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CBN NewsWatch AM: December 20, 2018

CBN NewsWatch AM: December 20, 2018 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch,

I'm Mark Martin.

President Trump is pulling all2,000 US troops out of Syria.

The announcement came yesterday

as Trump declared victory overIsis, a controversial move

that goes against theassessment of his own experts.

The decision has many lawmakers

within the President's own party outraged.

Senators Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio

both say they were blindsided by the news,

especially in light of recent statements

made by administration officials

that the mission is not complete.

- If we've learned onething over the years

and during defeat of agroup like this means,

you can't just defeat theirphysical space and then leave

you have to make sure theinternal security forces

are in place to ensure

that those security gains are enduring.

- President Trump, though says it's time

to bring the troops home.

Many are comparing the move

to former President Obama's decision

to prematurely pull out of Iraq,

which led to the rise of Isis.

CBN's Jenna Browder joins us now

to help us break it all down.

Jenna, what are thepossible repercussions here?

- Hi Mark, well, the big worry

is that this could weaken the influence,

the United States' influence,in that region of the world.

and we spoke with Andrew Gable

with the Foundation forDefense of Democracies

and that's exactly what he said.

He said that the United States

stands to lose a lot ofleverage in places like Syria,

Turkey, Iran and Russia.

- Will the pullout alsohurt some of our allies?

- It will.

There's fear that thiscould really hurt the Kurds

who have been fightingalongside the United States

to fight Isis.

The fear is that if theUnited States backs away,

the Kurds will back away aswell and Turkey will go in

and there won't be anyoneto push back against Isis.

So a lot of the President's critics

and people who want toremain there in Syria

are saying that this couldreally hurt the United States.

- Does President Trump have support

from any lawmakers on this issue?

- He does.

Most are blasting him.

We heard Senator LindseyGraham and Marco Rubio

and many others yesterday on the Hill,

criticizing the President for his decision

and they say they were blindsided.

But there are others likeRand Paul from Kentucky,

who say this was the right move.

He says that the United States

can't be the police officer of the world

and needs to back out.

We can't be everywhere at all times,

and he agrees with the President

that the time is now Mark,to pull out of Syria.

- All right, Jenna Browderreporting from our DC bureau,

thanks Jenna for that.- Thanks Mark.

- Paul Ryan said goodbyeto Congress Wednesday

after three years as theSpeaker of the House,

a 2012 vice Presidentialrun and some two decades

as a representative for Wisconsin.

Speaking at the Library of Congress,

where he first laid out his vision

to fix America's entitlement programs,

Ryan called the failure tooverhaul those programs,

our great unfinished business.

Ryan oversaw major changes to the tax code

after the passage of lastyear's signature tax cut bill.

- Well done is always,

always a better pursuitthan well said, isn't it?

In this business, youcatch slings and arrows.

It is a price that Ihave been happy to pay,

because nothing is asfulfilling as pursuing an idea

that will truly make adifference in people's lives

and seeing it throughfrom start to finish.

- Ryan told CBN News earlier this year

that his faith is anintegral part of his life

as a husband, father andSpeaker of the House.

The Speaker announced this spring,

he would not run for re-election saying

that he wanted hischildren to remember him

as more than just a weekend dad.

Lawmakers in Washington are in the midst

of a bipartisan spending spree

which can be expensive for taxpayers,

with the federal budget deficit

projected to hit onetrillion dollars this year.

Washington racked up a305 billion dollar deficit

in October and November alone,

that's up from 202 billion dollars

during the same time last year.

Major deficits like that are expected

to drive the national debtfrom 21 trillion dollars

to 33 trillion within 10 years.

Russell Vought is the Deputy Director

at the Office of Budget and Management.

He said people should be concerned

because the rising debtis a major problem.

- Russ, what do you sayfor people calling out

for demands for tax increasesto kind of offset the debt?

- Well, this is where we wouldhave a dispute with them.

We don't think that the revenue side

is where the problem is.

You look at what Americans spend in food,

clothing and shelter, and it amounts

to about 4.6 trillion dollars right?

We don't think that, andthat's generally what we spend,

in terms, or what we taking in revenue.

We don't want to causethem, the American family,

the American taxpayer,

to have to absorb a greatershare of responsibility.

- Vought says one way isto find spending programs

that are no longer used or inefficient

and says Congress needs toexercise spending restraint.

And you can see our fullreport on the deficit

and interview with Russell Vought,

as he also talks about his faith

and how it shapes his work in Washington.

Taking a look now atother headlines for you

from the CBN newsroom,

the Federal Reserve hasraised interest rates

for the fourth time this year,

but Chairman Jerome Powell expects

to slow its rate hikes next year.

The recent increase haslifted the Fed's benchmark

to its highest point since 2008.

The new rate will meanhigher borrowing costs

for many consumers and businesses.

The recent hike is already being blamed

for pushing down homesales across the country.

The Senate has approved legislation

to temporarily fund the government

in order to avoid a federal shutdown.

The measure will keep agencies

and offices open until February,

but it will not include the five billion

President Trump requestedfor a border wall.

Instead, the stopgap measurewill fund border security

and other programs.

The bill is headed to the House next.

It must also be approved there

and then signed by the President.

Massive storms are on the move,

just as millions setout for holiday travels.

As storm is forming in the South,

bringing massive amounts of rain,

to New Orleans and WestTexas and the storm

that brought a rare Decembertornado to Washington state

is also on the move.

Those two storms are set to merge

and could potentiallycause nightmare travel

for nearly 120 million people

who are traveling along the East Coast.

The UN Security Councilmet to discuss Hezbollah.

Instead of the meeting,Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu, called for action

against the Iranian-backed organization.

CBN Middle East correspondent,Julie Stahl reports

his latest evidence is the tunnel system

that terror group dug underthe border with Israel.

- This is not merely an act of aggression.

It's an act of war.

- [Julie] Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu

spoke about the Hezbollahtunnels crossing into Israel

and pointed to Iran forbacking the terrorists.

- Hezbollah is doing all thisbecause Iran supports it,

supports it in every way,including with money,

money that it got fromthe flawed Iran deal.

And this is part of theIranian web of aggression.

- [Julie] Netanyahu said Hezbollah

was committing a double war crime.

- It's targeting Israeli civilians,

while hiding behind Lebanese civilians.

That's a double war crime.

The people of Lebanon have to understand

that Hezbollah is putting them in jeopardy

and we expect Lebanon to take action.

- [Julie] Netanyahu spoke ahead

of the UN Security Council meeting,

where Lebanon fired back.

- Lebanese officials accordedthe problem of the tunnels,

the utmost careful attention,fearing rightly so,

that Israel might use it as a pretext

to threaten the stability of Lebanon.

- [Julie] IDF Spokesman, Jonathan Conricus

called the tunnels Hezbollahsurprise weapon against Israel

and one of the organization'sbiggest secrets.

- The IDF has been ableto locate this tunnel

by analyzing Hezbollah'safore-mentioned attack plan

that they call conquering the Galilee,

by using sophisticated technology

and by monitoring changesto the soil and terrain.

- [Julie] IDF analysis evenshows how the discovery

of one burned tree in themiddle of a forest in 2016

made a difference.

- This is a zoom in on that specific tree

after it was burned.

That, of course, was an indicative sign

for us to pay attention.

We also saw new signs of trailsbeing utilized in the area.

All of the above,

in addition to inputfrom various specialists,

an advanced technologyallowed us to locate

and expose this attack tunnel.

- [Julie] Netanyahu saysthe international community

needs to hold both Iranand Lebanon accountable.

- So I call on all the membersof the Security Council

to condemn Hezbollah'swanton acts of aggressions

to designate Hezbollah, in its entirety,

as a terrorist organization

to press for heightenedsanctions against Hezbollah,

to demand that Lebanonstop allowing its territory

to be used as an act of aggression

and its citizens to be used as pawns,

to support Israel's right to defend itself

against Iranian-inspired andIranian-conducted aggression.

- [Julie] The UN said viewed the tunnels

as a matter of serious concern,

a violation of UN resolution1701 and called on Lebanon

to disable any tunnelscrossing the blue line.

But it's unlikely the UN willmeet Netanyahu's demands.

Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [Mark] Coming up whatthe United States can learn

from what some consider a realidentity crisis for Canada.

(suspenseful music)

(inspiring music)

- [Announcer] When yougive, smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan a 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

immersed in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes,

they're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now,

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

- Hello, is this on?

Hey kids, do you love games?

And do you love discovering things?

- Yeah!- Well, do ya?

- [Kids] Yeah!

- [Announcer] Then you're gonna love this.

It's the new freeSuperbook kids Bible app.

You can play games, watch videos,

find answers to your questionsand a whole lot more.

The new Superbook kids Bible app,

free downloads available oniTunes and Google Play now.

- You probably haven't noticed,

but our neighbor to the Northis having an identity crisis.

Canada has embarked on aradical national experiment

with profound changes that couldlead down a dangerous road.

Dale Hurd has that story.

- When Canadian PrimeMinister Justin Trudeau,

says his country is a post national state

and has no core identity,no one should be surprised

when some start asking ifCanada is even a country.

But the identity crisis facing Canada

is not only multifaceted, it's serious

and could one day have a directimpact on the United States.

Canada is in the midstof, as one writer put it,

a civilizational experiment

that's transforming a Western nation

into a post-Western nation.

And this revolution is centered

around the cult of diversity.

- [Announcer] Your Canada.

- [Dale] Here's one version

of Justin Trudeau's postnationalpost-Western Canada,

transformed by diversity.

- [Woman] Oh Canada,you stand for everybody.

- The question is not whether Canada

should welcome immigrants.

The question accordingto Toronto Sun Columnist

and Sirius XM Canada host Anthony Furey,

is whose values should win the day?

- In Canada right now, it'slabeled bizarrely xenophobic

and anti-immigrant,

and they throw around termslike racism to no end,

if you simply say I'd likeus all to integrate here

and live together in a compatible way.

- [Dale] Throughout theirhistories, both Canada and America

have welcomed immigrantsof all backgrounds,

but Canada, rather than beinga melting pot like the US,

has said that it is amosaic of many cultures.

The problem begins whenthe Canadian mosaic

includes more and more radical Islamist

who favor undemocraticvalues under Sharia law.

Prime Minister Trudeauwelcomed almost 50,000 refugees

from the Middle East in 2016 alone

and has even welcomedreturning Isis fighters,

saying in an interview thatthey could be a powerful voice.

- And a lot of people,probably the silent majority,

are saying I'm unhappy with this,

including new immigrantswho came to Canada,

whether it's a year ago or adecade or three decades ago

who say no, I came to Canada for a reason,

because I wanted Canadian values

and I was escaping valuesin other countries.

- [Dale] One immigrant whowould like more Canadian values

is pro-western Muslim Tahir Gora,

founder of TAG TV in Toronto,

a network with a largeinternational audience.

He's also a co-author of Submission,

The Danger of Political Islam to Canada

With a Warning to America.

- I moved to this beautiful country

because of its Canadian culture.

People like me escapedPakistan, Middle East,

all the Muslim world, came to Canada

and some went to theUnited States with the hope

that they will be left aloneby those radical Islamist.

But now we see thoseIslamists roaming around

in this part of the world.

- [Dale] Tarek Fatahis a journalist, writer

and founder of theMuslim Canadian Congress.

an immigrant from Pakistanand a proud Canadian,

Fatah says the Canadianleft which, in his words,

is sinking in white guilt.

Now accepts and even celebrates

undemocratic radical Islamicbeliefs and practices.

He likens it to a circus.

- It considers radical Islam

as a phenomena that needs to be embraced,

because this is so curious.

So we as Muslims areconsidered as circus animals.

We need to perform in a way

and the white left liberal feminist class

would sit in ringside seats and say,

oh, how lovely just look atthat monkey jump up and down,

or that elephant stood up on his two feet.

Honey, did you see that?

Oh, it's breathtaking.

- [Dale] Another facet ofCanada's identity crisis

can be seen in the growing trend

of what are called land acknowledgments.

- We we wanna begin

by acknowledging the traditional territory

of the (speaks in foreign language).

I'm university's campuses said.

- [Dale] Land acknowledgmentsare recited daily on campuses

and in schools across Canada,

and they essentially declarethat Canada is an occupier.

- We respectfullyacknowledge the territory

in which we gather as heassessed for homelands,

the Viata and the Island of Newfoundland

as the ancestral homelandsof the Mi'kmaq and Beothuk.

- [Dale] These continue,even though a poll this year

found that most Canadians donot believe native peoples

should have a special status

and that the governmentshould stop apologizing

for past wrongs.

The culture that is under fire here

is traditional Canadian Christian culture.

Ottawa resident Alexandra Belaire

grew up behind the Iron Curtainin communist Czechoslovakia,

and she sees some disturbing parallels

between life under communism

and life in politically correct Canada.

- [Interviewer] What do you say to someone

who says that's preposterous,

I can say whatever I want in Canada?

How can you compare itto the Soviet world?

- But you can't say anything you want.

Because I was a daughterof a political dissident,

teachers would take the time to berate me

and say bad things about me infront of the whole classroom,

because that way they were proving

they weren't showing favoritism

to the dissident's daughter, right?

Now, my friend's daughter was in school

and she was being shamedfor being too Christian.

How is that different?

How is that different?

She was being shamed forfeeling very patriotic Canadian.

How is that different for being shamed

for being a dissident's daughter?

(bagpipes shrilling)

- [Dale] There's a saying here

that the world needs more Canada.

But if current trends continue,

the world is going to get less of Canada

as Canadian identity is swallowed up

in a left-wing, multicultural experiment.

Dale Hurd, CBN News in Toronto and Ottawa.

(inspiring music)

- [Announcer] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now,

because every child deservesa chance to be happy?

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey kids, do you love games?

And do you love discovering things?

- Yeah!- Well, do ya?

- [Kids] Yeah!

- [Announcer] Then you're gonna love this.

It's the new free,Superbook kids Bible app.

You can play games, watch videos,

find answers to your questionsand a whole lot more.

The new Superbook kids Bible app.

Free downloads available oniTunes and Google Play now.

- More and more people areturning to essential oils

for everything from healthneeds to house cleaning.

Lorie Johnson tells us why

they are turning tothese natural solutions

that have been around since biblical days.

- [Lorie] Like millions of Americans,

Sarah Hilburn struggledwith emotional issues

that led to physical ones.

- I had gotten to thepoint where my anxiety

and depression was keepingme from sleeping at night.

I would spend several days out of the week

just being awake the entirenight being away the entire day.

- [Lorie] Instead ofseeking a prescription

for Ambien or Lunesta, sheturned to lavender oil.

- I can honestly say thatessential oil saved my life.

- [Lorie] Putting the oil ina vaporizer next to her bed

helped her begin getting more rest

and in turn, feeling happier.

- I diffused the lavenderusually by itself

just because it's very calmingand it smells really good -

and it makes me sleepy.

- Sarah also found other benefits.

She puts coolingpeppermint oil on her feet

when she's feeling overheated

and credits rose oil forher flawless complexion.

Oils extracted from plants have been used

for medicinal purposes for centuries,

but just in recent years,

essential oils haveexploded in popularity.

In his best-selling book,

The Healing Power of Essential Oils,

Dr. Eric Zielinski,explains how to use dozens

of these natural extracts.

- You know the Bible saysthe leaves of the trees

are for the healing of the nations.

I can think of no othersubstance on the planet

that epitomizes that, like essential oils.

Essential oils come fromdistilling parts of plants

like the root, bark, flowers and leaves.

When you inhale citrusessential oils specifically,

like orange, neroli,bergamot, lime and lemon,

it's been shown clinicallyto help decrease anxiety,

decrease depression and boost your mood.

A lot of research being done with cinnamon

and blood pressure balancing.

So, whether someone'sdiabetic, someone's obese,

there's a lot of things you could do.

- [Lorie] Even many pills wetake mimic what's in nature.

Aspirin, for example, ismodeled after willow bark,

which people used forcenturies as a pain reliever.

- So next time your son or daughter,

your grandson, yourgranddaughter gets a fever,

you can apply some dilutedpeppermint or orange oil

on his or her back andyou'll see the fever go down.

Next time you get a sore throat,

you could gargle with a little bit

of myrrh essential oil and water.

Next time you get a headache,

you can apply some pain,relieving oils like frankincense

or copaiba.

- And benefits go beyond relying

on the medicine cabinet.

Dr. Zielinski, his wifeSabrina use essential oils

instead of store-boughtsynthetics throughout their home

from body lotion to deodorant and beyond.

More people who areconcerned about the chemicals

in household cleaners arechoosing essential oils

because they clean naturally.

Sabrina makes her own laundrydetergent using ylang ylang,

no chemicals and about 20bucks to wash 150 loads.

- So when you're thinkingabout not just your kids

but your animals as well,it's really important

to choose the right thingswhen you're cleaning.

- [Lorie] That includesmixtures for dusting,

cleaning glass, graniteand even tougher jobs.

- But what about likeyour all-purpose cleaner?

What about my stove?

Is this really gonna work on the stove?


Usually it has an orange,a clove, a cinnamon,

a eucalyptus.

It smells amazing,

I mean, wait till you smellthis, you're gonna be like

wow that smells like Thanksgiving.

- [Lorie] Mm-hmm.

In just minutes, you canwhip up hand sanitizer.

- All you need is a two-ounceglass spritzer bottle,

10 drops of scent of essentialoil, my favorite is lemon,

then you need 10 drops of witch-hazel,

10 drops of a green alcohol,

and then you fill therest of the bottle up

with either purified ordistilled water, shake and go.

- [Lorie] Since essentialoils are highly concentrated,

it's best to dilute them

using what's known as acarrier oil like jojoba

and watch out for fakes.

- It is absolutely necessary

to only use pure essential oils.

What most people don't recognize

is what a lot of thesemanufacturers are doing,

are synthetically, addingdifferent chemicals

to essential oils and to other compounds,

to make them smell sweeter.

And that's where you get yourplugins from your aerosols

and they have been linkedto a number of diseases,

neurotoxicity, cancer,

we're talking Alzheimer's and dementia.

- [Lorie] He recommends organic oils,

indigenously sourced with a batch report

showing they're the real deal.

So these days, Americansincreasingly turn to natural,

wonderful-smelling,essential oils for healing,

personal care and around the house.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

(inspiring music)

- [Announcer] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there are morethan 148 million orphans

in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three little girls

that taught me aboutthe plight of orphans.

My husband and I spentnearly a month immersed

in the daily activitiesof the Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw firsthand the utterloneliness, the pain of rejection

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever.

And out of it grew a ministry

from my heart called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now,

because every child deservesa chance to be happy?

- Hello, is this thing on?

Hey kids, do you love games?

And do you love discovering things?

- Yeah!Well, do ya?

- [Kids] Yeah!

- [Announcer] Then you're gonna love this.

It's the new free,Superbook kids Bible app.

You can play games, watch videos,

find answers to your questionsand a whole lot more.

The new Superbook kids Bible app.

Free downloads available oniTunes and Google Play now.

- While most of us are getting ready

to spend time with family this Christmas,

some of our military membersare deployed overseas

away from their loved ones this holiday,

but one family inPittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

got an early Christmas gift.

As you can see, a memberof the Hart family

unwrapped the only gift heasked for this Christmas.

It's not a bike, it'snot a basketball hoop,

or a video game, it's his dad.

Yeah, the little boy he's left speechless

and melts into the arms of his father,

that long overdue huglasted for a long time,

and that is what Christmas is all about.

Wow, what a great shot there?

And just linger on that for a while.

That's all the time we have for now.

Be sure to visit cbnnews.comfor your news any time

and watch this on the CBN News channel,

check your local listings orwatch on demand at our website.

Until next time, goodbye and God bless.


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