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Faith Nation: October 16, 2018

Faith Nation: October 16, 2018 Read Transcript

(light music)

- Pressure mounts onSaudi Arabia as the world

looks for answers into thedisappearance of a journalist.

Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.

- And I'm John Jessup.

The President taking to Twitter today,

saying the Crowned Prince denies

knowing what took place inside

the Saudi Consulate in Turkey.

- [Jenna] Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

is in Saudi Arabia meeting with officials

as tensions rise over what happened

to journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

- CBN's National SecurityCorrespondent Erik Rosales

joins us, Erik, the US andSaudi Arabia are allies,

so how is this affecting thesituation between the two?

- Well I tell you what guys,

this is a very complicated issue.

While it's important tosend a strong message

that the killing of a journalist is wrong,

Saudi Arabia is a strongally to the United States.

Plus Saudi's location givesthe US strategic advantages

in combating the threat of ISIS.

Middle East experts saywith the Secretary of State

on the ground, strongdiscussions in private

could lead to negotiations to

bring those responsible forward.

Secretary of State MikePompeo arrived in Saudi Arabia

over night on a mission to get answers.

- I thank you for hosting me.

- [Erik] Pompeo met withSaudi Royalty hoping

to find out what happened to

Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Khashoggi was last seenentering the Saudi Consulate

to get paperwork forhis marriage weeks ago.

- We're gonna try getting tothe bottom of it very soon.

- [Erik] President Trump said he spoke

with the Saudi King on Monday.

- The King firmly deniedany knowledge of it.

He didn't really know,maybe, I don't want to

get into his mind butit sounded to me like

maybe these could've been rogue killers.

Who knows.

- [Erik] Turkishauthorities reportedly claim

they have tapes proving thereporter was interrogated,

tortured, and then murdered.

Flight records obtainedby ABC News show two

private planes from Saudi Arabia arriving

in Istanbul and departing the same day.

Turkish officials allegethey carried a 15 man

Saudi hit squad, whilePro-Saudi media claims

they were simply tourists.

While Pompeo looks foranswers, Congress is

gearing up to take action of it's own.

- He had this guy murdered in a Consulate

in Turkey and to expect me to ignore it,

I feel used and abused.

I'm gonna do, I'm gonna sanction

the hell out of Saudi Arabia.

- [Erik] But Middle Eastexperts say the United States

next move must not damagethe close partnership

with the Saudi's.

- Certainly the Russians and the Chinese

would like to takeadvantage of any kind of

conflict between Washington and then Riad,

the Saudi capital.

And so I think that certainly

this is a delicate situation.

- [Erik] Nile Gardiner withthe Heritage Foundation

says Iran, a regionalrival of Saudi Arabia

comes into play as well.

He says Iran would bethe prime beneficiary

if the Saudi's were to losetheir defensive US umbrella.

- The United States issupporting Saudi Arabia

in it's military effortsagainst Iranian backed

Hugi rebels inside Yemen.

So it's a very complex picture.

- Gardiner and othersbelieve that the Trump

administration may likely bring limited

economic sanctions, onlyagainst those responsible

for the suspected murder.

Similar to what happened inTurkey's Justice Minister

in the detainment ofPastor Andrew Brunson.

Erik Rosales, CBN News.

- Erik.

Well, Claire Lopez with theCenter for Security Policy

joins us now for more, Clairethanks for being here with us.

- Thanks for having me.

- With reports from Turkeysaying Khashoggi's body

was cut up into piecesafter he was tortured

and treated so badly, why should the US

trust these Saudi leaderswhen they say they don't

know what happened to him?

- Well I think it's verydifficult to use the word

trust with the Saudi'son this particular issue.

Number one, we have to remember that

whatever Jamal Khashoggiformer ties were to

the Muslim brotherhoodand previous to that

even, earlier in his careerwith Osama Bin Laden.

He was a US person, hewas a permanent resident.

We have the right, andPresident Trump and also

Secretary of State Pompeohave the obligation

to hold to account those who it looks like

are responsible for hisdisappearance at a minimum,

and probably murder.

While it may be that KingSolomon himself is not

aware of what happened,there is not much likelihood

that the Crowned PrinceMuhammad Bin Salmad

is unaware of what happened.

- Claire, as you just mentionedthe Saudi Crowned Prince

did speak with both SecretaryPompeo and the President today

promising a full investigation.

Do you think that that's likely to happen?

- I think that we the United States

need to insist that it happen.

We need to insist that those responsible

be held to account, evenif that means the Saudi

Crowned Prince, butthen, all of that said,

we do need keep in mind that the bilateral

relationship between the United States

and the Saudi's is an important one.

No, they're not our allies.

But they are partnersin the regional issues

that are very close toUS National Security

including countering the Iranian regime of

their nuclear weapons program.

And remember all of thebases, the facilities we have

in the region, rememberthe critical water waste.

Strait of Hormuse, Bab-el-Mandeb, these

are important issues onwhich the Saudi's are

partners with the UnitedStates, not allies.

Partners for these issues, but that said,

we must demand full accountability.

This was a US person, not todemand that accountability.

And then to demand a price,to demand that punishment

that President Trump mentionedwill be extremely important

for our own credibility and for

the respect of the UnitedStates to stand up for it's own

persons as a permanent resident is.

- Claire Lopez, Vice Presidentfor research and analysis

for the Center for SecurityPolicy, thank you so much

for joining us.

- Thank you.- Well, the US military

says it has conductedit's deadliest airstrike

against the extremist groupAl Shabob in nearly a year.

About 60 Al Shabob fighters were

killed in the attack in Somalia.

The US military has carried out more than

two dozen airstrikes againstthe Al Keida linked group.

Al Shabob is the deadliestIslamic extremist group

in Sub Saharan America.

- A CBN Senior internationalreporter George Thomas,

has been to Somalia andcovered this battle against

Al Shabob, George, whatis Al Shabob's goal here?

- In essence they want toturn the nation of Somalia

into an Islamic state.

They have waged a fiercebattle for close to about

10 years to try andoverthrow the secular imposed

government in Mogadishuand they wanted to turn

it into an Islamic country.

That is ruled not by secularismbut by Islamic Sharia law.

- The Trump administration,what's it doing George,

to tackle these terrorgroups and their activities?

- When the administration came into office

and shortly thereafter,they upped the anti

against Al Shabob in 2017.

They launched dozens of airstrikes against the group

this year, more thantwo dozen have already

been launched from variousneighboring countries

against the terror group.

Clearly they're trying to send a signal

to Al Shabob that they knowwhere they're activities

are taking place, and theyknow that they are aggressively

recruiting amongstdisenfranchised African youth

who are primarily, in asense, they are exasperated

by what's going on onthe African continent.

- Boko Haram, of course, theother deadly terror group

on the African continent hasgotten most of the attention

really in recent years, howdoes it stack up to Al Shabob?

- You're absolutely right, Jenna.

Boko Haram continues to,whether it's in Nigeria parts

of Niger, and the sub SaharanAfrica, they do continue

to gain the spotlight andcapture the spotlight.

But Al Shabob, lets be veryclear, they are a serious threat

across the African continents,specifically for the

nation of Kenya, a nation Ihave traveled to extensively

documenting Al Shabob's atrocities there.

They continue to try to also

overthrow the Kenyan government.

- They've been particularlycruel toward Christians,

talk about that George.

- Yeah, just a couple of daysago, two Christian teachers

in the northeastern partof Nigeria were killed

by Boko Haram extremists.

They have targeted Christianschools, Christian villages,

cities that the border theSomali, Kenya territory,

again another area that I'vetraveled to extensively.

But look, what we havehere is there's a large

swathe of the Africancontinent, many African

continents that really are lawless places.

And so these terror groupslike Al Shabob, Al Keida,

Boko Haram, they go into these countries,

into these areas that islawless, they have no police

presence, no military presence.

And they use these places for training.

And then on top of that,they use modern technology

to be able to go online and to recruit.

And to give the sense to the Muslim world,

to Muslims across the African continent

that you're religion is under attack

by principally the West,principally the United States.

And they paint Americaas a Christian nation

that's attacking the Muslim community,

the Muslim Oma, and soyou've got this combination

of lawlessness, and theInternet, and it's a perfect

recipe for recruitment,funding, and training

for future terror attacks.

- George, we appreciateyou reporting on this.

There's really no one better when it comes

to this, George Thomas, thank you.

- You're welcome, thanks.- Well Jenna,

just three weeks to gobefore the first midterm

elections since PresidentTrump won the White House.

The question many are stilltrying to figure out is

who will walk away withcontrol of Congress?

One senate race CBN Newshas had a close eye on

is in Texas, Senator TedCruz is facing challenger

Beto O'Rourke, tonight the two will

hold their last debate ahead of the vote,

our Capital Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson

is in San Antonio for that debate.

Look for the coverage on CBNNews as the week continues.

- Well with just 21 daysto go, many candidates

like Cruz and O'Rourke aremaking their final appeal

to voters, the trickypart really is remembering

what works in one state or election,

really may not work in another.

- That's right Jenna, DavidBrody, and Amber Strong

bring us that story from Washington.

- [narrator] Politicians theysay one thing and do another.

Barry Moore isn't a politician,he's Alabama's most--

- [David] Well Republicansrunning in this falls

midterm elections, therewill be one Shakespearean

query that they're gonnahave to answer when it comes

to running in the age of Trump.

To embrace or not to embrace,that is the question.

So far, mixed results, inSouth Carolina Republican

Mark Sanford challenged thePresident on numerous issues.

And he lost in his primary race.

- It may have cost meelection in this case,

but I stand by everyone of those decisions

to disagree with the President--

- [David] Sanford is a solid conservative,

but with Trump as Presidentyou defy him at your peril.

- We're in a strangepeople, I mean, it's almost

it's becoming a cultish thing isn't it?

- [David] Then again,embracing Trump too much can

cost you as well, a Republicancandidate for governor

in Georgia went all in on immigration.

Even campaigning in thestate in what he called his

Deportation Bus tour.

- We're not just gonna trackthem, watch them roam around

our state, we're gonnaput them on this bus

and send them home.

- [David] He lost big time.

So what's the right mixwhere you incorporate

Trump like boldness.

- You are fake dudes.

- With conservative principles.

The truth is, nobodyknows the right answer.

A lot is gonna depend onthe district the candidate

is running in, and a lot's gonnadepend on President Trump's

Twitter feed, that couldcause too many headaches

for candidates to bear.

And speaking of headaches,the democrats have their

share of pain inducingmoments coming up in

these midterms as well.

With more on that, mycolleague, Amber Strong, Amber?

- When it comes to the democratic party,

flickers of 2016 as the battlebetween the establishment

and the progressives continue.

- We are writing the nextchapter of Georgia's future.

Where no one is unseen, no one unheard,

and no one is uninspired.

- [Amber] From state racesto congressional primaries,

we've seen candidatesroll the dice by moving

from the middle and winning bigwith a progressive platform.

- I've waited tables.

- [Amber] Case in point,democratic socialist

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sheousted veteran congressman

Joe Crowli in New York's 14th district.

- Oh my god.

- [Amber] Cortez told CBN News her success

was less about the socialist label,

and more about appealingto the working class.

- Working class issues thateven I think republican

voters want as well.

My goal is to make surethat every working family

is covered with dignified healthcare.

Dignified and affordable healthcare,

that every child canhave access to a college

or trade school educationif they choose it.

That no family feels like they're instable

in their housing or their homebecause it's too expensive.

Those are my goals.

- [Amber] Some questionwhether that same message

can work on a nationallevel, or even statewide.

Regardless, former DNCChairwoman Donna Brazile

tells CBN News, democrats need to learn

from their losses in 2016.

- We have to talk aboutissues that resonates

with the American people,whether it's kitchen table

issues, jobs, how do werebuild our infrastructure.

The American peoplewant to hear solutions,

they don't want to heargratuitous attacks.

- All important thingsto remember for a big tip

party searching for a unified message.

Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.

- Well Jonathan Merrittwrites about the intersection

of culture and politics, Jonathan, clearly

we're still three weeksaway from midterm elections.

That evangelical vote hasalways been somewhat up

for grabs, voters overwhelminglyvoted for President

Trump in 2016, four years beforeRomney, they voted for him,

but Trump won by a greater margin.

How are things shapingup this time around?

- Well you know you havethis fracturing among

the evangelical vote and thereare a lot of evangelicals

even conservative ones,who oppose this President

either wholesale or ona range of issues that

they feel like don't reflect their views

and their values.

However, if you look at hissupport, it's still quite

strong up into the 70's percentage wise.

And it's going to bea question of turnout.

Is it's going to be a question of whether

evangelicals are reallyexcited about Donald Trump

or whether they're holdingtheir nose and supporting them.

And so I think we'll havea lot of conversations

after this midterm electionto see how many people

actually turned out tosupport the republican party.

- Absolutely, you writeabout, in the New York Times,

you have this piece inthere, where you talk to

the Barda group, andthe study you conducted,

I found it so interesting.

70% of American'sidentify as Christian, yet

3/4 of American's do not have

spiritual or religious conversations,

I guess my question for you is

is this talk of God, whydo you think we see this?

There's such a disparity there?

- Well there is, there's thismassive crisis happening.

And a lot of people aren'tnoticing it which is

that there are an increasinglylarge portion of American's

who don't feel confident or comfortable

having conversations about faith.

Only 7% of American's saythey have a spiritual or

religious conversation on a regular basis.

And if you look at practicing Christian's,

that is Christian's whogo to church regularly,

that number is only 13%.

Only one in eightpracticing Christian's say

they have a spiritual orreligious conversation

on a regular basis, and when you ask them

why not, why aren't theyhaving these conversations,

you get a range of answers.

The number one answer ispeople say these days,

religious and spiritual conversations

seem to create tension or arguments.

Of course, we're comingup on Thanksgiving,

so a lot of people willknow the pain of that.

Sitting across thetable from Uncle Phillip

shaking a drumstick atthem arguing about faith.

And then you have a lotof people who just say,

I've been hurt by these words,or another really popular

answer, about 13% I think of those people

who say they don't havethese conversations

is that these wordshave become politicized.

That they look out at the landscape today

and they see pastorstalking like politicians

and politicians talking like pastors,

and it all gets jumbled up in a way

that makes them uncomfortablehaving conversations

about faith.- Jonathan, a quick

follow up to that question,for those who do feel

uncomfortable you writelater in that opinion piece

that that really causesa little bit of a deficit

when it comes to God talkif they don't speak up

because the other voicesare like a megaphone.

- Yeah, that's right,so a lot of people say

I don't like the waythat people are talking

about faith, or aboutreligion in popular culture.

Or in politics, et cetera.

And as a result that they stop what I say,

what I call speaking God,they stop speaking God.

But what's interestingis when we don't want to

contribute to thisproblem, we end up actually

making it worse becausewhen we stop speaking God,

all the people who are causing the problem

they get to hog themicrophone if you will.

And so all of thosedemographics who are speaking

about God in ways we mightthink are inappropriate

or unhelpful or unbiblical,they then get the platform

all to themselves and theyget to shape what being

a Christian, what beinga God follower looks like

in 21st century America.

Well because the rest ofus, the descenting voices

have stopped having, being apart of these conversations.

- Jonathan, interestingly,in today's America

we have President Trumpwho has church leaders

literally waiting in theWest wing, but yet he might

not be the example that those same people

would point to as a beacon whenit comes to moral authority,

so how does that playout with what you observe

in your piece?

- You know, I think thereare a lot of people now

particularly Christians in America who,

they're logic has sort of shifted.

And it doesn't mean thattheir new logic is wrong,

its just interesting.

If you look back at the Bill Clinton era,

the mid to late 90'swhen a lot of Christians

were sort of rallyingthe troops if you will

under the banner of thephrase Character Counts.

And they believe that the personal life

of a person really mattered when it came

to running for higher offices

like the President of the United States.

That has shifted, so now you're hearing

conversations among evangelicalswhere they say things

like we're not electingthe pope, or we're electing

the commander in chief,not the pastor in chief.

And so for them, it mattersnot how the President

has conducted himself in this marriage,

or in previous marriages,in various alleged affairs

or financial dealings,they really want to know

what kind of a justiceswill you appoint to

the Supreme Court.

Will you protect religiousliberty in the United States,

and the rights of Conservative Christians

who believe as they want to believe.

Who speak as they want to speak,

to run their businesses how they want to.

And whatever his personal lifeis, it doesn't really matter.

And it is akin to the argumentsthat you heard liberals

making in the late 1990's.

Now the question is, iswhether the first logic

was flawed, or current logic is flawed.

And that sort of is for your

viewers to decide for themselves.

- All right JonathanMerritt, wonderful piece.

We encourage everybody to check it out,

It's Getting Harder To Talk About God.

Well thank you so much for joining us.

- My pleasure as always.

- [Jenna] Well the stock marketended on a high note today.

The DOW Jones industrial averagewas up nearly 547 points.

And we will be right back.

- Welcome back the vicePresident got his first look

at the storm damage fromHurricane Michael during a visit

to southwest Georgia today.

- Let me say, to all thefarmers gathered here today

in the wake of HurricaneMichael, we are with you.

And we will stay with you until we rebuild

and recover better than ever before.

- [John] While on the ground,Pence and the second lady

Karen Pence, met local farmers to discuss

the impact of the hurricaneto their crops and businesses,

and the recovery effortsthroughout the state.

- Well a number of thosekilled in the storm

is now up to 19, butofficials fear that number

may still be rising.

Meanwhile, those who arefled are returning to find

what's left of their homes.

- As Caitlyn Burke reports,churches weren't spared

by the storm, but manyare looking beyond their

own needs to serve the community.

- [Caitlyn] Residents whofled Florida's panhandle

ahead of Hurricane Michaelare beginning to make

their way back home to seeif there is any home left.

- It's pretty devastating.

Like everybody we know lost their house.

Everybody, and their jobs.

- It's a devastation, likea bomb just went off here.

- [Caitlyn] In Panama City Beach Florida,

churches are ready tohelp, even though they

weren't spared destruction.

Destiny Worship Center lostthe side of it's kids building.

But that's not stopping themfrom serving their community.

The church is helpingto collect and deliver

basic necessities to those in need.

- What really we'rebeginning to communicate

to take supplies here on the beach level.

And bring them over into Panama City,

and Springfield, andCalloway where the churches

over there were reallydestroyed, major damage.

And allow them to be collection points

to take the supplies thatpeople are giving us,

and distribute to the people in need.

- Just down the road, Lighthouse

church took a more direct hit.

The eye wall of HurricaneMichael came right through

this area and you cansee the type of damage

that that can do.

But the folks here atLighthouse church say

this is not gonna stopthem from being the hands

and feet of Jesus.

Lighthouse church welcomedall who could make

it to worship with them on Sunday.

- I think we all knowthat's just the building.

That's just the building,we can build a building.

But we want to make sure ourcommunity is taken care of.

We want to make sure ourmembers are taken care of,

we have teams out right now.

We have seven teams running right now,

with chainsaws and front end loaders and

we're moving trees andmaking sure that everybody's

accounted for and thatthey can get out and

they get the aid that they need.

- [Caitlyn] Pastor Colesays that by meeting

the basic needs of his community,

he's able to pursue them for Christ.

- I can tell you I love you all day long,

or I can show you that I love you.

So our neighbors, if they'vewondered if we love them

they're about to find outfor sure when they see

one of these Dream Team t-shirts on.

- [Caitlyn] We also found MercyChefs in Panama City Beach.

This ministry can serveup to 18000 meals a day to

victims, volunteers, and first responders.

- We'll be able to standup three separate locations

around Florida and Georgia as needed.

But from those sites we send food out

to different distribution points.

- [Caitlyn] As devastated as this area is,

God can be found, not in the destruction,

but in the response.

Caitlyn Burke, CBN News,Panama City Beach Florida.

- And to find out how youcan help Operation Blessing,

head to

- Welcome back, well Jenna,we're only in middle of October,

and just one week nowafter hurricane Michael

hit the southeast, and insome parts of the country

winter is already here.

- Some of the pictures,just incredible, Montana,

Wyoming, and South Dakota sawas much as six to 12 inches

of snow this week.

Wichita Kansas saw the earliestsnow in the state's history

and parts of the country arefeeling cold temperatures

a lot earlier than usual.

Denver had a record lowfor this time of year,

John, just 18 degrees.

That's pretty cold forDenver, I'm from Colorado,

that's cold this time of year.

- Brr, that's all I can say.

- Yeah one word.

- Well that's gonna do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Have a great evening.

(light music)


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