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Faith Nation: December 14, 2018

Faith Nation: December 14, 2018 Read Transcript

(light music)

- President Trump'sformer personal attorney

is speaking out, welcome to Faith Nation,

I'm Jenna Browder.

- And I'm John Jessup.

- Michael Cohen gave hisfirst interview since

receiving his prisonsentence, a judge ordering him

to serve three years inprison for financial crimes

and breaking laws to helpinfluence the 2016 election.

- And now he tells ABCNews he is done being loyal

to the President.

- You lied for him for a long time.

- More than 10 years.

- [Reporter] Why?- Out of loyalty.

Out of loyalty to him,I followed a bad path,

and hence how we startedthis conversation.

- [Jenna] That pathincludes making payments

to two women who allegehaving affairs with Trump.

$150,000 to KarenMcDougal, and $130,000 to

Stormy Daniels.

Trump denies it all.

- He's saying very clearly that he never

directed you to do anything wrong.

Is that true?

- I don't think there'sanybody that believes that.

First of all nothing atthe Trump organization

was ever done unless itwas run through Mr Trump.

He directed me as I said in my allocution

and I said as well inthe plea, he directed me

to make the payments.

He directed me to becomeinvolved in these matters,

including the one withMcDougal which was really

between him and David Pecker,and then David Pecker's

council, I just reviewed the documents

in order to protect him.

I gave loyalty to someonewho truthfully does not

deserve loyalty.- He was trying to hide

what you were doing, correct?

- Correct.- And he knew it was wrong?

- Of course.- And he was doing

that to help his election?

- You have to rememberat what point in time

that this matter cameabout two weeks or so

before the election, postthe Billy Bush comments.

So yes, he was veryconcerned about how this

would effect the election.

- [Jenna] White HouseDeputy Press Secretary

Hogan Gidley reacting thismorning on the North Lawn.

- The fact that I think themedia is giving credence

to a convicted criminal.

- [Reporter] But he says there's truth.

- I understand but the factthat you're giving credence

to someone who's aconvicted, self admitted liar

quite frankly--- [Reporter] Special Council

has the report documents.

- I understand that, he'sa self admitted liar,

you guys all know that, andfor him to say I'm gonna

stop lying now, startingnow, is somewhat silly.

- So why should we believe you now?

- Because the SpecialCouncil stated emphatically

that the information thatI gave to them was credible

and helpful, there's a substantial amount

of information that theypossess that corroborates

the fact that I am telling the truth.

- [Jenna] Then when it comesto the Russia investigation.

- The special council didsay that you were doing

your best to tell thetruth about everything

related to their investigation,everything related

to Russia, do you think President Trump

is telling the truth about that?

- No.- That's a big statement.

- And Cohen couldpotentially get his sentence

reduced if he tells theSpecial Council more.

Also instead of PresidentTrump, he now says his

first loyalty belongs to hiswife, children, and country.

- Well one of the crimesfor which Michael Cohen

was sentenced was campaignfinance violations.

The President says he"never directed his former

"personal attorney to do anything wrong."

Tweeting yesterday the hushmoney payments Cohen made

"to two alleged Trumpmistresses were not a campaign

"finance violation."

- What about Congress wherethey have a slush fund

and millions and millions ofdollars is paid out each year?

They have a slush fund,millions, they don't talk

about campaign finance anything.

Have you ever heard ofcampaign financials?

Have they listed that ontheir campaign finance

sheets, no.

- Well a former member of thefederal election commission

Hans Von Spakovsky agreeswith the President and he

joins us now, Hans thanksso much for being here.

- Sure, thanks for having me.

- Set this up for ourviewers, what is this campaign

finance law, and whydo you say Donald Trump

did not violate it?

- It's called the federalelection campaign act

and it governs the raisingof money and the spending

of money for all federal campaigns.

It's anyone running forCongress or the presidency.

Mr Cohen pleaded guiltyto a supposed violation

of that law because ofpayments that were made,

I guess you could callthem hush money payments

to two women who wereclaiming that they'd had

affairs with the President.

The problem with his guiltyplea is that those payments

aren't covered by the law.

The only way these kind ofexpenses are covered under

the law is if they arecampaign related expenses.

And these are notcampaign related expenses,

this is a potential personalliability of the President

and you actually can't use campaign funds,

money that you've raisedfrom campaign contributors

to pay for something like that.

- Well you had mentionedand quoted federal election

commission chairman Brad Smithwho said that these payments

to women are unseemly, butthey're not necessarily illegal.

- Yeah, and that's thekey thing for people

to keep in mind here,we're talking about what

is an actual violation of federal law.

And this is not somethingthat the federal election

commission and that's theindependent agency that

is supposed to enforcethis law on a civil basis.

That's where I used toserve as a commissioner,

it does not consider thatthese kind of payments

are related to a campaign.

Therefore the rules andregulations don't apply

to how that kind of a payment is made.

- Do any of Michael Cohen'sor the President's action

Hans, constitute a civil offense?

- No I don't think they do.

And they certainly don'tconstitute a criminal offense.


Well because under the law,to prove a criminal violation

of the campaign financelaw you have to prove

that it was a knowingand willful violation.

You can't prove that when youhave former FEC commissioners

saying its not a violation of the law.

You have the FEC saying it'snot a violation of the law.

That raises great doubts aboutit, and so how can anyone

be found to have willfully andknowingly violated the law.

- Michael Cohen, hesays that this was done

to sway the election so thatdoesn't make it campaign

related Hans?

- No it doesn't, and here'swhy, there's another provision

of the law and this issomething that the US

attorney in New York isessentially ignoring.

There's another provisionof the law that says that

an expenditure, or an expenseis not campaign related

if it's an expense thatwould exist whether or not

you're running for office.

And that's why this isnot a campaign expense.

This is the kind of claimthat celebrities of all kinds

get fairly often andit was not dependent on

the President running for office.

Yeah, it might affect hisreputation and it might

effect the election, butthat does not necessarily

make it a campaign relatedexpense under the applicable

statute.- Hans, one last question for

you, if this case andI hope I'm not getting

you to step outside of your lane too much,

but if this case isn'tbased on campaign finance

violations, what's the caseof prosecutors you believe

have here?

- Well, remember this wasonly one of four offenses

that Cohen pleaded guilty to.

The more serious charges were tax evasion,

and financial fraud andapplications of these

submitted to a bank.

You know, he also pleadedguilty to lying to Congress

but the real offense here,the one that was most serious

was tax evasion, andthat's why he was facing

potentially, a lot of timein jail because of that.

- All right Hans Von Spakovsky,from the Heritage Foundation

thank you so much.

- And the President isstill on the hunt for a new

Chief of Staff, JohnKelley is expected to leave

the White House role bythe start of the new year.

And President Trump isnarrowing down his list

of possible replacements.

- We're interviewing peoplenow for Chief of Staff yes.

- [Reporter] How long isthe important of staff?

- Five people, really goodones, terrific people,

mostly well known, but terrific people.

- The White House said todayit expects the President

will make an announcementon his decision quickly.

- And for more on thosefive people the President

is looking at, we're joinednow by Chief Political

Analyst David Brody.

David, we've seen ChrisKristie's name floated out there

and last night, he was at the White House

speaking with the Presidentbut it sounds like

this is a no go.

- Yeah, he's on the nogo list and that list

is growing by the day for sure.

Here's what he toldMaggie Haberman from the

New York Times, she's alwayson it, and she's really

good in terms of breaking news.

This is what he told her this afternoon,

it was an honor to havethe president consider

him but that he toldthe President now is not

the right time for him orhis family to undertake

this serious assignment.

So there you go, ChrisKristie off the list.

I personally thought itwould have been a disaster

if Chris Kristie wasgonna be Chief of Staff.

He is tight bay, he is inyour face, Donald Trump

tight bay and in yourface, the math on that

doesn't seem right.

- Well there's the wholehistory too, with him and

Jared Kushner's father,Chris Kristie put his dad

behind bars.- Yeah, and there's that.

You know, as putting thembehind bars for tax evasion

and so they were nota big fan obviously of

Chris Kristie, you've gottahave the families approval

it's like the Godfather.

- Good analogy here, Davidanother name in the mix

is David Bossie, Politicahas an article titled

David Bossie Emerges asa divisive Chief of Staff

hopeful, maybe a name that'sslightly less familiar

to people outside of that,but give us a little bit

of a rundown of David Bossieand don't mention Jenna's

interview with him and Cory Lindell.

- All right, I won't mentionthat, but I will mention

that Jenna and I ran into David Bossie

on the campaign trail whenwe went with Air force one.

There's some name droppingfor you Air Force One

with President Trump.

But we had a reallyinteresting conversation,

definitely a political operative.

Definitely a guy that,obviously a former deputy

campaign manager, so he comes from though,

I have to invoke Cory Ludaski for a moment

because he does comefrom that Cory Ludaski

campaign, not hard knocks butbrass knuckle if you will.

And so he might rubsome folks the wrong way

that could be potentiallya problem but we'll see,

he's very talented.

- Yeah now also someonewho doesn't seem to have

the support of Ivanka, Jared, and some of

President Trump's family members.

Talk about Jared Kushner,his name is being floated

out there as well.

- Well he'd be loyal, and he'd

be around for a coupleof years I would think.

Yeah, I mean he would obviouslybe the kind of no brainer

pick in the sense that you'renot gonna have the drama

with him but you will have the PR,

he'll get dinged on itfrom a PR standpoint.

But then again PresidentTrump's getting dinged

every day from a PR standpointso what does that really

matter, though I don'tthink it'll work because

Jared Kushner's a guythat can be very valuable

on a lot of other areas.

We've seen criminal justicereform, and he's very much,

he's more like a utilityplayer for a lot of

different areas of the White House.

- David, lets fast forwardto 2019, who is your pick?

Who do you think will actuallybe the next White House

Chief of Staff?- I'm horrible

at predictions, you guys know that.

All right fine, well ifyou ask, I think it's gonna

be Mick Mulvaney, I really do.

Because the Presidentwants someone that is

politically gifted, Mulvaney is that guy.

And also he's lookingahead to 2020 and Mulvaney

can also play in those circles as well.

And Bold by the way, he's really kind of,

and he'll take this asa compliment, very nerdy

budget guy because he knowswhat's going on in Washington,

and can maneuver how to getTrump that wall funding.

I think that'll be important too.

- All right, David Brody,thank you very much.

- You bet.

- Well the Senate isexpected to vote early next

year on the President Trump'spick for Attorney General.

Bill Barr held the postin the 1990's under

President George HW Bush,Amber Strong has this look

at Barr's resume and explainswhy some conservatives

are hopeful about his appointment.

- With a resume dating back tothe 1970's as a CIA analyst,

William Barr is a staplearound Washington.

In the early 80's, he beganwork for President Reagan,

eventually serving asAttorney General for Bush 41.

- Respected by Republican'sand respected by Democrat's.

- [Amber] During hiscareer, the 68 year old

served as a boss to RobertMueller and on the general

counsel for Verizon.

His views on issues such as Roe V Wade,

and immigration excite many Republican's.

And conservatives arehopeful he'll bring stability

to an embattled DOJ.

- The establishments gonnabe asking the question

will Bill Barr be braveenough to stand up to

President Trump?

Frankly, the questionshould be will Bill Barr

be brave enough to standup for President Trump?

- [Amber] And that's thevery thing that has some

on the left and the right concerned.

Particularly when it comesto past statements from Barr

seeming to criticize aspectsof the Mueller investigation.

- I'm glad the Presidenthas nominated someone,

someone with relevantexperience in the department.

What I'll be looking foris will he be working

to guarantee the Independenceof the Department of Justice?

- [Amber] Barr's receivedpraise for his thoughts on

counter terrorism post 9/11,but that too could be an issue.

- I'm concerned that he's abig support of the Patriot

Act which lowered the standardfor spying on American's

and he even went so faras to say the Patriot Act

was pretty good, but weshould go much further.

- [Amber] Even still, mostRepublicans are confident

it will be an easy confirmation.

- It shouldn't be all thatdifficult, this is someone

who has a long record in public life.

My guess is that whenits all said and done,

when it comes to a votein the full Senate,

that he'll have a strong support.

- No date yet on thatconfirmation but it's likely

to take place in early 2019.

Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.

- [Jenna] Up next, why the IRS is

relaxing a tax rule for churches.

(light music)

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(light music)

- I am Regent's firstROTC graduate student.

- Welcome back, in economicnews, Wall Street ended

the week at its lowest point since April.

The DOW Jones IndustrialAverage is now down

3% for the year.

- The 2017 Republican tax cut and jobs act

aimed to put money in American's pockets.

But it also had a provisionthat cost ministries

a lot of money, the taxplan imposed a 21% tax

on nonprofits like churcheswhere providing employees

with parking, transportation,and other benefits

but that is going to change.

Treasury secretary SteveMnunchen says new IRS

guidelines on the tax offerflexibility and minimizes

the burden to nonprofits.

That comes after severalsenators urged to repeal

of the tax.- Well more than 250000

kids are placed in foster care every year.

And according to the latestnumbers from the National

Foster Youth Institute,85% of those children

bounce between multiplehomes within their first 12

months in the system.

So why is one statecracking down on a Catholic

group working to findhomes on foster kids?

Paul Strand has this look.

- Catholic Social Servicesin Philadelphia has been

representing foster kidsfor more than 100 years,

but all of a sudden the city'ssaying you can't do that

anymore, Beckett is representing them.

This firm that has Nick Reaves, right?

- Yes.- And tell me Nick,

what is the problem there, whatis going on in Philadelphia?

- Sure, there's a bigproblem in Philadelphia,

so over 6000 childrenare in the city's care

and foster homes and group homes.

And the city in March,put out a call for 300 new

foster families, but at thesame time, the city is closing

down one of the mosteffective foster care agencies

simply because they disagreewith their religious beliefs.

- And what about their religious beliefs?

What in particular has todo with children and putting

them in foster homes?

- Sure, so Catholic SocialServices has been serving

the city of Philadelphiafor over 100 years.

And they've been doing thatconsistent with their religious

mission since then, but thecity has said that if they

want to continue working,they have to endorse same

sex relationships, which isthe one thing they're not

able to do consistent with their ministry.

So instead, they're ableto refer those families

to other agencies and they'reactually 30 foster care

agencies in the city, fourthem within two blocks

of Catholic, so there isn'treally any problem there.

- And this isn't thatnecessarily discriminate

against homosexuals,it's more that they think

the kids should be placedin a home with a mother

and a father, right?

- So Catholic SocialServices will place children

in single parent homes andin other homes and they

work with children of any race, ethnicity,

sexual orientation or genderidentity, the one thing

they can't do is endorserelationships that are not

consistent with their religious beliefs.

So the city has not evenshown any problem here,

they're closing thiseffective agency without any

complaints, without anysame sex couple coming

to Catholic seeking to adopt.

And instead, it's hurtingfamilies like plaintiff

Miss Charonell Folton, who'sfostered over 40 children

in the past 25 years.

And has said she'd bedevastated if Catholic closed.

- Wow, now because fosterfamilies, I take it,

they don't just operateon their own, they also

need help from something likean agency, is that correct?

- Right exactly, soCatholic Social Services,

trains, supports, andprovides ongoing advice

and help to families likeMiss Folton, they have social

workers who are on call 24/7.

And Miss Folton has saidthat her Catholic faith

led her to become a foster parent.

And Catholic support hasbeen invaluable to her

in providing the support andservice to children in need.

- Are you worried that athing like this is spreading

from Philadelphia, that isspreading to other places

as well in the country?

Are you worried that this isgonna become kind of a trend?

- So we are seeing cases popup in other jurisdictions

as well, Beckett representsfamilies and an agency

in Michigan, and therewas a recently filed case

in Albany, New York.

One of the concerns we'reseeing is that some agencies

are facing pressure from the jurisdictions

and just closing down.

So for example, inIllinois, in another city in

New York and in Boston and Washington DC,

Catholic foster careagencies have just closed

down instead of tryingto defend their rights.

- And so right now whatis it that you are asking

Philadelphia to do?

- So I think what wewould tell Philadelphia

is that there's room formultiple different agencies

in the city, and what weneed is more foster families,

not fewer, so we'reworking to help Catholic

social services continueproviding its invaluable

service to children in need.

There's a clear foster carecrisis, and 35 beds are sitting

empty today because the citywon't work with an effective

foster care agency.

- Well I'm sorry to hear about all this,

but thank you so muchfor telling us about it.

This has been Nick Reaveswith Beckett, thanks,

back to you.

- [Jenna] Still ahead,how Israel became a global

leader in missile defense.

(light music)

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(Christmas music)

- Israel is responding toterror attacks in the West Bank.

The Israel defense forces arrested

dozens of suspectedterrorists in overnight raids.

This after a pair ofdeadly shootings killed

three Israeli's earlier this week.

One of those victims, ababy delivered prematurely

after the mother was shot.

- Well it's creation in 1948,Israel has been surrounded

by enemies to survive, itneeded a strong military

and sophisticated weapons.

- Today Israel is a globalsuperpower with a major

missile defense system.

Middle East Bureau ChiefChris Mitchell reports

on how the Jewish state hasused innovation to protect


- [Chris] When it comes tostate of the art weapons.

- Israeli military has succeededit in such a short time

in under 70 years in establishingwhat's the most formidable

powerful militaries inthe world and possibly

the most innovative military.

- [Chris] Jerusalem posteditor in chief Yaakov Katz

co-wrote the WeaponWizards, how Israel Became

a High-Tech Military Superpower.

- Israel is at the forefrontof missile defense technology

whether its the air or theiron dome, which everyone

is familiar.

Israel is a world leaderin drone technology,

Israel builds its own tanks.

Israel is leading in cyber warfare.

Where did all of this come from?

How did such a tiny littlecountry in such a short

amount of time manage toachieve such great success?

- [Chris] Katz says onereason Israel achieved

this level of success is simply survival.

70 years ago, five Arab nations attacked

Israel the day it was born.

A country with only one natural resource.

- What was the one naturalresource that Israel had?

The Jewish brain, and thosebrains were what was used

to be able to survive.

So when you have thisamazing recipe of threat

of this threat matrix, ofyour back up against the wall,

you have no choice but touse the one thing you have

which is your brain andyou have to innovate.

- And Israel did just that.

Case in point, Israel'santi missile defense system.

The iron dome has shotdown hundreds of rockets

fired out of Gaza behind me into Israel.

- That's how Israel saidone second, we're facing

missiles that are coming at us from Iraq,

from Syria, from Gaza.

We have to come up with asystem that doesn't exist

in today's world, andthat's how they came up with

the arrow, which canintercept ballistic missiles

and with David's sling,which can intercept

medium range missiles and with iron dome

which can intercept andis proven to intercept

over 85% of the missiles that are

fired from the Gaza strip.

And that's how Israel hasdeveloped this amazing

technology that's still highly classified

to detect the tunnelsthat Hamaz is digging

under the border betweenIsrael and the Gaza strip.

A technology that existsnowhere else in the world.

Because Israel's at theforefront of warfare

and because of thesethreats, it has no choice

but to innovate and to create.

- [Chris] Not all of Israel'spower comes from high

tech products, it alsoincludes its people.

Especially how the army producesa culture of independence.

- Nothing about the United States army,

everyone's dressed intheir uniforms, ready,

the people take things very seriously.

Everyone's saluting, sir,ma'am, all these terms.

Israel's completely different.

The ranks that you carry on your shoulder

are meaningless to thein between soldiers.

That enables free thinking, it allows

the chief of staff to speakwith a low grunt soldier

and be able to talk about things.

And when you can talk aboutthings, when you can have that

free flow of informationand ideas, you can create,

you can innovate.

People aren't afraid to speak their minds,

that's a huge advantageof national proportion

that I think you'll find nowhere

else in the world but here.

- [Chris] While the USprovides major weapons systems

to Israel, America'smilitary also benefits

from the real lifetesting of its equipment.

- One of the things thatUS benefits from is Israel

is the first country thathas operational F35's today.

So now imagine Israel's flying it's F35,

is engaging in combat withit, whether it's in Syria

or somewhere else in the region.

That information's thenshared with the United States

Air Force.- [Chris] Katz says

while Israel has shared afriendship with America,

a long the way it's also hada helping hand from above.

- I'm a believer myself,and I think that it can't

just be that it's all on its own.

The hand of God I thinkwe see here almost daily

in this country and in this region.

The ingenuity, theentrepreneurship, the innovation

is incredible, butthere's that hand behind

us that is pushing us along the way.

- [Chris] Katz agrees weaponstechnology and innovation

are the centerpieces ofhis book, but there's more

to the overall story.

- Yes it's about weapons,but it's also a story

about, its the tale of Israel.

It's a story of anancient people that return

to their historic homelandand against all odds,

not just survive but persevere.

And that is the storyof the state of Israel.

That's the essence of the state of Israel.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- And for more news andinformation from Israel,

make sure to check out the CBN News Show

Jerusalem Dateline whichairs every Friday night

at 9:30 Eastern on the CBN News Channel.

On tonight's program,we'll take an in depth look

at a new wave of terrorattacks in Israel's biblical


For more info on how to tunein, head to

It is really a remarkablesuccess story that Israel

has since its' founding in 1948.

- Yeah, just miracle after miracle.

And there's of course the verse in Genesis

that those who blessIsrael will be blessed,

and those who curse Israel will be cursed.

We've certainly seemedto see that play out.

- Yeah definitely.

Well that's gonna do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Have a great evening.

(light music)


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