- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.
- Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch.
I'm Mark Martin.
Today, Hurricane Michael has become
even stronger than many expected.
Now, it's a huge category four storm
and nearly 400 thousandpeople have already evacuated
before it comes ashoreearly this afternoon.
Plus, the Christian bakerwhose gay wedding cake case
went to the Supreme Court isinvolved in another dispute
with a Colorado Civil Rights Commission.
We're gonna bring you an update on that.
And a new archeological find in Israel
shows us the link between the name
of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago and today.
We'll have those storiesand more today on Newswatch.
We begin now with Hurricane Michael.
The monster storm is taking direct aim
at the Florida panhandle.
Forecasters warn it couldbecome one of the worst
in that region's history with a
dangerous storm surge of up to 12 feet.
States of emergency have been declared
in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia.
Florida Governor Rick Scottwarned residents to evacuate.
- Remember, we can rebuild your house.
We cannot rebuild your life.
Think about your kids, your grandkids,
all your family members,take care of them.
Take this seriously andkeep your family safe.
- With us now by Skype is WeatherBELL
Chief Forecaster, JoeBastardi, welcome Joe.
- Well, I hate coming onduring these bad situations.
Maybe somehow, someday, I'llbe on when the weather's nice
because the weather'snice most of the time.
I wanted to say something, Mark.
My company, and againfolks, sorry if this sounds
sort of pompous, but we'vebeen forecasting from last week
that we had a big hurricanethreat coming into the Gulf.
And we actually had aforecast of a category,
storm category three,category four storm hitting
from Sunday night iswhat we made the forecast
for that for our clients.
Of course, what I triedto do is distribute it
to media outlets and unfortunately,
what happens in storms like this is,
nobody pays attention, wellI'm not gonna say nobody,
but people don't pay attentionuntil it's on top of them.
I don't want you to thinkthis is anything mysterious
about this, this was a textbook case
for why a storm shouldbecome very, very strong,
and you could only warn thepeople who are listening
and I hope these peopleare gettin' outta the way.
This is the worst storm
to ever strike the Florida panhandle.
Hands down.
It's gonna beat Opal, gonnablow away Dennis from 2005,
and it's one of only ahandful of storms in the past
30 years that's hittingas intense as it has been.
In other words, you saw Florencedid not hit at its peak.
Most of the hurricanesin the last 30 years
haven't been hitting on its peak.
Harvey did last year, Charlie did in 2004.
So, this is because ofthe overall pattern.
Believe it or not, down the road,
there's linkage to a badwinter with October hurricanes.
So, this is a fascinating situation
as far as how all this is going.
Now, let me say, thisis going to get inland
between noon and 3:00,still be a hurricane
up to around midnight tonight,
be a strong tropical stormcoming rapidly northeastern
through the Carolinas, emergingabout five, six o'clock
in the morning on Fridaybetween Virginia Beach
and Cape Hatteras and what'sgonna happen in tide water is,
as this storm gets close to the water,
you will get a very strong north wind,
gusts to 60, 70 miles an hourwill develop out of the north
and you'll see that happenin the morning on Friday.
A problem in the Carolinas,this is the kinda storm
that's gonna knock downsome trees and power lines
in areas that they've just put it back up.
But there's gonna be a swathof three to six locally,
12 inch rains in theareas that Florence hit.
Those rivers aren'tback in their banks yet
in a lot of cases, so that's gonna
re-aggravate flood problems in there.
So, there's no question aboutthe magnitude of this storm.
I can't overstate, no matter what I say,
it's as big or bigger than anything
I'm trying to portray here.
- How unusual is this?
I mean, you talked aboutit a little bit for a storm
to hit the coast of the U.S. at its peak?
- Well, in the 30's, 40's,and 50's it wasn't unusual
at all, they all were doing that,
which is why those years are legendary.
But I do think that there is a linkage
between the warmth of the globe and again,
I believe it's all naturaland the lack of that
type of activity because ifyou have lower than average
surface pressures across theUnited States and in Canada,
actually disrupts some ofthe processes in the tropics,
but look, this was well telegraphed.
I know everybody doesn't geton our site at weatherBELL.com,
but I mean I was on with people,
I may have said it here on CBN.
The last day I did Florence I said
I'll probably see ya again in October
because you can see this pattern coming.
What we have, folks, inAlberto, Gordon and Florence,
we had something in commonfrom years in the past.
We call it the Newfoundland Wheel.
Big high pressure system overthe northeast United States
steers hurricanes into the United States.
The old timers, and I'm sortagettin' to be an old timer,
they taught me aboutthat so a certain pattern
was setting up and youcould see it setting up
and even if the modelsdon't have the storm,
the storm will show up.
It's sort of one of these things,
if you build it, they will come.
So I've been puttin' this out,
tryin' to get this out in public,
tryin' to show people'cause I think people
need to be educated as to the why
before the what, notthe why after the what.
Everybody wakes up when the storm shows up
and says, "Ah, where did this come from?
"How did this happen?"
But it's all there before,at least the hints at it,
and you've gotta look at the signals.
- Alright, Joe Bastardi of WeatherBell,
thanks so much for yourtime and your insights, Joe.
- Oh, thank you for having me and again,
I like to show up, I'mwaitin' on a sunny day.
I'd like to show up for that, too.
I'll probably see ya tomorrow morning
'cause it's still gonna be rampaging.
So, I'll see ya then.
- Okay, thank you Joe, thanksfor keepin' on top of it.
- Alright, God bless.
- You too.
Well here's a look now at someof the other major stories
we're following in the CBN newsroom today.
Newly appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh
took the bench with his new Supreme Court
colleagues for the first time Tuesday.
Despite the divided courtwith five conservatives and
four liberals, the justiceshave a tradition of civility.
Kavanaugh telling reporters
he will always be a team player.
Kavanaugh also saying he's proud
all four of his newly-hiredlaw clerks are women,
a first in the historyof the Supreme Court.
The Congressional Leadership Fund
is looking for more money for campaigns
to help stop a Democratictakeover of the House.
Reuters reports a memo released Tuesday
stated the committee has already spent
90 million dollars on key House races,
but that wasn't enough.
The memo warns donors thatDemocrats have outspent
Republicans by 50 million dollars.
The memo did also show that voter approval
of President Trump has risen by 5%
across 20 critical House districts
following the Kavanaugh controversy.
After a four year legal battle,
Christian bakers in Northern Ireland
won their Supreme Court case.
Owners of Ashers Baking Company
came under fire for refusing an order
for a cake from a gay rights activist.
The court held up a ruling Wednesday
that Ashers acted lawfully and did not
discriminate against anyone.
Judges held it was the message the bakery
objected to, not the customer.
And you can find out more about these
and other important stories on CBNnews.com
President Trump sayshe's narrowed his list
of possible replacements for Nikki Haley
down to five people.
Haley, Trump's ambassadorto the United Nations,
announced her resignation Tuesday.
The President says he plans to announce
his decision on her replacementin two to three weeks.
I spoke with our SeniorInternational Correspondent
regarding reaction from the UN
and the international community.
- Well, of course they're all very upset.
They saw this as a surprise,they didn't know it was coming.
I've been following a numberof the tweets and so forth.
I wanna share one with you.
This is from Human RightsWatch, Hillel Neuer.
They keep a close eye on Israel
and what is happeningat the UN with Israel.
They were very goodfriends with Nikki Haley.
This is what Hillel said, he said,
"I had to learn that AmbassadorNikki Haley is resigning.
"Facing an assembly ofdictatorships and their apologists,
"history will record thatshe stood up to her faith,
"fairness and humanrights, and that she did so
"with courage, eloquence and grace.
"I will miss her."
So many of the diplomatswill miss Nikki Haley, Mark.
And they're very sad to see her go.
Publicly, they may not say that,
privately, they admired her.
- Definitely a woman of courage.
Can you break it down forus about her accomplishments
in the approximately twoyears that she served
for the U.S. as ambassadorincluding her record
on religious and defendingpersecuted believers worldwide?
- Well, of course itwasn't just Christians
that she defended, she came to the defense
of the Rohingya refugees, the worst
humanitarian crisis in the world today.
They are from Myanmar, they were forced
because of violence against them
to go and become refugeesin neighboring Bangladesh.
She spoke out forcefully on their behalf.
Also for religiousfreedom around the world,
but I think, Mark, whatshe'll be most remembered for
is her commitment to the state of Israel,
how she defended Israel when Israel
repeatedly came under fire at the UN.
Also, when she said,"Look, we have a right
"to put our embassywhere we wanna put it."
At the time that theU.S. moved the embassy
from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
- Yes, she was definitely astaunch defender of Israel.
- Oh of course, and she always has been.
- Okay, what else can youtell us about Nikki Haley?
I mean we talked a littlebit about possible plans.
What is your gut feeling?
What do you think's gonna be happening
with her in the future?
- Oh, Nikki Haley isn't done yet.
Look, she's young, she'sonly in her mid 40's.
Look for her to possibly become
a presidential candidate in 2024
once Donald Trump is done running
for re-election and so forth, Mark.
But I've gotta say one thing.
Some people are saying the timing of this
is interesting given that the President
met with Rod Rosenstein onAir Force One last night
and then, bam, the nextmorning Nikki Haley resigns.
Was she the one, the author, of that
op-ed piece in the New York Times?
The anonymous op-ed piece from a senior
administration official that was critical
of the President and his judgements.
- Anything else that you can tell us
about her faith in office?
- Well, look, she was veryprivate about her faith.
She received a lot ofcriticism when she was governor
and running for governor of South Carolina
because she was raised a Sikh Hindu.
Her parents, of course, from India,
she's from Indian heritage,
but she converted toChristianity years ago
and she and her husband bothare practicing Methodists.
They worship regularly in church.
- Alright, Gary, thanksso much for your insights.
- Certainly.
- As always.
Inflation continues to sink the
Venezuelan economy in a death spiral.
Consumer prices rose nearly
500 thousand percent in the past year.
Monthly inflation rose another 10%
from August to September.
The International MonetaryFund predicts prices
could rise one million percent this year.
The inflationary surgeis happening as a broader
economic meltdown isdestroying Venezuela's economy
under the government'sradical socialist policies.
Coming up, a court battle between
the Colorado Civil Rights Commission
and Christian baker Jack Phillips
over a gay wedding cake went all the way
to the Supreme Court earlier this year
with Phillips winning a narrow victory.
Now Phillips is involved in another battle
with that commission, thistime over a transgender cake.
We're gonna have thatstory when we come back.
Welcome back.
The Colorado Civil Rights Commission
has come under the spotlight most recently
by the Supreme Court, which ruled in June
that it showed, quote,"Clear and impermissible
"hostility toward Coloradobaker Jack Phillips."
The high court ruled narrowlyin favor of Phillips.
He argued that he did not discriminate
when he refused to bake a gay wedding cake
after the commission said he did.
Now Phillips is tangling withthe commission yet again.
It says he discriminatedagainst a customer
who wanted him to bake a transgender cake.
That cake was ordered tocelebrate a gender transition.
Here's our interview on this story.
And Jenna Ellis with theDr. Dobson Family Policy
Institute is with us to talkmore about what is happening
with Phillips and with theColorado Civil Rights Commission.
Welcome, Jenna, thanks for joining us.
- Thank you so much for having me.
- Jack Phillips has beenin the news again recently
for what seems to be the exact same issue
that we thought the SupremeCourt decided last June.
What's going on?
- Yeah, so the SupremeCourt, as you mentioned,
did decide this very narrowly and
it was really that the seven justices
talked about the Civil Rights Commission
being overtly hostile to the baker.
What a lot of the evangelical community
said about that particular case
was that, well, now theCivil Rights Commission
just won't be as open and overtly hostile
but they'll still reallybe fundamentally saying,
"Jack Phillips, youhave to bake the cake."
So what happened in this case is that
another individual, who'sactually an attorney
in Colorado, walked into his shop
the very same day that the Supreme Court
granted a hearing of the initial case
and asked for that transgender cake
to have a pink frostingwith a blue interior
to celebrate a gender transition.
Phillips again politely declined,
saying that that went againsthis sincerely held beliefs
and now the same ColoradoCivil Rights Commission
going against the Supreme Court case
has found probable cause to say, yes,
you are guilty of violating Colorado's
Anti-Discrimination Act.
So Jack Phillips is finding himself
in the exact same position because this is
an overtly hostile commissionto religious liberty.
- What is the ColoradoCivil Rights Commission
and how come this caseisn't in an actual court?
- And that's a great question because
what people need to realizeis going on in Colorado
is that the ColoradoCivil Rights Commission
is not a court of law.
This is not where you have a judge
and a jury and actual due process.
This is a regulatoryagency that falls under
the Colorado law there
that they are a commission that is just
appointed by the Governor.
These are commissioners that don't have to
even be attorneys and what they're doing
is making findings of fact and
conclusions of law outside of due process.
And so Phillips can't optout of this commission.
He doesn't have the right to a jury.
He doesn't have the right to anything
but what these commissionersare going to find against him.
What's interesting is that the only
thing that they have to do to be appointed
as a commissioner, is to be part of
a traditionally discriminated class.
But there's no requirement for diversity.
Meaning that a majorityof the commissioners
can affiliate with a sexual orientation
to get on to that commission which
is what's happening in Colorado.
So you basically have amodern day stir chamber
that is very pro LGBT agenda
and they're very anti sincerely held
religious beliefs and free exercise.
And so what's happening in Colorado
is that we have this alternative
method of dispute resolution that
doesn't present an opportunityfor due process in court.
- Jenna, for the faith-based community
who have supported Jackthroughout this entire process,
what would you encourage families
to do to get involved or to help?
- Well we definitely need to speak out
and for those in Colorado, specifically,
like myself and the JamesDobson Family Institute,
we need to make sure that our legislators
are very aware of this and will hopefully
put legislation to cure this problem
with the Civil Rights Commission
under the Departmentof Regulatory Agencies.
That's the location Icouldn't recall before.
We also, as a communityand as a nation-wide
faith-based community, and even everyone
who understands what theFirst Amendment is all about,
that it's protecting andpreserving everyone's
opportunity for free exerciseof religion and free speech.
We need to make sure thatour voices are heard.
We need to be speakingout, engaging on this issue
and also talk to AllianceDefending Freedom,
support that ministry.
They're taking very goodcare of Jack Phillips
and making sure to protectthese fundamental freedoms
in court and you can also learn more
at TheDobsonFamilyInstitute.comand the work
that we're doing in the Policy Center.
Make sure to pray, engageand vote in November.
- Alright, Jenna, thanks so much.
We appreciate your insights.
- Thank you.
- Still ahead, a new archeologicaldiscovery from Israel.
From the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago,
involving the history of thename of the city of Jerusalem.
(upbeat piano music)
Thanks for staying with us.
Israeli archeologists haveuncovered a unique link
between the Jerusalem of2,000 years ago and today.
It comes in the form ofthe oldest inscription
ever found of the modern Hebrew spelling
and pronunciation of Jerusalem.
CBN Middle East Correspondent
Julie Stahl brings us that story.
- Archeologists uncovered this pillar
during an excavation near the entrance
to present-day Jerusalem last winter.
The column is here in the Israel
Museum's Second Temple Gallery.
It's the newest treasure in the
exhibit from the time of Jesus.
The inscription reads (speaks Hebrew)
Hananiah, the son ofDudalos, from Jerusalem.
- Jerusalem, surprisingly for us,
is inscribed the sameway we write it today
and the same way we pronounce it today.
(speaks Hebrew)
And it's the first timewe have an inscription
of this sort from 2,000 years ago
from the times of theSecond Temple period.
- [Julie] Senior CuratorDudi Mevorach says
the name (speaks Hebrew)exists on coins from the great
Jewish revolt againstthe Romans in 70 A.D.
Those coins had a political agenda
while this inscription does not.
- And here, there is no agenda,
it's just an artisanfrom a potter's village
stating his name, his father's name
and stating that he isnot from the village
but originally he comes from the big city,
from (speaks Hebrew), Jerusalem.
- This site was a pottery workshop
that they started to develop at the end
of the second century before Christ
and continued to the secondcentury after Christ.
- [Julie] During theexcavations, workers exposed
the foundations of a Roman structure.
One of the supports was thepillar the Romans had reused.
It bore an Aramaicinscription in Hebrew letters,
typical of the time of Herod the Great.
- The column with the inscription,
it wasn't clean but they could recognize
some letters and I sawthat it's in Hebrew.
- [Julie] Archeologist Denit Levy of the
Israel Antiquities Authorityoversaw the excavation.
- I was really excited,my heart went so fast
and I think all the people thatwas around me could hear it.
- [Julie] The site isabout four and a half miles
from the old city, which would have been
Jerusalem at that time.
- So we now know, in a very simple manner,
that (speaks Hebrew), Jerusalem
was called (speaksHebrew) at the same time.
Which we didn't know before.
It's just another piece of a mosaic
of how we portray the past.
- [Julie] Julie Stahl, CBN news,(speaks Hebrew), Jerusalem.
- Fascinating, well coming up,
a famous Christian singer goes to prison
to minister to those inside its walls
and bring hope to thosewho live with hopelessness.
We'll have that story for you next.
Lauren Daigle is one ofthe most popular artists
in contemporary Christian music right now.
Her amazing voice with songs like
You Say draw listeners of all ages.
She says her visit toStateville Correction Prison
last Friday was, in her words,
a day more than I can articulate.
She posted this video about
the visit on her Facebook page.
(gospel singing)
She went to lead worship and said
she saw hope in the face of the hopeless,
joy in the wake ofsorrow, wealth in the gap
of depravity, and lifein the midst of death.
Take a look.
♪ How can it be ♪
Daigle says, "The inmates'voices carried deeper
"into our hearts than the echo
"of a microphone will ever release."
Wow, that's wonderful to see.
You can find more ofour exclusive coverage
of the issues you careabout most at CBNNews.com
and tell us what youthink about the stories
you've seen here, and you can do that
by emailing NewsWatch@CBN.com
or check us out on social media.
I hope you'll join us next time.
Have a great day.
- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.
- Thanks for joining us for CBN Newswatch.
I'm Mark Martin.
We begin with Hurricane Michael.
The storm strengthenedovernight to a category four.
The monster storm is taking direct aim
at the Florida Panhandle.
Forecasters warn it could become
one of the worst inthe Panhandle's history
with a dangerous stormsurge of up to 12 feet.
States of emergency have been declared
in Florida, Alabama and Georgia.
Florida Governor Rick Scottwarned residents to evacuate.
- Remember, we can rebuild your house.
We cannot rebuild your life.
Think about your kids, your grandkids,
all your family members,take care of them.
Take this seriously andkeep your family safe.
- Michael is likely toweaken as it moves across
the southeastern United States,
but its heavy rains andflooding are expected.
Here's AccuWeather's forecast for
the impact of Hurricane Michael.
- Very dangerous categoryfour hurricane Michael
churning swiftly to the north.
We're gonna be lookingat impact this afternoon
near Panama City Beach, if not just
a tick points off toward the east.
Movement here north ataround 13 miles per hour,
so it's trucking along.
Pressures have been very low, and again,
even though the eye hasbeen wobbling a little bit,
the overall motion is about 360 degrees.
We expect that to tiltmore north, northeasterly
as the morning wears into the afternoon.
Tornado watch out wherewe could be talking about
isolated tornadoes through this evening
throughout the Big Bend of Florida
into southwestern Georgia.
Again, quick spin ups here
are going to be a high likelihood.
One of the most dangerous components
of a land-falling tropical system,
in addition to fresh waterflooding, is the storm surge.
Into the east of landfall iswhere we have onshore flow.
Of course the orientationof the Big Bend here,
very susceptible to veryhigh storm surge values.
Potentially 10 feet from Apalachicola,
points off to the east, and again,
we're taking about landfall this afternoon
near Panama City Beach.
Gusts up to 160 miles per hour.
Movement here still keeps us
in the hurricane into early tonight.
That's gonna be well north of the 10
and we're talking about widespread
trees down, power lines down, but again,
making landfall mid afternoonas a category four hurricane.
Tropical storm warnings all the way out
toward Wilmington, expecting, again,
widespread tree damage hereas the winds could still be
gusting 60-80 miles per hour east of Macon
as we venture into late tonight
and also into early Thursday.
The highest winds, Panama City Beach,
points off to the east where some areas
could be gusting, again, close to 160
and 40-60 mile per hour winds here
all the way into portions of Virginia.
Flash flood watch iscovering a large swath
and keep in mind, stillsaturated over the Carolinas.
There is the potential for two to four,
if not four to eight inches of rain there,
heaviest closer to landfall.
- Nikki Haley is resigning as U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations.
Haley has championed America First
during her time at the UN, speaking out
on North Korea, Russia and Iran.
At the same time, she's takena strong stand for Israel.
She says her Christian faithis the reason for her support.
Haley Initially told President Trump
of her plans to resignabout six months ago.
They met in the Oval Officeafter her surprise announcement.
The President says he will name
a successor in the next two weeks.
He's narrowed his list of possible
replacements down to five people.
Here's a look now at some of the other
major stories we're followingin the CBN newsroom today.
Newly appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh
took the bench with his newSupreme Court colleagues
for the first time Tuesday.
Despite the divided court with five
conservatives and four liberals,
the justices have a tradition of civility.
Kavanaugh tells reporters hewill always be a team player.
Kavanaugh also saying he's proud
all four of his newly-hiredlaw clerks are women,
a first in the historyof the Supreme Court.
The Congressional Leadership Fund
is looking for more money for campaigns
to help stop a Democratictake-over of the House.
Reuters reports a memo released Tuesday
stated the committee has already
spent 90 million dollarson key House races
but that wasn't enough.
The memo warns donors that Democrats
have outspent Republicansby 50 million dollars.
The memo did also show that voter
approval of President Trump has risen
by 5% across 20 critical House districts
following the Kavanaugh controversy.
After a four year legal battle,
Christian bakers in Northern Ireland
won their Supreme Court case.
Owners of Ashers Baking Company
came under fire for refusing an order
for a cake from a gay rights activist.
The court held up a ruling Wednesday
that Ashers acted lawfully and did
not discriminate against anyone.
Judges held it was the message the bakery
objected to, not the customer.
You can find out more about these
and other important stories on CBNNews.com
More than 120 missingchildren were found safe
during a one day humantrafficking sting in Michigan.
Operation My Safe Kid was conducted
by the U.S. Marshals Service,Michigan State Police
and several other agenciesin late September.
The sting was a missing juvenile sweep
to identify and recovermissing children from the area
with the emphasis on locatingvictims of sex trafficking.
Out of 301 files of missing children,
123 were identified and recovered
safely during the operation.
Coming up, it's thestory the media ignored
and called toocontroversial for Hollywood.
Hear the shocking truth behind America's
most prolific serial killer next.
It should have been front page news,
but the media largelyignored the 2013 murder trial
of Pennsylvania abortiondoctor Kermit Gosnell.
Now a movie about Gosnell's case
highlighting the tragic abuses and
hidden crimes within the abortion industry
hits theaters this week.
Charlene Aaron traveled to Hollywood
to bring you this story.
- Alright, listen up, we are looking for
anything that looks likedrugs or paraphernalia.
- [Charlene] Audienceswill finally get to see
and hear details of atrue life horror story
in Gosnell: The Trial ofAmerica's Biggest Serial Killer.
- I don't know, I never beenin an abortion clinic before.
- Starring Dean Cain as a detective,
the PG-13 film exploresthe shocking crimes
and trial of Philadelphiaabortionist Kermit Gosnell,
sentenced to life for killing thousands
of babies across three decades.
As far back as the 70s,the sign on Gosnell's
West Philadelphia clinic read,"Women's Medical Society."
Then, in 2010, whileinvestigating an illegal
prescription drugoperation, federal agents
discovered what theycalled a house of horrors.
Three years later, a jury found Gosnell
guilty of murderingthree babies born alive.
According to the Grand Jury report,
Gosnell killed them by severing
their spinal cords with scissors.
Investigators alsodiscovered refrigerators
full of aborted fetuses in his offices.
The case went largely uncovered
by politicians and the mainstream media.
You'd think a case about a medical doctor
killing babies born alivewould be a big news story,
but what was also shocking about the
trial of Kermit Gosnell was how
little media attention it received.
I was in the court room for CBN news
covering the trial, just one of handful
of journalists in that court room
and that really becamepart of the storyline
which is why it was described as
one of the most importantstories never told.
- We at the Media Research Center,
we actually tracked thisand we found it took 56 days
before all three broadcastnetworks covered his story,
so those are news showsby ABC, NBC and CBS.
So yes, there was absolutely a blackout
and it's hard to know why exactly
because abortion is a huge issue
that Americans are concerned about
and this shouldn't justbe an issue for, say,
people who are againstabortion or for abortion.
It's a human rights issue.
These were atrocities that were
happening in this abortion clinic.
- [Charlene] Producers Ann McElhinney
and Phelim McAleer saythey were on a mission
to expose the truth about Gosnell.
They told CBN NewsHollywood rejected the film
because of its subject matter.
- At every moment of this process,
there's been challenges, even from
the very beginning when we started the
crowd-funding campaignand we went to Kickstarter
where we had raised money before,
for a different film, for FrackNation,
and suddenly we go to Kickstarter,
we tell them our whole campaign
and sudden they're basically censoring us.
They said, "Oh, you can'tmention babies murdered,
"you can't mentionbabies stabbed to death."
And it's like, well howdo we tell the story?
Why are we raising moneyfor a film about a thing?
We have to describe it, so it wasn't that.
It wasn't that, they didn't want
to have anything to do with us.
- Actor Kevin Sorbo and his wife Sam
supported the movie by urging people
to donate to the fundraising campaign.
Sorbo recently tweeting, "We raised over
"$2 million for the making of this film.
"Hope you all support to seethe truth behind this case."
Gosnell: The Trial ofAmerica's Biggest Serial Killer
is set to release to over 600 theaters
nationwide October 12th.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- And Charlene recently spoke with one
of the movie's producers who talked
about the film's powerful message.
- And joining us now is Ann McElhinney,
one of the film's producers, welcome Ann.
- Good, it's good to be here,
thanks so much for having us on.
- So hey, first of all,you guys wrote a book
about Kermit Gosnell and nowthe movie comes out on Friday.
Why a movie?
- You know, because nothing really gets to
a large population ofpeople more than a movie.
A lot of people don't read books,
they don't read the newspaper, but
people really like watching movies.
And people also, in America,particularly like watching
crime movies and this isessentially is a crime movie.
It's like a Law and Order episode.
It's like a courtroom drama,but this really happened.
This is a true story andthere's so many aspects
of it that should alarm people, not just
what Kermit Gosnelldid, but all the people
who enabled him to do itand all the people who
then covered it up once it came to light.
The media are very, verybadly implicated here
but so are multiple,multiple people in hospitals
in Philadelphia, inmultiple government offices
in Pennsylvania who failed to do anything.
Two women died in the clinic.
Semika Shaw was a youngAfrican American mother
who died in 2000 and that did not inspire
the Department of Healthto cross the threshold
and investigate what had happened to her.
You know, it is incrediblehow protected abortion is.
A woman dies and they don't investigate,
and you know she died andbecause they didn't investigate,
a number of years laterKarnamaya Mongar died,
a Bhutanese refugee in theCity of Brotherly Love.
And in a sanctuary city.
- Let me ask you this really quickly.
I understand you guyshad a lot of challenges
making this film as faras getting funding for it.
What are some of theother things that happened
as you were filming that you ran into?
- You know, and it's interesting
just listening to your earlier report.
We have an extraordinary stories.
One of the actresses, in fact, who played
a part in the film, who played a part
of a woman actually whohad changed her mind
and decided not to get abortion.
She came to me during the filming
and said, "This is my own story."
She had read the script,her name was Tessya Whatley,
and her testimonyactually is on YouTube now
and she said she read thescript and she, herself,
had been having an abortion,was ready for an abortion
in Houston, Texas and the nurse came in
and put her earphones in her ears
and said, "Why don't you listento your baby's heartbeat,
"I'm just gonna go and do something,
"but I'm gonna come back."
And of course she laythere and listened to her
baby's heartbeat and she puther clothes on and went out
and her testimony is unbelievable.
She says he's now five years old.
At night she watches him breathe
and she can't believe that she was
going to destroy someone so precious.
- Ann, let me also saythat I understand that
NPR has banned radio ads for the film
as well as somethinghappening with Google?
- Yes, yeah.
- Tell us about that.
I mean we've had a lotof opposition, as I said,
with the Kickstarterthing, then we had NPR
refusing to run our ads,like refusing to run the ads.
They wouldn't allow us call Kermit Gosnell
an abortion doctor,even though in all their
news stories about Kermit Gosnell
they called him an abortion doctor.
And now we have Facebook.
Facebook have rejected ad upon ad upon ad
that we have put up and you cannot
believe how benign those ads are.
One of them has just Dean Cain
sitting there with Tucker Carlson.
They rejected that, they rejected that ad.
So there has been demonicforces in some ways,
I have to say, constantlytrying to stop us.
- And Ann, you compare how the media
ignored the Gosnell case with how
Democrats have treated Brett Kavanaugh.
Talk about that.
- Yes, well I mean, you know.
What we have witnessed as a country,
what humanity has had to witness
with the way that thisman has been treated,
with these ridiculous allegations,
with uncorroborated allegations,
with repeated investigations.
I don't know what thatman would have had to do
to have proved himselfworthy to Democrats.
But you know, in theend, I think you and I
know very well, this was never about-
It's not even about immigration,
it's not about border wall, it's not
about anything but about abortion.
This is all aboutabortion and those shrieks
from the gallery willhaunt people, you know?
That people were so, Idon't know, possessed?
That they were out of control, hysterical.
At the notion that thisman would be confirmed
and I see a huge parallelhere between what has happened
to us and what happened to him.
People expected there to be opposition,
but nothing like whathappened to that man.
And I think it'll take the country
a long time to recover, butno one's going to forget.
I think he said he'd forgive people,
but I think no one's gonna forget
what was at the center of this
and that's why people shouldcome out to the theaters
on Friday and support us, just the way
that they supported Kavanaugh.
- Absolutely, and finally, Ann,
what do you hope people,as they're walking away
or driving away from thetheater after seeing this
on Friday, what do you hopethey take away from it?
What do you hope they're talking about?
- Do you know the one thing that I think
is really important about this film is?
And it's unlike any otherfilm that's ever been made
and I don't even think an AbbyJohnson's film they have it.
We have testimony froma good abortion doctor
and we used exactly thewords that were used
in the trial transcriptsdescribing an abortion
and I don't think that'sbeen done in a movie before.
And the testimony cannot be questioned
because the person giving the testimony
thinks that what they're doing is right.
And I think people need that education.
People in Ireland votedin favor of abortion.
I don't think they knewwhat they were voting for.
- Ann McElhinney, thankyou so much for your time.
Make sure you go out and youwatch this film on Friday.
Thank you so much.
- An important film.
Well still ahead, a working mom goes
from fat to fit in her 40s.
Hear her inspiring story and see
her amazing results right after this.
Thanks for staying with us.
A Christian author says she lost more than
125 pounds by using a simple kitchen tool.
Brittany Williams, the authorof Instant Loss Cookbook
was a busy wife and mom whoonce weighed 260 pounds,
but she decided to make a change
and grabbed her unused Instant Pot
pressure cooker to make healthy meals.
She lost 46 pounds in three months
and in a year's time she shed 125 pounds.
She is now sharing her secrets
to her incredible weight loss in her book,
and she says losing weight does not
have to steal your joy.
If you're an adult whohas been over weight
all your life, you mightthink losing weight
and getting fit after 40 is impossible.
Not so, says the woman in our
next story who shed 100 pounds.
Lorie Johnson talked with herto find out how she did it.
- [Lorie] Over the hill, no way.
Martha Vancamp looks and feels better now,
in her 40s, than ever before.
She lost 100 pounds.
This size 20 dress usedto be tight on her.
Now, she's a size two.
- I always felt likethere was this fit body
stuck in this fat girl's exterior.
- [Lorie] This marketing executive
who's also a wife and mother,
battled her weight since childhood.
- I remember wearing asize 12 in middle school
and not really beingable to shop in the shops
that other girls my age were shopping in.
My junior year of collegeI literally looked like
a balloon that was ready to be popped.
I was so over weight.
- [Lorie] After endless failed attempts
to lose weight, she gave up, until.
- Hit the 250, hit the age of 40,
never exercised, realizedsomething had to change.
- And change she did.
After doing extensiveresearch on nutrition,
she gave up processed foods, also known
as convenience or packaged foods.
These products line theshelves of the interior aisles
of the grocery store and makeup the bulk of fast food.
Fast and easy, processed foods
have become the workingwoman's best friend.
But when it comes to our weight,
they can be our worst enemy.
Processed foods areloaded with ingredients
that can pack on the pounds such as
high fructose corn syrup and grains
that have been stripped of their goodness.
Processed foods containflavorings and preservatives
and other additives thatcan cause weight gain.
- It's a chemical storm.
We are so allergic to someof the things that they have
put in food that our bodies just blow up.
- [Lorie] Martha's body shrank
when she stopped eatingfoods made by big companies
and started eating foods shemade at home from scratch.
Lots of lean protein, like turkey,
chicken, fish and egg whites.
Also plenty of vegetables.
She really noticed adifference when she replaced
processed simple carbohydrates,
like white bread andpasta, with complex carbs
like oats, sweet potatoes and beans.
She doesn't skimp on healthy fats either,
like nuts, avocados and coconut oil.
- After like two or threedays of eating the right way,
oh my gosh, your energy is incredible.
- [Lorie] Martha admits shehas cut back on calories,
especially from sugar, but says unlike
the low calorie diets she tried before,
this one is easy to stick to because
these satisfying foodsmake her feel full longer.
- I was fat because I didn'tunderstand the science of food.
- [Lorie] Martha saysin order to stabilize
her blood sugar, which minimizes cravings,
she has to eat one of her small
home-cooked meals every three hours.
Not so easy for a working mom, but
she figured out a way to do it.
On the weekend, she cooksher upcoming week's meals
and pops them in thefreezer, then each morning
before heading off to work, she grabs
what she'll need that day.
- It does take a coupleweeks to get on auto pilot,
but then it's totally worth it.
- [Lorie] Martha says eating right
is the main reason she lost weight,
but says exercise does play a big part
in keeping her fit and healthy.
- I remember, I couldn't even do
three air squats when I started.
- [Lorie] In addition to doing cardio,
Martha boosts her metabolismby lifting weights
because muscle burns morecalories than fat even at rest.
So if you've always been heavy,
hate exercise and thinkyou're over the hill,
Martha Vancamp is living proof
that avoiding eating from a box
or the drive-thru andembracing a clean diet,
rich in whole foods,can help you lose weight
and feel great at any age.
Lorie Johnson, CBN News.
- Another inspiring testimony.
We'll be right back with moreof CBN Newswatch after this.
A Christian doctor in theDemocratic Republic of Congo
has won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Christianity Today reports gynecologist
Denis Mukwege has treated 10s of thousands
of rape victims in the past 20 years.
Many of his patients are the victims
of gang rape by militants.
Mukwege is the son ofa Pentecostal preacher
and found his calling to medicine
after helping his fatherpray for the sick.
The Nobel Committee cited his work
to end the use of sexual violence
as a weapon of war for awarding the prize.
Congratulations to him and you can find
more of our exclusivecoverage of the issues
you care most about at CBNNews.com
Thanks for watching, have a great day.