- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- Hello everyone.
Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch.
I'm George Thomas.
President Trump and NorthKorean leader Kim Jong-un
kicked off their second summittoday in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The two leaders shook hands, laughed
and engaged in some smalltalk before a social dinner.
Trump telling reporters that it's an honor
to meet with Kim again.
Kim also saying the twohave already engaged
in quote, "very interesting dialogue."
Trump also stressed NorthKorea's economic potential
as he prepares to encourage Kim to give up
his country's nuclear weapons.
- And as I've said many times,and I say it to the press,
I say it to anybody that wants to listen
I think that your country hastremendous economic potential,
unbelievable, unlimited, andI think that you will have
a tremendous future with yourcountry and a great leader.
And I look forward to watching it happen
and helping it to happen.
And we will help it to happen.
- The two leaders will sit down
for a formal meeting tomorrow.
Joining me from Hanoi,Vietnam is Olivia Enos
with the Heritage Foundation.
Olivia, thanks for coming on the show.
President Trump haddinner with Kim Jong-un
and two other high rankingmembers of the regime.
You see the video there.
One of those sitting around the table
was Kim Yong-chol, NorthKorea's former spy chief.
Chol is on the US SpeciallyDesignated Nationals
and Blocked Persons list.
Olivia, why is he on this list?
- It's interesting, almost every guest
that was from North Koreaat tonight's dinner meeting
is on the SpeciallyDesignated Nationals List
and they're on the SDN List, not only for
violating UN sanctions or US sanctions
related to the nuclearissue but also because
of the role that they play in violating
and undermining the human rightsof the North Korean people.
I think this is somethingthat's really critical.
It's interesting that everytime we come to the table
for these various summitswhether it was in Singapore
or now here in Hanoi, it seems as though
US policy only has one focus,denuclearizing North Korea.
But the reality is is thatUS law is much more complex
than that and it includesmany provisions that highlight
North Korea not only makingimprovements on denuclearization
but also making improvementson human rights.
- Let's talk to that very point, Olivia.
Conspicuously absent fromthe summit, as you mentioned,
at these discussions, is North Korea's
massive human rights abuses.
Why is President Trump notmaking this a vital part
of any deal with the regime?
- I think unfortunately,President Trump doesn't see
the linkage between advancing human rights
and achieving US nationalsecurity objectives.
But the reality is isthat apart from the threat
of having three generationsof an entire family
in North Korea sent topolitical prison camp,
you wouldn't have an acquiescentpopulation in North Korea.
And if you had a moreoutspoken and vocal population
in North Korea they might actually voice
some opposition to themissile and nuclear programs.
And beyond this, the politicalprison camps themselves
which house between 80,000and 120,000 individuals today,
that's a conservative estimate,
they're free labor for the regime.
And there have been reportsthat indicate that individuals
inside those prison camps have chemical
and biological weapons tested on them
or play a role in the actual development
of North Korea's weapons programs.
- [George] Olivia.
- Raising these humans rightissues has the potential
to actually help the US advanceits own security priorities.
- Open Doors, you'revery familiar with them,
they say that NorthKorea is the worst place
in the world for Christians.
Quickly describe the challenges
that Christians there facetrying to maintain their faith
amid persistent crackdowns.
- Yeah, Christians formere possession of a Bible
can have three generations of their family
sent to a political prison camp.
And there have been horrific reports
of Christians being brutallymurdered in broad daylight
simply for practicing their faith.
Persecution is high.
This is an issue that should be raised
particularly since thiswill play very well
with President Trump's base.
So I think hopefully this will be an issue
that gets raised.
It was the only issue thatSecretary Pompeo indicated
was raised at the Singapore Summit.
So maybe there's hope thatit'll be raised here in Hanoi.
- The stakes for thissecond summit are high.
What would a win looklike for the United States
and North Korea?
- Well, it's time for the US to return
to the legally required definition
of pressing North Korea
for complete verifiable,irreversible dismantlement
of its nuclear program.
And I think that putting in place steps
where we can verify IAEA inspections
or requiring North Korean toissue a full data declaration
would be really positive steps.
But I think that we can'treally call the summit
a success if we don't alsosee human rights issues
being raised and perhapsincremental asks, for example,
that there be access grantedfor humanitarian actors
to provide aid to theneediest in North Korea,
that prison camp population that receives
so little attention and needs
and deserves much, much more
foreign policy attention and assistance.
- Okay, terrific.
We have to leave it there unfortunately.
Olivia, thank you so much for joining us.
Olivia Enos with the Heritage Foundation.
On to other news, PresidentTrump's former attorney,
Michael Cohen appearedbefore Congress today
to accuse his formerboss of criminal conduct
while in office.
Cohen pleaded guilty lastyear to lying to Congress
about the timing of abusiness proposal with Russia
and to campaign financeviolations surrounding
Trump's alleged affair withporn star, Stormy Daniels.
Cohen said Trump didn't directlytell him to lie to Congress
but did so quote, "in his own way."
Cohen told the panelthat Trump made it clear
that he wanted him to lie
and says he is nowashamed for his actions.
- I am ashamed of my weaknessand my misplaced loyalty,
of the things I did forMr. Trump in an effort
to protect and promote him.
I am ashamed that I choseto take part in concealing
Mr. Trump's illicit actsrather than listening
to my own conscience.
I am ashamed, because Iknow what Mr. Trump is.
He is a racist.
He is a con man.
And he is a cheat.
- We'll have more on Cohen's hearing
and the latest from Washington tonight
on CBN's Faith Nation, righthere on the CBN News Channel.
The House is set to passa new gun control bill,
the first of its kind,by the way, in decades.
Democratic leaders say they have the votes
to pass two measure that wouldrequire background checks
on all commercial gun sales.
Gun control advocates praise the measure
as a step towardpreventing mass shootings.
Republican critics contend the legislation
would not be effective becausein several mass shootings
gunmen passed a federal background check.
They say the law wouldeventually lead to measures
that could threaten therights of legal gun owners.
The United Methodist Church has voted
for a traditional view of marriage.
It will not be ordaininggay clergy either.
At the church's conferencewhich ended Tuesday
delegates voted for a measuresupported by conservatives
called the Traditional Plan.
About 43% of the delegateswere from foreign countries,
mostly Africa, and they overwhelmingly
supported traditional views.
One minister from Liberiacalled the Traditional Plan
quote, "the biblical plan."
But many liberal churchesin the US may leave
the denomination because of the decision.
The United Methodist Churchis the second largest
protestant denomination here in the US.
It has nearly 7,000,000 members.
A coalition of ministriesare working together
to bring a prayer movement to nearly
5,000 college campuses Thursday.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowshipis heading up the effort
called Collegiate Day of Prayer.
The organization says the day is set aside
to ask God to pour outhis spirit on colleges
and seminaries across the country.
Collegiate Day of Prayerhas been happening
on college campuses since 1823.
Coming up, PayPal admits it's partnering
with a leftist group toblacklist conservatives.
Hear why when we return.
(tense music)
- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,
your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.
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The I Wills of God, your path
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- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know that there aremore than 148 million orphans
in the world today, 148 million?
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain
of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew a ministry
from my heart called Orphan's Promise.
Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.
They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family
to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- And welcome back tothe CBN News Channel.
The CEO of PayPal says they partner
with the Southern Poverty Law Center
to decide who should beblacklisted from their company.
The SPLC has taken an anti-Christianslant in recent years.
The organization has silencedconservative Christian groups
like the Family Research Council.
However, CEO Dan Schulmansays SPLC helps PayPal
in upholding values ofinclusion and diversity.
Back in 2016, PayPaltook public opposition
to conservative values when they announced
they were boycottingCharlotte, North Carolina
for limiting the use ofbathrooms, locker rooms
and showers to persons ofthe same biological sex.
At the time, PayPal canceled plans
to bring more than 400 jobsand $3 million to that city.
Joining us now to talk more
about the company'sannouncement is Dan Gainor.
He is Vice Presidentof Business and Culture
with the Media Research Center.
Thank you so much Dan, forcoming on the broadcast.
Again, does this statementfrom Mr. Schulman surprise you?
- No, unfortunately it doesn't.
We see repeated examplesof major tech companies
treating the SPLC like it's legitimate
despite the fact that they recently had
to settle in a lawsuit, payingout someone $3.4 million
because of how they portrayedhim as being basically,
very anti-Muslim whenhe's a reformed Muslim.
- What kind of power doesthis give to the SPLC?
- Well, it's not just the SPLC.
It gives basically, the left a veto power
on the right online.
Google's working, it's gotthis hate operation online.
It works with SPLC.
The idea that all theseoperations might deal
with the SPLC means anysort of traditional values
that you hold, Christianfaith, most of the major
world religions, have believed in marriage
should be for a man and a woman.
Online, does that mean we'll even be able
to say that any more?
Will the Bible join allthe other things online
as being classified as hate speech?
We're going down a dangerous path
and the SPLC uses hatespeech, basically to designate
groups it doesn't like
and thought it doesn't like, not hate.
And hate is just a nebulousconcept for the left
to use as basically to slameverything on the right.
- And to that point, Dan,does a financial institution
like PayPal have the expertiseto judge whether speech
has societal values orwhether if it violates
the First Amendment?
- Well, that's whatthis is gonna get into.
Ultimately, what Facebookdoes or what Google does
or something, how they treat hate speech
with their massivelyByzantine hate speech rules,
that's one thing.
We don't have a FirstAmendment right online.
But a lot of thesecompanies are now shifting
this into even the offline world.
They're gonna run intolawsuits after lawsuits
and we may end up needing,I hate to say this,
but Congress may end up getting involved
because ultimately,these companies are doing
what they want to do andthere's not stopping them.
- We have less than a minute here.
What does this tell you about the growth
of censorship today in our culture.
- Censorship is off the chartsnow for the right online.
It's no longer just,you might get beaten up
on a college campus or shutdown on a college campus.
You can be shut downglobally and if we allow
this to stand, if we allow these companies
to shut us down online, itmeans the conservative movement,
Christianity itself, mightbe limited online entirely.
- Dan, as always, sir itis a pleasure to have you.
Dan Gainor with theMedia Research Council.
Thanks for coming on the show.
- Thank you.
- [George] Up next the pro-life movement
is stepping up its game
as abortion laws takeshape across the country.
What pro-lifers did recently in New York
to call attention to the crisis.
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The I Wills of God, the latest teaching
from Pat Robertson.
- Welcome back to the CBN News Channel.
Parents are outragedand on edge after tips
for committing suicide areappearing in children's cartoons
on YouTube and the YouTube Kids app.
The Washington Post reportedthat an anonymous mother
initially spotted thecontent while her son
was watching cartoons on YouTube.
About four minutes into a video,
the video cut away toa clip of a man walking
onto the screen andsimulates cutting his wrist.
He tells watchers quote,"remember kids, sideways
"for attention, longways for results."
And then he walks off screen.
The video then quicklyflips back to the cartoon.
A YouTube spokesman released a statement
saying they took the video down
and said, "we work to ensurethe video in YouTube Kids
"are family-friendly and takefeedback very seriously."
New York's late-term abortionlaw has sparked national
outrage among many inthe pro-life movement.
Thousands of pro-lifers recently gathered
in Albany, New York to cry out to God
in opposition to abortion.
It was part of an eventcalled Day of Mourning.
A solemn time of prayer and repentance
for the millions of babiesaborted here in America.
Speakers included twinbrothers, David and Jason Benham
who were fired from their HGTV show
for their Christians views.
They shared the need for such an event.
- It's a spiritual battlebetween truth and lies,
light and darkness, good and evil.
And what we have to understand is that
in this radical revolution,this culture of death
that's upon America is that the ceiling
always becomes the floor.
It goes from acceptance toappreciation to celebration
and now to participation.
It's not gonna stopuntil Christians step up.
You need boldness to stand in culture.
But you need boldnessfueled by brokenness.
That's they key.
That's where Day of Mourning came in.
- Elizabeth Johnston, alsoknown as the Activist Mommy,
helped to organize the Day of Mourning
and she joins us now.
An anti-infanticide bill was defeated
in the US Senate this week.
This as more states, as you know,
adopt late-term abortion laws,
what does this sayabout our culture today?
- We have no respect for life
and the left has anintentional agenda here
to continue to ramp up the amount of death
that we are going to allow.
And we are just so grieved.
We can see that this is not going to end,
that what happened in New York, George,
they are going to continueto do in state after state
after state, Vermont, Illinois.
The governor in Illinoishas now said that he wants
Illinois to be the, whatwas the term he used?
I believe, the most abortion-friendlystate in our nation.
And so we believe that theresponse of the Day of Mourning
really honors God andtouches the heart of God.
And from the responsethat we got last week,
after only three weeksof being able to organize
this event, we had over 3,000people in Albany, New York
at the convention center.
We had 35,000 people live streaming,
watching our live-stream,at the same time,
mourning and repentingover the sin of abortion.
The response has been incredible, George.
And we're hearing form all over the world.
This movement is going global.
And people recognizethat this is no longer
an issue that is just a policyissue, a political issue.
But that we have avertical problem with God
that we have got to address.
We've got to get the heart of God.
And as Christians we needto own this national sin
and that's what we're doingwith the Day of Mourning.
- Elizabeth, the locationthat you guys chose
for this event was pretty significant.
Why is that?
- Yes, we were underneath the State House
where Cuomo and the radical feminists,
not only signed butcelebrated like they had won
a Superbowl game or something,
celebrated this infanticide law.
We were under the groundof the State House
in the convention center.
We just thought that was very prophetic.
It's as if Satan thoughtthat he had crushed us
a blow that we could not recover from.
But he did not remember that we are seeds
and when you crush seeds they grow back.
And we believe that this whole situation
with the infanticide lawsthat are being pushed
is going to be the catalystto national revival.
I wish you could have been there and seen
what took place on Saturday.
People are being woken upin the middle of the night
with dreams and visions andare sharing those with me
and they are coming to pass.
We had two prophetic wordscome forth in this room
full of 3,000 people fromevery kind of denomination
and type and stripe you can imagine.
We had two prophetic words come forth.
God is moving and stirring his people.
I'm telling you, we are on the precipice
of national revival and that is why we are
about to keep going with Day of Mourning
from city to city to city.
We are going to get onour faces before God
and repent for the sin of abortion.
And that's what New York pastors did.
That stage on Saturday wasfilled with New York pastors,
dozens of them, literallyon their faces before God
repenting for theirapathy and being silent
on this issue of abortion.
This is powerful.
- Really quickly, just a few seconds here.
You heard me read the storyabout the YouTube Kids
now having tutorials onhow to commit suicide.
Elizabeth, you are a mother of 10.
How would you warn parents about this?
- Do not let the internetbabysit your children.
Go to Bark.com and CovenantEyes.com
and take control over whatyour children are viewing
and keep them safe.
It's our obligation.
- Okay, terrific.
Always a pleasure to haveyou on our broadcast.
Thank you so much for coming on.
- Thank you, George.
- You're most welcome.
After the break, how oneIdaho teen is giving back
to his church.
(tense music)
- [Pat] When you give
smiles grow bigger.
When you care
homes are happier.
When you comfort
the hurt goes away.
When we all come together to love
miracles happen.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know that there aremore than 148 million orphans
in the world today, 148 million?
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain
of rejection and theoverwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.
They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to joinwith me and become family
to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now?
Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
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- Welcome back to the CBN News Channel.
Tim Tebow's Run the Race movie opened
in the top 10 at the boxoffice this past weekend.
And by the way, his movie marks the return
of a familiar face to the big screen.
- Hey, hey man.
Hey Buddy.
- Whoa.
- It's me.
- Yeah, I know.
- [Efrem] Mario Van Peebles has enjoyed
a long and impressive careerin the entertainment world,
following in the footstepsof his legendary father
and passing it on to his children.
- Richard is here to help us brother.
- [Efrem] He's sharing his latest role
and some new wisdom with Studio5.
- I played a minister and in Malcolm,
my two daughters play mydaughters and my father.
- Alright, that's Mario Van Peebles.
He has enjoyed a longand impressive career
as you know, in the entertainment world
following in the footstepsof his legendary father,
Melvin Van Peebles andnow he's passing it on
to his children.
He shares his latestrole, as you saw there,
and his wisdom withStudio5's Efrem Graham.
Mario Van Peebles playsthe role of a preacher
in Tim Tebow's Run the Race.
And he's featured by theway, in this evening's
Black History edition of that broadcast.
You can catch it onlyon the CBN News Channel
tonight at 9:30 pm.
An Idaho teen says he plansto donate thousands of dollars
to a local church.
18 year old, David Holstontook his landscaping business
all the way to Seattleand saw big-time payoff
after recent snowstorm.
The young man earned$33,000 in just four days.
He plans to give $7,000of that money to God.
Holston told Fox News that he plans
to tithe 20% to advance the kingdom.
So awesome.
Good on you, young man.
Most excellent.
Well, folks, that is it for this edition
of the CBN News Channel.
As always, you can get all the great news
at CBNnews.com
Have a great day and God bless you.
(tense music)