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CBN NewsWatch PM: November 30, 2018

CBN NewsWatch PM: November 30, 2018 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us.

I'm Efrem Graham.

President Trump along with the leaders

of Mexico and Canada have signed

a new landmark trade deal.

It's one the President calls

the most significant, modernand balanced trade agreement

in history.

- In short, this is a model agreement

that changes the trade landscape forever,

and this is an agreementthat, first and foremost,

benefits working people,

something of greatimportance to all three of us

here today.

- [Efrem] The new deal is called

the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

It replaces NAFTA, the NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement.

President Trump, MexicanPresident, Pena Nieto,

and Canadian PrimeMinister, Justin Trudeau,

signed the pact before the start

of the G20 Summit in Argentina.

The signing was most ceremonial

because the agreementstill needs to be ratified

by legislatures in all three countries

before it can formally take effect.

Our Chief InternationalCorrespondent, Gary Lane,

is following this story for us today.

So Gary, what is in the deal?

- Well, it's, what's still in the deal

is probably about 80 to 90% of NAFTA,

but the President got somethings he really wanted.

Things that he felt would benefit

primarily autoworkers and dairy farmers.

Let's first look at Mexico.

75% of the cars

that will be sold in theUnited States and North America

must the parts, I'm sorry,

the parts for those carsmust be manufactured

in North America.

For the autoworkers, in addition to that,

40 to 45% of the cars

actually have to be made by autoworkers

who make $16 an hour or more.

And as you know it, froma lot of those jobs,

when they left North America,

went down to Mexico and elsewhere,

Mexico, for example,

a lot of those jobs, autoworkers,are only making $3 an hour

at the maximum in Mexico.

So this is a benefit to theworkers here in America.

In addition to that, with Canada,

it benefited dairy farmers

with opening up the Canadian market

to more of our dairy products.

The tariffs have been reduced.

The tariff for milk was 240%.

That's been reduced now,

and also for butter, was 290% tariff

on American butter going into Canada,

so this is a benefit toautoworkers primarily

and also to our dairy farmers.

- Refresh our memory.

Why did the Presidentwant to do away with NAFTA

as it was?- Well, he said

that NAFTA, if you remember in 2016,

when he was campaigning,he said it's the worst deal

the United States hasever entered, trade deal,

and the reason for that,he said it benefited

Mexico and Canada at thedetriment of people in America,

primarily our workers here,

so he wanted to do away with that.

It looks like it was moreamended than actually,

even though it's called a new agreement.

It was more amended.

- Okay, we've got about 30 seconds.

What happens next?

- Well, what happens next is

this will go before thelegislatures in Canada,

in the United States and in Mexico.

It's an uphill battle because of LGBQT

legislation and theprovisions that are in it.

Those provisions wouldbetter protect those people

in the workplace

and many conservatives inthe US Congress are saying,

no, we don't need those protections

because these people are already protected

by US Civil Rights law.

So we'll see what happens there.

But it's an uphill battle.

- Yeah, we'll be following--

- And you've got Democratscontrolling the House

when this comes before them.- Starting January.

You got it.- Yes.

- All right, Gary, thank you so much.

Officials have issued a tsunami warning

for coastal areas of southern Alaska

after 7.0 magnitudequake struck the region.

The US Geological Survey reports

at least four aftershocksfollowing the first quake.

The largest registering 5.8

was located in the city of Anchorage.

The National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration

is urging residents tostay away from the beach,

warning tsunamis can travelhundreds of miles per hour

so you can't escape if you're close enough

to see this one.

Marriott's Starwood Hotel's database

has been exposed in what could be

the largest data breech on record.

The company said Friday,credit card numbers

and expiration dates for as many

as 500 million guests have been taken.

Marriott said it discoveredthe unauthorized access

to data within its Starwood network

has been taking place since 2014.

Email notifications tothose who've been affected

are being sent right now.

A CNN commentator is under fire

for appearing to call forthe destruction of Israel.

Marc Lamont Hill spoke Wednesday

at the United Nations International Day

of solidarity with his Palestinian people.

He seemed to endorseviolence against Israel,

while speaking to the UN committee

on Palestinian rights.

He used the same phrase that is used

by the terror group Hamas,

"From the river to the sea."

- But to commit to political action,

grass roots action, local action

and international action

that will give us what justice requires

and that is a free Palestine,from the river to the sea.

- From the river to the sea is understood

to mean the eliminationof the state of Israel

from the Jordan River tothe Mediterranean Sea,

but Hill, under fire for making the remark

tweeted later, he meant, "theremust be spaces of freedom,

safety and peace for Palestinians."

Phil Klein with the Washington Examiner

raised national awareness about the story

when he wrote about it.

He joins us now.

- So Phil, CNN basically fired Hill

a day after he made the comments.

Do we know if it wasbecause of the backlash

or do you think CNN wouldhave fired him anyway?

- I think and the timing suggests

it's clearly a result of the backlash.

Their statement was rather terse,

just sort of saying that hewas no longer under contract,

but clearly they were

under a lot of pressure after his remarks,

which in effect are a genocidal position,

because not only did he callfor the elimination of Israel,

even though he denies it,

that's the clear, obviousimplication of saying that

you're gonna create a Palestinian state

in between the Jordan Riverand the Mediterranean Sea

where Israel is located.

In addition, he endorsedviolent resistance

against the Jews.

And at the same time,

this is not an isolated incident.

For years, he's been involved

in antisemitic controversies.

He's been, he's praised Louis Farrakhan.

He once criticizedPresident Trump for saying

that Palestinians shouldrenounce terrorism.

He called that an offensive position.

So, none of these are really inconsistent

with his longstanding beliefs,

and certainly, on Twitter,he never backed down

from his beliefs.

- Now, when you wrote aboutthis piece about his comments,

where you surprised that much of the other

media outlets hadn'tgiven any attention to it?

- Yeah, it is surprising to me

and frankly disturbing

because this is, again,has been for decades

the rallying cry of Hamas

which seeks in itscharter to destroy Israel,

to wipe it off the map.

I mean, it goes backeven earlier than that

to efforts initially beforeIsrael was even established

to annihilate the Jews from the region

and failed to recognizeand accept any Jewish

presence in the region.

So it was surprising andwhat's been more alarming

has been that we'veseen in the wake of it,

a lot of people on the Left

are starting to come to his defense

and including an incomingDemocratic Congresswoman,

Kaleed Rasheed, who had said,

who had even tweeted out a petition

of blaming the Jewish establishment

for his ouster and calling on

CNN to rehire him.

So I think that after this,

the Democrats have a lotto be held accountable for

in terms of the sweepingrise of antisemitism

within the Democratic Party.

- Marc Lamont Hill has a PhD.

He's a university professorat Temple University.

Do you think he didn't realize

the statement from the river to the sea

is a terrorist rallying cry

calling for the annihilation of Israel?

- I mean, I think it'spretty difficult to,

I mean, you don't pullthat out of thin air.

Not to mention there's a quite literal.

I mean, again, it's from Jordan River

to the Mediterranean Sea

has a quite literal meaning.

This isn't sort of,some vague dog whistle.

It quite literally means

taking a Palestinian state and plopping it

on top of what currently is Israel.

- All right, Philip Kleinof the Washington Examiner.

Thank you so much for your reporting.

- Thank you.

- With tensions in Israel rising,

the Jewish community all over the world

is aiming to bringawareness to their culture

as they celebrate Hanukkah.

In recent decade, Jewsare pushing to celebrate

the holiday more publiclywith thousands of public

menorah lightings andevents around the world.

Hanukkah begins Sunday evening

when the first candleof the menorah is lit

to recognize the rededicationof the Jewish Temple

in Jerusalem in 165 BC.

Rabbi Aaron Margolin is here now

to talk with us aboutthe message of Hanukkah.

So, Rabbi, what is the message of Hanukkah

and how is it still relevant today?

- Okay, that's a great question

because any holiday you can come up with

a bunch of different waysto get relevance out of it

but traditionally, andthis has been this way

for close to 2,300 years,

that we celebrate Hanukkahwith kindling lights,

and that was to remember a miracle

that happened with the oil.

Now, the people who were oppressing

the children of Israel who lived

in Israel at the time,

they were worshiping in the Holy Temple.

They did their worship theway they were suppose to

and the Greek-Syrianscame in and said, no,

you have to change the way you do it.

Having or making the long story short

is they came into the temple,

they occupied it

and they didn't takeaway the gold and silver

that was in the temple,

the vessels, the implements,and all the different things.

What they did was theywent into the kitchen

and looked for sealed bottles of oil.

They went to look for the seal Tylenol

and they opened all the jars.

What's that about?- Real quick.

- Excuse me?

- Real quick, I wanna ask this question

because we're just about of time.

With so much conflict surrounding Israel,

how can Jews and Christians come together

during this holiday season?

- Well, the message of light is universal.

It goes very fast and it goes

from one place to another, illuminating.

When you will light onecandle from another,

the first candle doesn't lose anything,

but you're adding light into the world,

lighting all the differentHanukkah menorahs in the world.

You see this book that was published

in 1987 about all thedifferent Hanukkah menorahs

at the time in the world

and we, in Virginia Beach, got the cover

if you can recognize that.

- I love it.

Indeed.- It's very important

that we remember that light spreads

and it's contagious in a good way

and we can bring peace, happiness

and spiritual wellness.

- Absolutely.

- To anybody who's interested.

- Thank you so much.

Continue to do yourwork to light the world.

Much appreciated.

- Thank you.

- A trouble trend for the church in China.

Senior InternationalCorrespondent, George Thomas,

visited China this week.

He reports growing opposite on the gospel

and anti-Church activity thathasn't been seen in decades.

Even though China isofficially a Communist nation,

it has seen dramatic Churchgrowth in recent decades.

Now the State is beginning to push back.

- What we have seen, Heather,in the last four years

has been an aggressive campaignby the Chinese government

to go after people of all faiths,

not just Christianity.

Muslims, Buddhists, in essence,

they have, just in the last 24 months,

they have released what'scalled a white paper,

in essence, giving Chinese citizens

the sort of blueprint ofhow they can and cannot

practice their faith as it relates

to the rules and regulations of the State.

- George Thomas talking with Heather Sells

and you can get the full interview

if you watch ChristianWorld News tonight at 6:30

on the CBN Newschannel.

One woman's testimony goes viral

and abortion activists don't like it.

Coming up, hear the redemptive story

of what happened after she learned

she was pregnant with her rapist's child.

Stay with us.

In the ongoing debate over abortion,

we often hear talk about exceptions

in the case of rape or incest.

Jennifer Christie facedthat emotional decision

after undergoing a brutal beating and rape

four years ago in a hotel room.

She then made national headlines

when speaking out abouther choice to give birth

and raise the childconceived during the attack.

Unfortunately, Christie isnow being harassed online

for that courageous decision.

Charlene Aaron will bring us this story.

- In 2014, what wassupposed to be a routine

business trip for Jennifer Christie

turned into a nightmare.

- The last day of this assignment

there was a snowstormand work let out early

and I went back to my hotel

and this was not a place

that got a lot of bad weather,

and so it was kind of a ghost town

and I head back up to my room

and I had my hood up and myscarf wrapped around my face

so I wasn't really paying attention

to anything that was around me

and I didn't know thatI was being followed

and so I get to my roomand I open the door

and I kind of throweverything on the floor

and I turn around to shut the door

and there was a man in my doorway.

- [Charlene] The man pushedhis way into Christie's room,

hit her over the headand violently raped her.

She passed out in the struggle,

suffering a brain bleed, broken bones

and serious internal injuries.

When Christie regained consciousness,

she was no longer in her hotel room.

Her rapist has left her for dead.

- I was in the back of the hotel

in a stairwell outsidethat led to the dumpsters.

I was wearing scrap of clothing.

- [Charlene] Six weeks later,

Christie learned she waspregnant with her rapist's child.

- They gave me the little stick test first

and it was an interesting dichotomy

of feeling completely shockedand also not shocked at all.

- [Charlene] Christie whoalready had four children

recounted the touching momentshe told her husband the news.

- And he just said,"Sweetheart, "this is a gift.

"This is something beautiful

"from something terribleand painful for us."

He said, "This is gonna be awesome.

"We love babies."

And I said yeah, we lovebabies, so we can do this.

My son is a reminder

that love is already stronger than hate.

- [Charlene] Since the attack,

Christie, a pro-life advocate,

has been sharing her painfulbut redemptive story.

Earlier this year, afterthis video of her testimony

went viral, she beganreceiving threatening messages

from abortion activists.

Someone even sent a videoto her Facebook account,

depicting a woman being raped.

- The other side just finds it abhorrent

that I am, you know, quote and quote

forcing women to carry a rapist's spawn

and you know, don't I understand

that this is something that'sgonna be a horrible reminder?

- [Charlene] KristinHawkins of Students for Life

says she is not surprised.

- We had a case just a couple years ago

where university staffmember, Purdue University,

started cyber bullying ourStudents for Life group

and then threatened in online comments

to rape pro-life women.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile,Christie says her son

is a beautiful reminder

that good can come from evil.

- He's just a wonderful kid

and he's been such a light.

He's been such a joy in our family.

- [Charlene] Looking back,she says God has been with her

every step of her journey.

- God is in all of this

and it's a story of beauty for ashes

and hope and healing and grace

and I'm so grateful foreverything that has happened.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- And Charlene joins us nowwith more on this story.

- Charlene, what an amazing testimony.

Why do you think this story

bothers abortion activists so much?

- Absolutely amazing story, Efrem.

The fact that this woman would choose life

in the midst of something so horrific,

I mean, to be brutally raped and beaten,

and yet she chooses life.

It really flies in the face

of everything that thepro-choice movement stands for.

You hear all the time

that what if a woman is raped?

They encourage abortion in such cases.

When in fact, the majorityof women who are raped

absolutely choose life

and they are absolutely hating

that message that a woman can choose

to keep her baby in the midstof something so horrific.

It just goes againsteverything they stand for.

- Nice to see

that a woman does have the right to choose

and she did choose life.

Thank you, Charlene.

- Absolutely.

- Stay with us, coming right back.

A Christian couple wins a major victory

in a battle of a nativity scene

and a woman receives a life saving gift

from a hockey game.

Our Jessica Shako and Dan Andros

bring us this week's look

at Trending Stories from

- Well, it's the classicsymbol of the Christmas season,

but in recent years, the rightto display a nativity scene

has come under attack.

This was the case for one couple

who have been in a four-year legal battle,

defending their right

to display a live nativityon their own property.

Dan, what can you tellus about this story?

- Yeah well, Jeremy and Christie Morris

of Hayden, Idaho.

They have been very festive

with their lights in theirnativity scene over the years

and when they moved toa new home back in 2015,

they planned to continue their celebration

as they do every year.

They consider it a ministry in their view

and so, this is somethingvery important to them

that they do at Christmas time.

They were very upfront withthe Homeowners Association

and typically what happensin these situations is

it's a violation of homeowners rules,

association rules, and that's why

they end up having to take the lights down

but they went to extra lengths

to make sure that theyweren't violating any rules.

They knew a lot of peoplewould come see the lights

so they arranged for extra parking.

They did all those sorts of things

but they really had a concernwhen they received a letter

from the Homeowners Association.

Really a couple of things in that letter

actually jumped off the screen to them.

I wanted to read it word for word.

It said, "I'm somewhat hesitant

"in bringing up the factthat some of our residents

"are non-Christians, or of another faith,

"or of no faith and Idon't wanna even think

"of the problems that could bring up."

And so that was kind of a head scratcher.

Another neighbor actuallywent to a Homeowners,

the Chair of the Homeowners Association

and asked them why they were doing this

and the person allegedly responded,

"Because we don't want them here."

So it ended up being thislong, protracted battle

and they won $75,000

'cause it was viewed as areligious discrimination case,

not a violation of theHomeowners Association Rules.

- Wow, Dan, that's a powerful story,

and we're glad to hear that they were able

to go ahead and have successin that legal battle.

Well, next up, a hockeygame saves a woman's life.

31-year-old Kelly Sowatsky

was diagnosed with septicemia,

leaving her in desperateneed of a kidney transplant

and a kidney donor.

Dan, we hear she got a little help

or maybe a lot of help fromthe Pittsburgh Penguins.

- Yeah, this is pretty cool

'cause she was getting desperate, really.

She was on this donor listafter she was diagnosed

and the years just kept going by

and she was like, whenis this gonna happen?

So she decided to takematters into her own hands.

As a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, hockey fan,

she went to the game and she had a sign

and the sign read,Calling All Hockey Fans,

I need a kidney, I need a kidney,

and she put her number on there.

Well, that got the attentionof the social media team

for the Penguins,

and they tweeted out a photoof her holding the sign.

Well, it went viral and she just said

the phone calls and thetexts and everything

just started coming in off the hook

and she couldn't stop it

and one fan saw it and he realized

that he was actually a match with her

and his name was Jeff Lind

and so they connected,the match was confirmed,

and they ended up going through with it

just a couple weeks ago andshe has a new kidney now

from Jeff and everything's doing great

and she says that heliterally saved her life

and she credited the Penguins as well

for getting the word out there.

- Thanks, Dan.

Well, for more stories like these,


Back to you.

- Everyone's favoritefixer-upper Joanna Gaines

is taking her talents from designing homes

to designing clothes.

The HGTV star is about tolaunch her second collection

with Matilda Jane Clothing.

The line will features items

for women, tweens, girls andeven baby boys as you know,

she just added a new son to their family

earlier this month.

Gaines also launched a new book

and announced her family'sreturn to television.

The new clothing line isset to launch December 1st,


All right, that is gonna do it

for this edition of CBN Newswatch.

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Thanks for watching,we'll see you tomorrow.


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