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Worse Than New York: Radical Abortion Law Will Make Illinois the 'Abortion Capital of America'

Worse Than New York: Radical Abortion Law Will Make Illinois the 'Abortion Capital of America' Read Transcript

- Mark, what's the latest?

- George, the Illinois billwould allow an abortion

for any reason

throughout a pregnancy

and would force churches andministries to include abortions

in their private health care coverage.

The Governor of Illinois J.B.Pritzker is leading the drive

for this legislation.

He's promised to make thestate and abortion destination,

vowing, quote, "To make Illinoisthe most progressive state

"in the nation for accessto reproductive healthcare."

Legal experts from the ThomasMore Society, a pro-life group

have analyzed the bill andfound it would allow nurses

and physician assistants toperform surgical abortions.

It would eliminate anyrestrictions on where

an abortion can take place.

It would substantially cut the regulation

of abortion clinics.

A second bill in Illinois would end

the parental notice requirement.

Meanwhile there's asimilar bill in Vermont

by a vote of 106 to 36.

Vermont state lawmakers passeda bill legalizing abortion

any time for any reason.

That bill states, "Everyindividual who becomes pregnant

"has the fundamental right tochoose to carry a pregnancy

"to term, give birth to achild, or to have an abortion."

It also states, "Theunborn have no rights."

Saying, "A fertilizedegg embryo or fetus shall

"not have independentrights under Vermont law."

Now there is a pro-lifevictory to report on, however.

This one in Arizona.

Conservatives hail anArizona House committee

decision has a victorythat protects newborns

and late term pre-bornbabies from infanticide.

And George, LifeSite Newsreports that the committee voted

to deny and bill Wednesdaythat would have repealed

strong legal protections forinfants who survive abortion.

- Mark, I'm curious, whatare pro-life activists doing

in response to all theseradical pro-abortion bills?

- Great question.

A grassroots movement ofAmericans outraged by New York's

recent abortion law isturning disgust into action.

A nationwide event called,Day of Mourning is planned

for tomorrow and beingsimulcast from Albany.

Organizers say it will bea solemn time of prayer

and repentance for the millions of babies

aborted in America.

And George we should mentionthat in response to the sudden

leftist push to legalizelate term abortion,

the US Senate will votethis Monday, February 25th

on legislation to mandatecare for abortion survivors.

Back to you.

- Mark, thank you so much for keeping

on top of this very, very important story.

Peter Breen, a lawyer withthe Thomas More society

joins me now For moreon these abortion bills.

Mr. Breen, great to haveyou on the broadcast.

What makes this Illinois bill that Mark

was just referring to moreradical than any other state?

- Well, the Illinoisbill doesn't just go up

to the moment of birth.

So during the birth processyou could do an abortion.

It also strips away everyconscience protection

that is expressed in a law for abortion

for doctors, nurses andhealthcare professionals.

We've got an Abortion Refusal Act,

that would be stripped away.

There might be someminimal protections left,

but you'd see those wiped away.

And what you see in Illinois,I mean, they went beyond

New York 'cause even New York has a health

and life exception requirementfor post viability abortions.

You know it's a weak requirement

but you would wipe that away for Illinois.

And what we've seen in other states,

is where the few stateswhere that's been allowed,

abortion providers will setup shop near the airport,

you'll have people flying into O'Hare,

to come in for a multi-daylate-term abortion.

They'll put them up at ahotel near the airport,

and then they will send themback to wherever they're from.

You combine that with the factyou'll have underage folks

coming into Illinois,streaming into Illinois

to get abortions, which iswhat had been going on in 2012

before our parentalnotice law was in effect.

Thousands of women were beingbrought in from everywhere

from Arkansas, Wisconsin atall of the states around us.

So you're gonna see a returnto a very dark time times 10,

in Illinois, if this bill were to pass.

- And to that point,Peter, if this passes,

will Illinois becomean abortion destination

as you mentioned?

- It absolutely would.

We would become a thirdtrimester abortion destination.

Because we've seen thatin those few states

that allow this.

And we would be anunderage abortion haven.

So I mean, imagine thatconfluence of abortion

up to the moment of birth ongirls as young as 11 and 12

and Illinois just recentlyallowed for Medicaid funding.

So if you can establishtemporary residence in the state,

the taxpayers are payingfor your abortion.

And if that doesn't work, thenprivate insurance, churches,

religious non-profitsare going to be forced

to include abortion in theirhealth plans with no co-pay.

So it's got to be absolutely free.

- Can you give us sortof a perspective here?

We're seeing extreme abortion bills

in a number of states this year.

What do you think is motivating

abortion rights activists right now?

- Well, they had historic gains

in suburban areas in 2018.

I was in the legislature,

I was tossed out in the blue wave

in Republican leaning districts.

And so for that reasonthey are taking advantage

of their newfound majoritiesnot because the people

of these states wantradical abortion laws,

certainly not here in Illinois,where at one time abortion

was illegal prior to Roe V. Wade.

You know, this is not arabidly pro-choice state.

And so, but what they're doingis they're taking advantage

of this brief period wherethey have consolidated control

in certain states and they'regoing to drive pro-life laws

out of existence.

- And obviously lookslike they're capitalizing,

as you mentioned, on thosedemocratic gains this past year.

Mr. Green as always, sothank you so much for coming

on the show and giving usyour important perspective.

- Thank you.


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