Israel.
- Chris, Jared Kushner's traveling
through the Middle East to get support
for the Trump administration's peace plan.
What do you think are the possibilities
of the so-called deal ofthe century bringing an end
to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
- I really don't think the chances
are very good right now, Efrem,
partly because the Palestinian authority,
Mahmoud Abbas, they seemdefinitely against this plan.
The bright silver lining in this plan
is that it seems to involve many
of the Sunni Arab nations likeSaudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan.
They seem to be on board.
However, it looks like thatit's not gonna pass muster.
The bright news is somethingwe reported on last year.
An economic forum between Palestinians
and Israeli businessmen face to face,
business to business, peopleto people relationships
that seem to be growing,and that's one thing,
a bright sign, in spite of thispeace plan that may not work
here in Israel and inthe Palestinian areas.
- Chris, Syria and Russia just demanded
the US completely pull out of Syria.
What does this mean for thepeople of northeast Syria?
And I understand there'salso an Esther Fast
by many Christiansaround the world going on
now for this region.
Can you tell us about that as well?
- Well, when PresidentTrump made that announcement
in December, there was apolitical, geopolitical,
tug of war over this region.
This is one more sign, Russiaand Syria saying you've
gotta get out.
I don't think the US will get out.
I think they're gonna keepat least 400 peacekeepers
in that region, but because of this,
a lot of people in that region
are deathly afraid there'll be a genocide.
Many of the Christiansare terrified about that.
That's the reason for the fast.
Many people are sayingwe're gonna be like Esther
who went before the Lord for three days
of fasting and prayerand saying deliver us
from the plans of Haemon at that time.
And there's a lot ofHaemons in that region
that would like to have a genocide
against the Christians andthe people in that region.
That's why this fast is going,
and many people are doingit around the world.
- So Chris, what's ahead forthis week's Jerusalem Dateline?
- We have a story aboutthat potential genocide
in northeast Syria; we haveScott Ross in Hebron talking
about the Tomb of the Patriarchs,
one of Judaism's holiest sites;
we talk about a family that fled ISIS
and was helped by Operation Blessing;
and we have more about the peace plan
and about the indictments
against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Should be an interesting show.
- Indeed, always gladto have you here, Chris.
Thank you so much for joining us.
And, of course, you can seeJerusalem Dateline tonight.
That's at 9:30, only onthe CBN News Channel.
Be sure to find that there.
You can also find severaltrending stories at cbnnews.com.
One man's story of dyingand going to heaven.
Find out what he heard Jesus say.
Look for the headline, "'ISaw These Swirling Lights':
"Double Lung TransplantPastor Says He Died,
"Went to Heaven, Heard Jesus."
Plus, from our Middle East Bureau,
more information on the"Netanyahu Being Indicted:
"Understanding the Accusations
"Against Israeli Prime Minister."
And what's behind the popularonline financial services
censorship of conservatives?
Find "PayPal Censoring Groups with Help
"From Leftist Anti-Christian SPLC."
All those stories and moreare ahead at cbnnews.com.
Coming up, what really happened
when London police arrestedan elderly Nigerian man
for preaching the gospel on the street.
We've got an exclusiveeyewitness interview,
and we talk with hislegal advisor as well.
Stay with us.
(riveting, dramatic music)
- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- We're going to talk about some
of the incredible promisesGod has made to His children.
- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,
you'll discover The I Wills of God,
I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,
be with him in trouble, deliver him,
honor him, satisfy him with long life,
show him my salvation,and see amazing stories
of God's promises in action.
- What I felt was loved and treasured.
- God spared my life twice in three days.
- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.
- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.
- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear
but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.
- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
The I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.,
and out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- Britain was once home ofworld missions, but today,
increasingly, it's becominghostile to the gospel.
Now London police are under fire
for arresting an elderly Nigerian man
for preaching on the streets of London.
Our Dale Hurd has this story.
- I can be arrested if you want.
- [Dale] His name is Preacher Olu.
He's a London street preacherwho was arrested last Saturday
for breach of the peace and Islamaphobia.
Phone video of his arrestwas spread worldwide
on social media.
The woman who shot thevideo, Ambrosine Shitrit,
spoke to CBN News inthis exclusive interview.
- A man with a hoodiewas trying to humiliate,
to be aggressive towards thisChristian street preacher.
I could see that he was a Muslim man
because he was talking aboutno, Allah is the right way.
- [Dale] But London policedidn't arrest the Muslim man
threatening a Christian preacher.
They arrested Preacher Olu.
- Britain is officiallya Christian nation,
but if someone is street preaching
and another person complains about it,
British police are quick to move in.
- You're preaching.
I'm gonna require you to go away.
- You can never.
- Okay, then I will arrest you
for breach of peace, plain and simple.
- What breach of peace?
- It's what you're doing at the moment.
You're causing problems, you'redisturbing people's days,
and you're breaching their peace.
- [Dale] But Shitrit says theonly person being disturbed
by Preacher Olu was the Muslim man.
- Nobody was offended bythe preaching, nobody.
- [Dale] Andrea Williams ofthe Christian Legal Centre
is advising PreacherOlu of his legal rights.
- This was completely anoverreach of their authority.
There was no basis uponwhich to arrest Pastor Olu.
- [Dale] One of the officerseven ripped the Bible
from Preacher Olu's hands.
- [Olu] Don't take my Bible away.
- [Dale] Preacher Oluwas reportedly driven
out of the area and, inthe words of the police,
dearrested and dumped in anarea without money to get home.
Williams said she's notsure if Preacher Olu
will bring charges against the police.
She says she sees cases like this
against Christian preacherson almost a weekly basis.
Dale Hurd, CBN News, London.
(riveting, dramatic music)
- [Efrem] Still ahead, myconversation with Tim Tebow
about the new movie he produced
with his brother called Run the Race.
Stay with us.
(riveting, dramatic music)
- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- We are going to talk about some
of the incredible promisesGod has made to His children.
- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,
you'll discover the I Wills of God,
I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,
be with him in trouble, deliver him,
honor him, satisfy him with long life,
show him my salvation,and see amazing stories
of God's promises in action.
- What I felt was loved and treasured.
- God spared my life twice in three days.
- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.
- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.
- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear
but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.
- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
The I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever,
and out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- Tim Tebow's new movie, Run the Race,
hit theaters last weekend,
debuting in the top 10 at the box office.
I caught up with the former NFL star
and best-selling authorahead of the film's release.
(deep, dramatic drum beat)
Dave and Zach Truett are two brothers
with one unbreakable bond
in the face of unbearable tragedies.
("Brother" by NEEDTOBREATHEfeaturing Gavin DeGraw playing)
- You on somebody's radar, son.
- It's not a big deal,it's just a letter saying
that there's interest in me--
- [Dave] Shut up. (laughs)
- Yeah, it's a big deal, dude.
I'm gonna get that scholarship,I'm gonna get us outta here.
I don't wanna end up like Dad.
- Hey, you guys mind if I join you?
- Yeah, I lost my appetite.
- We're family.
- We are family.
You're a drunk who leftus after our mom died.
- [Efrem] It's a story of finding hope
and strength playing out in Run the Race.
(boys cheering)
(Tim laughs)
The first film projectfor executive producers
and brothers Robby and Tim Tebow.
- I think it has to do with the story.
My goal was honestly never to get
into the movie industry,and it's still not, really.
- Really, wow.- It's more about being able
to tell the story.
When we read the script, itimpacted me, and I was crying.
And I showed it to myfamily, and they were crying.
("Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury playing)
- Track season's around the corner.
They give scholarships for track.
- I can do this.
I've got nothing to loseand a scholarship to gain,
and you're gonna comewith me wherever I go.
♪ There's no shadow you won't light up ♪
- Well, we see theTruett brothers in this,
and I know that you'reworking with your brother
- Yes.- to get this film
out to the masses.
How would you compare the Truett brothers
to the Tebow brothers?
- I think there's a lot of similarities
to a certain extentbecause we were very close.
We would push each other, wewould compete all the time.
Robby helped make me betterin sports and in life.
Just having each other'sback and that relationship,
and I think it's probably myfavorite part about this movie.
It's about relationshipsbecause I believe life
is about relationships.
(Demi-Leigh laughs)
- [Efrem] And speaking of relationships,
the newly engaged Tebowwalked the red carpet
at the film's premierewith his new fiance,
Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters.
What do you think yourfiance's first feature film?
- I couldn't be moreproud, but, most of all,
I am so proud of thereason and the meaning
behind this film and hoping that it's
to bring people closer to ourLord and Savior Jesus Christ
and for people to find hope in it.
- I'm Zach, I'm therunning back at Bessemer.
- I don't date football players.
- Tanner Stine plays Zach Truett,
- Cover for me.- It's getting old.
- and Evan Hofer playshis younger brother, Dave.
What do you two think ofthese brothers' relationship
in this story?
I was really in love withthe bond that they share.
- I think it's the constantthroughout the film.
It's a film about faith andall these different things,
but it's mainly about the faith
that the brothers have in each other.
- I always wanted an older brother,
and so this movie really, Run the Race,
really gave me theopportunity to have that.
We became best buddieswhile we were there.
We really became brothersthrough the process and...
- Made it that much easier on set.
- Seriously.
- For both of you, how areyou most like your characters?
- That's a good question.(Efrem laughs)
- That is a good question.
I can answer it for you.
- And I can answer it for yours.
- You wanna answer?- Yeah, you go first,
you go first.
- So Dave is like the epitomeof just goodness and kindness,
and I feel like that's who Evan is,
deep down.(men laugh)
I don't mean to embarrass you,
but it's true and you know it.
- Well, for the comparisonfor Zach and Tanner,
I think that they're both just...
I would say my favorite thing about Tanner
is that he is always 100% himself,
and you're never gonna get anywatered-down version of that.
You're always gonna get Tanner.
And I think that's the same with Zach
is he's very, him, hedoesn't matter who he's with,
where he is, he's him andpeople love him for it.
- I don't need your help with my kids.
- Your boys don't need acoach, they need a dad.
- [Efrem] Kristoffer Polaha
plays the boys' struggling father.
- I know life can be confusing.
It's full of ups and downs.
God does love you.
- And Frances Fisher isa much-needed godmother.
For both of you, whatattracted you to the project?
What was it about this story?
- For me, it was ChrisDowling, the director.
I'd just worked on a moviecalled Where Hope Grows with him,
and, of course, the Tebows being involved.
We have a dog at home named Tebow.
- Oh, really? (laughs)- It was so meant to be.
This is before, and his sonis crazy about Tim Tebow,
and he has posters all over his room.
This before you got the job,
so it was so much the handof God that it was in.
You better be there.(everyone laughs)
- Your character a bitof a hero for these boys.
What did you think of her?
- I love this character,and I love playing her
because she's a goodperson, good-hearted person.
(stadium crowd cheering)
- What's up, man?
- [Efrem] And this story has been
on the Tebows' heartsfor the last seven years.
- The goal for me has always been to try
to bring faith, hope, andlove to encourage people.
And the world's not always easy.
Society's not always easiest on us,
and so if we can encourage young people
in their journey on their race,then it would be worth it.
(moving music)
- [Efrem] Coming up, afamily-friendly review
of the sports comedyFighting With My Family.
It's in theaters rightnow, based on a true story
with Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
Stay with us.
(riveting music)
- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- We're going to talk about some
of the incredible promisesGod has made to His children.
- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,
you'll discover The I Wills of God,
I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,
be with him in trouble, deliver him,
honor him, satisfy him with long life,
show him my salvation,and see amazing stories
of God's promises in action.
- What I felt was loved and treasured.
- God spared my life twice in three days.
- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.
- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.
- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear
but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.
- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
The I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever,
and out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated, andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- The latest movie fromDwayne The Rock Johnson
is a sports comedy basedon a true story dealing
with professional wrestling.
Here's a family-friendly lookfrom Focus on the Family.
(energetic electronic music)
- Oh wait, I know you.
You're from that weird family, aren't you?
- We're not weird.
- We don't like wrestling.
- How do you know if you've never been?
- The movie Fighting With My Family
is the story of a young girl raised
by two tattooed parents whoare both amateur wrestlers.
In their home, you didn't just squabble
with an older sibling, you had to learn
and fight with all the rightin-ring pummeling techniques.
- You really wanna choke her out?
Got locked fingers?- Yeah.
- Now pull it tight.
(boy and girl grunt)
Oh yeah, now she's in trouble.
- So young Saraya knew pretty early on
that her life was goingto be a little different
than most of the other kids'.
By the age of 18, Sarayais almost as passionate
about the throws, leaps, punches,and high-flying body slams
of wrestling as her parents are.
But then, when she gets a shot
at maybe climbing upthat ladder to the pros,
Saraya realizes that things aren't always
as easy as they look in the ring.
- You're not just doing this for you.
You're doing it for the family.
- Being pounded to the mat is one thing,
but dealing with model-like amateurs
and harsh heckling crowdscan leave an emotional mark.
This is a by-the-numbers underdog story.
There are solid family messages mixed in
with the film's bulging muscles,
garish tattoos, andartery-bulging bellows.
But the less admirablestuff includes a long litany
of fast and furious profanitiesand British crudities.
Add in ample amounts ofbikini girl fleshiness,
and you've got enoughthumping content here
to make some viewers stagger.
So I'll give Fighting With My Family a two
out of five for family friendliness.
For an in-depth review on this film
or anything else at your local box office,
visit us at pluggedin.com.
Plugging you into themovies, I'm Cheryl Wilhelmi
with Focus on the Family'sPlugged In movie review.
- Time now for your Friday Faithful.
I leave you with this messageas we wrap the work week.
"God is good all the time,and all the time God is good."
It is a simple truthwith a sweeping blessing,
and I pray it's a wonderful reminder
as you begin the weekend.
And just another quick reminder for you,
our CBN Daily Rundownpodcast with Caitlin Burke.
You can hear more fromCBN's Chris Mitchell
on the indictments ofIsraeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu andwhat they could mean
for his future in politics.
You can find it atcbnnews.com on the Show tab.
Simply click the title tolisten and to subscribe.
That will do it for this firstedition of CBN Newswatch.
Remember that you can always find more
on the issues you caremost about at cbnnews.com.
And you can watch CBNnews programs anytime
on the CBN News Channel.
Plus we would love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can do that byemailing newswatch@cbn.com.
And, of course, you canalways reach out and touch us
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Hope you'll join us here again next time.
Make it a fabulous Friday, everybody,
and a wonderful weekend.
We'll see you right back here come Monday.
Goodbye everybody, God bless,
and thank you so much for your company.
(riveting, dramatic music)