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Why Vice President Mike Pence is 'Confident' About Midterm Elections

Why Vice President Mike Pence is 'Confident' About Midterm Elections Read Transcript

- Political AnalystDavid Brody joins us now

on the campaign trail

on the final day withVice President Mike Pence.

David, what is the closing argument

that Vice President Penceis arguing to voters?

- Well basically, it'sDemocrats are gonna do

all sorts of damage if they take control,

from the economy to immigration on down.

And they're here,

I shouldn't say they, it's not they,

it's he, Vice President Mike Pence,

in Montana, northwest Montana.

That's where we are, John.

Just flew with him on Air Force Two,

and he's talking all about that situation

and the fact thatDemocrats are just gonna be

no good when it comesto any sort of agenda

that Americans really want,

and it's an energetic crowdhere in Montana for sure.

- So two big key Senate races,

actually one there in Montana,

and after this stop Ibelieve you're headed

towards South Dakota, wherehe'll campaign for Kristi Noem

who's campaigning to be governor.

- That's right.

We're on our way toSouth Dakota after this.

Hello, I'm in the middle of a live shot.

We're just doing a Skype shot, thank you.

That's live television, live Skype for ya.

Secret Service wondering, what am I doing

in an airport hangar doing a Skype shot.

That's okay, keep it rolling.

But anyhow, he seems tobe content at this point.

We're on our way toSouth Dakota after this.

Kristi Noem, running for governor there.

An interesting choice,

you would think he mightgo to a tossup Senate race,

but they're actually going there.

And then, but before that ofcourse, he's here in Montana,

and Jon Tester the big race here.

Jon Tester, the Democrat introuble to Matt Rosendale,

who spoke just before Mike Pence today.

So it'll be interesting to see

how much they can actuallydefeat Jon Tester,

because that would be a big win

to take down a Democratin a red state out here,

'cause Tester's pretty popular.

- And one in which, if I recall correctly,

Trump has been personallycampaigning against Tester

because of his initial candidate

for replacing the Departmentof Veterans Affairs.

David, what's the mood among

the Vice President and his team?

Are they feeling pretty confidentheading into election day?

- Really confident, John.

As a matter of fact, weflew with him as we told you

on Air Force Two out here,

and I had a chance to speakwith him a couple of times

on the plane and he looked really relaxed.

They think they're gonna win the House,

or keep the House at least.

We'll see. It's startingto rain here, by the way.

I hope my hair's holding up.

But anyhow, beyond that,

they also think they'regonna do well in the Senate.

So we'll see.

But very relaxed out here for sure.

Well actually, to tell you John,

we're gonna do an interviewwith the Vice President as well,

which you can see on The700 Club on Tuesday morning,

and of course we'll roll it out online,

and of course later onthe news channel too.

- David, you beat me to thepunch. I was just about to say,

I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to plug

where people can watch that interview,

but you did a great job,

so thank you for doing that job for me.

- Well, John, you might imagine

that of course I was gonna plug.

If it involves me, I wasgonna plug it right away.

- We can always count on you to do that.

David Brody, thank youso much for joining us.

David, reporting with the Vice President

on the campaign trail in Montana.

- Thanks, John.


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