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Prayer Link: August 13, 2018

The Activist Mommy - Elizabeth Johnston and Canada’s Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson join Charlene Aaron and Wendy Griffith to tackle the new trans” revolution. It’s the push to normalize blurred gender lines and includes drag queens reading ... ... Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Hello and welcome to ThePrayer Link, everybody.

I'm Charlene Aaron.

- And I'm Wendy Griffith,

This is the show that's all about prayer.

- That's right.

Prayer for what's happening inour nation and in the world.

We'd also like to prayfor your needs today.

So please let us knowwhere you're watching from

and remember to post your comments

and prayer requests down below.

And also post the prayeremoji to let us know

that you're definitelywatching the show today.

- [Wendy] And we havesome dynamic guests today.

Two powerful women of God.

I cannot wait to hear--

- Talking about whatmatters to the Kingdom.

- Yes and today we want to talkabout a disturbing movement

and agenda that is seepinginto our culture big time.

That could leave a devastating wake

if it's not revealed and pushed back.

- And we are talking aboutthe Transgender Movement.

Their goal is to get into our schools

and teach young childrenthat you can decide

what sex you wanna be.

And that the way that Godmade you, male or female,

has nothing to do with it.

- That's right Charlene.

Drag queens, drag queens.

Some even dressed with horns like demons

are now being allowedinto public libraries

and some schools for what's being called

"Drag Queen Story Hour."

It's been happening for a while in places

like California and New York,

but recently it happened right here

in Virginia Beach at a library.

- I could not believe what I was seeing,

and it involves men dressedin full makeup as women,

reading to small children.

And we were able to get some footage

before our camera manwas actually kicked out

of the actual reading event.

Here's what we saw.

- This public library herein Virginia Beach, Virginia

recently hosted and eventcalled Drag Queen Story Hour.

And we witnessed parentstaking their children,

as young as two, inside to take part.

Drag Queen Story Hour isadvertised as an event

that captures the imaginationand play of childhood,

and gives kids glamorous,positive, and diverse role-models.

It is all part of a national initiative

with more than 20 chaptersacross the country.

Last summer the Boston Public Library

allowed Drag Queensdressed as Catholic nuns,

called The Sisters of PerpetualIndulgence, to read to kids.

Princeton professor RobertP. George told CBN News

it's dangerous to use thestate to promote ideas

that defy normal ideas about gender.

- Well it's the message about power.

The group in question,

the so called Sistersof Perpetual Indulgence,

is sending a messagethat they have the power

to enter into the public domain,

a publicly funded institutionI believe, not a private one.

And to essentially hold a Catechism class

for this new religionthat they've created.

A religion of hedonism,of self indulgence.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

A religion of licentiousness.

- At another, a man dressed in drag

encouraged a young childto become a Drag Queen.

- I want to be a superhero!

- Yeah! You could be aDrag Queen superhero!

- Elizabeth Johnston, alsoknow as The Activist Mommy,

calls the issue surroundinggender confusion

"Gender Insanity."

- Moms and daughters transitioning

to the opposite sex together.

We've got guys going into girlslocker rooms and bathrooms.

And Drag Queens arereading stories to children

in public libraries.

Thereby normalizing this behavior

of men dressing up inhigh heels, a wig, a bra

and copious amounts of makeup.

Whatever happened to puppet shows

and craft day at the library?

- One Virginia parent disagrees.

- I think that we should saythat everybody's different.

And we should accept peoplefor their differences.

And that we should treat them

as we would treat anybody elsewith just different tastes.

Some people like pizza, somepeople don't like pizza.

Some people dress up like women.

Some people dress up like men.

- [Charlene] More than20 parents brought kids

ages two to eight to aVirginia Beach Story Hour.

Where Gillette Black, who is openly gay,

dressed as a mermaid and read three books

as part of an Under the Sea theme.

Black wants to be a positive role model

and says reading in drag makesit more fun for the kids.

- Just to give them somethingextra to look forward to.

The makeup, the glitter, it'sgonna keep them more in tune

and more willing tolisten and pay attention.

They were all accepting.

They all were happy about it and excited

and giving me hugs and everything.

- [Charlene] Library officialssay the program highlights

a need in it's community.

- The library has a strategic plan

and one of our big parts of our plan

is inclusion and diversity.

So we offer about 8,000 programs

for children and adults a year.

And we just want to makesure we cover a wide variety

of interests and speak toall members of our community.

So this program fell intothat strategic action item.

- [Charlene] But outraged residents

argue the program will harm kids.

- I think it's really unfortunate

that our city isn't going to...

They're here to protect and keep us safe.

And I'm not sure they're doingthat for all the population.

Especially the children.

Here they're going toget exposed to something

that they're really notsure about and be confused.

- [Charlene] And it doesn't stop there.

Netflix plans to debut agay-themed superhero show

featuring cross-dresserscalled "Super Drags."

The Activist Mommy describestoday's culture movements

as an embarrassing momentin our nations history.

- We have become so open-minded

that our brains are falling out.

Truth and reality and science

really mean nothing to the left.

People are fighting theirtrue biological identity

and Hollywood and the mediaare trying to pressure us

to celebrate this.

- Two more Drag Queen Story Hour events

are planned for thisVirginia Beach library

in August and September.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Wow. Shocking, Charlene.

- Disturbingly shocking.

- When that mermaid guystarted talking. Wow.

Elizabeth Johnston,AKA the Activist Mommy,

you just saw her in the piece.

She joins us now by Skype.

Elizabeth it's great to have you with us.

- Hi, ladies. It's an honor.

Thank you for having me.

- In the story that we just saw

you call the issuesurrounding gender-confusion

"Gender-insanity", whatdo you mean by that?

- And gender-insanity is a term I coined

which I believe is veryfitting to describe

a revolutionary and subversive movement

to normalize gender-confusion,

sexual deviancy, erasegender distinctions,

and really bully anyChristian or free-thinker

who is not willing to conformto this new gender paradigm.

This movement began in2015 when Obama issued

his Transgender BathroomDirective in the public schools,

as you probably remember.

And in just a few short months,

this blew wide open intoalmost every sector of society.

To the point where gender-confusedindividuals are now

really bullying their wayinto public acceptance

by calling it hateful if youdo not applaud their behavior.

Nevermind what scienceand your chromosomes say.

Nevermind what every man and woman knows

in their conscience to be true.

Nevermind what 2,000 years of history

and jurisprudence have shown us.

Basically, they're here, they're queer,

and if you don't applaud andaccept their mental instability

and gender-confusion they will bully you

into oblivion and non-importance.

- Elizabeth you're absolutely right.

Not to mention what the bible has to say

in Genesis chapter one about, you know,

God created the male and female.

But you know, the libraryofficials that we talked with.

They told us that Drag Queen Story Hour

actually highlights aneed in the community.

Which is absolutely a lotof news to most of us.

How can Christians?

How can we fight thispolitical correctness?

- If at all possible,

please take back controlof your child's education

and homeschool them first of all.

That would be my first pieceof advice if at all possible.

If that means you drive one less car

or move and live in a smaller house

and make some sacrifices.

Please consider thefact that public schools

have become leftist indoctrination centers

in many, many parts of the country.

Reeducation camps basically.

The leftists have strategically,for the last 40 years,

taken over control, for the most part,

of the public school system.

So that they can teach your child

how to not have your values, parents.

But to have their leftist values.

And how to embrace this LGBT philosophy.

So number one.

Please try to take back controlover your child's education.

When the schools have yourchild more hours a day

then you have them, otherthan their sleep hours,

that is a problem.

And lastly I would say don't be bullied

into silence and compliance.

That's when they win.

But Jesus said

"Do not fear those who cancast your body into Hell.

Fear the one who can castyour body and soul into Hell."

We have feared what people think about us

more than we have feared doing

what God has commanded us to do

and that is to take a stand.

- You're absolutely right.

And we're gonna be bepraying in just a moment

so we want Elizabethto please stay with us.

We're gonna pray atthe end of the program.

Those of you watching, share this video.

People need to be aware.

People need to be prayerful about this

what's happening in our culture.

- And you know it's nothappening just here in America.

It's happening big time in Canada.

The Transgender Movementtaking Canada by storm.

A curriculum called SOGI.

Sexual Orientation andGender Identification

is now being taught inmany of Canada's schools.

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has been

a very outspoken critic of SOGI

and joins us now from Vancouver.

Laura-Lynn, great to have you with us.

- Thank you so much, it isgreat to be back with you.

And Wendy was so amazingthat video that we did

on what is going on in B.C.

Over 3 million views.

That brought the Philippines to a place

after they saw what we put together

and how you covered that story

of gender-fluid ideology here.

That stopped this in the Philippines.

And 35,000 Philippines rallied together

to shut down SOGI in the Philippines.

- That is a great exampleof what the church can do

when we stand up andlet our voices be heard.

Laura-Lynn of course you wentthere, to the Philippines.

And they shut that down.

For those who don't know, tell us again

what exactly does SOGI teach

and why do you believe it's dangerous?

- Right, so SOGI standsfor Sexual Orientation

and Gender Identification.

It is literally like Elizabethwas just talking about.

It is an indoctrinationof all the children.

I wanna hold up some books

that are being shownin all of our schools.

Being read to ourkindergartners in grade one.

"I Am Jazz", many of you are familiar

with the reality series "I Am Jazz".

This poor kid is a young boy.

His family celebrated thathe felt like a girl inside.

They put him on puberty blockers

when he was about nine years old.

And those puberty blockersstunted his male genitalia

as he was growing up.

He's now 17.

When they went to do thegender affirming surgery,

and this is all on a reality series

which we are celebratingwith Kindergartners,

they didn't have enough male genitalia

in order to do thegender affirming surgery.

So they had to use parts from his stomach

in order to make a fake vagina.

And this is the book that weare celebrating with our kids

here in British Columbiaand across Canada.

"My Princess Boy" okay?

All about a parent who is justcelebrating his little boy

who wears dresses andwants to be a princess.

If that's not enough wehave "10,000 Dresses."

A little boy who nowthinks that he's a girl,

dreams constantly of being a girl

and all these 10,000 dresses,

and his parents are deemedto be the mean ones.

- Such a great exampleof what's going on there.

And when I was with youback late last year,

I recently interviewed atransgender man named Morgan

who claims SOGI is--

- Morgan Oger.

- Morgan Oger, whoclaims that SOGI is about

acceptance not indoctrination.

Let's take a listen.

- The idea is to teach kidsthat there are gay kids

and there are trans kidsand there are trans parents

and gay parents in our society.

And everybody is wanted and desired.

- And Laura-Lynn, Morganwent on to tell me that

parents rights in Canada are limited.

And that children whobelieve they are trans

have the right to be protectedfrom their own parents

if the parents disagree with them.

What kind of society allows the children

to lead the parents?

- Well, an upside down society.

And a society that's being ruledby people like Morgan Oger.

Morgan told me that he is actively at work

to make laws to preventparents like myself

who would not advocate fora child to be transitioned,

to make parents like myself basically

have my children removed.

That's what he's advocating for.

This is our MDP governmentthat is in our nation

that is taking over.

We are not even allowedto speak against this.

We're called bigots andhomophobes and transphobes.

And it's not true. I have gay friends.

In fact, I work very closelywith a trans-identified male

who is very against SOGI.

His name is Jen Smith.

And of course there's abig war going on up here.

We're very upset. The rise is happening.

There's five transgenderbooks that are read

to kindergartners throughgrade two and grade three.

How many transgender books do we need?

The world is turning upside down.

We've really had enoughand the rise is coming.

- Laura you're absolutely right.

God is really calling thechurch to be the church.

And we need to just begin speaking out

and doing what God has called us to do.

Be bold and to stand on his word.

But you have been fightingthis Transgender Movement

in Canada for some time,

and you speak constantly atchurches and town hall meetings.

Are you seeing any pushback yet?

Any victories?

- Yes. What's happening is that parents

are actually finding outit's been implemented.

I don't know how Elizabeth feels,

but it's like we didn't know.

Like they put it in undergroundwithout parental knowledge.

They say that they consulted parents,

but they consulted the LGBTQ community

and some selected parents that they knew

might be on their side.

They didn't consult the Christians,

the largest demographic in Canada.

They didn't consult us.

Cause we would've said "Noway are you telling our kids

that they were not madein the image of God,

male and female."

If they would have, we would'vesaid "No, this is a no go."

They didn't consult the Muslims.

They didn't consult the Sikhs.

They didn't consult the Jews.

And so we've been completely ignored.

We've had enough, we'refinding out about it.

The rise is happening.

People are writing to their schools.

We've had all kinds of protests.

In fact we were at aschool trustee meeting

til 12:30 at night fighting this.

But here's the problem.

They're not listening.

The people in power don't care.

They're stifling free speech.

They say gender ideologyrules up here in Canada.

Wendy also covered astory on Trinity Western.

Trinity Western has now lost that.

Basically they're saying

"Canada, sexual orientationis more important

than religious freedom."

- Real quick, Trinity Western University,

they simply wanted to build a law school.

They're very reputable.

They've been around for 50 years.

A university, Christian university,

and the Canadian Supreme Courtvoted against that school

building a law school becausethey have a charter that says

"We believe marriage isbetween one man and one woman."

- For that reason. Talk about persecution.

- So where is religious freedom, you know?

Obviously Canada does nothave the religious freedom

that they thought.

Same here in America.

Laura-Lynn, do you think perhaps though

that this issue, thetransgender movement or agenda,

may be the issue that wakes up

the sleeping church in Canada?

- I absolutely do believe that, Wendy.

And that was propheticallyspoken out of your mouth

and it is happening.

You see when there'sbeen the abortion issues,

we're like "Wow, we stand against abortion

but we're not having the abortions."

And when we stand againstmarriage between gays and lesbians

we're like "Well, what are we gonna do?"

In Canada we have religious freedom

and freedom of conscience.

So you can be gay, lesbian,pansexual, transsexual,

or any of the 64 genders thatthey say that you can be now.

But now it has come to our children.

You see that's the overstepping

that has not been counted on by the LGBTQ.

That we will not allowyou to tell our children

your ideology because we have a belief

and a worldview in our hearts

and we will not accept your worldview

to be spoken to our children.

We are not teaching littlekids in kindergarten

to have come to Jesusmoments and altar calls.

The Sikh religion does notteach them about their Gurus.

Why is it that the LGBTQ feels

that they can teach theirworldview to our children?

- Laura-Lynn, we so appreciate you

and Elizabeth Johnston The Activist Mommy.

Both of you are, you're Deborah's,

you're Esther's for such a time as this.

You're leading the nationin Canada, Laura-Lynn,

on this issue.

Elizabeth, same here.

We would love you to pray.

- Definitely.

I'm looking at the peoples comments

who are watching this live right now.

And they're saying we need to pray.

And so ladies, we want to have you guys

both lead us in prayer.

Elizabeth, if you willbegin and followed by Laura

and Wendy and I will close it out.

- Please, yeah.- Sure.


Lord Jesus we love you.

We thank you so much forsetting us free from our sin.

For giving us such a great salvation.

And for allowing us tobe your ambassadors.

And to proclaim your message of hope

and redemption and liberty from sin

to a dying world, a lost and dying world.

And Lord we are living in avery lost and confused society.

And we are crying out toyou on behalf of our nation,

on behalf of the public schools

that are indoctrinating these children,

on behalf of the parents, Lord.

We ask for an infusion of boldness

into every Christianparent in this nation.

To cry aloud and spare not.

To stand up for you.

To take a stand in these dark days, Lord.

And to say no, you willnot have our children.

I just pray for boldness for these parents

and for protection for our children.

And I pray that the pastors,

the spiritual leaders in our countries,

in Canada, in America, in Australia,

where so many Christians aresuffering right now, Lord.

I pray that the pastors willrise up and do their duty

to instruct their peopleand to protect their flocks.

In the mighty name of Jesus,

we thank you for the victorythat you are going to give us.

- Amen.- Thank the Lord.

- And Father, I repent onbehalf of the nation of Canada.

Who has not stood and not spoken.

We ask you Father thatyou would hear our prayer

and that you could forgive us.

And that Father, you would step in

and you would heal our land.

We pray this in the mightypowerful name of Jesus.


- Amen.- Amen.

- And Lord, we know youdied and that you love

people that say they are transgender.

And as Christians we need to love.

But Lord we also need to stand up

and let our voices be heard

because they do not havethe right to indoctrinate

or brainwash our childrenor take over Story Time.

Lord, let it happen, whathappened in the Philippines,

where 35,000 Christiansand the church rose up

and went to the government and said

"No, this is not happening on our watch."

Let that same spirit come to Canada.

Let it come to theUnited States of America.

Let it come right here in Virginia Beach.

And spread like a wildfire.

That the church would takea stand, in love, in love,

and that we will love thetransgender community.

But we do not have to let them take over

and brainwash our children.

In the name of Jesus, Lord give us wisdom,

give us strategies, andgive us the victory.

- And Father, we thank youLord that you've told us

in your word that our battleis not against flesh and blood.

That, Lord, this is a spiritual battle

against spiritual wickedness, Lord,

in heavenly places againstdark spirits, Lord God, demons!

So Lord, we in the name of Jesus,

the name that is above every name.

We bind and we rebuke the spirit

that's behind this movement, Lord.

We know that it is thespirit of anti-Christ.

It's against Christ, it's against God.

And so Lord, in Jesus name,

we rebuke that spirit Lord.

And we pray, Lord God, for freedom.

We declare freedom to thosewho are captive, Lord God,

to their flesh, to thewhims of their flesh.

We pray, Lord God, for the blood of Jesus

to cover our children, Lord God,

our teachers, our parents, Lord.

And we pray that the blinderson the eyes of people

who are trapped would come off, Lord God.

That they will see the light.

Just like we were lost and blind.

Lord, you brought us out.

Bring them out, in the name of Jesus.

We thank you Lord that thegospel is gonna be preached

and many of those who are trapped, Lord,

by this movement will come

to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Lord we count it done toyour glory and to your honor

and we lift up the name of Jesus,

the king of kings and the lord of lords,

over our children, over our schools.

In Jesus name, amen.

- Amen.- Amen.

- Praise God.

Ladies, thank you somuch for taking the time

to chat with us, to talkwith us, to dialogue with us

about this very important issue.

It is definitely an issue weneed to continue to battle

concerning on our knees and speaking out

as God leads us in Jesus name.

Thank you so much.

- It's always an honor, thank you.

- Two beautiful warriors right there.

On in Canada, one in the US.- Amen.

- We're so grateful forthem to be with us today.

- Amen. Awesome job, Wendy.

Thank you so much andthat's gonna do it for this

edition of The Prayer Link, everybody.

Please keep sharing yourprayer requests and comments.

Down below keep praying aboutthis very serious issue.

We'll see you guys next Thursdayat 1:30 PM Eastern Time.

God bless you andremember to keep praying.

- God bless. Bye-bye.

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