(dramatic music)
- [Jennifer] Tonight, aftershocks
from another presidential bombshell
ripple through Washington.
- And the Presidentthen canceled the trip.
- [Jennifer] As the Presidentand the Speaker of the House
trade barbs over a government shutdown,
now in its record 28th day,
(protesters chant)
tens of thousands ofprotesters defend the unborn
in the 45th March for Life on Washington.
- We'd really like to getback to a culture of life.
- All that and a pro-lifefashion line tonight.
(slow rhythmic music)
Welcome to Faith Nation.
I'm Jennifer Wishon.
We begin tonight with a second meeting.
The White House announced today
the President will hold a second summit
with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un
at the end of next month.
The two met last summer in Singapore
to discuss the denuclearizationof North Korea.
The White House will announcethe location of the meeting
at a later date.
President Trump reportedlydirected his personal attorney
to lie to Congress.
A BuzzFeed report claims the President
directed Michael Cohento lie about negotiations
to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
The report adds then-candidateTrump supported a plan
to visit Russia duringthe presidential campaign
in order to meet with RussianPresident Vladimir Putin
to negotiate the project.
Earlier this week, the President's nominee
for Attorney General was askedabout obstruction of justice
during his confirmation hearing.
- [Amy] You wrote on page one
that a president persuading a person
to commit perjury would be obstruction.
Is that right?
- (stammers) Yes.
- Okay.- Or any, any,
well, you know any person
who persuades another to--- Any person.
- Yeah.- Okay.
You also said that a president
or any person convincing a witness
to change testimony would be obstruction.
Is that right?
- Yes.
- So if there was some reason to believe
that the President tried to coach somebody
not to testify or testify falsely,
that could be obstruction of justice?
- Yes, under that, under anobstruction statute, yes.
- Well to help us break downthe big news from BuzzFeed
and what it could meanfor President Trump,
I am joined by Rick Klein,Political Director for ABC News,
and our very own ChiefPolitical Analyst David Brody.
Gentlemen, thank you for being here.
Guys, first, can we touch on the veracity
of this BuzzFeed article?
Is this a reliable source, David?
- Well, I guess we're gonna wait and see.
I will say this, BuzzFeedhas had a history,
whether it be publishing theentire dossier, at one point,
that controversial dossier.
And not just that, but JasonLeopold, one of the reporters,
has had somewhat of a checkered past,
publishing in 2006 astory about Karl Rove,
saying that Karl Rovewas gonna be indicted
and then he had to retract that story.
So all of this baggage is kinda coming up
so now we wait and see whether or not
this ends up being true.
But boy, if true, Rick,
I would think that's gotta be a big deal.
- I think it's a game changer of a story
if it proves to be true.
I mean the headlinealone kind of tells you
how the narrative changes suddenly.
This is not about obscure legal statutes
or obscure conversations.
This would be the Presidentof the United States
telling someone to go lie about something.
Now that's a big deal, and I think
is even his Attorney General nominee
acknowledged earlier inthe week that's a crime.
And you've had a number of Democrats
who have not been publiclyon the record on impeachment
saying if this is true,
then impeachment has to be discussed,
and I think that's wherethe discussion moves.
- [Jennifer] Well David, whatdo you think this does mean
for the President?
- Well here is the disclaimer,
and the disclaimer isone word, and it's if,
that word, if, and it's inbold and it's that 48 font
and it's all caps.
However, if that goes awayand this, indeed, is true,
as Rick was talkingabout, I gotta tell you,
it feels to me like game,set, match for the President
because there doesn't seemto be much wiggle room here.
But here's the possible saving grace
for the White House andthe Trump administration.
How do you prove the smoking gun?
I mean, in other words,
if this is Michael Cohen'sword, a convicted liar
according to what theSpecial Counsel is saying,
then it makes you wonder
if it's a he said-he said situation,
then I wonder whether or not
this goes anywhere past that.
- I wonder, Rick, is thata problem for Bob Mueller?
Because you look at hisstar witnesses so far
and these are guys whohave said, yep, I lied.
- Yeah, and look, they're unreliable
and you have to think thatBob Mueller knows that
if you're gonna try to takea case to a grand jury.
I don't believe the wayBob Mueller would work
would just be taking the wordof unreliable individuals.
If everything is builton people who are lying
and admit to lying, his tapeand notes in federal court,
that's not a case.
We do know that Mueller,
well, the Southern Districtof New York rather,
seized a whole cache of recordsfrom Michael Cohen's office.
That's what got a lot of theball rolling a while back.
What's in there?
We also know that MichaelCohen has recordings.
Is there a recording thatdocuments it in some way?
Are there emails and communications?
That's what BuzzFeed is suggesting,
is that there is corroborating evidence.
I think all of that's important.
If it is just Michael Cohen's word,
I think the White House, the President,
have a pretty good response,
to say this is a guythat's got sour grapes.
He has said he's lying in the past.
Do not believe anything that he's saying.
- [Jennifer] Well taking thisship in a different direction,
we are now in the 28th day
of this partial government shutdown.
We have seen President Trump
and the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
going at each other tit for tat.
Who has the upper hand right now?
- You know, nobody looks good.
I don't think anyone in the public thinks
that taking away the Stateof the Union, on one hand,
and then saying, well,you can't fly on your trip
on the other hand, it doesn'tmake anyone look good.
I do think though thisis a week where Pelosi
has shown herself to be aco-equal force to Donald Trump,
and that I think is abit of a wake up call.
I think the President expected by now
that there'd be enough cracksin the Democratic ranks.
That hasn't happened.
There haven't been widespread defections
of the Republican side either.
But we're seeing whyPelosi is as good as she is
and why she's been doingit at the level she has
for as long as she has.
She is playing right back.
She is playing his game,
and I wouldn't say winning, necessarily,
but holding her own.
- She is holding her own.
I think the question is
then there's a dot, dot, dot, for now.
I just wonder how long this goes on.
I mean Donald Trump will getin the gutter with anybody
and Pelosi doesn'tnecessarily want to go there,
but she'll go there if she has to.
But I gotta tell you, I meanhe's a New York street brawler
who all he cares about is winning.
And so I just think that, ultimately,
Chuck and Nancy didn't quite expect
Donald Trump to go thisfar on the shutdown.
I think they're usedto Republicans caving.
They don't know what DonaldTrump's gonna do next
and I think that's Donald Trump's
biggest weapon at this point.
- Well, in the meantime,there's plenty of job security
for folks like us(David laughs)
to watch it all unfold.- That's right.
- We have a lot of material to work with.
- Right.- That's right.
- Rick Klein, David Brody, thank you.
- Thank you.- Thanks, Jennifer.
- Tens of thousands of pro-life Americans
marched for life in Washington today.
For activitists, it wastheir 46th annual trek
down the National Mall, andthey were met with not one,
but two surprise guests.
Here's our Senior WashingtonCorrespondent Paul Strand.
- The pro-life movement,like all those gathered here
for the March for Life, is vast,
with people representing allsorts of interests and ideas
inside of the movement.
- And we gather here because we believe,
as our founders did,that we are, all of us,
born and unborn, endowed by our creator
with certain unalienable rights,
and first among theserights is the right to life.
(audience cheers)
- [Paul] Vice President Pence
also introduced a special guest.
- This is a movement founded on love
and grounded in the nobility and dignity
of every human life.
When we look into theeyes of a newborn child,
we see the beauty and the human soul
and the majesty of God's creation.
We know that every life has meaning
and that every life is worth protecting.
- [Paul] The Presidentreiterated his support
for the Hyde Amendment andother pro-life legislation.
- I will always defend the first right
in our Declaration ofIndependence, the right to life.
- [Paul] Brian Fisher of Human Coalition
wants to see this administration
do even more to tackle abortion,
like how it's escalatedthe fight against opioids.
- HHS, Health and Human Services,
has just launched a five-point plan
to be able to combat theopioid addiction crisis
which, unfortunately, kills 115 people
every day in the country.
We support HHS's launching that plan.
Our question is simply abortion kills
3,000 pre-born children a day.
Where is the five-point plan
to end the leading causeof death in America?
- [Paul] Susanna Edwards lether outfit do the talking.
She hopes people will look at her dress,
made of baby clothes, andthink of all the lives
that ended before they couldwear those little outfits.
- All of this has been worn by a real baby
and there are many babiesthat won't get to this point.
And so the naturalreaction to baby clothes,
people you know, the aww and all of that,
but I want that kind of,the care and affection
to be brought to the unbornchild as well as the born child.
- [Paul] Elaine Webster wants women
to avoid the pain shestill feels decades later
over her abortion and the counsel she got
from a pro-choice doctor.
- She told me that it was nothing more
than a little sprouted wheat seed.
- [Paul] Her husband,Barry, still feels guilty
about not trying to talk Elaine out of it
and called out men who don'tfight for their unborn babies.
- The fact that I didn't support my wife
really led to us making that decision.
Stand up.
You know, it's our purposeto support our women.
- [Paul] 27 students came here together
from small Colorado Christian University,
showing what an issue thisis for young people today.
- Just the fact of what abortion is
and what it does to people.
And so I think we're out here
because we care for allof life, all of people.
- [Paul] Suzie Audi traveled
from South Carolina for this march.
- I have a real heart for babies
and, well people in general.
They're all God's creation
and they should not be killed.
- [Paul] But her sister, Joanne Gunsaulus,
came all the way from California,
saying abortion defiesGod's intent to create life.
- Generation after generation.
is His plan and we'rethwarting it through abortion.
- So much is on the line.
Abortion is now thenumber one cause of death,
42 million babiesslaughtered across the world
last year alone.
That's 125,000 a day.
That's why these peoplemarch, to end that.
Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom the March for Life.
- Paul Strand, thank you.
We're joined now by Walter Hoye,
all the way from California.- Yeah.
- Thank you for being with us.
- It's awesome.
- You were actually arrested
outside of an abortionclinic in California
for simply holding a sign
that says God loves you andyour baby, let us help you.
Tell us how women who werecoming to this abortion clinic
responded to you and your sign.
- Well the women wereasking the three questions
that were asked on my sign
and we were letting themknow that God did love them
and God loved them and their baby
and that we would help them.
And it didn't matter what they needed.
It could be groceries, itcould be a place to stay.
It didn't matter.
We were going to help them.
And because we did,that got to be a problem
for the abortion clinic.
- So women were actuallycoming to the clinic
to seek your counsel?
- To get help.
One day, there were 27 appointments
at this abortion clinicduring a two-hour time frame.
There was no way theycould do 27 abortions
in a two-hour time frame.
But they weren't coming for an abortion.
They knew there was apreacher on the sidewalk
helping women and they cameby just to get the help.
- Wow.
And you were arrested?
- Yes, ultimately, they created a law
that made it illegal forme to stand on the sidewalk
within 100 feet of an abortion clinic,
this is a public sidewalk, holding a sign,
passing out literature,and having a conversation.
- Well, an investigativejournalist, Robert Artigo,
has written a book- He did.
- about your experience.
It is called Black andPro-Life in America.
That is quite a title.
Why is that appropriateand also interesting?
- Well, I think Robert did agreat job writing the book,
and the title is appropriatebecause the abortion issue
is the most controversialissue in the black church.
We'll talk about almosteverything but this issue,
and so it gets into whythat's a controversial topic
and what we can do about it in the future.
- Why is it not kind ofjust a settled issue,
you think, in the black church?
- Well, there reallyshould be a settled issue.
There's no question, biblically,
that the child insidethe womb, created by God,
is a living, breathing human being,
and we all know what it's like
to not be considered humanin the black community.
- That's very true.
Well sir, you are allthe way from California.
You know, folks typicallythink about California
as being pretty liberaland not so concerned
or interested in thepro-life movement per se,
but tell us about the pro-lifemovement in California.
- Well let me say the pro-lifemovement in California
is actually pretty strong.
As a matter of fact, on January 26th,
the Walk for Life West Coast
will be taking place in San Francisco.
I'm gonna be one of the speakers there.
I'll be joining Abby Johnsonas well as many others
and we'll have about 50,000 people there,
so we're looking forward to it.
- Wow.
Well, Walter, thank youso much for joining us
- Okay.- and sending the message
that God loves everyone and their babies.
We appreciate your time.
- All right.
Bless you.
- Thank you, God bless you.
Dr. Russell Moore is Presidentof the Southern Baptist
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
The evangelical leader sat down
with CBN News WashingtonCorrespondent Amber Strong
in Virginia to give ushis evolving definition
of what it means to bea pro-life Christian
in America and more.
Take a look.
- So we are here for theEvangelicals for Life Conference.
If you had to summarize into a sentence,
what is the theme for this year?
- Well, the theme isreborn people, born again,
advocating for the vulnerable.
And so we really ought to be the people
who are applying thegospel of Jesus Christ
across the board.
And so we were people who were lost
and are now saved and are now found
and we were blind and now we see,
and so we ought to be thepeople who really understand
what it means to be on mission
with those that Jesuscalls the least of these,
his brothers and sisters.
- Kinda leads into my next question,
which seems to be evolving.
What is pro-life?
Well, pro-life is a commitment
to seeing every human beingcreated in the image of God
regardless of that person'sperceived usefulness
to the rest of society.
And that's one of the crisesthat we have right now.
When we think about theunborn, we have a legal system
that has sort of definedthe personhood away from
unborn children, and we seethat in multiple other areas
as well, not only here in America,
but also around the world.
It's the problem of people wanting to make
other people invisiblebecause they're inconvenient
So whether we're thinkingabout issues of euthanasia,
thinking about issues of elder care,
thinking about issues of what's happening
with many people with disabilities
who are being, in some cases, killed
and, in some cases, simply ignored.
A commitment to the image of God
and to God's valuing of all persons
ought to change the way that we live.
- You made an interestingpoint about surrogacy lately,
something the church doesn't touch on
very often,- Right.
- kind of advocating foradoption more than surrogacy.
Can you explain that a little better?
What are you saying?
Are you saying that surrogacyis a sin, is it wrong?
- Uh, yeah.- Or that adoption's better?
- Yeah, I think that God hasdesigned the one flesh union
for children to comethrough the one flesh union.
I think that some of our advancedreproductive technologies
often turn children into a commodity,
something to be manufactured,rather than a gift
and a miracle that comesabout through one flesh union.
So I think that, in many cases,
what happens is somebody who is part of
one half of a previouslyinfertile couple for many years,
what I've noticed is that, often,
people are grappling with infertility
only have one another to talk to.
So there may be a supportgroup in the church
for those who aregrappling with infertility,
but no one else in the body of Christ,
which means that, often, the only people
that one is able to talk to
are those in the health care profession
who are offering a specific alternative.
I think there's a better way.
I think there are all sortsof reproductive technologies
that can fix problemsthat cause infertility
that I think are perfectlyappropriate and ethical,
but not those that bypassthe one flesh union.
- Is there a void there?
As a woman, as a Christian woman,
there's something that's deep within us
that tell us we need to have children.
- [Russell] Yep, mm-hmm.
- And then when it doesn't happen,
- [Russell] Right.
- there's a void.
So what can the church be doing
to kind of step in there.
- Yeah, well, I think many things.
One of those things is toacknowledge infertility
and the genuine pain andstruggle of infertility
that the Bible speaks to repeatedly,
and so to talk aboutthat very real reality,
and also to not simplysegregate out people
who are grappling with infertility
from the rest of the church,
but actually minister to oneanother and be ministered to.
- When we come back, morefrom Dr. Russell Moore.
His take on media backlashafter the Vice President's wife
decided to take a job teachingart at a Christian school.
Stay with us.
(dramatic music)
Tonight, we know the namesof the US service members
killed by ISIS in asuicide attack in Syria.
37-year-old Jonathan Farmer from Florida
was a Chief WarrantOfficer for the US Army.
Shannon Kent was a 35-year-old New Yorker
and a Chief CryptologicTech for the US Navy.
Scott Wirtz from Missouri
was assigned to theDefense Intelligence Agency
for operation support.
This week, the announcementthat Karen Pence
would return to a Christianelementary school to teach art
was met with critical headlines.
Newspapers fixated on theNorthern Virginia school's
insistence that teachers,parents, and students
adhere to biblical views on marriage.
The Vice Presidentresponded to those attacks.
- [Mike] The attackson Christian education
by the mainstream media have got to stop.
We cherish the freedom ofreligion in this country.
This administration stands foursquare
for the freedom of religionof people of all faiths,
and to see the mainstreammedia criticize my wife
'cause she's choosing toreturn to the classroom
of an elementaryChristian school is wrong.
Again, attacks on Christianeducation must end.
- And we spoke to Dr. Russell Moore
for his take on the Pence family
and Christian teachings under fire.
- This one is a little more headlining.
In the news today was a story
about Second Lady Karen Pence taking a job
at Immanuel Christian, it'sa school here in Virginia.
- Yeah.
- The school has a policyabout traditional marriage.
And so she's kind ofgetting criticized for it.
I guess the question is
is the criticism becauseof her role as Second Lady,
or is the criticism becauseof just the changing culture
in the world and theacceptance of different things
and we as a church need to accept it?
Where does the criticism fall?
Or the school itself and its policies?
- Well, I think that thecriticism of the Second Lady
is completely illegitimate
because it's based upon the assumption
that not only can an evangelical Christian
not operate in a faith based setting
when one is simply married to
someone who is an elected official,
but neither could anOrthodox Jewish person
or a Muslim person ora Roman Catholic person
or an Eastern Orthodox.
These views about what marriage is
and what sexuality is for areheld by multiple religions
and faith traditions.
And so there's an assumption
in some avenues of American life
that would say, in order to bea part of acceptable society,
you have to be willing toadopt the sexual revolution
as almost a theology.
That's not a legitimate wayfor us to operate as Americans.
What we should say insteadis we have disagreements
on some of these issues.
We'll seek to persuade one another.
We'll debate one another.
But we're not gonna tryto marginalize one another
out of existence.
- Well, can't decide what towear for the March for Life?
When we come back, thestory of how one mother
teamed up with her daughtersto help fashionistas
wear their Christianvalues on their sleeve.
Tens of thousands took partin the March for Life today,
but who were they wearing?
Here's Jenna Browder.
- But the big joke in our family
was that I was eithergonna have to start sewing,
which is a really bad idea, Jenna,
because I'm very good with a glue gun,
but not with a sewing machine,
or we were gonna have tostart our own fashion line.
- [Jenna] And that'sexactly what Carla D'Addesi
and her three daughtersdid, introducing COL1972.
- We were eating pasta,
that's what good Italian families do,
and this idea came up
and we sketched everythingon a piece of paper
and we thought of COL1972.
We'd really like to get back
to a culture of life, the year 1972.
1973 is when our Supreme Court ruled
that the tiniest people didnot have the right to life.
And since 1973, there's60 million tiny people
who have not had the right to life.
- [Jenna] Carla says the line is meant
for girls just like her daughters.
- So we say that we're street chic
because you'll notice thatthe 10 to 30 year olds
just kind of live in this athleisurewear,
tights and really comfyfleece sweatshirts,
so we worked with a designerin L.A. in California
that has launched brands before
because we really wantthis brand to be excellent.
We don't want to do it in a shabby way
because it's not onlyrepresenting my family,
but celebration of life,this whole entire movement.
And so we worked with herand we chose kind of colors
that we thought kids would like
that are really hot right now.
- [Jenna] She says thereception so far has been huge,
pointing to just howmany pro-life young women
there are out there.
- So we did the research,by the way, also.
18 million teens, tweens, millennials,
girls in the UnitedStates, 18 million of them.
Nine million of themidentify as being pro-life,
which was such anencouragement to my daughters
and to I that nine millionidentify as loving life.
So we thought, wow, if wecan just present a product
to these young girls thatthey feel beautiful wearing,
glamorous wearing, and thenit's just this great message
that they can share withtheir college friends,
their high school friends, their family.
- [Jenna] She says their pieces
are also great conversation starters.
- The messaging is very quiet, you know,
and we're actually sharing with the kids
how to talk about the messaging.
So COL1972, if someone comes up
and says I love that camohat that you have on,
what does 1972 mean, youcan say that's a year
that we just celebratedall life, an amazing year,
we'd like to get back to that time.
- [Jenna] And for familieswho want to support companies
with values that align with theirs.
- But really, I'm a mom of three daughters
so, you know, our cardio isshopping, honestly, you know?
Like we are shopping all the time
and we just felt a little bit marginalized
because some of the messagingthat was on the shirts
just went against our coreprinciples, our core values.
And then again, like I said,
a lot of these peopleare using spokespeople
that maybe do not standfor the national anthem,
which is so important to our family.
We just feel like it's such a privilege
to stand for the pledge of allegiance
or the national anthem,
for those heroes that have gone before us
or even today right now thatare fighting for our freedom.
So we went to support companies
that support our core values.
So we say that COL1972is guilt-free shopping.
It is going to be shoppingthat is family approved,
mom and daddy approved,but also kid approved.
(mellow rhythmic music)
- So neat.
Well, you can learn more about COL72
on our website, CBNNews.com.
That's it for Faith Nation.
Have a great weekend.