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News on The 700 Club: January 2, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” January 2, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well most of the ball games are over,

and you get all thescores, and the players are

gonna take a year off,the coach at Ohio State

won't be coming back.

He won, and it justtremendous in the Rose Bowl.

We've had quite a fewdays, but nevertheless,

the shutdown continues.

But I want to tell youabout something real quick,

I was reading today, Ithought the number was about

170, it's about $250billion, that's the total

of the debts that are owed bythe government to this world.

$250 trillion, and I wantedalso you to understand

that the interest onthat debt is so enormous

it's going to consumeall of the major aide

discretionary spendingof the governments that

have that kind of debt, andit'll include the United States.

We'll be talking aboutdefense, but they can't

afford but so many weapons,because we don't have the money.

We've spent ourselves into a hole.

Now I want to talk to youabout whatever the lord showed

me over the time that I'vebeen doing some praying

and been off the air butI think that's important.

You want to hear that asthis program in the first

of the year, but we'llstart off with the news.

And that shutdown goes on and on,

it's the craziest thing.

They're playing games up in Washington,

and I think the Americanpeople are totally

disgusted with what they're seeing.

President Trump is meeting with Democratic

and Republican leadersin Congress today about

the budget battle that's led

to a partial government shutdown.

And the President isn'tbacking down from his demand

for a border wall with Mexico.

- And if the Presidentand the Democrat's don't

come to an agreement, theshowdown over the shutdown

could last a long time.

Mark Martin has the story.

- The partial governmentshutdown now enters

it's 12th day over astalemate involving funding

for President Trump'sborder wall with Mexico.

The President tweeted aquestion to incoming House

speaker designate NancyPelosi, "let's make a deal"

suggesting progress could be made.

He plans to meet withcongressional Democratic

and Republican at the White House today.

It's the first with Democrat leaders since

a heated discussion three weeks ago.

- We disagree.- I'll tell you what,

I am proud to shutdownthe government for border

security Chuck.

- [Mark] The President stillstands behind his demand

for $5 billion for a border wall.

- "We are not giving up, wehave to have border security

"and the wall is a bigpart of border security,

the biggest part."

- White House presssecretary Sarah Sanders

says they're invited fora border security briefing

from Senior Homeland Security officials.

Pelosi, expected to beelected House speaker tomorrow

offered a plan to reopenthe government but

without approving money for a wall.

Trump tweeted that therecan be no border security

without a wall, and Sanderscalled Pelosi's plan

a nonstarter, saying itdoes not secure the border,

and puts the needs ofAmerican's below the needs

of other countries.

Democrat's take control ofthe House when they come

back into session Thursday.

Pelosi responded to thePresident's tweet about a possible

deal saying "Trump has givenDemocrat's a great opportunity

"to show how we will governresponsibly and quickly

"pass our plan to end theirresponsible Trump shutdown."

The Democrats are expectedto pass their plan but

administration officialssay the President is in no

rush to end the border budgetbattle with the Democrats.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- You know, isn't it amazing?

Every one of the Democraticleaders in the Senate

voted for a border wall,and they voted a lot more

money than this $5 billionthey're talking about.

Every one of them, ChuckSchumer voted for it,

Barack Obama voted for it,Vice President Joe Biden,

if he had to vote, voted forit, they all voted for it.

All those people voted for it.

And now suddenly it isa bizarre scheme that's

brought about by an outof control President.

This is absurd, theyfigure they've got him now,

and if the shutdowncontinues, it's going to

redown poorly to him.

But there's a much much biggerthing, I just want to tell

you $250 billion, peopleare, they're not talking

about the budget,they're not talking about

the huge deficits,they're not talking about

the fact that we're hemorrhaging money

and there's no attempt to stopthis out of control spending.

And to get entitlementsand other such things under

control, they don't want to do it.

And we're going to paythe price, our children

will pay the price, I sawa cartoon the other day

that showed this enormous pile of debt

and the father saying tohis son and some day son

this will all be yours, Imean, it was another one.

All right, but certainly true.

Well while Washington's focusedon the government shutdown,

Wall Street is wonderingwhat will happen to the

stock market, John Jessup has that.

- That's right Pat, stockscould face another bumpy

ride in 2019, including more volatility,

meaning wild swings both up and down.

The market has reboundedfrom December's brutal sell

off but analysts are dividedover whether that steep

decline was just a correction,

or the start of a bare market.

If it is a bare market,then stocks likely haven't

hit bottom yet, may it come,analysts are also expecting

the economy to slow downafter what was probably

the strongest growth last year since 2005.

But for now, at least, mosteconomists don't expect

a recession this year.

Well Pat, back to you.

- Well I just want to say real quickly,

ladies and gentleman,the United States economy

is extremely strong, extremely strong.

There's a tremendous shortage of workers,

it isn't a surplus of workers,it's a shortage of workers.

Wages are high, the employment is robust,

manufacturing is goingalong and the country,

businesses are doing very well.

So the stock market isnot really reflective

of anything but the FED has been cutting

the amount of moneyavailable by raising interest

rates a tad, but it's justa tick, I mean a quarter

of a percentage point, it's insignificant

considering what could've been done.

But all right, well nowwe'll talk about something

else, and here's John gotthe beginning of that story.

- Well Pat, a volcanoon the Indonesian island

of Bali shot ash 750 feet into the air.

Mount Agung eruptedfor about three minutes

sending up white clouds of smoke and ash.

No one, fortunately washurt, but the white dust

from the eruptionblanketed several villages.

It was the latest of severaleruptions within a week

and the Indonesian volcanothat triggered both

a landslide and tsunami thatkilled more than 400 people

on December 22nd has shrunkdramatically after that

eruption, Anak Krakataulost close to 750 feet

Pat, from slightly over1100 feet high now to just

360 feet.

- Well you know, I want totell you what has been coming

to me, and I reflectedand I'll say, I think

I've heard the lord.

This coming year is goingto be a time of sorrow

and suffering all over the world.

And I think it's primarilygoing to be caused

by national disasters.

We have that ring of fire that goes from

way down in South Americaall the way up around

the Los Angeles, SanFrancisco, Seattle, Tokyo,

Manila, Indonesia and New Zealand.

Now, those plates aremoving and those volcanoes

are very active, and there'swhat's called the Pacific

or the Cascadia SubductionZone off the coast

of Oregon that is very very liable to have

some kind of volcanic activity.

And a resulting tsunamiwhich could be very painful.

They've already had an earthquake of sorts

in Anchorage, Alaska, andthat's part of the Ring of Fire.

I think Mount Rainier in Washington State

is an active volcano.

And you go all the wayaround in Tokyo, they have

any number of earthquakes taking place.

Manila has had a huge problemover there and more coming.

But Indonesia seems to bethe epicenter of some of this

bad stuff, that Krakatauwas so bad back in 1890's

or whenever it was thatit brought the temperature

of the earth a couple degreesdown for a whole year or two.

It just blew up and itwas a hideous thing.

Well this thing, the onethat just exploded is called

Baby Krakatau and Crack Junior, whatever,

but that's just thinkit diminished 800 feet,

it shrunk but it was a huge explosion.

More of them are coming,and the earth is getting

ready to just do terrible things because

these tectonic plates are breaking up.

There are plates in Californiathat are very active.

There's a new MandarinFault in the central part

of America that it did just separate,

it rang bells all the wayto Boston, Massachusetts.

I mean, we're talking aboutserious things that have

happened here in the United States before.

And then you look over toItaly, at the Sicilian hill

or down in the southern part of Italy.

And Mount Etna, MountVesuvius, they're again

active and beginning torumble and do things.

So it's going to be suffering,there'll be suffering

in this world in thoseareas because of these

natural disasters that'llbring about floods,

tsunamis and terribleterrible devastation.

And so it'll mean thatthose of us who know

the Lord have got to doeverything we can to help

people in these timesbecause like it or not

it's going to happen.

You're gonna read it inyour paper, you will be,

don't be afraid, the biblesays don't let your heart

be troubled neither let them be afraid.

Because these things willbe happening and there

will be suffering, but whenyou think of these people

in the poverty strickenareas of the world,

like Guatemala, where they havebig volcanoes and suffering.

Like in the Philippineswhere they have these

big volcanoes and suffering.

But remember Mount SaintHelen's was a terrible

thing and that was in the United States.

And Mount Rainier, if it blows, it will be

an unprecedented disaster for Seattle.

But all across that Pacific Northwest

there is volcanic activity,those big volcanic

mountains are still active, John?

- Well Pat, the UnitedStates and Israel officially

quit the United NationsEducational Scientific

and Cultural Agencyalso known as UNESCO at

the stroke of midnight Monday.

It's the combination of aprocess triggered more than

a year ago amid concernsthe organization fosters

anti-Israel bias.

Israel's UN AmbassadorDanny Danon has criticized

UNESCO's actions against Israel saying,

"Unesco is a body thatcontinues to re-write history

"among other things by attempting to erase

"the Jewish connection to Jerusalem."

in 2016, the Palestinianauthority backed by Arab

states succeeded in passingan UNESCO resolutions

that essentially deniedany Jewish claims to the

temple mount and the Western wall.

Two of Judaism's holiest sites.

President Trump said in2017, the US would pull

out of UNESCO altogether,the Netanyahu government

in Israel followed suit.

Well on Monday, PresidentTrump extended his original

time table to pull UStroops out of Syria from 30

days to four months.

Still many fear thewithdrawal may not only upset

the balance of power in the Middle East

but would also abandon keyUS allies, the Syrian Kurds.

Chris Mitchell brings usthat story from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] US boots mayremain on the ground

a bit longer in Syria,but President Trump's

surprise announcement pushedother countries to act.

Turkey bolstered its borderwith military equipment

while Syria positioned troopsand weapons outside the

Kurdish held city of Manbeech.

Both countries feelthreatened by the Kurds,

although the group votedfor an independent state

in 2017, most countries haverefused to recognize it.

CBN News has learnedthe Kurdish group allied

with the US is under pressurefrom Russia to strike

a deal within days.

This Kurdish officialfears what might happen

after a pull out.

- That potential lead toa New Years Day meeting

between Israeli primeminister Benjamin Netanyahu

and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The pullout raises a numberof dangerous scenarios.

Turkey may follow through onthreats to attack the Kurds.

Russia may try to takethe rich oil fields in

northeastern Syria, andthe Iranian's still want

a straight line root throughSyria to the Mediterranean.

- From the Israeli perspective,the major concern is Iran.

Iran is likely to misread President Trump

and misread America andthink that America's leaving

because it was defeated.

And now they can go inand take over Syria.

- [Chris] Former Israeliambassador to the UN

Dore Gold says nationslike Iran believe they

are historic empires allowthem to conquer faraway lands.

In this case Iran claimsSyria as its 35th province.

- Therefore the strength ofAmerica, even in a little

corner of Syria is pivotalto prevent a deterioration

in the Middle East.

- [Chris] Earlier, SenatorLindsey Graham met with

President Trump and saidthe President understood

the number of complicatedissues surrounding the pullout.

- You've got the Kurds thatwe need to be concerned about.

They stepped up when nobody else would

and he's very aware of that problem.

- [Chris] In additionto the Kurd's retired

General Gerry Boykin tellsCBN News the US pullout

threatens thousands ofChristians in the region.

- They've all congregatedthere so that could be

a Christian and a Kurdishgenocide up in that area

if we don't leave measures inplace to help protect them.

- [Chris] It's becomingclear that crucial decisions

over the next few weekswill likely effect the fate

of these Christian's and eventhe future of the Middle East.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks Chris, and Pat,you've been talking for many

years now about how the Kurd'shave been reliable partners.

- They are some of themost wonderful people.

You talk about Kurd, you don't understand

these people are prowestern,they're pro democracy

and they're pro American.

They have a flourishingcivilization a place called

Ervil for example, theircapital is a dynamic

modern city, it isn't partof the problem in the Middle

East, now the Kurdish pressmarker have been fighting

side by side with our forces for years.

And they deserve something,now here's the deal

there are 36 millionKurds in Northern Iraq,

northern Syria, and ofcourse up into Turkey.

Now we can't be takingthe Turkey part away from

them so let's just leavethat off the table,

but they now have a republicof Kurdistan and what

our President needs to do is to say look,

you're the only people groupin the world of this size

that does not have its own country.

You're the only one andyou've been our reliable ally.

And therefore, just likethe Balfore Declaration

when Lord Balfore wroteto one of the leaders

of the Jewish causes andsaid the determination

of his majesty's governmentthat there should

be a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

Now I think the Presidentby an executive order,

he can do it himself, hedoesn't have to ask Senate

approval, he can say myadministration acknowledges

and recognizes the governmentof Kurdistan and therefore

I'm going to direct mysecretary of state, the FEDS,

to arm those Kurds.

Now here's what this will do, you now have

a viable government withits capital in Urbihl in the

north part of Syria andtherefore, when the Iranian's

try to come in from Iraqand those Iraqi troops

begin to give us all the grief they had,

you can say look, the Kurdsare going to take care of that

they've got a government andyou say do not violate them.

When Russia tries to move inSyria, you say no you don't

touch our ally, the Kurd'sand so the Kurd's now

in terms of ISIS the Kurd'snow are able to fight them

and control them and thatmeans the Uzidi's and the

Christian's over therehave got a protector.

Now folks, that is a playthat is a no brainer.

I mean we could have a reliable ally,

we could have anotherIsrael in the Middle East

that has 36 million peoplewho will be pro western

in the heart of that cauldron.

It would be the answerto so many problems,

and it's one of thosethings that I would like

to urge upon the President to do.

He could instruct MikePompeo the secretary of state

to workout the borders of that.

I think the biggest thingthey'd try to hold onto

is what's called Kurakookwhich is an oil region.

And I think the Kurd'soughta get Kurakook,

the Iraqi government of course wants it,

but the Iraq's are no longer our friend.

They are now allied withIran and they made noise

and said we want you out,despite all the money

we spent, all the linesthat have been lost trying

to give them freedom from Saddam Hussein.

They still want us out,they're insulting us.

The Kurd's would welcome us, they love us.

So I just say, ladiesand gentleman if you want

to pray about something,pray for those Kurd's

they are wonderful people.

They are friendly, theyare warm hearted, they are

hospitable, I can't sayenough good things about them.

Now I know there's a leftwing group of them called

Pepe KK that is beendesignated a terrorist group.

I'm not talking about them, that's

one of those splinter groups.

But the main Kurdistan, ourPresident all he's got to do

is say my governmentrecognizes the independent

state of Kurdistan andsuddenly wonderful things begin

to happen and he looks like a hero.

So anyhow, that's.

- Hopefully the President'swatching right now

because you laid it out.

- Let's hope he is!

- You completely laid outthe plan and how to execute.

- Well I think he probablywatches Fox and friends more

than he does us.


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