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CBN NewsWatch PM: November 19, 2018

CBN NewsWatch PM: November 19, 2018 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us.

I'm Efrem Graham.

The death toll from California's Camp Fire

now stands at 77.

With about a 1,000 peoplestill unaccounted for.

More than 1,500 buildings are destroyed,

many of them homes.

President Donald Trumpvisited the devastated areas

over the weekend promising to take care

of Californians afterseeing the damage firsthand.

Tens of thousands of peopleare living in tent cities

with their homes or entireneighborhoods wiped out.

Residents held a vigil Sunday evening

to remember those killed.

Operation Blessing is on the ground

meeting with pastors and making plans

to support the recoveryeffort in northern California.

One of those ministriesis Bethel Global Response

which is handing out food

and disaster relief supplies.

Pastor Ron Berry saysBethel's goal is to bring

relief to the communityat it's lowest point

and to point them to a hope in Christ.

- They've lost their whole homes.

You know their whole lives.

And so they're feeling really heavy.

And so we wanna come along side 'em.

And we just want to minister to 'em

and just know that it's gonna get better.

And just try to just love on 'em.

Bethel's philosophy is wewanna bring Heaven to Earth

and we wanna just love on the people.

- Operation Blessingassisted Bethel volunteers

with face to face masks to protect them

from breathing in smoke and debris.

Operation Blessing also is giving grants

to area churches servingtheir communities.

To learn how you can helpwith this disaster relief

go to Operation Blessing's website.

That is

Three Senate Democrats havefiled a lawsuit against

the appointment of actingAttorney General Matthew Whitaker.

Saying it violates the Constitution.

However the JusticeDepartment says it doesn't

because Whitaker is servingin an acting capacity.

Meanwhile President Donald Trump says

he is standing by hisacting Attorney General.

He also says he'scompleted written answers

for Special Counsel RobertMueller's investigation

into Russia collusionduring the elections.

But he says a sit downinterview is not likely.

- I think we've wasted enoughtime on this witch hunt.

And the answer is probably we're finished.

There was no collusion whatsoever.

And the whole thing is a scam.

- Florida's Senate and Governor'sraces are finally decided.

Almost two weeks aftervoters cast their ballots.

Senator Bill Nelson conceded

to Republican Governor RickScott in the Senate race

after a hand recount showed him trailing

by more than 10,000 votes.

Democrat Andrew Gillum also conceded

to GOP opponent Ron DeSantisin the Governor's race.

Broward County electionsupervisor Brenda Snipes

is resigning formismanaging the vote there.

Dr Ronnie Floyd saysChristians need to stop

letting our nation define who we are.

Floyd is a former president of the

Southern Baptist Convention.

He joins us now with more on his message

of love and racialunity recently delivered

at Mother Emmanuel AME Church.

Dr. Floyd welcome.

Of course Mother Emmanuel AME Church

is where the SouthCarolina shooting happened

about three and a half years ago.

The gunman Dylan Roof a selfproclaimed White Supremacist

killed nine members of the church.

And you Dr Floyd had theopportunity to preach there

during the Southern Baptist Convention.

Tell us about yourmessage and what you meant

by not allowing our nationto define us as Christians.

- Well as followers of Jesus Christ

it's Christ who really defines who we are.

Our identities in Christand our authority is

based off of holy scripture.

And so I was there to bringone of the keynote messages

at the South CarolinaBaptist State Convention.

The South Carolina Baptist Convention

which was meeting in Charleston

was at another location buton Tuesday night specifically

they wanted to meet atthe Mother Emmanuel Church

and the churches have really come together

through the crisis back in 2015.

And the very unfortunatemurder of those nine persons

including the pastor of the church.

And so God really did a great work in the

heart of the pastor at FirstBaptist Church at Charleston

in all of this as wellas his church family.

And it was that pastor Marshall Blaylock

who was the President of theSouth Carolina Convention

who had worked with methrough racial unity

when I was president of theSouthern Baptist Convention.

And with that ever sincethat time in July of 2015

we've been working togetherto do everything we can

to forward the entire theme

of racial unity in the United States.

Now I'm also the Presidentof The National Day of Prayer

and our 2019 theme on May the second

will be love one another. John 13:34.

And so with this I reallytalked from that passage

that love one anotherjust as I have loved you.

That was my thematicpassage for the message

at Mother Emmanuel Church.

I followed one of the men

who had lost his wife in the shooting.

Who was the leader of thegathering at that evening,

then of course there wereobviously a lot of folks

there from the church as wellas a large, large overflow

outside of the auditorium.

It was an incredible gathering,

and obviously God is bringinghis body of Christ together

and we're really, really grateful for it.

- Why is your messagepossibly even more important

today than ever before?

- Well there's never been a message

that Jesus didn't deliverthat was not timeless.

And you look at where the country is

with all the divisivenessand the vitriotic speech

and such division thatis just not Christ like

that is just not right.

And while we can have differentideologies and approaches,

and we can differ with one another,

we can still love one another.

And Jesus called us to a higher way

then we're living here today

in the United States of America.

And that is not a political statement,

that is a Biblical and spiritual statement

because all of us who arefollowers of Jesus Christ

have been called to treatpeople in a higher level.

We bring value and dignity to human life

from the womb all the way to the tomb.

And everyone of us that arefollowers of Jesus Christ,

we need to do all we canto lift each other up.

And if we're gonna bringour nation together,

then we're gonna have to be together.

And one of the things that really, really

really just came to me over the last week

even before I went there a day or two

before I was there last Tuesday evening

is that it just really came to me that

an unloving and divided church

cannot call an unloving anddivided nation to unity.

And how can we call thenation to love one another

and to unity if we cannot even do that

within the body of Jesus Christ.

And so I just would appeal toall followers of Jesus Christ.

We need to lead the way.

In fact I said it the other day

and I mean it with all my heart.

And that is that weneed a movement of love

that begins in the church house,

that goes to every statehouse in this country

all the way to the White House.

And we need to learnhow to treat one another

in a higher and a greater way.

- Dr Ronnie Floyd we appreciate your time.

We do need to lead by love for sure.

Thank you.

In 2016 Charlotte, NorthCarolina was a city

that erupted in violent protestafter the shooting death

of a black man by a police officer.

Now it's a picture of racial unity.

CBN News reporter Charlene Aaron reports

it's because two churchescame together as one.

- [Charlene] NorthCarolina's Refuge Church

and House Of Refuge came up with a plan

to help change Charlotte's reputation

from one of racial unrestto one of brotherly love.

Pastors Jay Stewart and Derek Hawkins

felt the best way to bringblacks and whites together

started with worship.

The result, this first service

of the newly blended Refuge Church.

Pastor Stewart leads the main campus

of the multi-site church.

- And the cry of our hearthas always been for revival.

And the Lord cannot bring the outpouring

of his Holy Spirit unlessthere's real unity.

- [Charlene] Hawkinspastors the 200 member

House of Refuge in Greensboro.

Which recently joined the larger group.

Two years ago when Hawkins became pastor

he reached out to Stewart for advice.

After a series of meetings,

the two men explored the possibility

of becoming one church.

- Nobody was looking for a merger.

I just wanted to helpthis church in Greensboro

to transition well.

And so we were meeting on a regular basis.

And a year ago which was November of 2015

while we were meeting,

I felt strongly promptedby the Holy Spirit

to ask them a question.

Have you ever had conversations

about becoming a campus of the Refuge?

- We would have meetingsand talk about racism

and you know what we bothhad to endure coming up.

He would share his stories,

I would share my stories.

- The pastors here at The Refuge say that

the announcement about their merger came

just two days beforeviolent protests erupted

in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina

after an African American man was killed

at the hands of police.

- When I was sitting in my home watching

the news coverage of whatwas happening in Charlotte.

That God wanted to write a better story.

That God set the timing of this merger.

- You know I know thatAfrican American community

are hurting and crying out.

We just wanted to be a voice,

a vehicle of change in our own city

in our own community,

say hey it doesn't have to be this weay.

- [Charlene] BishopWilliam and Darlene Allen

are the founding membersof the House of Refuge.

During the process of appointingHawkins as new pastor,

the talks of a merger began.

- What this says to me is God is giving us

an opportunity to let the baggage go.

And I believe this mergeris going to present

that opportunity for many of us to heal

from past hurt all races.

- [Charlene] The plan to holdregular combined services

will help members get to know one another

and work toward racial healing.

- I just believe that what we're doing

is so needed to replicate what the Lord

wants to do in the kingdom of God.

- That's good.

There's a generationthat wants to be valued.

And I just saw it as an opportunity to say

you matter to God.

You matter to us.

And God has a plan for your life.

- [Charlene] Members areexcited about working together.

- I think it just declares truth

in the midst of a lot of lies.

That there is a church.

And she is taking her place

and is committed to unity and love.

- With what we're goingthrough as a nation

and especially here in Charlotte,

I think that it just speaks of the unity

of the kingdom of God.

And just gives us a real picture

of what Heaven's gonna be like.

- [Charlene] Anthony Whitesays seeing blacks and whites

worshiping together here is long overdue.

- Integration should never be forced.

It should be led bythe spirit of the Lord.

And the church has anexample to model that today.

- [Charlene] MeanwhilePastors Stewart and Hawkins

admit that while comingtogether hasn't been easy,

the result is well worth it.

- We knew that the staffwas facing challenges.

Our church was facing challenges.

But we knew what God told us.

And we just stuck to what the Lord said.

What we felt like the HolySpirit was leading us.

- There were people sitting in the wings

we know that are stillhoping that this fails.

That this doesn't work.

For whatever reason, butwe know it's gonna work.

- Absolutely.

- Because listen, wedon't see black and white.

Under the blood ofJesus, everything's red.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News,

Kannapolis, North Carolina.

- The Museum Of The Biblemarked it first anniversary

with a big celebration this weekend.

The 430,000 square foot facility showcases

more than 40,000 itemsrelated to the world's

best selling book.

Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development

Ben Carson was there.

He and museum founderSteve Green told CBN News

it's an entertainingattraction with great purpose.

- Well right now in Americathere's a battle going on.

As to whether we retainour Judaeo Christian values

or whether we decide that humanism

is the most important thing.

That everybody is their owncenter of justice and fairness.

And I believe that thismuseum will help people

to move to the correctresponse on that question.

- Our hopes is that manymore millions will come

to see the museum.

That they will be inspired.

And they're gonna wantto engage with the book

that has changed our world.

- Green loves when visitorsto the nation's capitol

say the museum is theirfavorite attraction.

Stay with us,

there's much more of CBN Newswatch

coming up right after this.

The Greenville awakeningcame to a close this month

after going strong for seven months.

Our Mark Martin spoke with the evangelist

who led that revival.

He joins us now from the CBN News room

to tell us more about it, Mark.

- Yeah Efrem that's right the revival

did last for more than seven months.

And it actually lasted30 weeks to be exact.

The event was scheduled to bea four night revival in April

at the Graystone Freewill Baptist Church

near Greenville, Tennessee.

Evangelist DR Harrison ofVoice Of Hope Ministries

says the crowds kept buildingthough to standing room only

at the church.

He says he and the pastor began to pray

and God opened a doorthrough a North Carolina man

who provided a huge tent thatseats around 1,500 people.

The tent was located innearby Chuckey, Tennessee.

Harrison says the revivalresulted in a large number

of people becoming Christians.

- Under the tent and in the church

near a 1,000 people walked the aisle

and accepted Christ astheir personal savior.

And no tellings how manyover the live radio broadcast

through BPN Radio thatwe did most every night.

Just thousands of lives were changed.

And God continues tomove here in this town.

- In addition to the lives saved,

Harrison says at the revivalseveral people announced

their calls to full time ministry.

He also says he and revival leaders

anointed a man who had cancer with oil.

And after that the man had more tests done

and almost all of hiscancer had disappeared.

Harrison accepted JesusChrist at a revival

in Burlington, North Carolina in 2016.

He said the Lord sethim free of alcoholism

and pornography addiction and also

called him to go intofull time ministry, Efrem.

- All right Mark.

Sounds like a book waiting to be written.

Stay with us we'll be right back.

November is National Adoption Month

and the movie Instant Familystarring Mark Wahlberg

is based on the real lifestory of a husband and wife

who take in three foster children.

It finished fourth in its opening weekend.

Here's a quick look

at the hilarious upsand downs of adoption.

- [Leader] Pete and Ellie took in

three children 10 days ago.

- [Efrem] Mark Wahlberg andRose Byrne lead the cast

in this comedy basedon the real life story

of a couple who adopts three children.

- The county puts theseon because they can match

a lot of kids and parents quickly.

- Look at the big kids.

- Everybody's avoiding 'em.

I'm gonna go and say hi.

- But they're teenagers okay.

They use drugs and they watch people

playing video games on YouTube.

We're not equipped for any of that.

- Hi, just FYI we can all hear you.

- [Efrem] This is Instant Family.

I understand you fell inlove with this project

before a script was even written.

- Yes- Why is that?

- Well just the idea Ihad had an experience

where I went to kindof I was supposed to be

kind of like I don't knowto boost kids spirits

at an adoption event.

And I ended up findingmyself being inspired

by these kids and how strong they were.

How positive they were.

And so having had that experience

and then Sean tellingme about his experience,

I just signed on right away.

- Lizzy's mom is a product of the system.

And she never learned toproperly care for herself

much less three kids.

- Three?- Oh!

- Three kids?- What?

- Yeah three.

- At once?

- Lizzy comes with two youngersiblings Juan and Lita.

- Wait, wait so we wouldhave three children.

- Two maybe, but there'sno way we can do three.

I mean that was we wanted to meet 'em.

Oh my gosh.

- Oh my gosh.

- Why would you show us that?

Why would you even show that.

- [Ellie] What are you doing?

- They're so cute. That's wrong.

- This is a film that talksabout adoption and foster care.

Both very serious issues.

So you probably would not expect to come

and laugh as much as you do.

What did you think of exploringthis issue in a funny way?

- I think it's a way to getpeople into a serious subject.

What is essentially a serious subject

through comedies like Incredible.

My favorite films ride that line,

like Parenthood or Steele Magnolias.

You know like I'm revealing myself

but those are the movies that I think

they stand the test of time.

- Does everybody knowthat we're here for foster

- They know Sharon.

What do you think these people

just wondered in off the street?

- [Efrem] Academy Awardwinning actress Octavia Spencer

and comedian Tig Notaroplay social workers.

A bit of good cop, bad cop.

- It is not gonna be easy folks.

These kids will test your will.

Put a strain on yourrelationship and push buttons

you didn't even know you had.

Now I can tell by looking at you

that not all of y'all gonna make it.

- I actually think that this group

has got the grit to face some unpleasant.

You guys heading out?

Okay well thank you. Bye bye.

- All right that one's on me.

- It absolutely is.

And you what we've gone over this before.

- We have.

- [Efrem] This film isnaturally inspired by

the director's real life.

- Yeah.

- Do you know thesecharacters in your own life?

This husband and wife?

- Sure, I mean yeah.

I think there's so much familiar

even though it's not my world or life.

But with the kids andeveryone knows these kids

everyone knows these parents.

And even if you think you'renot gonna relate, you will.

You'll relate.

There's somethin' foreveryone in the best of ways.

- [Efrem] And the storyshines with the children

cast in this film.

Isabella Moner, GustavoQuiroz, and Julianna Gamiz.

- Where is my potato chips?

- Oh, we're not having chipstonight munchkin, sorry.

- I want my chips.

- Let's try some of this meatloaf, okay.

- No! I want my chips!

- We're not having chips!

- You sure you don't wannajust give her some chips?

- No we're not giving her chips!

- (screams)

- Gustavo how much areyou like your character?

- Similar. We're both pretty clumsy.

- Are you really?

- Yeah, I'm clumsy.

Yeah and yeah we both have great hair.

- You got great hair.

- Yeah Jaun and I. Pretty cool.

- Julianna are you muchlike your character?

Do you scream a lot at home?- Yeah!

- [Efrem] You do?

- When I don't get thethings that I want, I scream.

- Watch your feet okay.

- Wait, wait.

- [Juan] I'm so sorry.

- You give those to me. Ow

- [Pete] Calm down don't cry.

- [Lita] I want my chips!

- [Pete] Just stay there Juan

- (screams)

- [Pete] Oh, ah!

- [Ellie] Oh my God are you okay?

- [Pete] God.

- What did you- Lita duck!

- What are you doing?

- [Pete] What I'm trying to put it out.

- [Ellie] With ketchup?

- Put it out!- Stop it.

- Lita?

- There we're normal. What's that noise?

Why is she growling?

That wasn't in the class.

I got nothing for that.

She's got a knife.

- It's just a Spongebob knife.

- It's still a knife.

- This film comes out NovemberNational Adoption Month

and we're also nowapproaching Thanksgiving,

Christmas all the family holidays.

- Yeah, yeah.

- What do you think this filmsays about the whole idea

and concept of family?

- Family and faith arethe most important things.

And what a family looks like today

could be anything.

And that's an importantmessage to get out there

when families are being pulled apart.

It's so important to encourage people

to bring people in to be inclusive.

And you know we should all

if everybody's faith and focus

was on the same things,

we'd be living in a muchdifferent world right now.

- [Efrem] All right everybody say family.

- [All] Family.

- While Instant Familyis funny and heartwarming

we do have to warn you it does contain

some adult language.

Stay with us for thoughts andtraditions of Thanksgiving

from viewers like you when we come back.

We're taking to the streetsto talk Thanksgiving today

and hearing whatThanksgiving means to you.

- Thanksgiving for me is a time that

I can spend with my family.

And just get together for the holidays.

- Family, family, family.

- Being with friends andfamily and eating good food.

- I think it's a greattime of year to give thanks

for all the blessings that you have

and to spend time with family.

- Just a time to remember all the things

that you're thankful for andyou've been blessed with.

- I mean it means giving thanks to those

who have made my life what it has been.

You know like my friendsover here, you guys.

You really do make it for me though.

- Thank you.

- It's really the timeto be so appreciative

for all the blessings you have.

And this opportunity to livein such a great country.

- And don't forget the food.

Thanks for watching.

So we'll see you right backhere same time tomorrow.

Goodbye everybody.


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