Synagogue Massacre Aftermath: Media Blame Trump as Midterms Muddied by Hate Speech and Fake News
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- Both the presidentand the vice president
have condemned the synagogue massacre,
but their critics say it's not enough.
- Our nation and the world are shocked
and stunned by the grief.
- It was an attack on innocent Americans
and it was an assault onour freedom of religion.
- [Heather] On Monday,media pundits and critics
pointed the finger at the president,
suggesting that hisrhetoric may have helped
to fuel the synagogue attack.
Some have even said the president
should not go to Pittsburgh.
- I'm just gonna pay my respects.
I'm also going to thehospital to see the officers
and some of the peoplethat were so badly hurt.
- [Heather] But Rabbi JeffreyMyers said the President
of the United States is always welcome
and he called on political leaders
to stop the divisive rhetoric.
- Stop the words of hate.
My mother always taught me,
if you don't have anythingnice to say, say nothing.
- [Heather] The presidentput out multiple tweets
blaming, what he called,the Fake News Media
for stirring up hatred.
And Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
pushed back against the idea
that the president is toblame for the violence.
- The very first thingthat the president did
was condemn the attacks,both in Pittsburgh
and in the pipe bombs.
The very first thing the media did
was blame the presidentand make him responsible
for these ridiculous acts.
- [Heather] Christian leadershave condemned the massacre.
Southern Baptist spokesmanRussell Moore said,
"An attack on the Jewish peopleis an attack on all of us."
Others are calling for repentance
and an end to inflammatory words.
- We as a nation need to repent.
We need to repent for theevil that we've allowed
into our nation.
We need to be asking Godto give us reconciliation.
- The only thing that candrive out darkness is light.
And we're called to bethe light of the world.
As Christians, through ourvote and through our testimony,
our public witness, we must,
must bring a messageof peace to this world
that desperately needs it.
- [Heather] A messagedemonstrated by Jewish doctors
and nurses who treatedthe suspect Robert Bowers
at the hospital.
On Monday, Bowers appearedin federal court calm
and quiet as he faced the death penalty.
Funerals began Tuesday in Pittsburgh
as two brothers are laid to rest.
Monday night, the statelit the capitol in blue
in honor of those who lost their lives.
Heather Sells, CBN News.