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'I Am Forever Grateful': How One Church Became an Answer to Prayer for Students at This Historically Black University

'I Am Forever Grateful': How One Church Became an Answer to Prayer for Students at This Historically Black University Read Transcript

- As the nation celebratesBlack History Month

one predominantly AfricanAmerican Church in Virginia

is making a big differencein the lives of students

at a historically Blackuniversity in Washington D. C.

- That's right, AlfredStreet Baptist Church

hopes its planned act of kindness

will spark churches around the country

to follow its lead to give.

Take a look.

(church bells ringing)

- [Reporter] Mya Thompson hasa short window after class

to pick up her six year old son, McKai,

before her shift as a 911 operator begins.

- It's very complicated.

So by Monday morning I'm up at seven

getting McKai to school.

Get him to school by seven forty-five,

no later than eight fifteen.

At three I'm rushing out ofclass to go pick up McKai

to take him to my aunt's house

and then right there I'm leaving there

to rush to my job so I canstart my 12-hour shift.

- [Reporter] Thompsongoes to Howard University,

established two years after the Civil War

to provide African Americanswith an opportunity

for higher learning.

But it comes at a cost.

- I get financial aid butsometimes it doesn't cover,

like this semester it doesn'tcover my whole tuition package

that I have to pay to the university.

- [Reporter] Now the load she carries,

as she prepares to graduate this spring,

just got a little lighter.

- The fact that this weightis lifted off my shoulder,

I'm forever grateful, I willforever think about this.

- [Reporter] Thompsonis one of 34 students

at Howard University whojust became a recipient

of an act of kindness from on high.

- I'm pastor of AlfredStreet Baptist Church.

A lot of these people hereare from Alfred Street,

we're in Alexandria, Virginia.

And we wanna let you know you're account

has been paid in full, man.

Congrats, man.

- Thank you.

- [Reporter] Thecongregation at Alfred Street

decided to fast for 30days abstaining from food,

social media, and money,and raising $150,000.

- We just wanna take care of the hole

that's on your account today,

and so today we're gonna pay your account.

- Thank you so much, oh my God.

- [Reporter] Alfred Streetcleared the account of students

with balances from $100 to nearly $10,000

and caught their reactions.

- Your account balancehas been paid in full.

- Really?

- My mom died my freshman year

so I've been doing itby myself for a while,

so I'm just really grateful.


- I know my mom, the first thing

she'll probably do is scream.

I remember when we werein the car, like homeless,

it was never one night Inever saw her stop praying.

Like she kept praying,and praying, and praying,

and her courage, even thoughwe were at the low of the low,

she still believed in Godand she still believed

that there was gonna be somemiracle that's gonna happen

that we're gonna be out of this situation.

So her knowing thisnews, she's gonna scream.

Most likely she's gonna cryout, she's gonna be so happy.

For me, I kinda feeldisappointed in myself because

I should never have thoughtthat God had forgotten me.

- [Reporter] Thompsonsays the unsolicited gift

from Alfred Street hasrenewed her own faith.

- I felt like was calling on me.

I'm like, "Hey, You got my attention."

I don't know if He wastrying to get it all along,

but it's like, "I'm listening to You,

now what do You need me to do?"

- Awesome, well thecongregation at Alfred Street

had no idea where theirsacrifices and donations

would end up, joining together as a church

to place their full faithin God that their generosity

would find its way to the right place.


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