Israel on its way to the moon, set to become the fourth country to soft land there; plus a historic economic forum brings Israeli & Palestinian business people together; and could this new government in NE Syria be what the prophet Isaiah foretold?
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(loud horn and guitar)
- [Host] This week on Jerusalem Dateline.
Israel is on it's way to the moon.
- [Female Announcer]Two, one, zero, ignition.
- [Host] Israel is set tobecome the fourth country
to make a soft landing on the moon.
Plus an historic economicforum brings Israelis
and Palestinian business people together.
- Israel wants to workwith the Palestinian
because they want peacewith their neighbors.
- And could this new government
in northeast Syria be what the
prophet Isaiah wrote aboutnearly 3000 years ago?
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
(bounding rock guitar and drums)
Hello and welcome to this edition of
Jerusalem Dateline, I'm Chris Mitchell.
Israel entered the space race
when an Israeli company, SpaceIL,
sent the first ever privatespacecraft to land on the moon.
The spacecraft is called Barasheet,
a reference to the words "inthe beginning" from Genesis.
While only about thesize of a washing machine
it's mission is out of this world.
After launching from Cape Canaveral
the plan will include several lunar orbits
before making a softlanding on the moon surface.
- [Chris] The 40 day voyage culminates
with the landing scheduled for April 11th.
It will then send back video
and high resolution picturesand preform experiments.
The mission has two goals.
One is called the Apollo Effect,
hoping to inspire the next generation.
- [Chris] Antebi says SpaceILwants to show a small country
with a small budget can join the
prestigious moon landing clubof the US, Russia, and China.
Israel President Reuven Rivlin calls the
venture, Zionism at it's finest.
The spacecraft is alsobringing a time capsule
including a miniature copy of the Bible.
Along with Israeli national symbols
including the saying
(foreign language)
the people of Israel live.
You can go to fora link to watch the launch.
As Prime Minister Netanyahu said,
"The launch of SpaceIL is an exciting
"first for the Jewish state."
But here on Earth the Jewish people
are facing a resurgence in anti-Semitism
that Netanyahu saidparallels Israel's success.
CBN News has beenfollowing and reporting on
the growing trend ofanti-Semitism across Europe.
Lately, French protesters spoke out
against what's happening inJewish communities there.
(foreign language chanting)
- [Female Reporter]Thousands gathered under
a setting sun to protestrising anti-Semitism in France.
- [Female Reporter]Former French President
Francois Hollande spoke asFrance held nationwide rallies.
Just hours after thediscovery of swastikas
painted on some 80 gravestonesin a Jewish cemetery.
(foreign language)
- [Female Reporter] Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu called the
desecration of graves shocking.
And another Israeli official urged
Jews in France to come home.
In response, FrenchPresident Emmanuel Macron
laid a wreath and observeda moment of silence
at the Holocaust Museum in Paris.
This after speaking outagainst a French proposal
to criminalize anti-Zionism.
- [Police Radio] All city units
are being sent to an active shooter.
- [Female Reporter] The emboldened acts
of anti-Semitism in France come just
three months after this deadly attack
on a Jewish community in the US.
The suspect in the shooting massacre
at the Tree of LifeSynagogue in Pittsburgh
plead not guilty to 11 countsof hate crimes and murder.
- It's like a contagious disease
that's always under the surface
and sometimes it spurs upinto epidemic proportions
and then sometimes it recedes.
- [Female Reporter] Michael Rydelnik's
parents survived the Holocaust.
He now is an expert on anti-Semitism
with The Moody Bible Institute.
- We thought after the Holocaust,
most historians and analyststhought, that's the end of it.
We saw how evil it is, it would be over.
And yet, in recent days it'srevived really strongly.
- [Female Reporter] Rydelniksays this type of hatred
knows no political party andexists in both extreme fringes.
Freshmen congresswomanIlhan Omar apologized
after tweeting criticismsof US support of Israel.
And tweeting in 2012, "Israelhas hypnotized the world.
"May Allah awaken the people and help
"them see the evil doings of Israel."
The Anti-Defamation Leaguerecently issued a report
that shows anti-Semitic incidences
rose nearly 60% in just oneyear, from 2016 to 2017.
- Well I think it's really interesting
that the new anti-Semitismused to just be on the right.
Right-wing, Fascists kindof, Nazi kind of ideology.
Extreme right, I don't wannathink all conservatives
are like that, but the extreme right.
Now the extreme lefthas embraced it as well.
And so you have two groupsand I think also the,
part of the liberal ideology today,
the extreme left is extremely anti-Israel.
And because of that
there's a greater prepotency
to persecute Israel orargue against Israel
but it's because it's a Jewish state.
It's the Jewish state of Israelthat they're angry about.
- It's becoming clear thatAmerica's relationship
with Israel could be a bigissue for Democrats in 2020.
Supporting the Jewish state has long been
accepted across party lines.
But with some new facesin the Democratic party
that could be changing.
Here's CBN's Jenna Browder again
with that story from Washington.
- I think what I meant is like the
settlements that are increasing...
- [Jenna] From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...
- How has this Administration responded?
- To Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib
younger Democrats coming into Congress
are speaking out against Israel.
And in some cases beingcalled anti-Semitic.
Omar was just forced toapologize for this tweet
suggesting AIPAC, thepro-Israel lobbying group,
bought the support of her colleagues.
It's all causing a big headache for
Democratic leadership andthe parties 2020 hopefuls
who will have to take up theissue on the debate stage.
- Absolutely I think Republicans
will make sure it's an issue.
I think Jewish Democratswill make sure it's an issue.
- [Jenna] Ab Stoddardwith Real Clear Politics
said this could create a big opening
for Republicans and Democrats know that.
- They're very concerned aboutthe direction of the party.
Support for the BDS movement,
any kind of skept--
Skepticism of Netanyahu is one thing
but to go beyond that and to question
the unbreakable bond Ithink is really gonna cause
a lot of strife within the party.
- [Jenna] As well as potential issues
with their own voters.
A 2018 Pew Research poll found just 27%
of Democrats sympathize with Israel.
Down from 38% in 2001.
And younger voters are dramatically
less supportive than older voters.
- I think that it's abig internal struggle
that they don't wanna make to public.
They don't wanna have the debate.
Be out in the open, but they're working
behind the scenes very aggressively
to try to make it clear topeople that we stand with Israel.
- [Jenna] A group of prominent Democrats
has formed a pro-Israel groupto counter any skepticism.
But that may not be enough and in 2020.
- For President Trumpwhen he runs next year,
he's not gonna do nuance.
He's gonna hammer them over this,
in simplistic terms that will make
it very complicated forthe Democratic nominee.
- [Jenna] Instead oftalking about other ideas
Democrats may have to defendand explain themselves
on an issue few of them want to address.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
(driving guitar and drums)
- [Chris] Coming up, Israeli and Palestine
business people gottogether and made history.
- They wanna be ableto feed their children.
They want their childrento have great education.
They want prosperity.
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(subtle rock guitar)
- President Trump has yetto unveil his business plan
but after 25 years ofa failed peace process
Israelis and Palestinians aretrying a different approach.
Grassroots business ties that build
the economy and good relationships.
For many this is history in the making.
- As the children of Abraham there is
far more that unites us than divides us.
We are not destined to fight.
- [Chris] US ambassador to Israel,
David Friedman, spoke toIsraelis and Palestinians
as a first of it's kind economic forum.
- The last time anybody signed a piece
of paper was in Oslo in 1993.
But no efforts were undertaken then to
make peace between the people.
It was peace on a piece of paper.
And of course we know what happened.
The next year there was afour-fold increase in terrorism.
- [Chris] Israeli Government
Minister Michael Oren said Israelis
and Palestinians need a new approach.
- It should begin just with this.
With Israelis andPalestinian business people,
entrepreneurs, educators sitting together
and building a relationshipfrom the bottom up.
- Palestinians already dohundreds of millions of dollars
worth of business withIsraelis each month.
And more than 100 thousand Palestinians
go to Israel to work each day.
And more than 40 thousand in Israeli
communities in Judea and Samaria.
But that's one narrativenot often reported.
- The other narrative isthat you've got more than 90%
of Palestines today that are working with
or are wanting to work with Israelis.
They want normal relationships.
They wanna be able to feed their children.
- [Chris] Heather Johnston,
founder of the US IsraeliEducation Association
co-sponsored the forum.
- Israel has the technology.
They have the innovativeeconomy that is flourishing
and they're watching it flourish.
Israel wants to work with the Palestinians
because they want peacewith their neighbors.
- There's a paradigm shift here
where we recognize the role of government
but we are not putting allof our eggs in that basket.
- [Chris] Israeli AviZimmerman lives in Ariel
and Palestinian Haj AshrafJa'Abri lives in Hebron.
They co-founded the Judea and Samari
Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- We need to look to a different sector
not the government sector forstability and sustainability.
We need to look to the business sector.
This is a business sectorempowerment movement.
Where we say that business leaders are
the ones who are paying people's salaries.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Firstof all we're neighbors
in the territories in Hebron.
Our neighbors are Jewish.
We worked together 50years ago until Oslo.
The politics in our area ismaking all these problems.
- [Chris] US senator James Lankford
says Congress is paving the way
for the US Governmentto back this project.
- So for the first time everAmerican financial dollars
are actually going towardshelping the cooperation
between Palestine and Israeli
business leaders in cooperating together.
- [Chris] Lankford said it's not
about a peace processbut simply making peace.
- One of the areas thatwe need to be able to see
is the more engagementon the business side
where it's just family to family
and business to businessactually doing it.
- [Chris] Ja'Abri says he's not
afraid to work with Israelis.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] We're looking toward
the future of ourchildren from both sides.
Whoever wants real peace in my opinion
has to continue in this way.
There's no other way,there's only one way,
we have to live together.
- An overwhelming percentage of
Palestinian Arabs want peace with Israeli.
And one prominent leadersays he would prefer
living under the Jewish State
than the Palestinian authority.
CBN's Scott Ross traveled tothe ancient city of Hebron
where he talked with a Jew and an Arab
who believe peacebetween them is possible.
- [Scott] Hebron is often known as
one of the most volitlecities in the West Bank.
But here in what's alsothe most prosperous
Palestinian-Arab city adifferent kind of peace between
Israelis and Palestiniansis discussed on both sides.
Ja'Abri and Arnon havebeen friends for 30 years.
After our initial exchange Ja'Abri
preferred to speak mostly in Hebrew.
- You two are friends, you'rean Arab and he is a Jew.
- Yes.
- Why are you friends?
- [Translator] He's our neighbor.
- Neighbors?- Yes.
- And you get along together?- Yes.
- So it is possible for Jews and Arabs
to live together in friendshipwithout any conflict?
- [Translator] Yes without any doubt.
30 years ago we were working together
doing business together.
- Why don't more Jews and Arabs
live as you live with your friend?
- [Translator] Because of the politicians.
- [Scott] More than 25 years ago
Israel opened the door for Yasser Arafat
and the PalestinianLiberation Organization,
or PLO, from Tunis by recognizing them
as the sole representative of
the Palestinian people in negotiations.
Arafat and then IsraeliPrime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
signed the Oslo Accords onthe White House lawn in 1993.
Creating the Palestinian authority
out of the PLO to govern the Palestinians.
The aim, to end theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict
and eventually establisha Palestinian state
in Biblical Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.
Ja'Abri says it hasn't worked.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] The PLO signed the
Oslo agreements 25 years ago
and till today we didn't reachpeace, it's the opposite.
We started with a very big problem.
- In the Oslo Accordthe Israeli government
had brought the PLO tocontrol the local population.
And they said, "You bring those people,
"the corrupted and theterrorists to control us, why?"
I feel ashamed about that.
We disappointed them, we betrayed them.
- What do the PLO think of you?
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] I don't carewhat the PLO thinks about me.
What's important for me is how we can
all live together in this area.
In the state of Israel.
If we follow their way we won't have peace
even in the next 50 years.
- [Scott] And he says therehas to be another way.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] How will we live
together under the government of Israel?
In the end this is the only solution.
- [Scott] Even though Ja'Abri says
the masses want to change.
Saying so would get them in trouble
with the Palestinian authority.
- Have your enemies threatened you?
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] We're not afraid of anyone.
We speak from our hearts,we speak the truth.
- Do you have hope for thefuture for peace in the land?
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Of course,there's hope but we have
to continue in the way ofreal peace from both sides.
The problem between usis a political problem.
- [Scott] Ja'Abri, who is a
business man and other Palestinian
and Israeli businessmenhave ideas about how to make
person to person relations work.
And they want the world to help.
Scott Ross for CBN in Hebron.
(bounding guitar and drums)
- [Chris] Up next, could a
budding democracy in northeast Syria
bring the fulfillment of prophecy?
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(rockin' guitar and drums)
- For decades Israel has been the
only true democracy in the Middle East.
Now a new effort isunderway in northeast Syria.
It's based on equal rightsand religious freedom.
But this new democracycould be short lived
if US forces leave the area.
This new government runs from
the Tigris to the Euphrates rivers.
- We have a political system that was
based on a social contractbetween all the groups.
Arabs, Kurds, Syriac, Christians
and this social contract they articulated
how they want to live together.
As diverse ethnicitiesand diverse religions.
- [Chris] Bassam Ishak is seeking support
from US leaders for this new government.
He calls it a golden opportunity.
- I don't think ever any political system
in the Middle East guaranteethe religious freedom.
If you go back hundreds and thousands
of years this has not happened.
- [Chris] They also see a common bond.
- Much of our inspiration actually
is align with the American revolution.
We don't want a country where citizenship
and rights are based on ethnic identities
or religious identities.
We want all Syrians to be equal.
We believe they were all created
by God equal and to be free.
- [Chris] They also findinspiration in the Bible
where the prophet Isaiahwrote of a Holy highway
from Assyria, part of modern day Syria,
through Israel and Egypt.
- This is actually our dream, is that our,
that the highway, thatthe crescent will be
the Isaiah crescent and Lord willing
because it's a crescentof peace and prosperity
and according to Isaiahwhen this Isaiah crescent
is established it will be ablessing for the whole Earth.
So we are really yearningfor the Isaiah crescent.
- [Chris] Yet, he saysthey need protection
so this dream anddemocracy can stay alive.
Ishak says he wants totell President Trump
the existence of Christiansthere hangs in the balance
given surrounding threats.
- So I would say to him, "Mr. President,
"God is entrusting you.
"God has entrusted Americawith power and ability.
"Please seek God, ask Godbefore you make the decision
"so that Christianity isnot eradicated from Syria
"and from historical Mesopotamia."
(rockin' guitar and drums)
- [Chris] Up next, an appeal for prayer
and fasting for Israeland the Middle East.
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(bounding guitar and drums)
- Many people became deeply concerned
when President Trump announced
the US would pull troopsout of northeast Syria.
Since then the White House has decided
to leave 200 peacekeepers behind.
Still a major prayerministry here in Jerusalem
is issuing a call to prayer and fasting.
For Christian's in thearea, for a new democracy
in northeast Syria to flourish,
and for Israel to beprotected from it's enemies.
Here's some of that callto prayer and fasting.
- Hello, this is Rick Ridings from
Succat Hallel, 24-7 houseof prayer in Jerusalem
overlooking the Temple Mount.
There's some urgent developmentshere in the Middle East
that are so importantthat we believe decisions
will be made in these next two months
that could affect the destiny, the fate
of millions of people in this region
and even the future of Israel.
These decisions are so important
that we're calling fora united time of prayer
and fasting in the style of Queen Esther.
We would like to ask for thisto begin on Friday, March 1st.
We ask you to pray in three areas.
The first of these is for northeast Syria.
An amazing development has happened there
and a democracy has emerged that is
representing all the peoples.
It's even encouraging theparticipation of women.
It is very committed to theprotection of the Christians
and of the Kurdish people of that region
that there be no genocide.
A secondary prayer, when President Trump
announced the decision to pull-out troops
from northeast Syria immediately.
Three of those countriesfrom which I saw highways.
Turkey, Russia, and Iran puttheir focus on northeast Syria.
Iran would like to build a land bridge
that could even allow themto come against Israel.
All three of these nationshave the potential,
if they are in completecontrol in that area
to allow a genocide of the Christians
and of the Kurds of that area.
Thirdly, here in Israel we are having
elections on April 9th.
President Trump has announced that they
would postpone the announcementof their peace plan
for the Middle East untilafter these elections.
This gives us a little more time to pray.
And we would encourage you to pray
and believe together with us that
any kind of evil counsel that would seek
to divide up the land of Israel,
that would bring judgment according to
Joel, chapter three, would be thwarted.
We believe that God isabsolutely sovereignty
in control as in the days of Esther.
But he uses us and sowe encourage you to pray
in whatever way, fast, pray and to fast
in whatever ways the Lord may lead
to during three daysstarting on March 1st.
Agree with us for God'spurpose is to prevail
for northeast Syria, forIsrael, for this region
so that the Kingdom of God may progress
and go forward and that the people
may be protected sovereignty
even as they were in the time of Esther.
- Please join in thiscall if you can to fast
and pray for God's purposes here in Israel
and throughout the Middle East.
The stakes are very high.
And if you do fast please check
with your doctor if necessary.
Well, that's all for this edition.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember you can follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell, we'll see you
next time on Jerusalem Dateline.
(pounding rock guitar and drums)