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CBN NewsWatch AM: November 1, 2018

CBN NewsWatch AM: November 1, 2018 Read Transcript

- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch.

I'm Mark Martin.

President Trump'sdecision to send thousands

of troops to the US/Mexico border

is drawing fire from critics.

This as the White House embarks on

eight state, eleven campaign rallies

ahead of next week's crucial elections.

George Thomas has the details.

- [George] As hundredsof Salvadorian migrants

continued their 1500 mile journey by foot

to the US border thisweek, President Trump

is vowing to deploy thousands of troops

to the US/Mexico border to stop them

and thousands of other migrants

from entering the United States.

- As far as the caravan is concerned,

our military is out, wehave about five thousand

eight, will go up to anywhere between

10 and 15 thousand military personnel

on top of Border Patrol, ICE and

everybody else at theborder, nobody's coming in.

We're not allowing people to come in.

- [George] This was thescene at Fort Campbell,

Kentucky on Wednesday as troops prepared

for that deployment.

Video released by theDepartment of Defense

showed military equipment being loaded

onto cargo planes for transport to Texas.

Critics say the President's plan to deploy

thousands of troops tothe South West border

is simply a political stunt ahead

of next week's midterm election.

But Defense Secretary,Jim Mattis pushed back.

- The support that weprovide to the Secretary

for Homeland Security is practical support

based on the request fromthe Commissioner of Customs

and Border Police andso we don't do stunts

in this department, thank you.

(crowd applauds)

[George] At a campaign rally in Florida,

the President doubled downon his controversial idea

to reform immigration, putting an end

to the Constitutional right to citizenship

for babies born in the United States.

- Hundreds of thousands ofillegal immigrant children

are made automatic citizens every year

because of this crazypolicy and they are all

made instantly eligiblefor every privilege

and benefit of american citizenship.

- [George] The President's stop in Florida

was part of an eight state campaign push

to show off Republicansupport in key House

and Senate and Governors races ahead of

next week's crucial midterm elections.

- CBN's senior international correspondent

George Thomas is herenow for more on troop

deployment to the south west border.

So George, there's some confusion

as to the exact number of troops

that are being deployed, talk about that.

- Absolutely, some dizzying numbers

just in the past week, seven days ago

the Pentagon announced it was sending

eight hundred troops to the Mexican Border

to bolster the 2100 National Guardsmen

already deployed to the area,then on Monday this week

that number jumped when themilitary said it would send

5200 troops to the South West border.

A day later, that number increased again

between seven thousandand eight thousand troops.

And just in the last 24 hours, Mark,

the president said quote,"anywhere between ten thousand

"and fifteen thousand military personnel,

"on top of Border Patrol,ICE and everybody else

"at the border," he said.

The President obviously believes the media

is underestimating the number of people

in the caravans and wants to be prepared.

Incidentally, Mark, if thefifteen thousand troops

were actually deployedto the border, get this,

that would be the almostsame amount of folks

serving today inAfghanistan, close to about

fifteen thousand.

- Well George, as youmentioned in your story,

the President is on aneight state campaign swing

over the next six days,what is his strategy

with all these stops?

- Well, I mean, it is inessence to make sure that

he has a firm hold onwhat happens next week,

as you mentioned, he has11 rallies between now

and next Tuesday.

He's in Columbia, Missouri tonight.

Huntington, West Virginia and Indianapolis

Indiana on Friday.

Saturday he is in Montana and Florida,

Sunday he has ralliesin Georgia and Tennessee

and finally, on Monday,he campaigns in Ohio,

Indiana and Missouri.

Mark, again, all theserallies are aimed at

showing up Republican support in key

House and Senate as wellas Governors' races.

Critical, critical, criticalweek for the Republicans

and the White House.

- Alright, George Thomas, our senior

international correspondent, thanks for

staying on top of it.- You're welcome.

- Alright, well comingup later this morning,

CBN News chief politicalcorrespondent David Brody

and Jenna Browder takeyou inside Air Force One

for a conversation with President Trump.

The President discussesillegal immigration,

the caravan of migrantsheaded for America's border

and gives his thoughtson the midterm elections.

Tune into the 700 Club at9AM to watch that interview.

Here's a look at now, someof the other major stories

we're following in theCBN news room today.

The suspect in thePittsburgh synagogue massacre

was indicted by a FederalGrand Jury Wednesday

and is facing the death penalty.

46 year old Robert Bowers was charged

in a 44 count indictment with murder,

hate crimes and other offenses.

Bowers killed 11 Jewishpeople and wounded six others

in the worst anti-Semiticattack in American history

The indictment came on the second day

of a week long series offunerals for the victims.

Hundreds of men protestedin Pakistan on Thursday

against the release ofChristian woman, Asia Bibi.

She was acquitted aftereight years on death row

for blasphemy for allegedlyassaulting Islam's

prophet Muhammad.

Her family says she plansto leave the country

as radical Islamist's heldrallies for a second day

against the verdict, blocking roads

and burning tires,protesters calling for her

to be publicly hanged.

Three hundred Christian leaders

gathered in Northwest Arkansas on Tuesday

at the National LeadershipSummit to map out

next year's National Day of Prayer.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd announced the theme

for next year's National Day of Prayer

and says it will callAmerican's to love one another.

The theme comes fromJohn chapter 13 verse 34,

when Jesus says, "love one another

"just as I have loved you."

The event will be held onThursday, May 2nd next year

and you can find these and other stories


And we'll.

Coming up on CBN newswatch, we'll have

more news coming your way, stay with us.

And welcome back.

In the battle for control of the Senate,

one of the hottest racesis now in West Virginia

where democratic senator Joe Manchin

faces a serious challenge by the states'

Republican Attorney General.

As Jennifer Wishonreports, if the incumbent

was any democrat other than Manchin,

the Republican wouldlikely win in a route.

- Over the past 20 years,the mountaineer state

has done a political summersault.

Flipping from deep blue to reliably red.

It's entire congressionaldelegation is Republican

except for its seniorsenator, democrat Joe Manchin

who's facing a challengefrom state Attorney General,

Patrick Morrisey.

He's West Virginia's first Republican AG

in nearly 80 years.

As a Senate candidate,he's taking full advantage

of enthusiasm for President Trump,

who won the state withnearly 70% of the vote.

- Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-coal, pro-Trump.

I'm Patrick Morrisey, and I'myour conservative fighter.

And in this new red state, he's painting

his opponent as out of touch.

- Liberal Joe's gotta go, amen brothers.

- [Jennifer] Manchin isplaying a trump card too.

Reminding voters thathe chooses West Virginia

over party, like his well-timed vote

to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.

- [Joe] I'm Joe Manchin,and I approve this message,

because for me, all roadslead to West Virginia.

- [Jennifer] And he's not letting the loss

of the NRA's endorsement to Morrisey

top him from showing offhis gun rights bonafides.

- Now the threat isPatrick Morrisey's lawsuit

to take away health care from people

with pre-existing conditions.

(gun explodes)

He is just dead wrong.

- [Jennifer] Pro-lifegroups are taking aim

at Manchin for hislukewarm support for life.

The Senate race coincideswith the Constitutional

Amendment that clarifies West Virginia

neither secures nor protectsthe right to abortion.

(plastic rattles)

Here at the Romney Diner, voters are quick

to share who they're supporting.

- Imma vote for Morrisey.

- For Gary Saville, it's simple.

He's happy with President Trump

and wants to send him a solid soldier.

- That's what I wanna see.

Somebody that'll support him.

- Quite frankly, Joe's the guy that

needs to be in Washington.

- Nicholson appreciatesManchin's willingness

to cross the aisle andvote with Republicans.

- Vote with your heart,not with your opponent.

You gotta go on your own gut belief

and you research and make a decision.

And yes more people needto go across the aisle.

There's no doubt about it.

- Bill McDonald supportedManchin in the past

but he's voting for Morrisey.

Look no further than President Obama's

energy policies, hesays, to understand why

so many West Virginianshave switched parties.

- We're proud.

And we will not allowpeople to take, close our

coal mines and to insedateus with opioids, okay?

To take away our livelihood

then they wanna continue doing that,

and they don't everwanna stop, nor give up

'cause of clean energy.

- [Jennifer] Morrisey tookObama's clean energy plan

to the Supreme Court, and won.

Donna Hoqq voted early, and for her,

the answer was easy.

- Manchin.

- [Jennifer] But shesays the real solution

to the problems here and the nation

don't require an election.

- We need to get back to God.

They took God out ofschools, kids went haywire.

And it's, we need that spiritual base.

The spiritual base is the only thing

that can fight the evilness.

- If Manchin wins, he'll remaina sought after swing vote.

If Morrisey pulls of avictory, it will be huge

for West Virginia Republicansand President Trump.

Reporting from the windymounts of West Virginia,

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

(upbeat music)- CBN news will have

special coverage on election night

from 8PM to 12Am Easterntime on November 6th

on the CBN News channel,make sure you tune in.

In other news, millions of Israelis vote

across the country this week.

One of the most talkedabout was in Jerusalem

where two-term mayor, Nir Barkat

stepped aside to join national politics.

CBN Middle East correspondent, Julie Stahl

takes a look at thepopular outgoing mayor.

- [Julie] During his 10years of leading Jerusalem,

Nir Barkat sought to turnIsrael's poorest city

into one rich in culture, tourism

and with a sustainable economy

- The city has a role to play.

It's the center of the world.

- [Julie] Some ninehundred thousand people

live in Jerusalem, about 64% are Jewish,

34% Muslim and 2% Christian.

In an interview with CBN's Scott Ross,

Barkat was adamant thatthe city not be divided.

- It cannot be divided,it will never function

as a divided city, it hasto be one physical city.

Enabling all to worshiptheir faith their way.

Respect each other, there's room for all.

I'm also a high-tech entrepreneur

venture capitalist, it will never work.

There is not one good example

of a city that was splitthat ever functioned.

Barkat took office in 2008 shortly before

former US President BarackObama entered the White House.

Obama's Administration pressured Israel

to stop building in Eastern Jerusalem,

an issue Barkat said theWest just doesn't understand.

- God forbid, if I would have listened

to the internationalcommunity and stop building

in the city of Jerusalem,meaning stop building

all the schools thatI just demonstrated we

would build 171 classroomsor the road infrastructure.

Or does anybody tell meas Mayor of Jerusalem

that if somebody wantsto build a piece of land,

I should ask him, wait a minute,

if you're Jewish, you're not allowed.

If you're Christian you're not allowed.

Only if Muslim you're allowed?

- [Julie] He also aimed toimprove quality of life gaps

between various sectors of society.

Such as building this girl'sschool in the Arab sector.

In the end, Barkat was able to welcome

the new US Embassy to Jerusalem

after President Trump recognized

the city as Israel's capital.

One of Barkat's philosophieswas to introduce

his city to the world visa vis non-spiritual events.

That's one reason he startedthe Jerusalem marathon

in 2010, which he ran part of each year.

In 2015, Barkat risked his own life

when he helped subdue a terrorist

after the stabbing of religious jew.

As seen on security cameras, the mayor

in the white shirt,and his security guard,

jumped out of the car andtackled the terrorist.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

Who told CBN News at the time,

Barkat displayed true bravery.

- I thought the mayorshowed exemplary courage.

- [Julie] Though Israel has not heard

the last of Barkat, it'sclear that with his exit,

a new era is beginning in Jerusalem.

Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Up next, painful news for retirees,

give up 50% of your pensionor risk losing it all.

We'll break it down, thefallout from the pension crisis

right after this.

Cities across America facean economic time bomb.

For decades, they've beenpromising Government workers

hefty retirement packagesbut in many cases,

law makers haven't putenough money in those funds

and now with baby boomersbeginning to retire

in big numbers, it's timefor cities to pay up.

Caitlin Burke brings us the story

of what that day of reckoning looks like.

- [Caitlin] Central Falls isRhode Island's smallest city

but it's made some big headlines.

In 2011, it became one of the first cities

in the US to file formunicipal bankruptcy.

After years of economic mismanagement,

the city of 19 thousand was broke.

When something like this happens,

cities face major cuts and sacrifices

to get back on track.

In the case of CentralFalls, the state brought in

retired State SupremeCourt Justice Bob Flanders

to help right the city's finances

and the sacrifice camefrom those expecting

retirement payouts.

- Bankruptcy is typicallycalled a community of pain

where all the creditorsshare in the hardship

and the pain caused bythe bankrupt entities

inability to pay its bills.

So here, because the stateprotected the bond holders,

the entire restructuring had to be borne

by both the retirees andthe active employees.

- It was in this auditorium back in 2011

that Judge Bob Flanders tolda room full of pension earners

that they had two options;

risk losing the entire pension promised

to them in retirement,or sacrifice 50% of it.

- I had to deliver that very difficult

and painful message topeople who had retired

relying on this, and so it was a horrible

thing to have to do.

- [Caitlin] A pension is a promise.

City employees likepolice and firefighters

work for a set number of years

at relatively low pay in exchange for

higher guaranteedbenefits once they retire.

- In the case of policeand fire in Central Falls,

they were being allowedto retire after 20 years

and so the average age of these retirees

was in their late 40s, 48 I believe

and so, they typically, stillhave many working years left

so they were able to obtain a pension

and go out and getanother job someplace else

and supplement their income for the rest

of their working lives.

- [Caitlin] Decadeswent by in Central Falls

with each administration talking about

better pensions and benefits.

Meanwhile, no money was coming in

to pay for those promises.

Pension debt remains almost invisible.

That is, until it's time for the city

to pay retiring workers.

- This is the poorest city in Rhode Island

and it hadn't seen anysignificant tax increases

for years despite everricher pension benefits.

So that ended up in a very bad situation

where they couldn't paytheir bills any longer.

- [Caitlin] Both active duty and retired

Central Falls workerstook an immediate hit.

- Didn't know if youwere gonna get a paycheck

every two weeks, so that first started

and on the same time you're responding to

dangerous calls and soyou're trying to separate

your personal and professional opinion

about what's going on, butyou still have to do your job.

- [Caitlin] While those on active duty

had time to work out a plan b,

retired police and firefighters

found themselves in a lurch.

- It dramatically affected them.

Two of the members that I know

they had to go intoforeclosure with their houses.

And that's, you know at 70 years old,

or in their 80s, where you counted on this

and you worked for this,and these are officers

that did about 25 or 30 years on the job,

it was hard to see andwe couldn't do anything

for them ourselves, even froma perspective of the Union

because we were all tryingto fight for something.

- [Caitlin] CBN Newsreached out to several

affected retirees.

Their response?

After years of fighting toget what they'd been promised

they feel worn down, defeatedand sick of talking about it.

Plus, they're tired of seeing their loss

used as a cautionary tale for other cities

that probably won't pay any heat.

- Putting your head in the sand about this

like an ostrich isn't goingto let the problem go away

or get any less severe andit's one that continues

to grow with each passing year.

So, while the overwhelming temptation

is to kick this can down the road

as long and as hard as you can,

so you don't have to deal with it

and you leave it for somebody else

in the hope that you won't be there

when everything explodes, that's obviously

not a very good way of solving problems.

- [Caitlin] In CentralFalls, Flanders recognized

pension benefits as thebiggest part of the problem.

As painful as it was, he faced them,

defusing the time bomb.

- In my judgment, it'sa very effective remedy

to deal with issues that,for whatever reason,

politically have beenunpalatable and unacceptable

to the elected officials, soto bring in somebody like me

from the outside that can have the power

to restructure, not worryingabout getting re-elected

or pleasing groups thathelped him get elected

or funded his or her campaign,

that is enormously helpful and ought to be

get the job done.

- [Caitlin] Other cities should take note

of Central Falls becausetheir retiring workers

will also expect to collect a pension.

According to one report, however,

more than half of the statesaren't prepared to pay

for the promises made to public employees.

Still, someone must pay the price

for this extremely brokensystem when the bill comes due.

The question is who.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News,Central Falls, Rhode Island.

- Thank you, Caitlin.

A lot of really importantinformation there

and a warning definitely tocities across the country.

We'll be right back with moreCBN Newswatch, stay with us.

Christian singer Lauren Daigle

is set to make her debuton the Jimmy Fallon show

next week, she announcedthe news on Instagram,

saying she would be onthe show November 7th.

Her post said, "I alwayssaid that if I ever made it

"on Fallon tonight, I would run and slide

"on his desk, that wouldbe my dream entrance.

"Who knows what could happen."

Last week she made her first appearance

on the Ellen show.

Daigle's recently releasedalbum, Look Up Child,

debuted at number threeon the Billboard 200.

The project continues to rank as one of

America's best selling albums.

I don't know about you, butI love that song You Say.

Well, you can find moreof our exclusive coverage

of the issues you caremost about at

and tell us what you thinkabout the stories you see here.

You can do that byemailing

or talk to us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us nexttime, have a great day.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us for the second

half hour of CBN newswatch.

I'm Mark Martin.

As hundreds of Salvadorianmigrants continue

their 1500 mile journey by foot

to the US border thisweek, President Trump

is vowing to deploy thousands of troops

to the US/Mexico border to stop them

and thousands of other migrants

from entering the United States.

This was the scene atFort Campbell, Kentucky

on Wednesday as troopsprepared for that deployment.

Video released by theDepartment of Defense

showed military equipmentbeing loaded onto

cargo planes for transport to Texas.

- As far as the caravan is concerned,

our military is out, wehave about five thousand,

eight, we'll go up to anywhere between

10 and 15 thousand military personnel

on top of Border Patrol,ICE and everybody else

at the border, nobody's coming in.

We're not allowing people to come in.

- Critics say the President's plan

to deploy thousands of troops

to the south west border is simply

a political stunt ahead of next week's

midterm elections.

Here's a look again at some of the other

major stories we're followingin the CBN Newsroom today.

The suspect in thePittsburgh synagogue massacre

was indicted by a FederalGrand Jury Wednesday

and is facing the death penalty.

46 year old Robert Bowers was charged

in a 44 count indictment with murder,

hate crimes and other offenses.

Bowers killed 11 Jewishpeople and wounded six others

in the worst anti-Semiticattack in American history.

The indictment came on the second day

of a week long series offunerals for the victims.

Hundreds of men protested in Pakistan

on Thursday against the release

of Christian woman Asia Bibi.

She was acquitted aftereight years on death row

allegedly for blasphemyfor, she was accused

of insulting Islam's prophet Muhammad.

Her family says she plansto leave the country

as radical Islamist's heldrallies for a second day

against the verdict, blocking roads

and burning tries in protest.

Protesters calling forher to be publicly hanged.

Three hundred Christian leaders

gathered in northwest Arkansas on Tuesday

at the National Leadership Summit

to map out next year'sNational Day of Prayer.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd announced that the theme

for next year's National Day of Prayer

will call Americans to love one another.

The theme comes from John,chapter 13, verse 34 when

Jesus says, "Love one another,

"just as I have loved you."

The event will be held onThursday, May 2nd 2019.

You can find these and otherstories at

A number of Christianleaders are coming together

Thursday evening to pray fornext week's midterm elections.

The special call to prayer will include

HUD Secretary Ben Carson,pastors Paula White

and Robert Jeffress aswell as Tony Perkins

of the Family Research Council.

Hundreds of other pastorsfrom across the country

will also be on the prayer line.

This call to prayer isa non-partisan event

that will focus on ournation and its leaders.

It is spearheaded by the director of

Strategic Partnerships at theRepublican National Committee.

The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders

and as we enter the final stretch

of the midterm election season,

Christians across the country are

making their voices heard in heaven.

But as CBN's Jenna Browder shows us,

they're praying for morethan just political leaders.

- [Jenna] Major moments.

- Today, we open the United States

embassy in Jerusalem, Israel.

- [Jenna] American history in the making.

- [Woman] God, that he would open his eyes

and his heart would bebound to your heart.

- [Jenna] And behind it all,a network of prayer warriors

interceding for leaders and country.

- So we're seeing a united prayer movement

that I've never seen.

- [Woman] The father we'dlose, President Trump.

- [Jenna] Meet Maureen Bravo.

On the front lineshelping lead the charge.

- I'm 71 now, I think I'm 28, but I'm 71.

But I think that this is atime where there's a unity

that I've never seenin the body of Christ.

- Maureen started a prayer call line

during the 2016 Presidential election.

She says people would call in from

all over the country to intercede

for God's will, but oncethe election was over,

the prayer line went silent.

- And I thought, how crazy am I?

I've dialed this code so many times

how could I have messed it up?

I got back on, there was nobody there.

And I sat down and I said,what's going on, God.

He said the election's over,everybody left the wall.

Get back on the wall.

- [Jenna] And that's exactly what she did.

- Our 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

was launched on the twodays after the election.

- [Jenna] Just like its name suggests,

the line runs 24 hoursa day, seven days a week

and is definitely strategic.

Volunteer facilitators start each hour

praying for President Trumpand his Administration.

From there they move on to specific topics

like the midterm elections.

- We've launched the call to the wall

to pray for the midterm elections

and we are having major ministries

across the United States openingtheir conference call lines

and hosting calls prayingfor those that are coming in.

- Our nation, our President, revival.

- Stephanie Martin isanother prayer warrior

on the wall.

Twice a week at 5:30 in the morning

she hops on the call to lead a group

of a about 15 in prayer.

- It is the most exciting, we all say

it's the best part of our week.

We can't wait to geton the phone and pray.

We just feel the power of God

and we know that we are making

a difference in our country.

- [Jenna] She says President Trump's

Supreme Court nominationsand his decision to move

the US Embassy in Israelare both answered prayers.

And they're hopeful forthe midterm elections too.

- You know, we just pray that anybody

who loves the Lord andwhose heart is to do

his will, we just pray for God

to get those votes out for him or her.

- Beyond November, Stephanie'sgroup is interceding

for revival in America.

Like others we've seen breakout throughout history.

- The scripture says to be persistent

and not grow weary in well doings.

So we're gonna keep asking,we're gonna keep praying.

We're gonna be relentless until we see

America, the heart andsoul of this nation,

healed and changed.

- [Jenna] Maureen wants to see that

for our country as well.

- A lot of people wanna say this person's

causing the problems in our nation

and somebody else is causing them

or it's a political party or a movement.

The problem with our nation is that the

church has been sleeping andwe are calling the church;

wake up, wake up.

And so when we start to dowhat we're supposed to do

everything else will fall into line.

I really believe that.

- [Jenna] As for the 24/7 prayer line,

she says she's not surewhere God takes it from here.

- And he just said get back on the wall.

It's like you're on a need to know basis.

What do you want us to do today?

And tomorrow will take care of itself

but right now we have acritical responsibility.

- [Jenna] That responsibility to pray for

Godly candidates to win in November.

- I, Brett M. Kavanaugh do solemnly swear.

- [Jenna] And for all ofthose already in office.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- And be sure to tunein to today's 700 Club.

Jenna Browder and CBN Newschief political correspondent

David Brody will join President Trump

on Air Force One foran exclusive interview.

CBN News will also have special coverage

on election night from8PM to 12Am Eastern time

on November 6th, besure to tune in to that.

Right now, though, we're going to check in

with George Thomas and Emily Jones

about what is happening to Christians

in other parts of the worldfor our Worldbeat segment.

- This week on World Beat;

a worldwide prayer movementfor the persecuted church.

- We bring you the plight of Christians

in Pakistan, North Korea and China.

And show you how to pray for them.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Hello everyone, welcome to Worldbeat

where we show you what'shappening in the world.

- And how you can pray about it.

Well this week, George, we're focusing on

the persecuted church around the world

and how you can effectively pray for them.

- That's right, every yearChristians around the globe

come together in solidarity with believers

who suffer for the cause of Christ.

The International Day of Prayerfor the Persecuted Church

takes place this Sunday on November 4th.

Take a look at this videoproduced by our friends

at Voice of the Martyrs.

(intense music)

- [Man] Hallelujah,hallelujah, hallelujah.

(speaks foreign language)

♪ Life goes on in endless song ♪

♪ Above Earth's lamentation ♪

♪ I hear the sweet though far-off hymn ♪

♪ That hails the new ♪

- [John] Today in Pakistan, we Christians

are second class citizens.

Though we have committed no crime,

we are ostracized and banished

to the lowest place in society.

♪ It sounds an echo in my soul ♪

♪ How can I keep from singing ♪

Often we are forced to leave our villages

and our own homes.

♪ The Lord, my Savior liveth ♪

We cannot get good jobs.

♪ though the darkness gather round ♪

And we have no voice in Government

♪ the night he giveth ♪

♪ No storm can shake ♪

What is left for us is sourtude.

♪ What to that refuge clinging. ♪

Sewage work.

♪ Since Christ is Lordof Heaven and Earth. ♪

And we know we will never advance.

♪ keep from singing. ♪

♪ I lift my eyes ♪

♪ the cloud grows thin ♪

♪ I see the blue above it ♪

♪ and day by day this pathway smooths ♪

♪ since first I learned to love it ♪

♪ The peace of Christmakes fresh my heart ♪

But, we have a church.

♪ fountain ever springing ♪

A place where Christians come to gather

to worship the lord Jesus Christ.

To sing his praise.

To study his word.

For while our countryhas turned its back on us

God has not.

♪ And to the rock ♪

Sometimes it is not easy.

♪ Christ is Lord ♪

The loss, the injustice.

So please remember to pray for us.

♪ Singing ♪

That we will continue tolive together in fellowship.

That we will continue to see

the joy of the Lord in our lives

and that we will persevere in our faith

no matter the cost.

And please remember weare praying for you.

- And joining us is ToddNettleton of Voice of the Martyrs.

Thanks for coming back on the show, Todd.

You know, there's not day, not a week

that goes by where we don't hear

reports of atrocities againstPakistan's Christians.

It's unbelievable what'shappening there, right?

- It really is and one of the things is

we hear some of thosestories, if a church is bombed

we hear that, we hear about Asia Bibi

in prison all theseyears, we don't hear about

the every day Christian who is oppressed

and persecuted simplyfor being a Christian.

They can't get a good job,they can't go to school.

They end up working in the sewer

or working in the home of a Muslim.

So that's the purposeof our video this year

is to put a face to theseof our brothers and sisters

that we don't hear about on the news.

- And what does this Day of Prayer mean

for persecuted Christians?

- Well this is the firstrequest of Persecuted Christians

when we go and meetwith them and say okay,

how can American Christians help you?

The first thing they ask if pray for them

and so this Sunday, theInternational Day of Prayer

for the Persecuted Churchis all about answering

their request and ourhope is every church,

every Christian will spendsome time this Sunday

specifically praying forour brothers and sisters

who are persecuted fordoing the same things

we'll be doing on Sunday;

gathering with otherbelievers, singing songs

of praise, studying the Bible.

We need to pray forthem because they suffer

for doing the same things we do freely.

- Terrific, Todd, and you guys at VOM are

continuing to put the spotlight on those

who suffer for theirfaith, as always my friend,

thank you for coming on the show.

- You're welcome, thanks for having me.

- [George] When we come back,the plight of Christians

in North Korea and China, and we'll show

you how to pray for them.

- Well the International Day of Prayer

for the Persecuted Church is happening

this Sunday on November4th and two countries

that need to be at thetop of your prayer list

are China and North Korea.

Well here to join us more for that

is senior Internationalcorrespondent Gary Lane.

Gary, let's start with China.- Sure.

- We've seen disturbing reports

of Bibles being burned andchurches being destroyed.

What's going on here?

- In Xinjiang province overthe last four or five years

we've seen as many as 2000 crosses removed

from churches in that province alone.

In addition to that, we've seen churches

shut down, closed, their signs removed.

Many churches' pastors have been arrested.

Also in addition to that, we're seeing

PSB, that's the Public SecurityBureau officials, police

come in and this justhappened last Sunday,

October 28th, as a churchin Xinjiang province

the pastor's name is Wan.

This is a house church,unregistered church

officials just came in, cleared out

all the furniture from the church,

shut the doors and said that's it,

you're not having services here anymore.

This is a regular occurrence.

Plus some are coming in to churches

and saying, you know,instead of these praise

and worship songs, why don'tyou sing patriotic songs?

Why don't you honor President Xi?

And do that instead of thisJesus that you worship.

- Songs for the Communist Party?

- Of course, it's comingfrom the Communist Party.

- Well, turning to NorthKorea, it's one of the

worst places to be a Christian on Earth

and it can cost you your life, correct?

- It ranks every year when Open Doors

does its annual ranking, North Korea

in many years has been number one.

And it because simply forbeing a Christian there,

if they find out about it,you'll be put in prison.

And in many cases, peoplehave died in prison.

Simply for being a Christian.

Right now, we believe there are at least

30 thousand Christians imprisoned there.

Maybe a minimum of 100 thousand Christians

nationwide that arebelievers in that country.

Could be as many as twoor three hundred thousand.

Nobody knows for sure, but they meet

in very small groups,maybe two, three, four

people at a time becausethey can't trust anyone.

You may be a government spy.

You may give my name away to authorities

that kind of thing, it's terrible.

- Well Gary, how should we be praying

for North Korea and China?

- Well, you know Emily,often when I've met

with persecuted believers, they don't say

pray that the persecution will end.

They say pray that wewill have stronger backs

to carry our crosses,so that we may endure

and persevere this persecution.

That's the first thing we need to pray.

Of course we don't wannasee them persecuted

but pray that they can endureand be stronger believers

and the church will grow as a result.

- [Emily] Thank you so much Gary Lane.

- Terrific and this is a show about

informing you about what'sgoing on around the world

but more importantly, a chance to pray

and we have got to pray,Emily, this weekend.

And so will you join ustoday wherever you are,

November 4th for theInternational Day of Prayer

for the PersecutedChurch as Gary mentioned.

China, North Korea, Pakistan,Iran, places of Iraq,

Syria, Afghanistan, SaudiArabia, all these places.

Nigeria, places where believers

are suffering for their faith,

something that you and I take for granted

many a times here in the West,

so will you join us rightnow as we go to prayer

for these believers.

Father, we thank you, Lordand in the midst of suffering

as my friend Gary mentioned, Lord

that in the midst of the suffering,

these believers theydon't say, they don't ask

for the persecution, forthe suffering to be released

but they ask that they would have

the strength, the boldness, to continue

uttering the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, we pray for North Korea.

We pray for the Christians in China

and Pakistan, in parts of India, Nigeria,

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Lord,

all of these places, Indonesia.

Lord, where people are truly suffering

for their faith, would you give them, Lord

the confidence and moreimportantly, the boldness

and the assurance that you are with them

every step of the way whenthey preach the gospel

and utter the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, we thank you for their testimony.

We thank you that your eyes are on them.

Our Lord, you will never leave them.

You will never forsake them, Father.

So be with them, be close to those

who are crushed in sprit,who are persecuted.

This week we pray in Jesus' name.

- And Lord, we just ask that this would

be a prayer movement thatreaches around the world.

That the ones who don'thave to face persecution

every day can stand in the gap

for their persecuted brothers and sisters.

Those who are facingdeath, those who are facing

discrimination, Lord, we just thank you

that Holy Spirit is lifting them up

and protecting them in Jesus' name.

- In Jesus' name.


Well folks, that is it for this week.

Thank you so much for joining us.

- Until next week,goodbye and God bless you.

Back to you.

- Thank you George and Emily.

I don't know about you,but my heart went out

to a lot of those Christians there.

All those Christians that were featured

in that segment there, back in a moment

with more of CBN Newswatch.

When a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck

Indonesia a few weeks ago,it triggered a tsunami.

Flattened homes, cracked open roads

and forced a young girlto run for her life.

- [Narrator] When theearthquake hit Indonesia,

Ifa was home making her rice cake.

- Trees and electric poles fell.

I listened to my papa.

He told me to run through the garden

because the road was cracking open.

- [Narrator] After the earthquake,people in Ifa's village

started getting water from a nearby canal.

It looks clean, but the water is polluted

and not fit for drinking.

In Indonesia, Operation Blessingis known as Obor Berkat.

We saw the need in Ifa's village

so we took them a truckload of water.

That's just one of manythings Operation Blessing

is doing here for earthquakeand tsunami victims.

- We're feeding people.

We have medical teams on the ground

attending patients everyday in the different camps.

We're also treating injuriescaused by waterborne disease

that is the most commonillness right now here.

We also brought some solar equipment,

solar lamps, because most of the camps

they have no electricityand the water equipment

that we brought to sanitizeand purify the water

is saving lives.

- [Narrator] In thisdevastated part of Indonesia,

Operation Blessing ishelping thousands of people

struggling in the aftermathof the earthquake and tsunami.

In Ifa's village, their mostimmediate need is water.

- Thank you OperationBlessing for bringing

fresh clean water.

- That's awesome.

Well you can find moreof our exclusive coverage

of the issues you careabout most at

and tell us what youthink about the stories

you've seen here byemailing

Have a great day.


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