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Strength Replaces Debilitating Infection

Linda suffered with a sinus infection for weeks until a prayer on TV healed her completely. Read Transcript

- In May 2018, I started experiencing

symptoms of sinus infectionand what I noticed

was congestion and pressure in my sinus

up here and down in here andhaving a stuffy nose at night.

Not being able to breathe freely at night,

which I usually am able to do that.

And then some of thesoreness here in my throat

and I just didn't feel good.

A sinus infection drainsyou so much of energy

and you feel just kind of like a ragdoll.

I used saline rinses andI tried to do the natural

way of handling sicknesses,so a lot of Vitamin C

and I was expecting it just to clear up.

After three weeks of dealingwith this sinus infection

it got a lot worse.

I was experiencing night sweats at times

but they were increasing.

By the fourth week, theywere happening every night.

I told my friend that betweenthis bad sinus infection

and the night sweats,it was wearing me out.

It was wearing me out.

At lunchtime, I made my lunch and sat down

at the kitchen table andturned on the 700 club

and it came to the point in the program

when Pat and Terry joinhands in faith and pray.

The Lord, you know, he's sopresent when they do that,

every time, and youknow, I've been watching

this program for years, Ithink it might have been

the very first thing Pat spoke of.

He said, there are manyof you or some of you

who you have an infectionand night sweats.

- There's somebody,you've got an infection,

you've got night sweats,it is just left you

terribly debilitated, rightnow God is healing you,

giving you strength andall of that viral infection

is going away and leaving your body.

- My mouth fell open.

Father, you have healing for me

and thank you, youknow, thank you, Father.

I just put my hands up in the air

and just, just worshiped.

Pat spoke almost word for word

what I had spoken tomy friend that morning.

It touched me deeply in my heart.

God's love and care for me.

Right away, I didn't have that sick

achy feeling when you havean infection in your head.

Well, that night I did nothave any night sweats at all.

I didn't swear at all andI woke up the next morning

my sinuses, they were completely clear.

I had energy.

I have the most wonderful grandchildren.

I love doing things with them.

Running, painting, doing crafts together.

I could do that like I wanted to.

You know what it is, it'sthe faithfulness of God.

He had compassion for me.

What I was going through with that.

And so he did something about it.

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