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Pre-Caravan Border Stats Are Staggering: 17,000 Criminals, 100 Countries, 1,900 Caught Each Day

Pre-Caravan Border Stats Are Staggering: 17,000 Criminals, 100 Countries, 1,900 Caught Each Day Read Transcript

- [Chuck] As the Trumpadministration has seen

its efforts to stopillegal border crossing

stymied by federal judgesover and over again,

those who want to come to America

have been paying attention.

Illegal crossings atthe US southern border

have spiked, and borderpatrol agents have been

struggling to keep up.

The migrant caravan making it's way north

may have dwindled somewhat to just over

3500 Hondurans, but moregroups are coming along behind.

In a briefing October29th, CBD commissioner

Kevin Mcaleenan put it in perspective.

- We are already facingthe border security

and a humanitarian crisisat our southwest border.

Each day on average, forthe last three weeks,

CBD has encountered a combinationof almost 1900 persons

apprehended crossing our border illegally

or presenting withoutdocuments at ports of entry.

They're incentivized to tryto cross by the expectation

that they will be allowed to stay.

This means at any givenmoment, there are tens

of thousands of intending migrants

between the Guatemalaborder and the US border

moving towards us at any given time.

Within that flow, andincluded, are about 17000

criminals last year, alongwith hardened smugglers

and people from over 100countries around the world.

- [Chuck] Last year,more than 38000 migrants

who came looking for asylumwere found not to meet

the requirements and were refused.

To deal with this burgeoning crisis,

border patrol is bringingin every resource

at it's disposal from extraagents to helicopters,

to special operations and medical teams.

Add that to the US troopswho are moving in from

around the country to providelogistical, and engineering

support and there will soonbe more assets guarding

our southern frontierthan we have currently

in Afghanistan or Iraq.

But even that might not be enough.

This man traveling with the caravan says

they are coming in no matter what.

But if this group plans onrepeating the performance they

made on the Guatemala Mexico border,

these soldiers from Fort Carson Colorado

are going to havesomething to say about it.

- As a comp engineer weare very highly trained

in obstacles, which isvery useful right now.

This is just another wayto support my country,

and do what needs to be done.

- [Chuck] North Comp Commanding General

Terrance O'Shaughnessy agrees.

- I think the President has made it clear

that border security is national security.

That is the direction we've given, that's

the direction that we're marching too.

Our orders are very clear, we are engaged,

we're here to support CBP,we're gonna secure the border.

- [Chuck] The new borderwall going up very slowly

in California is likely notto see significant progress

unless Republican's hold thehouse in next weeks elections.

But in the meantime, thesetroops are being sent to fill in

the gaps and form a human wallthat will help border agents

better handle the crisisalong our 2000 mile

southern frontier.

For CBN News, I'm Chuck Holton.


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