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Identifying Your Brain’s Silent Killers

Dr. David Perlmutter will discuss the surprising truth about wheat, carbs and sugar- your brain’s silent killers. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] Five years ago, neurologist

Dr. David Perlmutter,launched a global phenomenon

with the release of hisbestselling book, Grain Brain.

Since then he's helpedmillions improve their health

and fight against dementiaand neurological diseases

like Alzheimer's, all without drugs.

Dr. Perlmutter says it's time to

take control of your health.

With his fully revisedversion of Grain Brain,

he offers the latest nutritionaland neurological updates

so we can have a healthy,disease-free brain for life.

- Here with me now isDr. David Perlmutter,

and we thank you for joining us.

- I am delighted.

- We've talked about yourfirst book, Grain Brain,

but this one has an update of what the

progress in the last five years?

- It is, what's happenedhere is we have five years

of validation that the notion of eating

a high carb diet isthreatening to the brain,

and that we should reallyemphasize exercise,

making sure our sleep is restorative,

cutting our carbs and eating, dare I say,

more dietary fat, who knew?

- Talk a little bit, if youwill, about Alzheimer's meds,

because you say in the bookthat they're actually a fraud.

- You know, it's strikingthat we have an America,

of 5.4 million Alzheimer's patients,

many, if not most of whom,are taking the medications

that doctors have prescribed.

In November of 2018 in theJournal of the American

Medical Association,was an article published

by a researcher, Dr. Richard Kennedy,

where he analyzed the studieson these drugs and found that

in fact, not only do the commonAlzheimer's drugs not work,

but they speed the cognitive decline.

It's like giving a diabetic a pill

that's gonna raise their blood sugar.

Makes no sense, and you know, people put

their faith in their doctorsto do the right thing,

and we really want topractice under the notion

of above all, do no harm.

We've gotta call it out.

It's peer-reviewedscience, and I'm grateful

that we have this opportunity to

share that information with people.

- So have you seen a transition since that

information came out in the journal?

Have you seen a change in these things

being prescribed for people, or are we

so caught up in this isall we know how to do

that it just keeps on?

- Unfortunately it's the latter, and

my feeling was thatarticle, that research,

which was wonderfully conducted,

should have been on the evening news,

should have been--- Yes.

- at the beginning of the evening news

and the front page of allof our major newspapers

and yet people still wantto hold onto the notion

that you can live yourlife however you choose,

and that there's a magic pill solution

for all of your problems.

As it relates to Alzheimer's,that doesn't exist.

I want to make one thing very clear.

If there were a treatmentfor Alzheimer's that worked

I would absolutely embrace it.

Not only would I haveused it with my patients,

but for my own father as well, absolutely.

I highly value the researcherswho are trying to find

a cure for this situation, but as yet

we don't have an answer for that,

and what's more compelling is

we know that it is by and large

preventable in the first place.

- Mm-hmm, so talk from that perspective,

because I think peoplewho are watching this

are saying well, what can I do to--

Well, part of the issue is inflammation,

so what are the greateststimulators of inflammation

that can be avoided?

- It's a really excellentlead-in question because

we've gotta understand thatthis process of inflammation

is not just thecornerstone of Alzheimer's,

but Parkinson's, coronaryarteries, diabetes,

and even some forms of cancer,

so it's really in our best interest

to reduce inflammation byreducing our consumption of sugar,

making sure our diets are not threatening

to our gut bacteria, gettingmore aerobic exercise,

eating more good dietary fat,

and importantly, recognizing how important

dietary fiber is tonurture the gut bacteria.

These are actually notthat challenging steps.

It's just implementationthat has to happen.

- Well, it's kind of whatyou said a moment ago.

We can't go through life taking one pill

to solve every problem,and we can't go through it

just eating everythingand anything that we want

without having repercussions from that.

Talk, if you will, for amoment, about some of the

warning signs of brain disease,

because you also say that a lot of the

cause of it starts 30 yearsbefore we're actually in it.

- Yeah, so there's beena push over the years

to determine the earliestsigns of Alzheimer's

so that we can do something.

Well, what are you gonna do,you don't have a treatment.

- Yeah.- So when you begin to

have cognitive issues, you're forgetful,

don't know where you put things,

go to a place, don't rememberwhy, where are my keys?

But your point is extremely important,

and that is we sow theseeds for Alzheimer's

in terms of our lifestyle choices

in our 20s and in our 30s,

so that this important information about

reducing inflammation happensto be the same information

about weight loss, happensto be the Heart Smart Diet,

the diet that improves the immune system.

It's all the same.

It's not as if there's one life plan

that's good for your heartbut bad for your brain.

It's all the same,because they're all united

in this one mechanism of inflammation.

- So you're killing threebirds with one stone or more.


- I think you're nurturing.

- Nurturing.(laughs)

- Yeah, I want to focus on (mumbles).

But you know, the point is,these are lifestyle changes

that can't wait until we don'tknow where we put our keys.

- Well, let me ask youthis, if someone has not

applied all of these things inthe early years of their life

and then they get to theplace where some of the signs

you're just mentioninghappen, is it reversible?

It is, and that's what'sreally quite remarkable.

You've had, at least from The 700 Club,

a very close friend ofmine, Dr. Dale Bredesen,

who's published a book about this,

and he has a new bookcoming out, really detailing

the individual patientsand how they've improved.

I had the opportunity to writethe forward to that book,

and I'm really, I feel veryblessed by that opportunity

because he's taken a different approach

that it isn't a magic bullet, but rather

it's a buckshot approach.

I don't know if you know what buckshot is.

- Yeah, I do.- There you go. (laughing)

- I do.- And that is you have to

leverage multiple issues, yes, diet,

yes, lifestyle issues related to sleep,

related to exercise,reducing exposure to toxins,

improving Vitamin Dstatus to name just a few.

But in so doing, he's been able actually,

and in published research,reversed this disease.

Now, you know, to applythat to a large population

is going to be compelling.

My mission is to spread the word.

John Kennedy said the time to fix the roof

is when the sun is shining.- Yeah.

- And that's what we've got to leverage

in terms of preventing this very disease,

the treatment for whichis very, very challenging.

- Well, that's the message wewanted to get to you today.

If you want to learn more, andthere's much more to learn,

David's bestseller, Grain Brainhas been completely updated.

You don't want to miss this.

You can pick up a copywherever books are sold.

Thank you so much.- Thank you, Terry.

Good to see you again.

- [Terry] You too, you bringa wealth of information.


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