- Well ladies and gentlemen,we've got a lot of things
for you today.
We welcome you to thisedition of The 700 Club.
I wanna tell you somethingabout history, though.
40 years ago, 40 yearsago, the shah of Iran
was a strong American ally.
He was essentially ourfriend in the Middle East,
but he had a secret police called SAVAK
that were pretty repressivein terms of his people.
So he's in touch with JimmyCarter, our president.
And he calls him, and hesays, "Mister President,
"the people are rioting,what should I do?"
And what does Mister Carter say?
"We don't get involvedin the internal affairs
of other nations," ha!
And at that point, this strange cleric,
the Ayatollah Khomeini,is brought in from Europe
and established the Iranian state.
And he became a dictator.
He was a dictator of themullahs, the high priests.
And Iran has been our enemy ever since.
Well we sold out the shahand left him hanging.
And then he finally was able
to get some medical attentionin the United States,
and the Iranians werecomplaining about that.
But he was our close and dear ally.
And our policy can make terribledifferences if it's wrong.
And we've got so many thingsthat we've done along the way
that are just shocking,and that was one of them.
So we're paying the price.
Now our vice presidentand the secretary of state
are over in Europe tryingto persuade our allies
to come along with us against Iran
to make sure thosesanctions are put in place.
And while this is going on,
a shocking development has taken place.
There was an Air Force officer,
who was in counterintelligence,who was privy
to some of the deepest secrets
of our United States government,
and she has defected to Iran.
And she has left Americaand gone over to Iran.
And she is, apparently,imperiling the lives
of hundreds of her fellow workers.
I mean, she has got the goodson all the secret people
behind the scenes in Iran,and they will be subject
to being executed.
Now that's going on.
Now at the same time,
we've got this drama inWashington about the government.
And so Congress, that'swhat Congress always does.
They keep a Christmastree, and they have a bill.
And instead of a few pages to say, well,
here's so much money for thegovernment, it's a 1000 pages.
The Obama care was, what, 22, 2300 pages.
Nancy Pelosi says we've gotta pass it
so we can understand what's in it.
Well the president's beingasked to sign this thing,
and he says, "I don't know whatlandmines are in the thing."
But some lawmakers are concerned
they don't know what they're voting for,
but they're being asked to vote quickly
and send the bill to the president.
- Well the president wants to vet the bill
for anything that's in therethat he might not be aware of.
All of this as the clock ticks away
toward Friday night's deadlineto keep the government open.
CBN's Jenna Browder has the details
on what we know so far.
- Lawmakers put thefinal touches on the bill
early this morning.
But that leaves littletime for them to review it
before tonight's vote.
And some are not happy about it.
Congressman Mike Johnson calls it absurd
since the bill is morethan a 1000 pages long.
And if it gets to the president's desk...
- It's hard to say definitively
whether or not thepresident's gonna sign it
until we know everything that's in it.
- [Jenna] What we do know about the bill,
it includes nearly $1.4billion for the wall,
enough for about 55 miles.
That is significantly less
than the president's original demand.
But it also includes a$1.7 billion increase
to DHS funding for things liketechnology at ports of entry,
customs officers, and humanitarian aid.
The deal will alsoreduce ICE detention beds
from about 50 to 40,000.
Trump isn't happy by the sounds of it,
but lawmakers, likeSenator Lindsey Graham,
are urging him to take the deal
and consider it a down payment.
- I think the president'sinclined to accept the agreement,
move on, and try to find money elsewhere,
and most likely declare an emergency.
- [Jenna] Trump says he doesn't want
to see another shutdown.
- I don't wanna see a shutdown.
A shutdown would be a terrible thing.
- [Jenna] CBN Capitol Hill correspondent,
Abigail Robertson says everyonewants to see a deal pass
and a shut down is not expected.
- I would say right now,
it's one step above cautious optimism.
You never know what willhappen with President Trump.
But people feel pretty good
that we're going to avoidanother government shutdown.
- And not included in the bill
is a deal for DACA dreamers.
President Trump has until midnight Friday
to avoid another government shutdown.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Jenna, you know the president'sgonna have to sign that.
As a responsible leader, hecannot shut the government down.
The consequences are just so pervasive.
It affects Regent University
in terms of students and scholarships.
It affects our little hotelin terms of guest bookings.
And if this is a smallmicrocosm of what it's doing
to the nation, and allthose hundreds of thousands
of federal workers,they've gotta get paid.
I mean, you cannot do that.
But when I hear peoplemaking fun of the president
because he's doing his job,
it just makes me sick in my stomach,
because he's gonna get the last laugh.
He is becoming a very responsible leader.
And I'm delighted to seethe initiatives he's taking.
And the last thing we need to do
is to make fun of the factthat he's acting responsibly
and is going to make thebest agreement he can get.
And he's gonna find themoney from some other source
to get this job done.
But why does he want the wall?
He wants it to protect America.
Why would people make fun of him for that?
Well in other news, as I said earlier,
world leaders are gatheringto address the global threat
being posed by Iran.
John Jessup has more on that
from our CBN News bureau in Washington.
- That's right, Pat.
Vice President Mike Penceis calling on Europe
to join America in pullingout of the Iran nuclear deal.
He spoke at an internationalsummit with world leaders today
aiming to push back againstIran's growing threat
to the Middle East and the world,
even as the Islamic Republicobserves a major milestone.
Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] 40 years after Iranbecame an Islamic Republic,
the world is standing up tothis major global threat.
Vice President Mike Pence andSecretary of State Mike Pompeo
joined other world powers
to confront Iran's growinginfluence in a major conference.
- Pompeo says there's no peacewithout confronting Iran.
- You can't achieve peace andstability in the Middle East
without confronting Iran.
It's just not possible.
They're a maligned influence in Lebanon,
in Yemen, in Syria, and Iraq.
- [Chris] Just this week Iran threatened
to level Tel Aviv.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
responded, "That would be theend of the Islamic Republic."
- [Translator] If this regimemakes the awful mistake
of trying to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa,
it will not succeed.
This would be the last anniversary
of the revolution that they celebrate.
They should take this into account.
- [Chris] Iran at firstdismissed the conference,
but when a deadly terrorattack killed dozens
of Iran's revolutionary guards,
the regime suggested theworld powers are behind it.
"Is it no coincidencethat Iran is hit by terror
"on the very day thatWarsaw circus begins?"
Netanyahu said theconference marked a first
with Israel standingalongside its Arab neighbors
in the Middle East.
- A historical turning point,an Israeli prime minister
and the foreign ministers ofthe leading Arab countries
stood together and spokewith unusual force,
clarity, and unityagainst the common threat
of the Iranian regime.
- 40 years ago the world was introduced
to the menacing stare ofthe Ayatollah Khomeini.
His Iranian Revolution oustedthe shah of Iran, a US ally.
And he put his stamp on American history
with the hostage crisis thatlasted more than a year.
It's leaders then beganto purge the country
of western influenceand set Iran on a path
of expansion and Islamist terror.
During the revolution, theUS was dubbed the Great Satan
by the ruling mullahs.
Still, most of their hatredis reserved for the country
they call the Little Satan, Israel.
For four decades they avowedto wipe it off the map.
- I think a clash is inevitable.
- [Chris] Middle East expertMichael Widlanski says,
according to Israeli military sources,
Iran has armed Hezbollah in Lebanon
with enough missiles to bombardall of Israel for weeks.
- Israel could face every day,
not 10 rockets, not 100 rockets,
but 2500 rocket attacks every day
over a period of three weeks.
- [Chris] And thatdoesn't take into account
Iran's nuclear program.
In last year's UNaddress, Netanyahu exposed
a secret nuclear site with300 tons of nuclear material.
- Now I also have a messagetoday for the tyrants of Tehran.
Israel will never let a regime
that calls for our destructionto develop nuclear weapons,
not now, not in 10 years, not ever.
- [Chris] While Widlanski believes
Israel can take care of itself,
he's concerned if themullahs aren't stopped,
their grand design couldswallow up the region.
- The Iranians want ShiaIslam to be the face of Islam.
That means they wanna goafter all their neighbors
and project their force all the way
to the Mediterranean and to the Atlantic.
- Those attending the conference in Poland
want to stop Iran'sexpansion in the Middle East
and blunt the leading sponsorof terror in the world.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thanks, Chris.
The Justice Department has charged
a former American Air Forceofficer with spying for Iran.
39-year-old Monica Witt,
a former counterintelligence officer,
is charged with turning overhighly-classified secrets
to the Islamic Republic andworking with Iranian hackers
to target undercover agents.
- She blew the cover
of all her counterintelligence colleagues
and put them in mortal danger.
- Now Witt defected to Iran in 2013.
She also threatened to gopublic with other information
citing former CIA employeeEdward Snowden as an example.
And Pat, of course, in 2013,
Snowden leaked classified material
from the National Security Agency.
- What I understand isright now we do have ability
to send false signals intotheir nuclear program.
We had, what was called,Stuxnet that was in there
as they were doing someof those centrifuges.
But we also have other ways ofconfusing what they're doing.
And I think our NSA is verycapable of cyber terrorism
or cyber warfare, I think theword would be, against Iran.
But they are a serious threat.
And those people have decided
that if the Mahdi is going to come back,
that there will be globaldevastation before he comes
and that the few of thefaithful will restore the world.
So the whole idea of a nuclear holocaust
preceding the return of the Mahdi
goes right along with their theology,
and they are very, very dangerous.
And they keep makingthreats against Israel.
And Netanyahu said, "Well,we'll never permit them
"to have a nuclear weapon."
The Iranian deal that was setup by the Obama administration
gave them a pathway tohaving nuclear weapons.
And Trump got out of that deal.
He said no way are they gonna do it.
Netanyahu says the same thing.
But they cannot be nuclear armed,
because they're theologycalls for major destruction
before the return of this12th Imam, the Mahdi.
And so we may have to take action.
You can't let this thing just fester.
And the fact that one ofour intelligence agents
has defected to Iran, youjust say, what kind of thing
was going on in that woman's mind
to turn against the United States
in favor of an oppressivetheocratic regime
that punishes its own people, John?
- Pat, a federal judge saysformer Trump campaign chairman
Paul Manafort lied toinvestigators and a grand jury
in the Russia probe.
The judge ruled there isevidence Manafort lied
about conversations with an associate
who has ties to Russian intelligence.
Prosecutors say those discussions
are at the heart of RobertMueller's investigation
into whether the Trumpcampaign colluded with Russia.
Manafort is in jail set tobe sentenced next month.
The judge's decision couldhurt Manafort's chances
of getting a reduced sentence.
Well a growing number of high school
and middle school students areusing tobacco products again.
The Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention
says the most likely reason is the boom
in vaping or e-cigarettes.
The CDC's Brian King says,"We were making progress,
"and now you have the introduction
"of a product that is heavily popular
"among youth that has completelyerased that progress."
Vaping is basically inhaling vapor
from an electronic cigarette
simulating the experience of smoking.
The CDC found vaping is a gateway
to regular cigarette smoking.
And almost a half-million people die
each year from smoking, Pat?
- Well I have suggested a long time ago,
you know we subsidize tobacco?
The United States government pays money
to these tobacco farmers.
And the time has come when weoutlaw cigarettes entirely.
And as I have said on thisprogram a long time ago,
set up some kind of a tax break
so that cigarette companiescan find some alternate means
of making money and havesomething else for the farmers.
Give them an alternate so thatthey can have something else.
You don't take away all their income
and then give them nothing.
But I think we can do something for them.
And we oughta outlaw that.
But to think that we'resubsidizing this thing
that is killing people year after year
after year, after year.
And there's no questionthat cigarette smoking,
that the results are just horrendous.
- Have you ever driven behind someone
who's vaping in the car in front of you?
- Oh, no.- You think the car's
(laughing) on fire.
I mean, it's unbelievable
the smoke produced.- Some of those things
have blown up.
Those cigarettes haveblown up in people's faces.
In any event...