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CBN NewsWatch AM: February 11, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: February 11, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN News Watch.

Thanks for joining us forthis first addition of

CBN News Watch for Monday, February 11th.

I'm Mark Martin.

Today, another possiblegovernment shutdown?

It could happen

as budget negotiations inWashington breakdown again.

And, 40 years ago today a revolution

that's still playing amajor impact on the world

as the Islamic governmentcame to power in Iran.

We'll look at what the Mullahsin Iran are planning next.

Plus, Bible classes arepopping up in a place

where you might not expect them.

And, it's a night to shine,

the annual proms forthose with special needs.

Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation.

We'll tell you about thosestories and much more

on News Watch.

We begin now with the presidentheading to El Paso, Texas

to round up support for his border wall

and it looks like he's going to need it

as weekend talks betweenlawmakers ended in a stalemate.

The latest fight is overthe number of detention beds

for illegal immigrants.

Democrats want to limit the amount

saying, it will force ICEto go after hard criminals.

But, Republicans disagree.

- You're actually incentivizingmore illegal immigration

by reducing the bed space.

And it under cuts any moneyyou would get for a wall.

He can't sign that bill.

- Washington correspondent Amber Strong

has been following thisstory and she joins us now.

Amber, what is the sensethere on Capitol Hill?

Could we see another shutdown?

- I'm not sure a shut down is likely

but, as far as somethingcoming out of this deal,

as Senator Shelby said yesterday,

it's about a 50-50 chance.

The interesting thingabout all of this Mark

is that the people inthat room were chosen

because they're peoplewho are supposedly able

to work together and not kind of throw out

things to the extremeleft or the extreme right.

And, here were are at this impasse.

So it's very interestingthat they've kind of

halted negotiations.

- Amber, what aboutthe president's demands

for money for a border wall?

Where does that stand?

- So, the president as of now

the number could be anywhereas low as 800 million,

which is what one lawmaker had suggested.

To 2.5 billion, whichis about half of what

President Trump has indicated he needs.

Mick Mulvaney, the actingWhite House chief of staff,

in a number of interviews said yesterday,

if the president is not ableto get that full 5.7 billion

that he needs, there are other options.

That other option includingdeclaring a national emergency.

- We talked earlier about the president

heading to El Paso today.

Tell us what's gonna be going on there.

- So, it's kind of a battlingrallies, if you will.

So the President Trumpwill be gathering with

Texas Governor Abbott and Senator Ted Cruz

and then kind of a throwbackto the mid-term elections

you have Beto O'Rourke who will be holding

his own rally on the border.

Beto O'Rourke is from El Paso.

El Paso has become sortof this talking point

for the president as to why walls work.

But Beto O'Rourke wants to show

that the president is wrong about El Paso.

That El Paso is safe cityand that, in his words,

the president is sort of fear mongering.

So it'll be an interestingshow down there in Texas.

- Alright, it should be.

Well Amber Strong, thanks so much

for your report from Washington.

- Thank you Mark.

- And tonight on CBN's Faith Nation,

we'll have a look at thepresident's trip to El Paso.

And, on the battle over a border wall.

With the latest from theWhite House and Capitol Hill.

That's on Faith Nation at 6 p.m.

Only on the CBN News Channel.

A Virginia lawmaker has backed off a plan

to introduce an impeachment bill today.

Seeking the removal of the second

most power officer in the state.

Lieutenant Governor JustinFairfax faces allegations

of sexual assault, whichhe vehemently denies.

As the governor and state attorney general

are embroiled in their own scandals.

Both have acknowledge wearingblackface in the 1980s.

But despite calls from many

state and national level Democrats,

Governor Ralph Northamsays, he won't resign.

- Virginia needs someone that can heal.

There's no better personto do that than a doctor.

Virginia also needs someone who is strong

who has empathy, who has courage

and who has a moral compass.

And, that's why I'm not going anywhere.

I have learned from this,I have a lot more to learn.

- If the governor, lieutenantgovernor, and attorney general

all left office or were removed,

the Speaker of The Housewill become governor.

He's a Republican, which is giving

the Democratic officeholders another reason

to try to keep their positions.

Republican Congressman WalterJohns of North Carolina

passed away Sunday at the age of 76.

His office issued a statementSunday about his death

saying, he faithfully served the people

of Eastern North Carolinaand the state legislature

for more than 34 years.

He dedicated his lifeto serving his savior

and is standing up forAmericans who needed a voice

for the military and their families.

One thing he was known for in congress was

his fight to see theJohnson Amendment repealed.

He introduced legislationevery session of the House

since 2001 in hopes of seeing it repealed.

It's the law that denies tax exempt status

to any organization,including houses of worship,

if they endorse or opposepolitical candidates.

He once told CBN News,

"It's kind of like big brother,

"listening to what the minister,

"or priest or rabbi might be saying."

His staff says, he was a man of the people

known for his honesty and integrity.

With a kind heart and thecourage of his convictions.

He was also widely respected by both

Republicans and Democrats.

New Jersey is now thesecond state in the nation

to require schools toteach about LGBTQ history.

Under the new law public school teachers

must include lessons aboutthe political, social

and economic contributions ofgay and transgender people.

New Jersey GovernorDemocrat Phil Murphy says,

he was honored to signthe legislation into law.

He tweeted, "LGBTQ plus historyis part of our shared story

"and students deserve to know it.

"Proud to sign a billthat makes New Jersey

"the second state in the nation to require

"an LGBTQ plus inclusivecurriculum in our schools."

It was modeled after a California law.

The first state with the requirement

that's been in place since 2011.

The ISIS caliphate inSyria is coming to an end.

But, as CBN News contributorChuck Holton reports

from the war weary Southern Syria,

they aren't giving up easily.

They're using women andchildren as human shields

and civilians are fleeing for their lives.

- So, I'm now withinsight of ISIS last stand

in the area of Hajin right back behind me.

Just off to my right isa place called Baghuz

where they say the lastISIS fighters are hold up.

We've been hearing air strikesthroughout the evening.

Last night into the early morning hours.

And it sounds like themilitary's really step up

its efforts to eradicatethe last of these guys.

But what that's causing is

more people to flee andmany of them are injured.

And so, here at this collection point

those who can make it here

have been walking to this point

where they are processed bythe Syrian Defense Forces

and they're then movedto a further site inland.

This 19 year-old woman is a French citizen

who came with her mother to join ISIS

when she was only 15.

- I came in 2015 withmy mother and my sister

to live in the Caliphate

and after this I want to escape.

But, they ask a lot ofmoney and family and friends

they scared to send the money.

There is no food, no nothing.

No food, we was living in the tent.

No electricity, never electricity nothing.

I want to go back to my country.

- [Chuck] Buses come every afternoon

to take these women and children to a camp

several hours away.

Any men who surrender areassumed to be ISIS fighters

and are taken to a detention facility.

Families who arrive too late

are forced to spend thenight here in the desert.

The light is almost gone out here

and we're still hearing fighting going on

a couple kilometers away.

But, the more pressing emergency right now

is that there are maybea couple 100 people

out here behind me in this just desert.

They got dumped off hereafter escaping from ISIS

but they're gonna have tospend the night out here.

Last night it was about 30 degrees

and people could die out here.

They're, I'm just watchingthem as they try to prepare

for what they know is coming.

It's already below 40 I would say.

Clear sky, it's gonna beextremely cold here tonight.

And, there are these holesthat were dug in the earth

to be used as slit trenches, as bathrooms.

And what they're doing is going in

and cleaning out all theexcrement and throwing it out

and they're gonna sleep in there tonight

because it's at least out of the wind.

Many of these people are injured as well.

It's just hard to imagine.

We've given away all the blankets we had.

I gave away my warm socks.

We're trying to figure outa way to help these people

as much as we can.

But, you know, it's justa drop in the ocean.

And so, I'm just not sure whatelse we can do except pray.

From the Euphrates RiverValley in Southern Syria,

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- Yeah, definitely pray for theinnocent women and children,

and men, and innocent civilians in Syria.

In other news, White HouseSenior Advisor Jared Kushner

will be headed to theMiddle East later this month

to push for peace.

Kushner will make stopsin Saudi Arabia, Qatar,

and the United Arab Emirates

to present details of the president's

economic Middle East peace plan.

According to Politicothe plan will in part

create economic incentivesfor Palestinians.

It is a plan that Kushnerhas been overseeing

for nearly two years.

The White House is preparing to release

what it hopes is a finalizedpeace plan for Israel

and the Palestinians.

Coming up, a look at majorgovernment overthrow in history

40 years ago today.

And the serious impact it'sstill having on the world.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] CBN presents,The I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises

God has made to his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching

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- God spared my life twice in three days.

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- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear

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- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000.

Or, visit

The I Wills of God:

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are more than

148 million orphans in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month emersed

in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw first hand the other loneliness

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew aministry from my heart

called, Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated

and they're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now,

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- 40 years ago today aradical Iranian cleric

led the overthrow ofhis country's government

and installed an Islamist regime.

It still stands and is theworld's leading sponsor of terror

as CBN's John Waage explains,

Israel stands on the frontline to prevent

Iran from expanding westward

and destroying the Jewish state.

- [John] In 1979 the world was introduced

to the menacing glare ofthe Ayatollah Khomeini.

His Iranian revolution oustedthe Shah of Iran a US ally

and put its mark on American history

with a hostage crisis thatlasted more than a year.

Its leaders began to purge thecountry of Western influence

and set Iran on a path ofexpansion and Islamist terror.

During the revolution the US was dubbed,

"The Great Satan," by the ruling Mullahs.

Still, most of their hatredwas reserved for the country

they called, "The Little Satan," Israel.

For four decades they avowedto wipe it off the map.

The show of force continued this month

as Iran paraded its missiles in Tehran.

- I think a clash is inevitable.

- [John] Middle Eastexpert, Micheal Widlanski

says according to Israeli military sources

Iran has armed Hezbollah andLebanon with enough missiles

to bombard all of Israel for weeks.

- Lebanon itself is so wellarmed with Hezbollah missiles

and rockets, that Israelcould face every day,

not 10 rockets,

not 100 rockets, but 2500rocket attacks everyday

over a period of three weeks.

- [John] And thatdoesn't take into account

Iran's nuclear program.

In last year's UN address,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

exposed a secret nuclearsite with 300 tons

of nuclear material.

- Now, I also have a message today

for the tyrants of Tehran.

Israel knows what you're doing

and Israel knows where you're doing it.

Israel will never let regime

that calls for our destruction

to develop nuclear weapons.

Not now, not in 10 years, not ever.

- [John] While Widlanski warns Israel

can take care of itself.

He worries if the Mullahs aren't stopped

their grand design couldswallow up the region.

- The Iranians want ShiaIslam to be the face

of the Islam.

That means they wanna go afterSaudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait.

They wanna go after all their neighbors

and project their force allthe way to Mediterranean

and to the Atlantic.

They wanna go through Lebanon

and then through North Africa.

They wanna go through Yemen.

They have a real, realexpansionist process

which is similar to what the communist

and the Nazis had.

This is not just a religious calling.

This is very serious powerpolitics strategy playing.

- [John] John Waage, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [Mark] Still ahead, a move to return

to learning from the biblein public school classrooms.

(dramatic music)

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- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or, visit

The I Wills Of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

- Welcome back, given today's society

you might be surprisedto know about a movement

gaining ground to start bibleclasses in public schools.

Seven states alreadyrecognize these classes

and six more could follow.

CBN's Heather Sells has that story.

- The believers behindthis latest push say their

idea is simple and to the point.

Teach the book that has shaped

our civilization like no other.

- Who in the world wouldwant to ban or censor

one of the top five impactfulbooks in all of history.

- [Heather] FormerCongressman Randy Forbes

is helping to lead the charge.

His Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation

has joined other Christian groups

to promote religious freedom legislation

at the state level.

Last week President Trumpgave them a twitter shout out.

Publicly praising the ideaof elective bible classes

for high school students.

- Doesn't just make sense

that we should have that book

that's been so impactfulat least be studied

and examined by people whowanna study it and examine

in the place where we go to explore ideas

and look at what we'regoing to do for tomorrow?

- [Heather] Not everyone agrees.

Religion writer Jonathan Merritt

says Evangelicals need to remember

that the same schools teaching their kids

about sexuality and science

would now teach them the Bible.

- So it seems to me tobe kind a strange ask

that you would say, yeah Iwant a government employee

in a public school teachingmy kid about holy scripture.

Because when it comes to alot of the scholarly consensus

on holy scripture these thing diverge

from majority opinions among Evangelicals.

- [Heather] Teaching this subject

in the public school systemclearly has its complications.

For example, back in 1963the Supreme Court ruled,

"The Bible is worthy ofstudy for its literary

"and historic qualities."

Justices also added it mustbe presented objectively

with no devotional readings.

Groups like Freedom From Religion

and the ACLU, claim that's not happening

and have sued school districts in Texas

for not presenting the Bible objectively.

Their main concern, Christianswill use these classes

as opportunity to evangelize.

- The problem, criticssay, with these bills

is that they're really a covert attempt

not just to teach the bible as history

or as literature, but to teach the Bible

through an interpretive lens.

Essentially to promote Christianvalues in public schools.

- [Heather] Forbes and others maintain

if schools can objectivelyteach controversial topics

like politics and government,

they can do the same with the Bible.

- We are not trying to getsomeone or tell someone

they have to believe a certain thing.

We're just saying, look atthe history of this book

look at the importance ofthe ideas in this book.

Look at how it plays in even the policy

in the United States of American.

You make your own decisions.

- [Heather] It's a tall order but worth it

say supporters, to teachsuch an important book

to the next generation.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- [John] Coming up, kings and queens

everyone of them in God's eyes.

As, A Night To Shine, celebrates kids

with special needs around the world.

(dramatic music)

(triumphant music)

- [Announcer] When yougive smiles grow bigger.

When you care homes are happier.

When you comfort the hurt goes away.

When we all come togetherto love miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month emersed

in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw first hand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew a ministry

from my heart called, Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

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- We will move the American embassy

to the eternal capital ofthe Jewish people Jerusalem.

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- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.

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- [Woman] And I wish that otherpeople throughout the world

could see this side of Israel.

- [Mark] A program note,

be sure to catch thelatest from Faithwire,

tonight on the CBN News Channel.

With Dan Andros and Dale Partridge.

It's at 9:30 eastern.

It was a night to shine worldwide

with proms out for 90,000 young people

with special needs this year.

It was Friday night,

and was sponsored by Tim Tebow Foundation

and just keeps growing.

Take a look at highlightsfrom the year before

to see how God is showing his love

to these beautiful children and teens.

- You're all kings and queens.

Absolutely, well I hopethat you're gonna be

queen of the dance floor tonight.

(Our Night to Shine by Rascal Flatts)

- This is my favorite time of the year

because I believe it is howthe God of this universe

sees every single one ofus as a king or a queen.

♪ Pin a flower on that sport coat ♪

♪ Lace up your new church shoes ♪

♪ Grab your favorite pair of denim ♪

♪ Patched up knees and faded blue ♪

♪ Fold two twenty's in your pocket ♪

♪ Kiss your mama at the door ♪

♪ Take a picture perfect postcard ♪

♪ And send it all across the world ♪

♪ This is our time ♪

♪ Our night to shine ♪

♪ Oh take my hand, hold on tight ♪

♪ Don't look back til the morning light ♪

♪ Let the world go, let it spin slow ♪

♪ Tell tomorrow not to hurry, ♪

♪ We're just fine ♪

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night to shine ♪

♪ This is our night to shine ♪

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night to shine ♪

(triumphant music)

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night ♪

♪ This is our night to shine ♪

- Wow, what a powerful event.

Hats off to Tim Tebow for yielding to God

and look what's happenedall around the world.

Well, thanks for joining us for today,

for the first edition of CBN News Watch.

You can find more on theissues you care about most


And can watch CBN News programs anytime

on our CBN News channel.

Also, tell use what youthink about the stories

you've seen here by emailingNews Watch and

Or, talk to us on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us next time.

Have a great day, and a great week.

(dramatic music)


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