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Jerusalem Dateline: 2/15/19 US, Arabs, Israel, Others Stand United against Iran

US sponsored conference presents a united front against Iran; plus CBN News on the front lines in the battle against ISIS where Christian aid workers stand in the gap; and the copper scroll: is it the key to finding the lost Second Temple treasures? Read Transcript

(horn blast)

- [Chris] This week on JerusalemDateline, the US sponsors

a major conference, presentinga united front against Iran.

- There was not a defenderof Iran in the room.

- [Chris] Plus, CBN Newsgoes to the front lines

in the battle against ISISwhere Christian aid workers

stand in the gap.

- God is sending amighty river into Syria,

the spirit to change things.

- And the Copper ScrollProject, could this be the key

to finding the treasuresof the Second Temple?

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

(rock beat)

Hello, and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

Vice President, Mike Penceand Secretary of State,

Mike Pompeo, sponsored aninternational conference

along with Poland thattargeted Iran's threat

to the Middle East and to the world.

The conference camewhile Iran is celebrating

the 40th anniversary ofits Islamic revolution.

Forty years after Iranbecame an Islamic republic,

the world is standing up tothis major global threat.

Vice President, Mike Penceand Secretary of State,

Mike Pompeo joined otherworld powers to confront

Iran's growing influencein a major conference.

Pompeo says, there's no peacewithout confronting Iran.

- You can't achieve, peace andstability in the Middle East

without confronting Iran.

It's just not possible.

They're a maligned influence in Lebanon

and in Yemen and in Syria and in Iraq.

- [Chris] Pompeo saidthe nearly 70 nations

at the conference agreedon the Iranian danger.

- There was not a defenderof Iran in the room.

No country, no countryspoke out and denied any

of the basic facts that weall had laid out about Iran,

the threat opposes thenature of the regime.

It was unanimous.

- [Chris] Recently, Iranthreatened to level Tel Aviv.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

responded, that would be theend of the Islamic republic.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I don't ignore the threats

of the Iranian regime butneither am I intimidated by them.

If this regime makes the awful mistake

of trying to destroy Tel Avivand Haifa it will to succeed.

However, this would bethe last anniversary

of the revolution that they celebrate.

They should take this into account.

- [Chris] Iran at firstdismissed the conference

but when a deadly terrorattack killed dozens

of Iran's RevolutionaryGuards, the regime suggested

the world powers are behind it.

"Is it no coincidencethat Iran is hit by terror

"on the very day thatWarsaw circus begins?"

Netanyahu said theconference marked a first,

with Israel standingalongside its Arab neighbors

in the Middle East.

- Yesterday was anhistorical turning point.

In a room of some 60 foreignministers and representatives

of dozens of governments,an Israeli Prime Minister

and the foreign ministers ofthe leading Arab countries,

stood together and spokewith unusual force, clarity

and unity against the commonthreat of the Iranian regime.

- Those attending theconference in Poland,

want to stop Iran'sexpansion in the Middle East

and to blunt the leadingsponsor of terror in the world.

One place in the Middle Eastthat faces the danger of Iran

is in Northeast Syria.

The people of this areahave nearly defeated

the Islamic state after a long battle.

But now they face the threatof Iranian-backed Shiite

militias on their border.

We spoke with a spokesman ofthe Syrian Democratic Forces

about this menace when wevisited Northeast Syria.


- The Syria Democratic Forceshave been at the forefront

in the fight against the Islamic state.

ISIS once controlled an areathe size of Great Britain

across Syria and Iraq.

Now they've been pushed backto barely two square kilometers

and Defense Department officials say

the end of the terror group'sreign is only days away.

CBN contributor, Chuck Holtonis on the frontlines in Syria

and brings us this report abouthow one Christian ministry

is bringing practicalaid and spiritual hope.

- [Chuck] Here in southernSyria, within sight

of the Iraqi border, US-backedSyrian Democratic Forces

set the stage for the laststand of the ISIS Caliphate

in that country.

The fighting has been brutaland while the SDF have tried

to evacuate civiliansfrom the battle space

ISIS has thwarted thoseefforts by using up to 10,000

civilians as human shields.

For those who do escape,however, their ordeal

is far from over.

So this is the SyrianDefense Forces checkpoint

about a mile from whatthey call the forward

line of troops, thefrontlines, against ISIS

that are off that direction.

They have walked to this point

after getting across ISIS' lines.

These women are in terribly bad shape.

Some of them wounded.

The children are obviouslydehydrated, malnourished and sick

and they're receiving somekind of initial treatment here.

The difficulty is thatthey've had a problem

with many of these womenactually wearing suicide vests.

They've had five blowthemselves up in one day.

And so it's kind of atense situation being here.

They've already been checked by some

of the female SDF soldiers.

But we've still got to just be careful

and hope that these womenlove their children enough

that they're not gonna doanything stupid like that.

But between the frontlineand the nearest refugee camp

there's nothing but more than 200 miles

of arid Syrian desert, nofood, water or shelter.

Into this gap is steppinga group of Christians

who make it their missionto travel to frontlines

around the globe and helppeople at their point

of greatest need.

They're the Free BurmaRangers and their founder,

Dave Eubank has beenworking on the frontlines

in this region sinc 2015.

- God is sending amighty river into Syria,

the spirit to change things.

And I said, we're not ariver man, we're a drop.

And he said, we're alldrops in God's rain,

and it forms a river.

And you and I may not liveto see the day of change,

but it's coming, 'cause Godcares about these people.

Alright, we're here to rescue.

- [Chuck] A former US ArmySpecial Forces officer,

Eubank has seen much of war.

So have his ethnic medics whogrew up in the conflict zone

in Burma and have used theirskills here to save many lives.

From Dave's perspective on the ground,

he says pulling out of Syriawould be the worst thing

the US can do.

- The military side have done a great job.

And they're doing a great job.

They need to stay andcomplete that and stay

to keep this space open.

But humanitarian, there's a huge gap.

The humanitarian gap from the frontline

to for example, the nearesthospital, four hours.

So you could be shot up thereand then take a whole day

to cross, another day to gethere then four more hours

till you get to a hospital.

So what the US could do, practically,

is set up field hospitals to support

the Syrian Democratic Forces, to improve

their ability to save lives.

- [Chuck] Those who arrivehere are often gravely injured

like this taxi driver whosehome was hit by a bomb

as he and his family were sleeping.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] At 3:00in the morning our house

was destroyed and therewere 23 of us inside.

- [Chuck] Only Salam, one son

and a daughter made it out alive.

But even before that tragedy, life inside

the Islamic Caliphate was unbearable.

- [Translator] Life was terrible in there.

We had to carry water from far away.

We ate grass to stay alive.

ISIS wanted money to let us leave

but we had no money andfinally they let us go.

- You might think it's crazyfor a group of civilians

to venture so close to the frontlines.

But this is no ordinary missions team

or a group of tourists.

These are highly trainedmedics and lots and lots

of prior military experiencehere that kind of makes them

uniquely qualified to do thekind of work they're doing,

addressing that humanitariangap between the frontlines

where people are escaping ISIS,and the first refugee camps

because there reallyisn't anything to help

those people between those two points.

- This is what we'remade to do. We like it.

This is the kind of work we can do

and we're not too afraid ofthe frontline or fighting.

And we have skills.

But all of that is onlyuseful and only workable

if led by God.

- [Chuck] These mensurrendered to SDF forces

from the conflict area andare suspected ISIS fighters.

Be that as it may, they are sick, hungry

and some were wounded sothe FBR team gave them water

and medicine and thenEubank said a prayer.

- Lord Jesus, please all these men.

Let them call on your name.

In Mosul, we lost a lot of friends.

I was wounded four times.

I lost my translator, 30guys I knew well were killed,

three of my team were wounded.

In the face of that,why would we help them?

Because God sent us andwe know I'm not perfect.

Those that'll raise theirhand and say pull me out,

I want to pull them out.

That's redemption,that's how things change.

And this is the first timeI've said, I forgive ISIS.


That's God's work in my heart.

That's God's work in my heart.

- [Chuck] From SouthernSyria, I'm Chuck Holton

for CBN News.

(rock beat)

- [Chris] Coming up, havethese Israeli scientists

come up with a cure forcancer or is it a claim

to good to be true?

Find out when we come back.

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- An Israeli companymade headlines recently

when the Chairman of theBoard told the Jerusalem Post

they could have a curefor cancer within a year.

CBN News interviewedone of the scientists,

and as CBN Health Reporter,Lorie Johnson reports,

there is more to the story.



- [Lorie] AdvancedEvolution Biotechnologies,

or AEBi, began its business in 2000.

Four years ago Founderand CEO, Dr. Ilan Morad

and his partner, Dr. HananItzhaki, started research

on a cure for cancer.

- We didn't want to haveanother drug like everyone else

that would give reliefto some cancer patients

and then the cancer would come back.

We wanted really to cure,something like antibiotics.

- The concept is basedon the same strategy

used to combat AIDS.

The patient is given acocktail, or mix of medications

designed to prevent thedisease from becoming resistant

to any one drug.

- Because you know, HIV isvery mutagenic creature.

Same as cancer.

This is the problem with cancer.

That is very mutagenic and these mutations

help the cancer escape the therapy.

- [Lorie] Here in this tinylab in Ness Ziona, Israel,

these two scientists came up with a theory

they hope will cure cancer.

They call it MuTaTo.

That stands for Multi-Target Toxin.

- The main thing hereis multiple targeting.

Instead of attacking one target at a time,

we connect together severalpeptides and we attack

several targets at a time.

And because of that, thecancer won't be able,

statistically, won't beable to escape the therapy

and this is what happened with AIDS.

And this is what wouldhappen here in cancer.

- [Lorie] And they pointout, since this cocktail

specifically targets cancer cells,

it is not as harmful to healthy ones.

- The other thing is, becauseof this targeting peptides

are connected togetherand there is what we call

affinity affect, side-effect

will be much, much, much lower.

So it would be like an antibiotic.

- [Lorie] Morad says ifscientists could come up

with one hundred different peptides,

they believe variouscombinations could treat

each kind of cancer.

- Each patient would get his MuTaTo

that would fit perfectly his cancer.

He would have almost noside-effects and in no time

it would be cured completely, because

the cancer cells wouldbe completely killed,

every one of them.

- [Lorie] Morad saysthey have five peptides

in the pre-clinical stage.

When the article cameout, it basically caught

the medical community by surprise

because AEBi's experimentshave been limited

and not published in medical journals.

CBN News approached Dr. Charles Geyer,

Associate Director for Clinical Research

at VCU Massey Cancer Center.

He was one of many that urged caution.

He said, "We all hopethat a cure for cancer

"will be found, but cancer isa complex family of diseases

"and there is a history of similar claims

"that have unfortunately spread false hope

"to many patients and their loved ones.

"This news is based on limitedinformation from the company

"and its researchers, and the results

"from their preclinical experiments

"have not been published in any

peer-reviewed academic journals.

"I would approach this newswith healthy skepticism

"and also remind people that it typically

"takes years to translatepromising preclinical research

"from the laboratory toevaluation in the clinic."

Morad said he wassurprised by the criticism.

- At least, give me the credit.

Ask me what is the mechanism of our MuTaTo

or read carefully, the firstarticle in the Jerusalem Post

to see what I really said.

- [Lorie] Morad saidthey need funding to move

their research along faster and would like

to collaborate with largerpharmaceutical companies.

He also made clear theone goal on his mind.

- I don't care about the money.

I want to cure cancer patients.

(rock beat)

- [Chris] Coming up, theCopper Scroll Project,

could this be a key tofinding the lost treasures

of the Second Temple?

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- Have you ever wondered whathappened to the treasures

of the Temple

when Jerusalem was conquered by the Romans

nearly 2000 years ago?

A new book called theCopper Scroll Project

gives some clues about what could be

the biggest treasure find in history.

We talked the author,Shelley Niece, in our studio.



Well, Shelley, welcometo Jerusalem Dateline.

- Thank you.- Thanks for being here.

You've written the Copper Scroll Project.

It's been a long-term project.

Why did you write it?

- Originally, I startedout, I met Jim Barfield.

He's the explorer who's in the book.

I met him at a conferenceand I decided to just write

one story about this explorer,on this amazing quest.

That was back in 2009.

It was just in the beginning.

And so that one articleturned into another article.

And then eventually,things just evolved so much

that I realized I actuallyhad a book on my hands.

There's so much that just out the gate,

a lot of people who have neverheard of the Copper Scroll,

I feel like there's a lot of skepticism

around what the Copper Scroll even is.

But we know that the CopperScroll, all scholars agree

that it's an authenticdocument that points to.

- Treasure of the Temple, right?

- Right.

So this Copper Scroll itself

doesn't use a lot ofTemple words except for

we know that it's suchcopious amounts of gold

and silver and talents thatit suggests that it could

only be connected to the Temple treasury.

There wouldn't have been any other place

that would have had that kind of wealth.

And then in certainplaces, the Copper Scroll

does use words like sanctified or vessels

a couple times and oncepriestly vestments.

I'm haunted by the Copper Scroll.

I'm haunted by the idea of it.

And so that's the thing,once I started studying

the Copper Scroll, I justcouldn't kill that hope

that there might still be

part of the Temple- Some of those treasures.

- Treasury out there.

- Now, found in one ofthe caves near Qumran?

- Exactly, so the CopperScroll was one of the few times

that was found in Cave Three.

As you know, after 1948,archeologists and Bedouins

were the clock against each other to find

more Dead Sea Scroll Caves.

The black market was beingflooded with Dead Sea Scroll

fragments, Dead SeaScrolls, less fragmentary.

In this particular case,it was archeologists

that found it.

It was led by a Frenchexplorer, French archeologist

with other Bedouins working on the team

and really they found CaveThree and it was kind of

a depressing situationbecause it was a lot,

the cave wall, or thecave roof had collapsed

in antiquity, destroyingmost of the scroll jars

that were inside thecave, which were several.

And therefore, the scrollswere just in fragments.

Some of them we in rat nests in the cave.

I mean, really in a dilapidated state.

It took about 10 daysto excavate Cave Three.

And the last few hours of that last day,

they noticed what lookedto be another niche

or another part of themulti-chamber complex.

And they decide to chipthrough this one barricade.

And turns our, almost like a false wall

to a castle's secret chamber,behind it, a man-made shelf

and on it rested the

copper scroll.- The copper scroll.

Which was unlike many ofthe other scrolls, correct?

It was copper and.

- Definitely.

And not only unique to theDead Sea Scroll collection

but there is no otherancient metal document

like it anywhere.

- And contained sort oflike, X marks the spot

kind of information? (laughing)

- Exactly, it is a treasure map.

It's a verbal treasure map.

So 12 columns over 60 locations.

You're getting very specific directions

to read in the valley, under the ruins,

dig here and you'll find 17 talents.

So it's giving all of thesevery architectural details

that if you're lookingfor biblical commentary,

or one of the books of theBible or how the Essenes

lived, you're not gonna findit in the Copper Scroll.

To me, what's most interestingabout the Copper Scroll,

is speculating who wrote it.

How did they get thesetreasures out of the Temple

and manage to hide them?

So to me, just doing alittle background research

on the origins of the Copper Scroll

has just informed my own faith so much

in terms of what firstcentury Jerusalem looked like.

I really feel like Christians and Jews,

I mean, the more we learnabout first century Jerusalem

and the different sectsand what was going on

and the political pressures,

the more that we can understandour own faiths as well.

- How did that feed yourfaith and fuel your faith?

- Personally, justputting me in the context

of the world that Jesus was walking in

and that it probablyeven closer, the world

that John the Baptist was walking in.

And also, the Essenes,you know they really felt

like they were living in the end times.

And so to me, the Copper Scroll really

it puts me on those bones.

Because here we have,are these Temple priests

that have somehow managed tohave this covert operation

of bringing Templetreasures, secreting them out

of the Temple, knowingthat the Romans are about

to destroy it.

And so, it just is able toput me in that time and place.

Here are these people whofelt such a dramatic shift

was about to happen in theworld, that they were willing

to risk this operation.

- How has this affected your faith?

- Tremendously.

For one, it brings me toIsrael a lot so that's

always been officialfor any of our faiths.

But I really, I can't even tell you.

So much of Israel's history,Israel's modern history,

its wars, what it's going through now,

is getting to see God's handat work in the world today.

So it's getting to seealmost as if we're having

new chapters of theBible written before us.

- What do you want peopleto take away from this book?

- I want people to learnabout first century Jerusalem,

about Judaism, about Christianity

and really bring them back to that place

of birth of their own faith.

And that's what I want.

I want them to just see their own faith

through a new lens and for it

to be a teaching tool for them.

- Well, Shelley, congratulations on this.

It's been great to be with you.

It's a fascinating story.

- It's an honor to be here.

(rock beat)

- [Chris] Up next, a pleato pray for the Christians

in Northeast Syria and allthe peoples of that region.

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- The announcement by PresidentTrump to pull US forces

out of Northeast Syria frightened

many of the people in that area.

They're praying that God willintervene in their situation.

Here's why.

(somber music)

- [Chris] Turkish PresidentErdogan has threatened a similar

campaign into Northeast Syria.

- Please pray for thesepeople, this region

and the future of oneof the most strategic

places on earth, from theTigris to the Euphrates

at this time in history.

Please do pray for thepeople of Northeast Syria.

We met with many of them and found them

to be warm, hospitable andfolks just like you and me,

Yet they're facing alife-threatening situation.

Also this week, we'd liketo thank the Daystar Network

for carrying Jerusalem Dateline.

We're excited about thisopportunity to report

to you here from Jerusalem,Israel and the Middle East

and to be like the sonsand daughters of Issachar

who like the Bible says,understood the times.

Well, that's all for this edition.

Thanks for joining us.

Remember you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and YouTube.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

We'll see you next timeon Jerusalem Dateline.

(rock beat)



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