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Superbook - Episode 5 - The Ten Commandments - Full Episode

The full episode of The Ten Commandments. Read Transcript

(birds chirping)

(gentle music)

- Awesome, Joy, Gizmo wake up!

- Chris, it's barely sunrise.

- Right, which is when thepioneers woke up every day

to go clear thewilderness, fell the forest

and ford the streams!

- As a treat for our veryfirst Quantum family camp out,

I've created a most delectable,

freeze-dried breakfast imaginable!

- Great, Dad.

- Dear, could you come adjustthe tent's air conditioner?

- Coming Phoebe.

- Ah, I was looking forward

to roughing it in the great outdoors.

Hiking lost trails, swimmingin waterfalls, exploring caves.

Not camping with ACs andhaving atomic cookouts.

- Campsite 274G, welcome toPine Mountain State Park,

land of many pines.

And uh, a mountain.


I assume you kids know the rules

of safe Pine Mountain camping?

First off, no exploring caves.

- No caves?

- No caves, too dangerous.

And no swimming in waterfalls.

- No swimming!

- In waterfalls, too many rapids.

And no hiking--- No hiking!

- No hiking off the trails.

You stay on the marked trails and

and no one touches my megaphone.

Well look, here's a complete list.

And don't forget to havefun here at Pine Mountain.

- Rules, rules, rules.

So much for the freedomof the great outdoors.

(majestic music)

- Look, here is someexcellent firewood, Chris.

- Yeah great.

(intriguing music)

All right.

- [Joy] We'll have a greatcampfire with all this wood.

- Come on, this way guys.

I bet there's lots more wood off the,

I mean further down this path.

- [Gizmo] Wait for us Chris.

(mesmerizing music)

♪ While standing here ♪

♪ I know I'm not alone ♪

♪ A shining light that brings life to me ♪

♪ We look with wonderwhat mystery is this ♪

♪ What adventure can this be ♪

♪ A flash of light ♪

♪ And the journey begins ♪

♪ And then we'll travel through the ages ♪

♪ The veil is pulled away ♪

♪ The mystery's revealed ♪

♪ The Spirit lives within the pages ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ This is the story ♪

♪ This is how we see the light ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ Come turn the pages now ♪

♪ As Superbook takes flight ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ These are the stories ♪

♪ And the truth that we will find ♪

♪ Come travel back with us ♪

♪ To extraordinary times ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ This is the story ♪

♪ This is how we see the light ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ Come turn the pages now ♪

♪ As Superbook takes flight ♪

♪ Come travel back with us ♪

♪ Let's go with Superbook ♪

(rocks crashing)

- Ah, this can't be the right way Chris.

- Joy, look, a cave!

How cool is that?

- Chris, you heard the rules,we're not supposed to--

- Hey rules were madeto be broken, come on.

- [Joy] Chris, what if we get lost?

- Trust me, we won't get lost.

(suspenseful music)

- Chris!

- [Joy] Nice going Daniel Boone.

Now we're lost.

- We are not lost.

Giz, use your GPS to guideus back to the entrance.

I would love to, Chris,

but the cave walls areblocking all incoming

and outgoing signals.

I can still make popcorn though.

- Oh, I guess losing our way is all part

of the fun of breaking the rules, huh?

- [Joy And Gizmo] Superbook!

(triumphant music)

- This is the first time I'drather go, than stay behind.

(all yelling)

- [Superbook] I am taking you

to meet a people who lose their way.

Until they learn the rewardsof following the rules.

(all yelling)

- You know, just once I'd liketo land on a nice soft sofa.

- My geo sensors indicate,we are in the Sinai desert

and the time is the second millennium BC.

- [Man] What are we supposed to eat?

(crowd yelling)

- [Joy] Whoa, Pine MountainCampground without the pines!

- It has been more than twomonths since you brought us

from Egypt and all we havefound is hunger and thirst!

- Giz, do a face recognition scan.

See if you can identifyanybody in that group.

(Gizmo beeping)

- [Gizmo] My computer face match reveals,

the man in the middle is Moses,leader of the Israelites.

- [Man] But how can we survive?

- We have no food to feed our families.

- And no water to drink!

(crowd grumbling)

- Please, you must have faith.

Did God not provide us withquail when we were hungry last?

God has promised my brother Moses--

- We're better off as slaves.

At least the Egyptians fed us daily.

- Yes!

- He has not brought us out here to die.

Trust that the Lord will provide.

He has said, I will send breaddown from heaven like rain.

- Wow, I hope it doesn'train eggs, that could hurt.

- Moses!

Moses, look!

(Gizmo and Zechariah grunting)

- Is it snowing?

- Zechariah, what is all the noise?

- Parts of camp have beencovered with these flakes.

They must have rained downfrom heaven last night.

- [Crowd] What is it?

- Usually Gizmo tastes betterwith a little cream cheese.

- Oh, do not give them any ideas Joy.

- What is this stuff?

- It is called manna and itis just as the Lord promised.

Bread enough for all!

- [Crowd] Yes!

- [Man] Everyone eat, come take some.

- Zechariah, gather up this manna.

Then tell everyone in camp tocollect some for themselves.

But no more than they need for one day.

For the Lord has so ordained it.

- We'll help you.

(whimsical music)

- Amazing.

Which tribe is he from?

- Moses, why is it God speaks only to you?

- He is our God too, we want to see him.

- How can we trust

that you are telling him all of our needs?

The bread does not helpus if we die of thirst.

- Will you ever have faith?

(slow music)

Soon we will be at Mount Sinai.

There I will again ask for God's guidance.

- How can we be sure

that Moses even knowswhere he is taking us?

I think he's leading us in circles.

(crowd grumbling)

- [Crowd] Water.

- Boy, some people suredon't sound very grateful

for being freed from slavery.

- It has been difficult for everyone.

As slaves, we were alwaysbeing told how to live.

When to wake up, when to go to sleep,

what work to do and what we could eat.

Lots of rules.

- Yeah, don't you just hate that?

- But now that we're freewith no rules to guide us,

it is sometimes hard to know what to do

or even what's right and wrong.

- Hey, no rules sounds great to me.

- [God] Tell the children of Israel,

you saw what I did in Egypt

and you know how I brought you here to me.

Just as a mighty eagle carries its young.

Now if you will obey meand keep my covenant,

you will be my own special treasure

from among all the peoples on earth.

For all the earth belongs to me.

And you shall be to me

- [Moses And God] A kingdom

- Of priests and a holy nation.

Thus said the Lord.

Do you agree?

Will you keep our covenant?

Our agreement with God and know

that he will keep hisagreement with his people?

- We will do everythingthe Lord has commanded.

- Then prepare yourselves.

God has instructed me toconsecrate you this day.

And tomorrow, wash your clothes

and be ready on the third day.

For on the third day,

the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai,

in the sight of all his people!

(crowd cheering)

- This is totally amazing.

- Right, maybe God can tellme how I can get us out of

that cave when Superbook takesus back to Pine Mountain.

- Remember everyone, theLord has given us rules

for this holy day.

No one may go near themountain or touch it,

while he is upon it.

- Just no getting awayfrom this rules stuff.

(thunder rumbling)

(wind blowing)

(crowd yelling)

- What were those rules again?

Don't go near the mountainand no standing on the ground,

wait that's not it.

- [Child] What's happening?

(dramatic music)

- [God] I am the Lord your God.

The one who brought you out ofEgypt, where you were slaves.

Do not worship any God except me.

Do not make idols that looklike anything in the sky

or on earth or in theocean under the earth.

- Listen, the Lord isgiving us his commandments.

- Moses, if you speakto us, we will listen.

But do not let God speakto us or we will die!

- With the blood of this burnt offering,

I consecrate this altar,

which the Lord commanded me to build.

God has called me tothe top of the mountain

to receive his commandments.

Joshua will go with me.

Aaron, I leave you in charge.

(intense music)

- It's mine.- I say it's mine.

- Mine.- It's mine.

- At you.- Our family is hungry.

- 40 days with no word.

How do we even know Moses is coming back?

- I will not do my chores ever again!

(crowd yelling)

- We've been patient enough!

It seems God has forgotten all about us!

- I say we make our own god.

- One we can see and touch.

- [Crowd] Yeah!

- No, God said no carved images.

- He gave us rules.

- Rules were made to be broken.

(crowd cheering)

- Hey, rules were made to be broken.

Oh man, this is bad.

- All right, all right.

Gather your gold earrings and trinkets.

- [Crowd] Yeah!

- We've got to do something,

we've got to find Moses and tell him!

- We can't, God has forbidden us

from going up onto the mountain.

- Hey wait, we don't haveto go on the mountain.

We've got Gizmo!

- Who me, go up there?

I just remembered, I'mlate for my piano lessons

and I have to (gasps).

- No, you can find Moses from here, Giz

with your super telescopic,

infrared smoke filteringlaser vision eyesight.

Come on.

(Gizmo beeping)

- [Zechariah] How is he doing this?

- [Gizmo] Nothing there, rocks there,

more rocks, rock, rock,

rock, Moses, rock.

- Gizmo!

- [Gizmo] Moses, I found him! (laughs)

Look, he's alive!

(fire roaring)

- [God] I am the Lord your God.

The one who brought you out ofEgypt where you were slaves.

Do not worship any god except me.

Do not make idols that looklike anything in the sky

or on earth or in theocean under the earth.

You must not misuse thename of the Lord your God.

The Lord will not let you go unpunished

if you misuse his name.

Remember to observe theSabbath day by keeping it holy.

You have six days eachweek for your ordinary work

but the seventh day isa Sabbath day of rest.

Honor your father and mother.

Then you will live a long, full life,

in the land the Lordyour God is giving you.

Do not murder.

(lively music)

Be faithful in marriage.

Do not steal.

Do not tell lies about others.

Do not desire to possess anything

that belongs to another person.

Not a house, a wife, a husband, a slave,

an ox, a donkey or anything else.

Quick, go down the mountain.

Your people who you broughtfrom the land of Egypt,

have corrupted themselves.

Now leave me alone so my fierceanger can blaze against them

and I will destroy them.

Then I will make youMoses into a great nation.

- With no rules, they've forgotten

what's right and what's wrong.

(crowd cheering)

- [Moses] Idolaters!

- [Crowd] Moses!

- [Man] He's alive!

- Aaron, what have they done!

I pleaded with him notto destroy his people

but now look what youhave done to yourselves.

(thunder rumbling)

(Moses yelling)

(crowd yelling)

Now, whoever is on theLord's side, come to me.

(epic music)

- Joy, I'll be back in a minute.

Aaron, are you all right?

- My weakness as a leaderallowed so many to be led astray.

Last night, as I stood at the altar,

I asked God's forgiveness.

- And he will forgive you, right.

- Chris, if there is onething of which I am certain,

it is that God is good to us,even in our weakest moments,

his love never fails.

- It is true that these peopleare sinful and rebellious

but forgive our sin andlet us be your people.

(wind whistling)

- [God] Behold, I make acovenant to perform miracles

for you that have neverbeen seen anywhere on earth.

Neighboring nations will stand in fear

and know that I was the onewho did these marvelous things.

But you must do what I command you today.

- The Lord God has forgiven his people.

Now O Israel, listen to thestatutes of the judgements,

which I teach you to observe.

That you may live and goin and possess the land,

which the Lord God of yourfathers is giving you.

The Lord has told us, itis now time to leave Sinai

and to journey to theland of milk and honey!

(crowd cheering)

- Chris, we're going back.

But you never got to ask Godfor directions out of the cave.

- (sighs) Guys, I'mreally sorry about this.

I disobeyed the rulesand I, well I also, well,

kinda switched the trail sign around

to take us off the main path.

- Why would you do that Chris?

- I was tired of havingto follow all those rules.

But I guess the park'srules are here to protect us

and when we ignore them, welleverything kinda breaks down.

- [Professor] I'm gladyou realize that son.

- Dad, Mom you found us!

- Thanks to Ranger Granger here.

- Ah, it was nothing really.

Just used the basic rules of tracking.

Which I followed to the letter.

- And it didn't hurt thatGizmo was leaking oil,

when you guys left the trail.

- Cool.

- Cool, there is nothing cool about it.

Tell them Professor!

Without the proper hydraulic oils,

my system will overheatleading to the likelihood

of malfunction and--

- Relax, Giz, I meant cool,

now we can follow your oil trail back out.

- Right, follow me, I willget all of you out of here,

checking my strategicallyplaced personal oil slick.

That is why they call me slick.

I'm slick with the tricksto get you out of this fix.

Doo, doo, ba da bah.

(all groaning)

- Oh Gizmo.

- I am the ranger that fights danger

and my name is Granger.

I live in a tent and don't pay rent.

(laughs) That's clever.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, 'kay Isound more like a monkey.

♪ Jesus you died upon a cross ♪

♪ And rose again ♪

♪ To save the lost ♪

♪ Forgive me now of all my sin ♪

♪ Come be my Savior ♪

♪ Lord and friend ♪

♪ Change my life ♪♪ Change my life ♪

♪ And make it new ♪

♪ And help me Lord ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ Change my life ♪♪ Change my life ♪

♪ And make it new ♪

♪ And help me Lord ♪♪ Help me Lord ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ To live for you, to live for you ♪

♪ To live for you, to live for you ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ Jesus you died upon a cross ♪

♪ And rose again ♪

♪ To save the lost ♪

♪ Forgive me now ♪

♪ Of all my sin ♪

♪ Come be my Savior ♪

♪ Lord and friend ♪

♪ Change my life ♪♪ Change my life ♪

♪ And make it new ♪

♪ And help me Lord ♪♪ Help me ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ Change my life ♪♪ Change my life ♪

♪ And make it new ♪

♪ And help me Lord ♪♪ Help me Lord ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ To live for you, to live for you ♪

♪ To live for you, to live for you ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ Change my life and make it new ♪

♪ Help me Lord to live for you ♪

♪ Change my life ♪♪ Change my life ♪

♪ And make it new ♪

♪ Won't you make it new ♪

♪ And help me Lord ♪♪ Help me Lord ♪

♪ To live ♪

♪ To live for you ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

(joyful music)



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