- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thank you so much for joining us
for this first edition of CBN Newswatch
for Wednesday, January 30th.
I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, some of themost brutal cold weather
in decades is hittingparts of the country,
taking wind chills down to 50 degrees
below zero in some placesand we're gonna tell you why
a city college in Californiabacks off its decision
to remove the Pledge OfAllegiance from its meetings
after first removing it becauseit was supposedly stepping
on nativism and white nationalism.
Plus, how Israel has come upwith a terrific defense system
over the years by buildingworld class weapon system.
All those stories and more ahead
on this edition of CBN Newswatch.
We wanna begin thoughwith the weather emergency
in several state.
It's putting millions at risk;
85% of the country facingtemperatures at or below freezing.
But it is the wind chill that is historic.
It will feel like 50 degreesbelow zero in Chicago.
Lakes and rivers frozensolid and ice and snow
wreaking havoc on the roads.
Amtrak has been forced tohalt services in Chicago.
In a desperate attemptto get homeless people
off the street, Chicago is turning buses
into makeshift warming centers.
- Family services sent thebus to pick up homeless people
to make sure that if they didn't wanna go
to a warming center that are open,
that there'd be a bus tomake sure that they could
be off the streets in a warming bus.
- Here is a look at the forecast of
this cold spell from Accuweather.
- Well, it's the phrasethat incites terror
here in the winter.
The polar vortex normally consolidated
with the very coldestair here at the poles.
That breaks loose, piecesof energy kind of rotate
around that and that is pushing into much
of the country for the middle of the week.
In fact, take a look at this arctic bast
and where we'll see temperatures running
about 20 to 40 degrees belownormal for this time of year.
It's normally cold up into the Great Lakes
and into Ohio, the OhioValley, back into the Midwest.
But we're running 20 to40 degrees below normal
for this time of year for those locations
and 10 to 20 degrees belownormal even as far South
as the Gulf Coast and Florida.
So we have a front pushing through,
the Arctic Front comes through.
That could bring somesnow showers or squalls,
briefly heavy; so watchforecast reduced visibility,
morning around Pittsburgh,
as we go into midday and afternoon.
Washington DC, around themidday into the afternoon hours,
coming up towards NewYork City and by evening,
or late afternoon, places like Boston.
Temperatures will rapidly drop behind this
plus you could have a rapid freeze up.
Again, watch for reduced visibility
as that Arctic front pushes through.
Behind that, this is where we've got
the record challenging coldfor the overnight hours.
Milwaukee, our forecast is minus 20.
The record was minus 15set way back in 1899.
The record low in Minneapolis was minus 27
and that was in 1887.
We are forecasting minus 27 degrees.
The forecast for Detroit is minus 15.
That is dangerous cold.
In fact, take a look atthe Accuweather real feel,
where you're seeing the purple shading.
That's where it's going to feel like
it's minus 40 to minus 50 degrees.
- Unreal; Charlene Aaron joins us now.
She is following thiscold weather for us today.
I understand that in Chicago,
it is so cold that trainsare having trouble.
- Yes, Efrem.
That's how cold it is thatthey're actually having
to set fire to the commutertrain rails to keep
the trains running smoothlybecause once the freezing cold
sets on those tracks, itcould be very, very dangerous.
And this heat keeps them from contracting,
the bolts from beingreleased from the track.
So it's very importantthat they keep them warm.
- Unbelievable.
How are people or howare officials, rather,
telling people to protectthemselves in light
of what we're seeing.
- Here's what they're telling people.
If you do not have to go out, don't.
Stay home, because in just five minutes,
frostbite can take placeand that can be very,
very serious, especially for children.
So schools are closed, businessare closed across many parts
of the country right nowbecause of this cold weather.
So people are saying, if youdon't have to go out, don't.
Just stay home.
- This is indeed deadly weather.
- Deadly, dangerous, yeah.- Deadly, deadly.
Thank you so much, Charlene.
A group of Democrats andRepublics began a new round
of negotiations in Washington today.
Their goal is to avoidanother government shutdown
in just a few weeks.
Tonight, on CBN's Faith Nation,
we're gonna bring youthe latest on those talks
and what's being done tomake sure the government
remains open come February 15th.
That's at 6:00 P.M. Easternonly on the CBN News Channel.
And CBN's Caitlin Burke will talk
to our Capital HillCorrespondent, Abigail Robertson,
about those talks toreach a spending deal.
That is on our CBN New'sDaily Rundown podcast.
Go to CBNNews.com andthen click on the show tab
to find The Daily Rundownpage where you can listen
and subscribe to the podcast.
The Pledge of Allegiance isback at the board meetings
for Santa Barbara CityCollege after a public outcry
over it being removed from the meetings.
Robert Miller, the Presidentof the Board of Trustees
had previously decided to discontinue it.
He said, quote, "for reasonsrelated to its history
"and symbolism", claiming itwas steeped in expressions
of nativism and white nationalism,
according to a report by Campus Reform.
His statement on thereversal of his decision
was posted on the school's Facebook page.
He wrote, in part, "Effective immediately,
the Pledge of Allegiancewill be recited at Board
"Of Trustee Meetingsuntil some future date
"when the matter may beconsidered by the Board."
Miller reinstated the Pledgeafter a local news report
on his decision brought attention to it.
The idea that North Korea
will completelydenuclearize seems unlikely
to Director of NationalIntelligence, Dan Coats.
Testifying before the SenateIntelligence Committee Tuesday,
he told lawmakers, "AlthoughNorth Korea has halted
"its provocative behavior when it comes
"to weapons of mass destruction,
"that doesn't mean they aregetting rid of them completely."
- We currently assessedthat North Korea will seek
to retain its WMDcapabilities and is unlikely
to completely give up its nuclear weapons
and production capabilities because
its leaders ultimatelyview nuclear weapons
as critical to regime survival.
Our assessment is bolsteredby our observations
of some activity that is inconsistent
with full denuclearization.
- Plans for a follow upsummit between President,
Donald Trump, and NorthKorea's Kim Juog-un
are in the works.
Meanwhile, on a larger scale,the US Intelligence Report
Coats used to discuss NorthKorea also shows threats
to America and her alliesare expected to expand
and diversify, fueled by China and Russia.
Russian and China couldalso launch cyber attacks
that could disrupt electricgrids and gas pipelines
in the United States, at least for awhile.
That is according to theWorld Wide Threat Assessment
from the US Intelligence Community.
The yearly report shows that two nations
pose the greatest threat forespionage and cyber attacks.
One area of particularconcern is China's threat
to core US military andinfrastructure systems.
One warning in the report said,
"China has the abilityto launch cyber attacks
"that cause localized,temporary disruptive effects
"on critical infrastructure- such as disruption
"of a natural gas pipelinefor days to weeks,
"in the United States."
Another regarding Russiasaid, "Moscow is now staging
"cyber attack assetsto allow it to disrupt
"or damage US civilian andmilitary infrastructure
"during a crisis and poses
"a significant cyber influence threat."
Coming up, the US has cometo a potential agreement
with the Taliban in Afghanistan,
one that could end theUS involvement there.
But is this a good deal?
We're gonna tell you aboutthe potential problems
when we come back.
(lively music)
- [Narrator] When you give,
smiles grow bigger.
When you care,
homes are happier.
When you comfort,
the hurt goes away.
When we all come together to love,
miracles happen.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian Orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw first-hand the utter loneliness,
the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries world wide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now,
because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
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- The United states hasreached an agreement
with the Taliban that would potentially
end 17 years of war in Afghanistan.
After six days of talks
with high ranking membersof the terror group,
a top US envoy says they have a framework
of a peace deal,
but the details stillneed to be flushed out.
Almost 3,500 coalition forces have died
in Afghanistan since the start
of Operation EnduringFreedom back in 2001.
2,200 of them were Americans.
More than 147,000 civilianshave died in 17 years of war.
I spoke with CBN's SeniorInternational Correspondent,
George Thomas, about theimplications of this agreement.
George, what does the framework say?
- So basically two things;one, that the United States
will eventually agree topull out all 14,000 troops
in Afghanistan on thecondition that the Taliban
does not allow any foreignterrorist organization,
whether Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Jemmettal-Usar, doesn't matter,
any terrorist organizationto operate in the country.
Those are the two main basic principles
of this potential agreement.
- So is this a good deal?
- No. (laughing)- Okay.
- No, it's not a good deal.
After 17 years, the experts are saying
that the United States is, in essence,
handing Afghanistan back toa terrorist organization.
This is not a good deal.
Okay, close to about 2,200US soldiers have lost
their lives, close to about3,500 coalition forces
have lost their lives,
close to about 145,000 Afghan civilians
have been killed in the last 17 years.
And the idea that theUnited States would make an,
first of all, talk to theTaliban and then agree
on these two main basic principlesof pulling out US troops
and telling the Taliban,please don't turn your country,
don't turn Afghanistaninto another terror base
for radical Jihadists is insane.
Not a good idea at all.
- Indeed, no a lot oflives lost to pay for this.
How is the Afghan government responding?
- Basically, the Taliban says,
we want to deal directlywith the United States.
We do not want to dealwith the Afghan government,
which is a big, big issue.
The other big question is will the Taliban
have a partnership withthe Afghan government?
Will they be willing to power share
in this sort of a government?
Keep in mind, I was in Afghanistan shortly
after the United Statesinvaded that country
and life under the Taliban
in Afghanistan was horrific.
The idea that the Talibanwith suddenly shed
all of its radical,fundamentalist ideas and ideology
to partner with a seculargovernment is just insane.
The Taliban want fullcontrol of Afghanistan
and they want to takethis country back to what
it was like prior to 2001,
- Is there any indication or any hint
that Americans have seen, interms of negotiating this,
that makes you think theTaliban can be trusted
not to overthrow Afghan's government?
- No; I mean,
I think you pretty muchexpect that the Taliban
will overthrow the Afghangovernment and will,
like I mentioned, Efrem,
take Afghanistan back to what the country
was like back before 2001.
So the idea that somehow,
I think if you had a model of Lebanon,
for example, today,
you have Hezbollah part ofthe Lebanese parliament.
It's not an ideal condition,
but there is some semblanceof peace in Lebanon where
you have secular partiesthat have combined
their forces together to run Lebanon.
It's incredible that youhave a terrorist organization
in Lebanon called Hezbollahthat's part of the government,
but it's working.
To see that kind of a modelreplicated in Afghanistan
is really unthinkable.
It's not possible, unlessthe United States insists
that the Taliban stop all the violence,
change its views abouthow they treat women,
minority faith groups like Christians
and other religious groups,
this group is going tocontinue espousing its very,
very radical form ofIslam across the country.
- Indeed; George Thomas,
thank you so much for yourtime and your insight.
Much appreciated.
- You're welcome.
- Still ahead, Israel hasbeen surrounded by enemies
since it became a modernnation back in 1948.
How has it protected itself?
We're gonna show you howit's developed world class
weapon systems when we come back.
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- Since its creation in 1948,
the Nation of Israel hasbeen surrounded by enemies.
In order to survive,
the Jewish state needed a strong military
and sophisticated weapons.
Today, it is a global superpower
with a missile defense systemthat's astounded the world.
Middle East Bureau Chief, Chris Mitchell,
sat down with the author of a book
that explains exactly how they did it.
- [Chris] When it comes tostate of the art weapons--
- The Israeli military has succeeded
in such a short time, in under 70 years,
in establishing what'sthe most formidable,
powerful militaries inthe world and possibly
the most innovative military in the world.
- [Chris] Jerusalem PostEditor-In-Chief, Yaakov Katz,
co-wrote The WeaponWizards, How Israel Became
A High-Tech Military Superpower.
- Israel is at the forefrontof missile defense technology,
whether it's the the Arrow
or the Iron Dome whicheveryone is familiar with.
Israel's a world leaderin drone technology.
Israel builds its own tanks.
Israel's leading in cyberwarfare.
Where did all of this come from?
How did such a tiny littlecountry in such a short amount
of time manage to achievesuch great success?
- [Chris] Katz says onereason Israel achieved
this level of success is simply survival.
70 years ago, five Arabnations attacked Israel the day
it was born, a country withonly one natural resource.
- What was the one naturalresource that Israel had?
The Jewish brain andthose brains were what
was used to be able to survive.
So when you have thisamazing recipe of threat,
of this threat matrix, ofyour back up against the wall,
you have no choice but touse the one thing you have,
which is your brain andyou have to innovate.
- And Israel did just that.
Case in point, Isreal'sanit-missile defense system.
The Iron Dome has shot down hundreds
of rockets fired out ofGaza behind me into Israel.
- That's how Israel said,
"one second, we're facing missiles that
"are coming at us from Iraq,from Syria, from Gaza."
We have to come up with a system
that doesn't exist in today's world.
And that's how theycame up with the Arrow,
which can intercept ballistic missiles;
and with David's Sling,
which can intercept medium-range missiles;
and with Iron Dome, whichcan intercept and has proven
to intercept over 85% of the missiles
that are fired from the Gaza Strip.
And that's how Israel hasdeveloped this amazing technology
that's still highly classifiedto detect the tunnels
that Hamas is digging under the border
between Israel and the Gaza Strip,
a technology that existsnowhere else in the world.
Because Israel's at theforefront of warfare
and because of these threats,
it has no choice but toinnovate and to create.
- [Chris] Not all of Israel's power
comes from hi-tech products.
It also includes its people,
especially how the army producesa culture of independence.
- We all think aboutthe United States Army.
Everyone's dressed intheir uniforms, right.
People take things very seriously.
Everyone's saluting, sir,ma'am, all these terms.
Israel's completely different.
The ranks that you carry on your shoulder
are meaningless to thein-between soldiers.
That enables free thinking.
It allows the chief-of-staff to speak
with a low grunt soldierand be able to talk
about things and when youcan talk about things,
when you can have that free flow
of information and ideas, you can create.
You can innovate.
People aren't afraid to speak their minds.
That's a huge advantageof national proportion
that I think you'll find nowhere else
in the world, but here.
- [Chris] While the USprovides major weapons systems
to Israel, America'smilitary also benefits
from the real lifetesting of its equipment.
- One of the things thatthe US benefits from
is Israel is the first country
that has operational F-35s today.
So, now imagine Israel's flying its F-35,
as in engaging in combat with it,
whether it's in Syria orsomewhere else in the region.
That information is then shared
with the United States Air Force.
- [Chris] Katz sayswhile Israel has shared
a friendship with America,
along the way it's also hada helping hand from above.
- I'm a believer myself and I think that,
it can't just be that it'sall on its own, right?
The hand of God, I think,
we see here almost daily inthis country, in this region.
The ingenuity, the entrepreneurship,
the innovation is incredible,
but there's that hand behind us that
is pushing us along the way.
- [Chris] Katz agrees weapons,
technology and innovation arethe centerpieces of his book,
but there's more to the overall story.
- Yes, it's about weapons,but it's also a story about,
it's the tale of Israel.
It's a story of an ancientpeople that returned
to their historic homelandand against all odds,
not just survived, but persevered.
And that is the storyof the State of Israel.
That's the essence of the State of Israel.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Coming up, some famousChristian hip-hop artists
are getting ready for theUnashamed Forever tour.
We're gonna hear from one of them,
Tedashii, right after this.
(lively music)
- [Narrator] When you give,
smiles grow bigger.
When you care,
homes are happier.
When you comfort,
the hurt goes away.
When we all come together to love,
miracles happen.
- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.
Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans
in the world today?
148 million.
But it was three littlegirls that taught me
about the plight of orphans.
My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed
in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian Orphanage
as we waited to adopt three sisters.
I saw first-hand the utter loneliness,
the pain of rejection,
and the overwhelming desire to be loved.
That experience changed me forever.
And out of it grew aministry from my heart
called Orphan's Promise.
Today, we're helping orphansand vulnerable children
in more than 50 countries world wide.
Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,
they're being educated andthey're learning life skills.
I'm asking you to join with me
and become family to these children.
Will you call the numberon your screen right now,
because every child deservesa chance to be happy.
- Hello, is this thing on?
Hey kids, do you love games,
and do you love discovering things?
Well, do ya?
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- [Female] And I wish thatother people around the world
could see this side of Israel.
- If you're a fan of Christian hip-hop,
you likely know the namesTrip Lee, Tedashii Lecrae.
Well, all the members ofthe 116 Crew are preparing
for the Unashamed Forever Tour.
And today, Tedashii istaking a seat in Studio 5.
♪ 62 2 plus ♪
♪ Y'all head it up ♪
- Before embarking onthe 116's Unashamed Tour
and hitting the road with hisequally famous label mates--
I hear a message from you now, never fold.
- Yes.- What's that about?
- Tedashii pays a visit to Studio 5.
♪ Tell a story of a God testimony ♪
- [Efrem] For a heart-to-heart talk.
- Calamity is real andit happens in the church
as much as it does in the world.
- Indeed, and we're gonnahave that story and we're
also gonna have yourfirst look at the film,
The Least of These,starring Stephen Baldwin,
and the interview with him as well.
That is tonight on Studio 5,beginning at 9:30 Eastern,
only on the CBN News channel.
It is time now for yourWednesday word and today,
I have a word about fear.
Being afraid can often causeus to say no to new things,
new challenges, and new opportunities.
Today, I encourage you todig deeper than your fear,
and find the yes thatGod is waiting to hear.
Remember this, He didn'tgive you the spirit of fear.
He gave you a measure of faith,
as well as peace, love, and a sound mind.
With that word,
I encourage you to makethis a wonderful Wednesday.
That is gonna do it for thisfirst edition of CBN Newwatch.
Remember that you can always find more
on the issues you caremost about at CBNNews.com.
You can also watch CBNNews programs any time
on our CBN News Channel.
Plus, we'd love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can do that byemailing newswatch@cbn.com,
and of course, you canalways reach out and touch us
on Facebook, on Twitter,as well as Instagram.
We certainly hope you'll joinus again right here next time.
Make this a wonderful Wednesday everybody.
We'll see ya.
Good bye, God bless.
(lively music)