How can we keep hoping and trusting in God when pain happens in our life? Daniel Brooker and Brittany Price Brooker share how they walked the road where joy and sorrow mingle.
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- [Daniel] Walked out ofthat hospital having no clue
what my life would look like.
- [Gordon] He faced an unexpected future
of single parenthood,meanwhile she was widowed
with three boys under the age of three.
- [Brittany] We feltsorrow that felt unending
and it felt like my heart wasliterally breaking in two.
- [Gordon] Their pathscross while helping others
trust God through grief.
- God's timing made evidently clear
that we were gonna be a family.
- [Gordon] Plus, when herson turned away from God
she began praying that 100,000prodigals would come home.
Lori Wilkerson Stewart joins us to talk
about the Biblical promisesshe shares in her book,
Promises for Prodigals.
It's all on today's 700 Club Interactive.
- Welcome to the show.
When his wife died fromcancer Daniel prayed
he wouldn't be paralyzed from the pain.
- And meanwhile, Brittanyhad a similar prayer
when she faced an unexpected future
after her husband died.
- Really, I remember the exact moment.
This girl walks in and they said it was
with a group of girls, but I only saw one.
It was Lindsey.
She had like that radianceabout, like that light.
At 19, she was diagnosedwith cancer out of nowhere.
It was caught early enough to where
they were able to get rid of it.
At 21, two years later, it showed back up
and this time it was more serious.
It required a biggersurgery, a hysterectomy
and at that point in our relationship
I had an engagement ring in my pocket.
I asked her to marry me, we got engaged
and through the year of engagement
she went through chemo.
We started our life,everything was good from there
and we did adopt two children.
Cancer showed back up,really out of nowhere again.
My prayers were very bold.
It was, God heal her, fix this.
But, it turned into quicklya fight for her life
and admit, look in her eyes and say,
you've got this, stay here with me.
And, fighting for her life,CPR, cryin' out to God,
please heal her, please bring her back.
I found myself saying goodbye to my wife,
not by choice, but feelingmy wife was leaving
and yet, it wasn't thatshe went to heaven,
instead heaven literallycame down to get her.
Lindsey went home toheaven August 28, 2015.
I walked out of thathospital having no clue
what my life would look like.
I had to deal with reality that my wife
was no longer there, someone I had known
since I was 15 and now I'm in my 30s
dealing with reality thatI never thought I would.
And so, the kids forced me to deal
with what was goin' on.
There was no dancing around the topic.
They asked where mommy was
and wanted to know when she's coming back.
I'm sleepin' on the couch because I don't
wanna be in a bed.
It's another reminderthat Lindsey's not here.
One of the hardest things that month was
pickin' up my phone totext her outta habit,
calling her phone out of habit
and stopping mid-dial or mid-ring
and knowing that I neverwill hear her voice again.
God spoke to me so clearly.
He said, that connectionthat you desire with Lindsey
and that you want, you canhave it, but it's through me.
And what she's doin'right now is worshipin' me
and why don't you try that.
So, I look at that as apivotal point in my grief
of saying, God, I'm gonna trust you.
I'm gonna worship youand lift up your name
high above all thepain, above all the hurt
I'm going through andI say God, I'm ready.
Whatever you have forme, I don't know the why.
I don't get it, don'tlike it, but I refuse
to waste this pain that I've gone through.
I refuse to allow this to be wasted
or pushed to the side and that's
where I started movin' forward.
God comforted me so much inwhat I was goin' through,
I was encouraged to comfort others.
I could actually speak to a pain
that I'd never known before,
that as Christians we're headed home,
we're headed to heaven and our focus
should not be outward.
It should be upward and as we look up
to what is coming and getting a glimpse
of that even in my wife's death,
I realized the best isyet to come for all of us
if we trust and believe in God.
- My life was so amazingwhen Patrick and I met.
He was my first boyfriend,I was his first girlfriend.
So, we got married in 2011 and we stood
on the stage together and we said
I promise to be faithfulthrough life's pleasures
and through life's pressures.
I will be faithful to youuntil Christ calls me home.
In the fall of 2015, we had three kids
under the age of three and life was crazy
and busy, but it was sofun because I felt like
I was living a dream.
We came home and he always did daddy time
with the boys and so, he tucked them
into bed that night and would always
sing them a song and pray over them.
I remember us praying together
and going to sleep.
We woke up the nextmorning and he was like
you know, I'm not sleeping much anyways
I'm just gonna go aheadand get ready early
to go to work.
I said, you look so handsome in your suit
and I hope you have a great day.
I love you and that's what I said
and he said, I love you too
and he walked out the door.
I went to Bible Study andwe were studying Revelation
and prophesy at the timeand just moments later
my phone rang, so Ianswered the unknown number
and it was my husband'sboss on the other line
and he said hey, Patrick fell at work.
We're gonna send a vehicle to come get you
so you can come to the hospital.
I ran into a hallway full of people,
sorrow written all over their faces
and they put me behind a curtain,
they sat me down in a chair and they said,
I'm so sorry Brittany, but Patrick died.
His heart just stopped beating.
Patrick went home to be withthe Lord on September 29, 2015
and in that moment at the age of 25,
with three little boysunder the age of three
I became a widow
and my entire world turned upside down.
We felt sorrow that felt unending
and it felt like my heart wasliterally breaking in two,
but I also felt Jesus just sitting with me
and saying, I feel your pain.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm gonna walk you through this.
I would come in my livingroom and I just remember
falling flat on my faceand just crying out to God
and saying God, I can't do this.
I cannot do this apart from you.
And he was so faithful to use his word
to soothe my soul in away only he could do,
but in those darkest moments of our lives
sometimes can be the lightest moments
of our lives because God is so near
to the broken hearted.
I remember how God wouldjust, as he says in scripture,
how he gives widow the songs in the night
and God would give me a new song to sing
and it doesn't matter if you're in a place
of utter brokenness and hurt like I was
fresh after my husband's death,
or here I am severalyears later out of it,
God is still the same sovereignGod over all situations.
- When I met Brittany for the first time
one of the first questions I had to answer
in my heart was, am I readyto pursue somebody again
and I'm not just makin' a decision for me,
it's for my family.
And, when I saw Brittany I saw a future
and that was incredible andit was very just exciting.
- The Lord was so gracious because I think
in every area of yourlife after loss and pain
you are so guarded with yourheart 'cause you feel like
your heart has been trampled on.
So, the Lord made it soclear and then Daniel
was so intentional with his pursuit,
leading us in the waysof God, yet guarding
our hearts in the processuntil God's timing
made evidently clear thatwe were gonna be a family.
- I brought Ethan and Aubrey with me
and they loved beingaround each other so much
that by the time they left that weekend
they were cryin' about leaving each other.
And so, that was really encouraging
for us moving forward.
- I remember one nightPeyton had been praying
and they had been praying for a new daddy
and I was thinking, what on the world
are y'all thinking about.
I said well buddy, it's not just about us,
God's gotta bring the right person.
He said, well I think I know someone.
I said, you do.
And he said, what about Mr. Daniel?
I think he would be a great daddy.
I said, well that meansthat Ethan and Aubrey...
He said, would be my brother and sister,
and I would really like that mommy.
So, we got married on July 16, 2017.
- And just continued on with the crazy
and the wild and the loveand the beautiful part
of bringing kids together.
- After we announced ourengagement people started
calling us the Brooker Bunch because we're
a blended family and thelast name is Brooker.
Our life is like a circus.
I feel like we're a traveling circus.
It's so crazy 'cause wehave five small children,
abnormally close in age.
- Yeah, enjoying the firsts,creating these moments
that you know, maybe I had as a child
or that they've wanted to do.
- So, for our family there is always
a road of joy and sorrow that intermingle.
This is part of our story and Patrick
will always be part of my story
and Lindsey will alwaysbe a part of his story.
- I think as you go throughpain it's okay to admit it.
It's okay to be real becauseuntil you address it,
you're not gonna heal.
God is not wasting your pain.
He's not wasting anythingyou're walking through.
He sees you and he cares and he wants you
to live out a life that is full of joy,
full of love and passionate pursuit
and we have to make a decision
that no matter what we walk through
we have to trust andbelieve that that is still
waiting for us, that is still ahead.
- When you feel like your life is over
and there is no hopeahead and you feel like
you're drowning in pain, just reach up
to the hand that is trying to pull you out
which is Jesus.
If there's one thing Icould encourage you with,
it's keep hoping even when it hurts.
- Those are words to live by.
Keep hoping even when it hurts.
For Daniel and Brittany there was plenty
of reasons to give up hope.
Here you are widowed, with young children.
Where do you go with that?
And God gave Daniel avery special revelation,
that if you want contact with your wife
you can find it through me because she is
right here with me and she's with me
for all eternity, and that is the hope
we all have as Christians,that we will spend eternity
in him and with him and with one another
and that is the precioushope of the church,
that regardless of what's happening
to our outer bodies,regardless of the decay
that comes to all of us,regardless of the death
that comes to all ofus, there is this hope,
the hope of the resurrection and the hope
that when we're absent from the body
it just means we're present with the Lord.
That the veil is taken away.
We behold him face to face
and we're with him.
If you're going througha grieving process,
many people I know this year just seems
to be a year of grief
and to minister to them sometimes you
just have to sit with them
and to hear their story,
hear their cries.
If you're going through that take
the words of Daniel to heart.
Don't turn away from your pain.
Express it.
Feel it.
Don't try to quench it.
Let it out.
Realize that you can pour outyour complaint before him.
He is able to take it.
He understands what it'slike to lose a child
and he understands what it's like to die.
He understands what it'slike to go through pain.
He understands what it'slike to have rejection.
He knows all of that.
He's experienced all of that.
And so, he's able to share that with you
and for you, be the God of all comfort.
All he's waiting for you to do
is to express it and to draw near to him.
But, do it in hope,
do it in hope that one day
you are going to be with him.
One day all the tearsare gonna be wiped away.
One day we're going tobe with him in heaven.
If you need someone to prayfor you we're here for you.
All you have to do is pickup the phone and call us,
We're not here to judge.
We're certainly not here to condemn.
We're here to tell youthere's a God who loves you.
His very name is love
and he wants to bring that love to you
and all he's waiting for youis for you to ask for it,
to say, here I am.
Could you reach me?
Call us, 1-800-700-7000.
- Still ahead a mom with a message
all parents need to hear.
Promises for a ProdigalChild, hear the declarations
that can lead to abreakthrough in your family
when we return.
On January 1, 2011, LoriWilkerson Stewart felt God
giving her an unusual message.
It was a verse from Jeremiah and it said,
the Lord is with melike a violent warrior.
Well, as soon as she read it she knew
she was gonna have adifficult battle on her hands
that year, but she knew shewouldn't be fighting it alone.
- [Announcer] Lori Wilkerson Stewart
and her husband, Matt,come from a long line
of pastors on both sides of their family.
Lori never imaginedthat any of her children
would ever walk away from God, so when one
of her sons wanted to livecontrary to God's word
Lori was broken hearted.
But, she found peaceand learned how to pray
for her wayward child.
In her books, Promises for Prodigals,
Lori shares the prayersshe declared over her son
and why she wants to seeothers pray their way
to a breakthrough, too.
- Lori is joining us today and it's great
to have you with us.
I'm excited because I think that there
are so many people outthere who have children
that are not walking in thefaith they've been raised in,
or don't know the Lordeven though families
have come to him andthis holds such promise.
Let's begin, before wetalk about the books
and what you've done there, to go back
to 2011, and what happened at that point?
- Well, my son at thattime, I have three kids,
my oldest son was a senior in high school
about to graduate and up until that point
I mean, we had been theperfect Christian family
and all the kids were serving God.
- You guys were pastors.
- Yeah, pastoring a church,had just planted a church,
and we get a phone calland a trusted relative
let us know there was a lotta things going
on in our son's life thatwe were not aware of,
and when we confronted him about that,
he did not repent of it, he wanted,
he wanted to continueto go in that direction
and it was a lifestyle that, it was
completely contrary to God's word
and even after explaining all that
and talking to him and extended family
getting involved, talking he was dead set
on that was the direction he was gonna go
and it just crushed us.
- What do you do when confronted
by something like that as a parent, Lori,
because I think the struggle for parents
is this is my child and I love him or her
so much, but at the same time you feel
as a believer, the responsibility
to honor the word of God.
How did you and Matt handle that?
- Right, well we had to havethose hard talks with him
and just let him know,hey, you know we've, we're
raising you guys under the word of God
and if you're not gonnafollow that and if you're
gonna go against that weyou know, it's not okay
to live here and live that way.
And so, he moved out aftergraduating and it was.
- That must have been so hard.
- I cried, I cried so much and that's when
I knew I was literally gonna lose my mind
or get on medication or something
to be able to function if I didn't
get serious about praying andspending time with the Lord.
- So, you went to theLord, which is what we all
should do when we're inthose moments in our lives
and God gave you a prayer strategy.
- He did.
I had taken three daysoff to pray and fast
because you know, somethings are only broken
in the Spirit world by fasting,
and I think what broke was not necessarily
in my son's life, but it was in my life.
God just, he broke me down to raise me up
and to build faith up again as I searched
his word, as I beganto spend time with him,
listening to his voice, I began to find
so many promises in the word of God.
And, I daily was kindasearching those out,
underlining them in my word and then
at one point the Lord said, Lori,
you need to start writing them down
in a journal so that one day you can
give those to your son and show him,
this is what mom didfor you, son, you know.
These are the promises of God I've been
declaring over you all this time,
so that's how the original journal here
that I wrote 100 promisesfrom the word of God in there.
- Were you a journaler before that?
- Off and on, yeah, I mean, hit and miss.
- We all do that off and on, yeah.
- But boy, once I got that assignment
and it was about threeyears into the process
when I got really seriousabout writing them down
and that, I can sayhonestly though, Terry,
early on after I fasted God gave me
such a supernatural peace that everything,
in fact the word the Lord gave me was,
this will end well, and I've just still
in that word along with all the promises
that, you know, it's been seven years,
but there will be a good ending to this.
- Yes, seven is the number of completion.
- Amen.
- Talk a little bit aboutfinding the promises
because we all know thestory of the prodigal son
in the word and we knowwhat happened there,
but you went far beyond that and found
100 promises for prodigals.
- Yeah.
- What were some of thefavorite ones that you found?
- Well, there's a ton in Isaiah.
The one I like there says you know,
I will fight for you andI will save your children.
And there's another one that says,
your children will come back to you.
They will be like jewels
and bridal ornaments that you will display
for all to see, and I thoughtthat was so beautiful.
And there's one in Ezekiel that says,
the Lord will searchfor your lost loved ones
and will bring them safely home again.
And then of course, Luke says he leaves
the 99 to go after the one.
Then, there's one in Hebrews that I love.
I have to mention that.
They're specifically, the writer says
that angels are sent byGod to care for those
who will receive salvation.
So, right now I've been declaring
that all this time thatangels are protecting my son.
He's been in some seedyplaces, but while he's there
there's angels watching over him
and he's under the care of angels.
- And, we know that noneof it is ever wasted,
that in due time when he comes to himself
and back to the Lord,it will not be wasted.
You've written books for,
a book for boys, thePromises for Prodigals
and one for girls.
You had an experience with your sister
when you were 17 that sortof played into this as well.
- Right, well growingup I watched my parents
go through a similarsituation with my sister.
She was a prodigal and she actually was
an alcoholic for over 20years, but when I was 17,
my sister actually tried to commit suicide
and she ended up in a psychiatric hospital
and when I found that out Iwas a senior in high school,
I didn't know what to do with myself.
I went for a run and I began to pray
and in that time with the Lord
I began to shout at the devil
and I said, Satan, I am so angry.
For this one soul you've tried to take
I'm taking 10,000.
God, give me 10,000 souls.
I didn't know how that was gonna happen.
I believe God's been doing that through
some of the work that I'vebeen involved in here at CBN,
but also then years later this happens
to my own son and when that happened
I got really angry and Isaid, okay, it's on now.
This time I'm taking 100,000 prodigals
with me to heaven and I don't know how
you're gonna do that,God, but, and I believe
that the books are part of that.
That's why I made a separateone for guys and girls
because it's such a,there's places to write
your prodigal's name inthere and I just think
the pronouns need to match the name.
I'm big on that.
I used to be an English teacherand I'm funny about that,
but it's just such apersonal thing for parents
and for grandparentsand for aunts and uncles
that are praying for their prodigals,
you know, it's just anintimate time with the Lord.
- It's a wonderful opportunityto circle the wagons
around whoever the prodigalin your life might be,
whether it's your immediatefamily or extended family,
but Lori has done the work for all of us.
Let me just say, thank youfor sharing your story.
And, for parents, there are two versions
of Lori's book, Promises for Prodigals,
has a guy's version and a gal's version.
Both are available throughAmazon or you can find out
how to get a copy by going to
They're next to my bed.
I think you'll probablywant 'em next to yours.
Thanks Lori.
- Thanks Terry.
- Gordon.
- Well, coming up peace onthe battlefield for one night.
- [Narrator] When Germantroops started singing
Silent Night, French andBritish, Scottish troops
started answering.
- [Gordon] The World War I Christmas truce
when we come back.
(upbeat music)
This Christmas seasonwe're asking you to join us
in a Robertson holiday tradition.
Every year we give a specialgift to those in need
and that gift is equalto the money we spent
on either our Thanksgiving dinner
or our Christmas Eve dinner
or our Christmas Day dinner.
So, when you do that andyou send a special gift
of $25 or more we'regoing to send back to you
two exclusive holiday treasures.
One is a new classic, my father reading
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens
and that'll be on CD andplus, CBN Documentaries
presents Christmas, theStory Behind the Traditions.
Now, this documentary wasfilmed in eight countries
so it's gonna take you around the world
to discover the history of Christmas,
the meaning behind thetraditions that you love
to celebrate and here's aclip from that documentary.
Take a look.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] In the winterof 1914, World War I
had been raging for five months
and countless soldiers on both sides
spent Christmas in trenchesall over northern Europe.
- [Narrator] 1914 sawmillions of armed men
facing each other on a line
from the English Channel to Switzerland.
They were dug in.
They were very close to each other.
They were within yards of each other,
the Germans on one side and the French,
the British, the Canadians,Australians on the other.
♪ Silent night, holy night ♪
- [Narrator] On ChristmasEve German soldiers
placed candles and Christmas trees
on top of their trenches,then a few of them
began singing Stille Nachtor Silent Night, in German.
- The 19th century produceda number of German carols
that were in translationand so, both sides
for example, knew Silent Night.
And so, when Germantroops started singing,
French and British, Scottishtroops started answering.
- [Narrator] The artillery fell silent
and the two sides shoutedChristmas greetings
to each other.
- We have numerousexamples of troops meeting
in no man's land, sanctionedby low ranking officers
who thought this was auseful opportunity to scout,
maybe to recover somedead bodies, but allowed
all kinds of exchange ofgifts, different foods.
Apparently the British wanted sausages
and the Germans wanted French wine
and British canned beef.
- [Narrator] The break,which lasted through
Christmas night became knownas the Christmas truce.
- They very often playedsoccer and swapped pictures
of families and then wentback to killing each other
the next day.
It was really a momentof 1914 seldom repeated.
♪ Jesus Lord at thy birth ♪
- That was a sample fromour new documentary,
Christmas, the Story Behind the Traditions
and if you're interestedin how did we get here,
how did we get the varioustraditions of Christmas?
Why is December 25th the datethat we celebrate Christmas?
What's all this about Christmas trees?
Why do we bring a tree intoour house and decorate it?
Why do we hang stockings by the fire?
Why do we have live nativity scenes?
It's our gift to you whenyou give us $25 or more
to help those in need.
So if that's you, giveus a call, 1-800-700-7000
and say yes, I wanna helpothers this Christmas season.
Here's a word from Romans, Chapter Five,
"And hope does not put usto shame because God's love
"has been poured into ourhearts through the Holy Spirit
"who has been given to us."