- The outcome of thisyear's National Election
will be remembered for years to come,
possibly for what it saysabout voters and our culture.
CBN News' Mark Martin spokewith Regent University's
Lynne Marie Kohm about why that's so.
- What do you think aboutthe vote among women
and what does it say aboutwomen in our society?
- Well, I think women are not silent
and we care about what'shappening in our culture.
I think there is a whole lot more
than meets the eye going on here.
Yes, there was a hundred new women;
that's extremely exciting.
I'm excited about the bluewave of pro-life voting.
I totally think that Godis calling more women
into politics to protect the lives
of women and children,especially over the Senate
last night there were so many indications
that people care about judges.
And judges choose touphold abortion or life.
Things that matter to families,values, things like that.
- When you said a bluewave among pro-life.
- I didn't mean blue.- Okay.
- I meant like water.- Okay, gotcha.
- Washing, wave, of pro-life advocates.
I don't think we saw that in Virginia,
but I think we might seethat across the country.
A lot of the people that won Senate races
are definitely pro-life people.
And now they know thatone of the hugest things
is putting another Justiceon the Supreme Court
should we have the opportunity,
there could be two others.
The Kavanaugh hearings just made such
a big difference in everybody's minds.
First of all, was he reallybeing targeted because
he was an abuser of woman, well no,
now we have 414 pages ofinvestigatory evidence
by Congress that says there's no evidence
of any of the accusations.
Really what was going on there was a fear
that he might voteagainst abortion rights.
- You think the Nationsgonna be able to unify,
Lynne Marie, and step awayfrom the political divide?
- You know, I would hopeso, because in my mind
the life issue protectswomen and children.
Three states have it ontheir ballots as well.
I think it was WestVirginia, Oregon and Alabama.
They were all trying to determine,
how far do we wanna gowith allowing for choice
and most of those ballots wereall about protecting women
and protecting children.
I think that God's now maybe had a huge
impact with that too.
But really it was the Kavanaugh hearings.
People know judges matter,judges make a difference.
Judges can be thoughtful and protect life.
Protect the lives of women,every single woman and child
needs to be protected regardless
of what the state chooses to have
as it's law with abortion.
- And quickly, let'smove over to the House.
What are your thoughts on that
because of the shift in power,
do you think that's gonna hurt
the pro-life movement somewhat?
- I dunno, we'll have tosee how that plays out.
When we went to vote yesterday,
my husband asked somebody,from a local election,
so is your candidate pro-life or not
and the person says, oh it doesn't matter
it's a local election, and my husband said
it absolutely matters,it goes to world view.
We didn't get the chance to find out
the world view of a lot ofthose House representative
candidates because therewere so many running.
So we'll have to see how this plays out.
And I do think that someare still persuadable
that life is an issue theywanna take a position on
that will protect women and children.
So we'll just have to see.
- Alright, Lynne Marie Kohm with
Regent University, thank you.- Thank you.
- Alright.