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CBN NewsWatch AM: February 7, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: February 7, 2019 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us forthis edition of CBN Newswatch.

I'm Charlene Aaron.

Winter weather strikes partsof the Midwest and West

this week causingdangerous travel conditions

and cutting power to thousands.

In parts of Kansas and Missouri

officials blamed the icy roadways

for two separate crashesthat killed three people.

The National Weather Service

issued a winter weather advisorywarning of freezing rain,

snow, and more cold weatherfrom Nebraska through Michigan.

Freezing rain hit theKansas City, Missouri, area

and more is expected.

Up to a quarter inch of ice is possible.

The icy conditions causeda school bus to overturn.

- I did make the phone calland I did come out to see

that the kids were getting pulled out

by the monitor and the bus driver.

- Fortunately, authorities report

all the students only had minor injuries.

And our Mark Martin has beenfollowing the winter weather

in parts of the country andhe joins us now with more.

Mark, the winter weatheris definitely, in the West,

following some rough weather out West.

What's happened?

- Yeah, I tell you what,

we still have about a monthand a half left of winter.

And Old Man Winter is holding on.

Like you said though, what'sgoing on in the Midwest

followed some tough weather out West

with snow and icy conditions in some parts

in areas that are normally,

they normally have mild temperatures.

For example, in KingCounty, Washington, alone,

more than 170 spin outsand crashes reported.

- Wow.- So intense weather out West.

And now we have what TheWeather Channel is calling

Winter Storm Lucian movingup through the Midwest

bringing with it freezingrain, icy conditions, and snow.

- That's pretty dangeroustravel conditions there.

I understand that there wereevacuations in Michigan.

What was that all about?

- Yeah, definitely.

Ice jams, believe it or not, in Michigan,

in central Michigan,in Portland, Michigan,

led to flooding whichthen caused authorities

to evacuate around 50people from their homes.

So it's just a wide range of weather here.

But once again, ice jams incentral Michigan led to flooding

and authorities evacuateddozens of people, around 50.

- Wow, and once again the winter weather

is bringing those dangerouslylow temperatures, right?

- Very true.

In the Northern Plains they're reporting

that winter stormsmoving into North Dakota

and western Minnesota coulddump as much as a foot of snow.

And then temperatures could be around 40,

minus 40 I should say, minus40 degrees wind chills.

- Mark Martin, thank youso much for your reporting.

- Yeah, you bet.

- Well, with Virginia, threetop democratic officials

caught in political scandal.

And if Governor Ralph Northam resigns,

the state's next governorcould be Republican Kirk Cox

who's Virginia's Speaker of the House.

Virginia's Attorney GeneralMark Herring was next in line

after Democrats called forRalph Northam to resign.

And his potentialpredecessor Justin Fairfax

faced allegations of sexual assault.

But Herring admitted Wednesday

that he dressed up in blackface

during a college party in the 80s.

The scandal began last week

when a photo from Northam'smedical school yearbook surfaced

with a photo believed tobe of him in blackface.

He first apologized for it,

but later said he's not surethat was him in the photo.

The House Intelligence Committee

will launch a new investigation

looking at Russian interferencein the 2016 election

and President Trump's business dealings.

Democratic Chairman Adam Schiff

made that announcement Wednesday

after the President criticizedpartisan investigations

in his State of theUnion speech on Tuesday.

Schiff says the investigationwill include the scope

and scale of Russian intervention

in the 2016 presidential election.

The President is callingSchiff a quote political hack.

Congresswoman MaxineWaters urged Americans

not to watch the State of the Union

because she says under Donald Trump

the State of the Union is not good.

But Tuesday night thePresident had 3% more

television viewers than he did

in his first State of the Union speech.

Trump drew a larger audiencethan Presidents Obama

and Clinton did

for their second Stateof the Union addresses.

And during his speech,

President Trump listed manyof his accomplishments,

especially with the economy.

In his Drive It Home commentary,

Gary Lane says manycongressional Democrats

found it hard to applaud those successes.

- I don't know about you,

but I noticed many sour faces

from the Democrat side of the aisle.

Shouldn't all Americans bepleased about our robust economy?

And some of those record-lowunemployment numbers?

That's a victory for all of us

regardless of your party affiliation.

But no applause from Pelosi,Schumer, and the Dems.

I guess they only applaud success

when it comes from a Democrat.

- And you can watch GaryLane's full commentary

in other issues affectingAmerica and the world

on tonight's episode of The Global Lane.

It is on the CBN NewsChannel at 9:30 p.m. Eastern.

Well, a Christian student organization

won a permanent place on theUniversity of Iowa campus

on Wednesday.

A federal court ruledthat the university's

human rights policy illegallytargeted religious groups

for requiring their leaders to believe in

and follow their faith.

In BLinC versus The University of Iowa,

the university kicked BusinessLeaders in Christ, or BLinC

off campus because the grouprequires its student leaders

to affirm and live byits religious beliefs.

After the university admittedthat it knowingly targeted

and deregistered BLinC andother religious groups,

the court ruled thatthe university must end

its unequal treatment ofreligious student organizations.

Well, with more and more states

adopting pro abortion legislation,

it may seem that the battlefor the life of the unborn

is being played out politically.

But one pastor in Washington state

has come up with aunique way to fight back.

Pastor Ken Peters of CovenantChurch in Spokane, Washington,

believes the church is the only hope

for ending abortion in America.

- We gotta activate,put legs to our faith.

We gotta find that balance

between being mean and nasty and yelling.

We gotta find the balancebetween that and doing nothing.

- [Charlene] During a recent interview

on the CBN News program Prayer Link,

Peters shared how God presentedhim with that balanced way.

- And I felt like the Lord said to me

right in the middle of a church service,

I want your next church campus

to be the Planned Parenthood campus.

So a few months ago we planted a church

right there at Planned Parenthood.

- [Charlene] It's called TheChurch at Planned Parenthood.

One evening each month Peters

and members of his congregation

go to the local Planned Parenthood

and share a message ofGod's love and hope.

- We're aware of all the rules.

And doing our best to stay within those.

So the police are definitely there.

They're watching.- Yeah.

- But they know that we'renot there to cause trouble.

We're there to worship God.

We're there to pray.

We're there to preach the Gospel.

- [Charlene] As news ofthe church has spread,

other ministries are joining in.

- Last service we got about65,000 people viewing in live

on my personal Facebook feed.

We had over 300 people thereoutside in the freezing cold.

Cars driving by.

Overall it's just been unbelievable.

- [Charlene] As more states move toward

radical abortion measures,

Peters says the time forthe church to act is now.

- That we have a holocaustgoing on in our own country.

And this really brings it to light.

And we're confrontingit with the Holy Spirit

and with worship instead of in the flesh.

And this really gets the light of Jesus

right out in front of the community,

right on one of the busiestintersections in town.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, he says

there is great spiritual significance

in making a stand where innocent lives

are so easily terminated.

- The Bible says that

Hell will not prevail against the Church.

And, but I think if theChurch does not engage,

then Hell has free rein.

And so what we're doingis we're taking church

right to the gates of Hellknowing that we will win.

- Friends and family ofRabbi Yechiel Eckstein

are mourning his passing.

The beloved founder

of the International Fellowshipof Christians and Jews

suddenly passed awayWednesday at the age of 67.

CBN founder Doctor Pat Robertson said,

"Words cannot express the sorrow I feel

"at the untimely passing ofmy friend Yechiel Eckstein."

Robertson went on to say,

"Yechiel has been a pioneer and champion

"of Christian Jewishrelations for decades."

When Rabbi Eckstein foundedthe fellowship in 1983,

his goal was simple.

Build bridges between Christians and Jews

and help Christians reestablishtheir biblical connection

to Israel and the Jewish people.

Once named to Newsweek's list

of the 50 most influentialrabbis in the U.S.,

Eckstein was considered oneof the most influential Jews

in the world.

He was buried today in Jerusalem.

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God.

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

- We are going to talk about

some of the incredible promises

God has made to His children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you will discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him My salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear.

But to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God.

Your Path to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

(dramatic music)

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated.

And they're learning life skills.

I am asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesthe chance to be happy.

(gentle music)

- If you're an adult who hasbeen overweight all your life,

you might think losing weight

and getting fit after 40 is impossible.

Not so says the woman in ournext story who shed 100 pounds.

Lorie Johnson talked with herto find out how she did it.

- [Lorie] Over the hill?

No way.

Martha VanCamp looks and feels better now

in her 40s than ever before.

She lost 100 pounds.

This size 20 dress usedto be tight on her.

Now she's a size two.

- I always felt likethere was this fit body

stuck in this fat girl's exterior.

- [Lorie] This marketing executive

who is also a wife and mother

battled her weight since childhood.

- I remember wearing asize 12 in middle school

and not really beingable to shop in the shops

that other girls my age were shopping in.

My junior year of college

I literally looked like a balloon

that was ready to be popped.

I was so overweight.

- [Lorie] After endless failedattempts to lose weight,

she gave up.


- Hit the 250.

Hit the age of 40.

Never exercised.

Realized something had to change.

- [Lorie] And change she did.

After doing extensiveresearch on nutrition,

she gave up processed foods,

also known as convenienceor packaged foods.

These products line theshelves of the interior aisles

of the grocery store and makeup the bulk of fast food.

Fast and easy processed foods

have become the workingwoman's best friend.

But when it comes to our weight,

they can be our worst enemy.

Processed foods areloaded with ingredients

that can pack on the pounds.

Such as high fructose corn syrup

and grains that have beenstripped of their goodness.

Processed foods containflavorings and preservatives

and other additives thatcan cause weight gain.

- It's a chemical storm.

We are so allergic to some of the things

that they have put in foodthat our bodies just blow up.

- [Lorie] Martha's body shrank

when she stopped eatingfoods made by big companies

and started eating foods shemade at home from scratch.

Lots of lean protein like turkey,

chicken, fish, and egg whites.

Also, plenty of vegetables.

She really noticed a difference

when she replaced processedsimple carbohydrates

like white bread and pasta

with complex carbs like oats,sweet potatoes, and beans.

She doesn't skimp on healthy fats either,

like nuts, avocados, and coconut oil.

- After like two or threedays of eating the right way,

oh my gosh, your energy is incredible.

- [Lorie] Martha admits shehas cut back on calories,

especially from sugar.

But says unlike the lowcalorie diets she tried before,

this one is easy to stick to

because these satisfying foodsmake her feel full longer.

- I was fat because I didn'tunderstand the science of food.

- [Lorie] Martha says in orderto stabilize her blood sugar,

which minimizes cravings,

she has to eat one of hersmall home-cooked meals

every three hours.

Not so easy for a working mom.

But she figured out a way to do it.

On the weekend she cooksher upcoming week's meals

and pops them in the freezer.

Then each morning beforeheading off to work

she grabs what she'll need that day.

- It does take a coupleweeks to get on autopilot,

but then it's totally worth it.

- [Lorie] Martha says eating right

is the main reason she lost weight.

But says exercise does play a big part

in keeping her fit and healthy.

- I remember I couldn'teven do three air squats

when I started.

- [Lorie] In addition to doing cardio,

Martha boosts her metabolismby lifting weights

because muscle burns morecalories than fat, even at rest.

So if you've always beenheavy, hate exercise,

and think you're over the hill,

Martha VanCamp is living proof

that avoiding eating froma box or the drive through

and embracing a cleandiet rich in whole foods

can help you lose weightand feel great at any age.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- [Charlene] Still ahead,Abraham Lincoln said

it was the little book thathelped start a great war.

A look at one of the real people

who inspired one of the mostpopular books in early America.

(upbeat music)

(cheery music)

- [Announcer] Parents,the Superbook Bible App

is a great way to get yourchild reading the Bible.

Because in today's busyworld we can use some help.

The free Superbook Bible App

has fun stuff your kids will love.

They'll have a blast learning the Bible,

playing great games, watching cool videos.

- Great, follow me!

- [Announcer] Discoveringheroes in the Bible.

They'll have fun whilethey learn God's Word.

The Superbook Kid's Bible App.

Available now.

(gentle music)

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

"I came to give you life."

Life to the fullest.

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.


Live it fully.

- [Announcer] Discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him My salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God.

The latest teaching from Pat Robertson.

(dramatic music)

- During this Black History Month,

a closer look at the blockbusterbook of the 19th century

Uncle Tom's Cabin and dispelling the myth

of the central character.

CBN's John Jessup reportson Harriet Beecher Stowe's

followup effort to tell thereal story behind the characters

that shined a light on slavery in America.

(dramatic music)

- [John] When Uncle Tom'sCabin was published in 1852,

the anti-slavery novelflew off the shelves.

17 printing presses ran 24 hours a day

to keep up with the demand

making it the best-sellingnovel of the 19th century.

- The book struck at ouremotions as a nation.

And it made us see ourselves.

It was our emotional mirror.

And it prompted some individuals

to rethink how they thought of slavery.

- [John] Uncle Tom's Cabin has been cited

as a factor leading to the Civil War.

When Abraham Lincoln later met the author,

Harriet Beecher Stowe, he reportedly said,

"So your the littlewoman who wrote the book

"that started this great war."

(dramatic music)

In 1852, the backlash wasimmediate and powerful.

- In the South, the book was banned.

And if you were caught selling the book

you were either going to bekilled or thrown in prison.

There was tremendous fear

that this book would make a difference.

- [John] It did by portrayingUncle Tom as a dignified,

intelligent, God-fearing man.

In the South, however, travelingTom shows became popular,

depicting him as a submissive buffoon,

happy in his enslaved condition.

A stereotype that still exists today.

(slow music)

There were also attempts todiscredit Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The author countered withA Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin,

an exhaustive bibliography

of the real people behindher fictional characters.

It included her primaryinspiration for Uncle Tom.

- Josiah Henson was an individual

who demonstrated extraordinary courage.

He tried to help other people,

especially whites in this country,

to understand the reality of slavery.

- Josiah Henson's story beginshere in Rockville, Maryland,

on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.

Now, this suburban neighborhood

was once a 570-acre plantation.

And the house behind meis where the owner lived.

A man named Isaac Riley.

- In this time period,

masters wanted to present themselves

to be a very benevolent, these patriarchs

who cared about theirpeople that were enslaved.

But the presentation that Henson gives us

was that didn't happen for Isaac Riley.

- [Man Speaking As Josiah]I faithfully served Riley

for many years.

He was course and vulgar in his habits,

and unprincipled and cruelin his general deportment.

- [John] Henson's autobiography

provides many examples of Riley's cruelty.

Like the day he discovereda book on grammar

hidden in nine-year-old Josiah's cap.

- When Riley saw the book,of course he was outraged

because it was unheard ofthat his enslaved people

would learn to read and write.

- [Man Speaking As Josiah]"Pick up that book,"

he cried, using an awful oath.

At last I was obliged to do it,

when he beat me across the head and back

till my eyes were swollenand I became unconscious.

- [John] Despite the harsh treatment,

Henson proved to be trustworthy.

Eventually elevated tooverseeing the plantation,

he was able to ease the harsh conditions

faced by his fellow slaves.

When he was 18, he was even allowed

to attend a revival meeting.

Although not permittedto enter the church,

he heard a life-changing message

from preacher John McKinney.

(slow gospel music)

- [Man Speaking As Josiah] He said,

"Jesus Christ, the Son of God,tasted death for every man."

It touched my heart, and I cried out,

"I wonder if Jesus Christ died for me?"

Again and again did the preacher reiterate

the words for every man.

Oh, the blessedness and sweetness

of feeling that I was loved!

- And that meant a lot to him

'cause he knew that Godwould always be on his side.

He would deliver him.

And He would decide his plan in life.

- [John] The planincluded moving his family

and 18 others to Isaac Riley'sbrother's home in Kentucky.

When they got to Cincinnati,

Henson found his faithfulness tested.

Although Ohio was a free state

and many free black menencouraged them to stay,

he stood firm.

- He felt like he had beentasked with this duty.

And he was gonna fulfill it.

He had taken care ofthem and they felt like,

if he wants us to carryalong, we'll go with him.

- [John] Henson came toregret that decision.

Three years after theirarrival in Kentucky,

those who followed himwere put up for auction.

(slow, dramatic music)

- [Man Speaking As Josiah]Husbands and wives,

parents and children, wereto be separated forever.

From that hour I saw through, hated,

and cursed the whole system of slavery.

One absorbing purpose occupiedmy soul, to gain freedom,

self-assertion, and deliverance

from the cruel caprices andfortunes of dissolute tyrants.

- [John] Because ofHenson's management skills,

he and his family were initiallyallowed to stay together.

Two years later, however,his time had come.

The only option: escape.

A major obstacle was theFugitive Slave Act of 1793

which meant he and hisfamily could be captured,

even in a free state.

So, he set his sights on Canada.

- It was a 600-mile journey

that he would have to make on foot

with his wife and four children.

Traveling by night, sleeping by day.

Super dangerous.

But he knows he's got to go to Canada.

It's the only place thathe can truly be a free man.

- [John] His wife made a sling for Josiah

to carry the two youngestchildren on his back.

With only the North Star as their guide,

the Henson family began their journey.

After 40 grueling days,they arrived at Lake Erie

just across the water from Canada.

A sympathetic ship captain

offered to take them the rest of the way.

- [Man Speaking As Josiah]He put his hand on my head

and said, "Be a good fellow, won't you?"

I felt streams of emotion running down

in electric courses from head to foot.

"Yes," said I.

"I'll use my freedom well."

(slow piano music)

- [John] Henson helped starta black settlement in Ontario,

including a multi-racial school

almost unheard of at the time.

To raise money and awareness,

he preached throughout the United States

and England where he wasgranted a private audience

with Queen Victoria.

During those years, he risked his life

to help a total of 118 slavesreach freedom in Canada.

- He's an inspiration for me personally,

and I hope for many peopleas they hear this story

to use our freedom well, right?

To use our resources, ourtime, our money, our energy,

our voice, our influence.

To use it on behalf ofthose with less than us.

- Near the end of his life,

Josiah Henson returned to theplantation he once managed.

Although many of his experiences here

were unimaginably painful,

he could see God's handin them, later writing,

sharp flashes of lightningcome from black clouds.

John Jessup, CBN News, reportingin Rockville, Maryland.

(upbeat music)

- [Charlene] Coming up,Chris Pratt's message

following a special visitto a Ronald McDonald House

and meeting a group ofchildren who stole his heart.

(bright music)

- [Pat] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

(gentle music)

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated.

And they're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now?

Because every child deservesthe chance to be happy.

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey, kids.

Do you love games?

And do you love discovering things?


Well, do ya?

- [Children] Yeah!

- [Announcer] Then you're gonna love this.

It's the new, freeSuperbook Kid's Bible App.

You can play games, watch videos,

find answers to your questions,and a whole lot more.

The new Superbook Kid's Bible App.

Free downloads available oniTunes and Google Play now.

(upbeat music)

- Finally, actor ChrisPratt recently posted

about a visit to a RonaldMcDonald House in New York saying,

"Hug your babies."

He said, "I had the chance tomeet some awesome kids today.

"I am so blessed.

"Thank you to RMH New York

"for the extraordinarywork you do with children.

"Thanks for giving me the opportunity

"to share in their light.

"My heart is full."

Ronald McDonald House New York also posted

that Pratt made a special visitto a little girl named Paige

who because of a weakened immune system

must stay in a post-transplant suite

where she has limitedcontact outside of her room.

Pratt posted a pic with Paige

along with several other children.

And as you can see, he waspracticing what he preached,

hugging and loving on those kids.

God bless them.

You can visit for more news.

And you can watch CBNNews programs anytime

on your CBN News Channel.

Plus, reach us byemailing

or talk to us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.

Good bye.

(dramatic music)


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