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CBN NewsWatch AM: October 4, 2018

CBN NewsWatch AM: October 4, 2018 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thank you so much for joining us.

I'm Efrem Graham.

The FBI has officiallyconcluded its investigation

into allegations of sexual assault

and misconduct againstJudge Brett Kavanaugh.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

announced late lastnight the vote to confirm

him to the US SupremeCourt will proceed now.

All 100 senators have the chanceto review the FBI's report.

That decision ultimately comes down

to a handful of undecided senators.

Republicans Susan Collins,Lisa Murkowski, and Jeff Flake,

and Democrats Joe Manchinand Heidi Heitkamp

all condemn PresidentTrump's recent comments

about Kavanaugh's accuser

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

The full senate could voteon Kavanaugh's confirmation

as soon as this weekend.

We turn now to Washington,D.C., where Abigail Robertson

is following this story for us today.

Abigail, this processhas been so contentious.

Why so much more so than whatwe saw with Neil Gorsuch?

- Good morning, Efrem.

You're right this hasbeen much more contentious

than the case we saw with Neil Gorsuch,

and the reason being isthat the Supreme Court,

the control of it,

and the direction that it'sheading is at stake here.

When Neil Gorsuch was confirmed,

he was essentially replacing

a conservative for a conservative.

He was filling Antonin Scalia's seat.

Now we have the moderate seat,

Anthony Kennedy's seat,that's up for grabs.

So we have four conservatives,

four liberals, and thenthere's that moderate seat.

Whoever takes that seat

will sway the Court in that direction.

If it's Brett Kavanaugh,

it will most certainlysway toward the right.

- Jenna, some people say Democrats

have overplayed their hand here.

Could that hurt them in the midterms?

- Well, that's what Senator Bob Corker

and others are saying, Efrem.

That seems to be the sentiment

among a lot of Americans as well.

Look, when you have,

when you have the Democrats

leveling these accusationsagainst Brett Kavanaugh

and calling for a special hearing

and then on top of thatan FBI investigation,

and now some of them are saying that this

FBI investigation hasn'tbeen thorough enough.

It sends a message

to voters at home,especially conservatives.

There's now talk that the enthusiasm

pendulum is swinging backinto the Republican's favor.

There's a new Fox News poll out that shows

Heidi Heitkamp of NorthDakota now falling behind

to her Republican counterpart,her Republican opponent.

We'll see this could really backfire

on Democrats if enthusiasm does swing

in Republicans' favorand it mobilizes them

to get out and vote this November.

- We'll be watching.

Thank you so much.

Jenna Browder reporting

from Washington, D.C.,not Abigail Robertson.

Thank you, Jenna.

- [Jenna] Thanks.

- Here's a quick look at some of the other

major headlines we're following

for you today inside the CBN newsroom.

A man shot seven police officers

in South Carolina duringa two-hour shootout.

It was a standoff so dangerous,

police had to use a bulletproof

vehicle to rescue the wounded.

Investigators say the officers went

to serve a warrant in Florence

when the suspect barricaded himself

inside a home and openedfire on the officers.

When it was all over, sevenofficers were wounded.

One officer did not survive that shooting.

A Utah man suspected ofmailing the poisonous

letters to the White House

and Pentagon is now inthe custody of the FBI.

Officials have identified the man

as William Clyde Allen III.

On Tuesday, Pentagonofficials said two envelopes

had been suspected of containing ricin,

and they were isolated

at a Pentagon mail screening facility.

One envelope was addressed

to Defense Secretary James Madison.

The other to the Chief of the US Navy,

Admiral John Richardson.

A Pentagon spokesperson said the letters

appeared to only contain castor seeds

which have to be processedin order to become ricin.

However, charges couldstill be filed against Allen

if it is determined the letterswere intended as a threat.

Operation Blessing is continuing its work

to help victims of Hurricane Florence.

Right now, teams are working

in Newbern and Lumberton, North Carolina,

bringing some much-needed aid.

In Lumberton, nearly 2,000meals are being served

to families each day,

and in Newbern volunteers are working

to muck and gut those homes

that have been damagedby the natural disaster.

Operation Blessing isasking for volunteers

to continue to show up at these

locations to help with this ongoing need.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced

the US is terminating a1955 treaty with Iran.

The friendship treaty regulates

commerce and diplomacywith the foreign adversary.

CBN's National SecurityCorespondent Eric Rosales

has more on the growing tensions

between the United States and Iran.

- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

held nothing back when he said the move

to terminate the 1955 Treaty of Amity

was "39 years overdue."

- Iran has attempted to interfere

with the sovereign rightsof the United States

to take all lawful actions necessary

to protect our national security.

Iran is abusing the ICJ

for political and propaganda purposes.

- [Eric] Pompeo's announcement came

after the International Court of Justice

ordered the United Statesto lift some sanctions

affecting imports on humanitarian

goods and products to Iran.

Hours later, NationalSecurity Advisor John Bolton

announced the US iswithdrawing from yet another

treaty with Iran made beforethe United Nations Court,

a court which Bolton says in ineffective.

- It's closing doors thatshould be open to politicize

the abuse which is what we'veconsistently seen in the ICJ.

- [Eric] Pompeo saysthe US will continue to

provide humanitarianassistance to Iranian refugees

but notes Iran continues touse its money on terrorism.

- The choices that are being made

inside of Iran today to use money

to fund terror around the world,

to launch ballistic missiles into airports

throughout the Middle East,

to arm proxy militias in Iraq

and in Syria and in Lebanon.

Those are dollars

that the Iranianleadership is squandering.

- It's war of words right now.

It was a wise move.

The US should not let anythingimpact its sanctions power.

- [Eric] Iran policy experts say

this is just anotherdiplomatic full court press

by Iran using a 1950s treatyto isolate the US today.

- If Iran upheld half of the things

that the previous governmentsprior to the revolution

agreed to with the USinternational community,

their country would be much better off

than it is today.

- In the face of economic pressure

and international criticism,

the Palestinian Authoritystill vows to spend

every last penny it has topay those who murder Jews.

Financial support to terrorist's families

will continue despite the United States

cutting aid to the PA overso-called pay-to-slay issue.

CBN Middle East Bureau ChiefChris Mitchell explains.

- [Chris] The Palestinian Authority says

taking care of those whomurder Jews is a top priority.

- [Translator] Even if weonly have a penny left,

it will only be spent on the families

of the martyrs and prisoners,

and only afterwards will itspent on the rest of the people.

- Earlier this year,

the United States moved to punish the PA

for this policy known as pay-to-slay.

It put the Taylor Force Act

into effect which cuts US aid until the PA

stops rewarding terroristand their families.

Australia followed suit in July,

but the rest of the world has yet to act.

- The internationalcommunity, first of all,

has to recognize thatthe Palestinian Authority

paying salaries to terrorists

is really a symptom ofthe fundamental problem.

That is that the Palestinian Authority

sees killing Israelis andkilling Jews as something heroic.

- [Chris] Itamar Marcus is the founder

and director of Palestinian Media Watch.

His organization has monitored reports

and speeches from the regionfor more than 20 years.

- The Palestinian Authority has put

these killer on a pedestal.

They've turned them into heroes

and role models forthe Palestinian people.

By now, they can't even back off.

They can't even backtrack.

They are going to keeprewarding these killers

with money that they're getting,

to a large extent, from foreign donors.

- [Chris] These postersprepared by his group

exposed the terrorists and their crimes

while laying out thescope of the payments.

- We've got Abdullah Barghouti,

I would say the most notorious

Palestinian Authoritymastermind of terror.

He built the bombs for suicide bombings

in Sbarro restaurant on Zion Square.

Hebrew University, he killed Americans,

killed Europeans, killedaltogether 67 people.

He's serving 67 life sentences.

These are among the 67people and he's already

also received about $200,000 already,

and he will continue receiving salary,

eventually receiving $31/2 thousand a month.

- [Chris] The Taylor ForceAct is not only a law,

but acts as a symbol as well.

- We created a special posterin memory of Taylor Force,

an American veteran whowas murdered in Tel Aviv.

The person who killed was a terrorist

named Basam Masalha who himself

was killed right afterwardsby Israeli forces.

So Basam Masalha's familyis now rewarded for life.

They've received up to now $13,000.

- [Chris] The 2018 budgetfor rewarding martyrs'

families and woundedis nearly $200 million.

Marcus says this doesn't bodewell for the peace process.

- Until the PalestinianAuthority changes its ideology

and sees murder as murder,

and sees murder as something punishable,

there's no one really to talk to

on the Palestinian Authority side.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News.

- Coming up, we hearfrom Dr. Russell Moore

on how the best practices to keep

your family afloat inthis storm-tossed culture.

We've got that sortfor you coming up next.

Welcome back.

When it comes to your family,

do you ever feel likesomething's just not right?

In his latest book,

Dr. Russell Mooreaddressed the rough waters

families face and how theycan keep from capsizing.

Our Jennifer Wishon brings up this story.

- You know the saying you can

pick your friend but not your family?

The memory of a family member can inspire

spontaneous laughter at the grocery store,

bring you to tears or both.

Family life is hard,

but Dr. Russell Moore says that's normal.

- I think that thetemptation is to somehow

think that if we just love Jesus

or if we're just good people

that we're not going to have

these difficult timesthat come with family.

In reality, that's neverwhat Jesus promised us.

He said to us that our lives

within the family areabout carrying the cross.

That's means that every interaction

that we have within the family

is an opportunity to pour oneself out,

to sacrifice one's selfin service to others.

- [Jennifer] Dr. Moore is president of the

Ethics on Religious Liberty Commission,

the public policy arm of theSouthern Baptist Convention.

In his latest book, TheStorm-Tossed Family,

Moore says focusing on the cross

will help prevent families from capsizing.

- What we see in the cross is that through

hurt and through vulnerability,

often we see the glory of God.

- [Jennifer] One ofthe reasons family life

is such a challenge, he believes,

is the constant spiritual warfare.

- It's because the marriagerelationship, for instance,

is designed after that pictureof Christ in the church,

and the relationshipof a child to parents,

or to a larger extent in family,

is a picture of God who is father to us,

Ephesians Chapter Three says to us.

So of course the spiritual forces,

the principalities of powers,

as the New Testament callsthem, would rail against that.

They don't like the picture of that.

What you see happening with the family,

in every generation,every age, all the time,

it's similar to what one would see

with someone trying totake apart a gospel tract

because that's what the family is.

- [Jennifer] In thisdigitally-connected era,

families often feel their relationships

have become unplugged and depression

can set in when scrolling through

seemingly perfectfamilies on social media.

- [Russell] You'll have people who think

that somehow theirentire worth is built up

in whether or not their family pictures

are Instagram-able enough,

whether or not theirchildren succeed enough.

People aren't usually going to

present on social media, "Guess what?

"Aunt Flossie has anotherrestraining order against her,"

or "my child has been grounded again,"

or "I'm afraid that my spouseand I are going to divorce."

People are going to do that,

but sometimes when we seejust the shiny presentation,

it can cause this kind of comparison.

The sense is becauseI'm having difficulty,

that means that I'm not succeeding.

When in reality,

some of the most Biblically-grounded

and thriving and flourishing

families think they're failing.

They think they're failingbecause it's very difficult

and they're facing allsorts of challenges.

- [Jennifer] Moore says his books

typically grow out of the questions

he's working through as ahusband, father, and pastor.

He says family issues are constant.

- Family is not, is not, again,

just a biological accident.

Family is picturing something.

God is picturing in thefamily the fatherhood of God.

He's picturing in the family the gospel,

the union of Christ and his church,

the newness of new birth.

All of those things

are pictured within the family structure.

- We need to rely on thechurch, Moore writes,

and instead of dividingourselves into groups

like singles, your marriedcouples, and seniors,

Moore suggests we're all facing

similar issues and needto rely on each other.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- And you can find moreon Dr. Moore's book

wherever books are soldor you can find a link

where you can get it atour website,

It's a disturbing trend,

many young people leavingthe Christian faith.

But an effort called Dare2Share

is looking to nip that in the bud.

It is teaching teenagers,

those who believe onhow to love their faith

and how to easily evangelize.

It's called Dare2Share and the founder,

Greg Stier, told Paul Strand he believes

it could ignite and awakening

all across the country.

- Greg, tell us, what is Dare2Share?

- You know, at Dare2Share,we train and equip,

mobilize teenagers to share the gospel,

and October 13th, we'redoing Dare2Share Live,

which is one event in 97 cities.

Literally, from Fairbanks,Alaska, to Puerto Rico,

students will be simultaneously

motivated, trained, equipped,

and turned loose to sharethe gospel of Christ.

They'll have a Dare2Share Live app.

So a student in Fairbanks, Alaska,

can talk to a student in Puerto Rico

'cause they're getting the exact

same training at the exact same time.

On that app, you'll be able to see

a map of the United States self populate

with all the gospelconversations happening.

We just believe it's time for revival.

We believe there's ageneration of teenagers

that want to be about a cause,

and the ultimate cause isthe gospel of Jesus Christ.

We'll train them, equip them,

we'll have Shane & Shane, The Skit Guys,

Zane Black, Flame therapper, myself, others,

but there'll be liveworship bands in every room,

live trainers in every room,

and we're gonna train, equip,

and unleash them with thegospel of Jesus Christ

to shake this nation withthe good news of Jesus.

- What time is this even on October 13th

and where exactly would teens go

if they want to get involved with it?

- Yeah, it's at 9:00 a.m. West Coast start

and at noon East Coaststart, so, it's truly live.

There's no delay,

and if they would goto,

that's Dare, the numbertwo,,

they can find out all theinformation they need about it.

We really encourage them

to bring their youth groups out

because we're gonna begoing out to collect

canned food for local rescue missions,

but also sharing thegospel and the process.

The goal for this is notjust an exciting rally call,

but a revival.

Our hashtag is Rock Your City,

so we just believe the citiesacross the United States,

97 are gonna be rocked

with the power of thegospel of Jesus Christ.

Encourage everybody to set their alarm

for 10:13 a.m. every day

and pray for revival on October 13th

that God will bring a sweeping revival.

- Is this the first yearthat you're doing this,

this nationwide simulcast?

- We did it last year in 68 sites.

We were able to train10,000 students in a day.

This year, we're prayingfor 25,000 teenagers

to be trained, equipped, andmobilized in a single day.

- Throughout the day, what is happening?

Are kids going out to witness?

I mean, is this stuff happening live

and then do you wrap it all up

with people sharing what's happened?

- Exactly, so in the morning,

everybody gets trained and equipped.

It's interactive back and forth.

Again, there's livetrainers in every room.

It's not just a simulcast,

we have live worship bands in every room.

So we're worshiping and singing,

and then we're energizing

and equipping them to share the gospel.

We give them a two-hour lunch break

where they go out had share the gospel.

Grab some lunch, collect cannedfood, then they come back.

We share testimonies and then we have

a nationwide prayer service

that's happening simultaneously

where we're all calling out to God

for revival in our nationand in our schools.

- We are now in a technological age

where everybody all over the place

can come together andget trained like this

at one time and do this all together.

- We are shocked on how excitingand how well it's working.

The Kingdom of God isforcefully advancing.

I believe our best days foryouth ministry are ahead.

I believe God's gonna unleash a revival

in the nation and around the world,

and he's gonna choose to use the foolish

things of the world to confound the wise,

and there's nothing morefoolish than American teenagers.

So I just believe arevival's gonna unleash.

- Okay, thank you so much.

Greg Stier with Dare2Share,we appreciate it.

Again, everybody, that's October 13th.

God bless you, Greg.

- Thank you.

- That's October 13th,

but today is Bring YourBible to School Day.

Students across the country will be

using this opportunity tocelebrate religious freedom.

The event is sponsoredby Focus on the Family

and it's aimed at encouragingstudents to share their faith.

We want you to send usyour images and videos,

and we will feature themright here on CBN Newswatch.

You can visit tolearn more about the event.

Stay with us, we'll be right back.

(dramatic music)

Netflix has obtained therights to the classic

C.S. Lewis book The Chronicles of Narnia.

Three of the books havepreviously been made into movies.

With Netflix, this is the first time

the rights to all seven books

have been held by the same company.

It's not clear whether Netflix

plans to make them intoa series or movies.

In a statement, C.S. Lewis's stepson

said he is looking forwardto working with Netflix

to make Narnia adventures cometo life all over the world.

It is time now for your Thursday Thankful.

I hope you will join me inthis prayer of gratitude.

Lord, thank you for allthe benefits of the cross,

but in this moment, thanks for healing.

By your stripes, I am healed,

and that is possibly never more clear

than when I have just overcome an illness.

In that moment, health isclearly wealth beyond measure.

With that word, I encourage you

to make this a thankful Thursday.

That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.

Remember, you can findmore of our exclusive

coverage of the issues youcare most about at

We would love to know what you think about

the stories you've seen here today.

You can do that by emailing, and of course,

you can always reach out andtouch us on Facebook, Twitter.

- I expect that we'll hear

that the conclusions of the expert

prosecutor who questioned both witnesses

at last week's hearing aren't reliable

or that the FBI's investigation

was not infinite or endlessenough for their liking.

So let me make it very clear.

The time for endless delay

and obstruction has come to a close.

- The full senate could vote

on Kavanaugh's confirmationas soon as this weekend.

The death toll in Indonesia's tsunami

and earthquake disaster in now

more that 1,400 and it's expected

to soar as rescuers search

through the debris and landslides.

(speaks in foreign language)

- There is a growing desperation

amongst survivors of the massive

7.5 earthquake and thetsunami that followed.

More than 70,000 aredisplaced and living in tents.

Their homes flattened and destroyed.

The wait for help hasled to looting and chaos.

Clean water, food, and medical help

among others are badly needed.

Despite difficulties in logistics,

Indonesia's Operation Blessing

managed to bring aid to survivors in Palu.

They brought in boxes of food, medicine,

and gave medical helpto the sick and injured.

This mother is relieved

that an Operation Blessing doctor

can dress the stitched forehead

of her son before it gets infected.

This lady's wounded leg is finally

being treated after she sprang it

while running from falling debris.

The team also reachedSigi Biromaru District

where the quake leveled a church,

killing more than 30youngsters having Bible study.

There are still many worse hit areas

isolated due to damagedroads and landslides.

Operation Blessing teamsare pushing to reach

more survivors in theseareas in the coming weeks

and bring them much-needed help,

and to let them know

that there are people who care about them.

Lucille Talusan, CBN News.

- The Ottoman Churchtried to overrun Europe

centuries ago but they were

turned back at the gates of Vienna.

Today, Turkey is againestablishing a presence in Europe,

recently dedicating one of the

largest mosque on the continent.

This time in Cologne, Germany.

Dale Hurd has this story.

- The new Cologne Mega Mosque

is an important editionto Turkish President

Recep Tayyip Erdogan'snetwork of European mosques,

and it's part of what some warn

is a dangerous and growingfifth column inside Europe.

But when Erdogan arrived in Germany

to christen the new mosque,

what began as a welcome

with military honorswent downhill quickly.

The lavish televised ribboncutting was marred by protest.

This German protester said,

"When I heard that Erdogan

"will receive a statereception, I was appalled.

"He slaughtered Kurds, invaded Syria,

"and imprisoned hundreds

"of thousands without court orders."

Erdogan got a cold receptionfrom Germany's president.

German leaders had already

backed out of attendingthe mosque opening,

and in Erdogan's press conference,

a journalist protesting over jailed

reporters in Turkey was forcibly removed.

While Germany allowed the giant mosque,

the Austrian government has shut down

Turkish mosques and expelled 60

imams in June because they were being

funded by the Turkish government

and because these photosfrom inside a mosque

showed Turkish childrenbeing trained to be martyrs.

The leading expert on Turkey's network

of mosques and Islamicassociations in Europe

Abdullah Bozkurt calls themErdogan's Fifth Column.

- What we have been seeingin the last couple of years,

an increase activity on the part

of the Turkish governmentto turn to mosques

that were financed bythe Turkish communities

or by the Turkish government,

or imams deployed directly from Turkey

to serve as sort of political operatives.

- [Dale] Bozkurt warnsthat mosques like this

are the basis for a proxy force

that can strike inside Europe.

- And joining us now is CBN

Senior InternationalCorespondent Dale Hurd

with more on this story.

Why does Germany and other

European nations allow these mosques?

- I think in Germany's case,

they don't have a lot to prevent it,

but, I mean, this is an example of,

there's a lot of stupidity on some levels

in Europe in very intelligent countries.

Germany is highly intelligent,

one of the mosttechnological-advanced countries,

and yet in terms of immigration,

they've done what some couldargue are some stupid things.

In 2016, they allowed in a million

refugees into a country their size.

It's ill advised.

I think that also it's a fear of racism

or a fear of looking Islamophobic

that keeps them from restricting this.

- Now you used the term proxy force.

Do you mean an actual military force?

- Yeah, my interview used proxy force

and he was referring, I think,

to overall troublemakers,people that could,

they could commit acts of terrorism,

they could build political parties

and voting blocs inside ofGermany and other countries.

They can intimidate Turksthat already live there.

They are soldiers for Erdogan.

- Does this have an importantsymbolism for Turkey

because it was unsuccessful

at invading Europe hundreds of years ago?

- That's a good question.

I am sure ti does and you do see,

in Turkish media,

things harkening back to that.

I think that this has avery pragmatic purpose

for the Turkish leaders.

There are a lot of Turks who were

invited into Germany afterWorld War II as a workforce.

They're there now, there's a lot of them,

and this is a way to control them.

This is the way to have theirfoot in the door in Europe.

- A story we'll continue to watch.

Dale Hurd, Senior InternationalCorrespondent, thank you.

Still lots more aheadhere on CBN Newswatch.

Let's check in now with George and Emily

to see what's makingheadlines around the world.

This week on Worldbeat,

is Turkey's president tryingto become an Islamic sultan?

We'll take a look at theimplications of his rise to power.

- Plus could the American pastor

being held in Turkey soon be a free man?

The very latest on theplight of Andrew Brunson.

(triumphant music)

- Hello, everyone, this is Worldbeat,

the show where we tell youwhat's happening in the world.

- And also how you can pray about it.

Well, today, George, we'retalking about Turkey,

a country that has a longtradition of secularism,

but is increasingly embracinga radical form of Islam.

- That's right, Emily.

In the recent years,

the Turkish governmentof Recep Tayyip Erdogan

has been cracking downon individual freedoms

and arresting those whospeak critically of Islam.

Since 2003, Erdogan has overseen

the building of thousandsof mosques across Turkey.

In fact, just this past week,

he opened Europe's largest mosque

in Germany funded by Turkish government.

Erdogan's strong embrace of Islam

has many analysts wonderingif he views himself

as a new caliph or sultan of Islam.

Joining me to discuss thatquestion is Dr. Aykan Erdemir,

a former Turkish lawmakerand now a senior fellow

at the Foundation forDefense of Democracies.

Thanks for coming on this show.

Does Erdogan see himself asIslam's new caliph or sultan?

- At the same time and at this point,

I think Mr. Erdogan sees himself

as Turkey's one and only ruler.

Probably, he has some dreams of

a neo-Ottoman grandeur.

He sees himself inlight of Ottoman sultans

who also happened to be caliphs

beginning with the 16th Century.

Erdogan's mission is not only

to socially engineer Turkey into a more

Islamic-oriented countryand society, but also,

he hopes to be the opinion leader

and the strong man of theIslamic world as well.

- Last week, he inaugurated Europe's

largest mosque in Cologne, Germany.

What is Erdogan's Islamic ambitions?

- Now again, Erdogan'sambitions aborad are twofold.

On the one hand, he reachesout to the Turkish diaspora.

There are over three million German

citizens and residentsof Turkish background.

Erdogan sees himself as a patron

of the Turkish diaspora around the world,

but at the same time,

beyond Turkey's ethnic brethren,

Erdogan also tries to reach outto Muslims across the globe.

He comes from the MuslimBrotherhood tradition.

He wants to be, again,

the patron of Muslim Brotherhood's

movements and political parties

around the Middle East and North Africa.

His building activity across the globe

is linked in part to his diaspora outreach

and in part to hisoutreach to the Muslims.

- Dr. Erdemir, the outlookfor Turkey's economy

continues to look gloomy.

Inflation is in double digits.

It's currency has plummeted.

How are Turks reactingto their economic woes?

- Now traditionally, when wetake a look at Turkish history,

we see that economic downturns

often result in government change.

In fact, Erdogan himself came to power

in 2002 in the wake of a similar

economy crisis, but this time,

something is different and that is

for the first time in Turkish history,

a government controlsover 95% of the media.

Erdogan controls the messaging in Turkey.

Although the economy crisis,

the worse in Turkey's history

has hit Turkish consumers hard,

because of the way in which the media

manipulates the news,Erdogan manages to control,

continuous control inpolitics, in economy.

It's still, I think,

early to tell what might be

the outcome of the ongoing economy crisis,

but Erdogan, let's keep in mind,

has a very strong media empire

as well as a repressive apparatus.

- Can you talk a little bit

about the impact that therise of ultranationalism

and religious fundamentalism is having

on Turkey's minority faith groups?

- Yes, Erdogan, in his rise to power

was mostly messaging around

what he called a Muslim Democratic vision.

That messaging used to be quite

tolerant of Turkey's ethnicand religious minorities.

In fact, Erdogan even spoke

against nationalism and exclusion,

but as a consolidative power.

As he turned to Turkey's far right

nationalists as an ally,

Erdogan himself became

an increasingly intolerantand prejudice ruler.

Especially since Turkey'saborted coup of July 2016,

we have seen increasing

scapegoating, smearing, and targeting

of Turkey's religious minorities.

Particularly, Turkey's dwindling

Jewish and Christian communities.

We have also seen a spike in

dubious political charges

against members of religious minorities.

One high profile case, of course,

is that of US pastor Andrew Brunson.

He has been smeared inTurkey's pro-government media.

He has been framed withfabricated evidence by,

you know, witnesses who aresecret, you know, not named,

and also by a six- orseven-page indictment

which is full of ludicrous charges.

I think that bestepitomizes the precarious

condition of Turkey'sreligious minorities.

- Okay, terrific, Dr. Aykan Erdemir,

thank you so much for coming on the show.

- Thanks for having me.

- Well, American pastor Andrew Brunson

has been in prison in Turkey since 2016,

but will freedom come soon?

That's the big question.

American leaders hopeBrunson will be released

at his next court date on October 12th.

However, Turkey appearsto be doubling down.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

blasted the US Mondayfor leveling sanctions

against Turkey and accused Brunson

of having ties to terrorism.

He said, "We are determined to fight

"this twisted attitude that has attempted

"to impose sanctions on our country

"by using a pastor who has dark ties

"to terror groups as the pretext."

Well joining me now for more

is CBN New Middle EastBureau Chief Chris Mitchell.

Chris, what do you makeof Erdogan's harsh words

against the US and his accusation

that Brunson has dark ties to terrorism?

- Well, Pastor Brunson doesn't have

any dark ties to terrorism.

He's been a pastor for about25 years inside Turkey.

He's ministered in Izmirwhich is ancient Smyrna.

He actually, in the last few years,

has been reaching out to many

of the Kurdish refugees who came

as a result of the Syrian civil war.

So there's a lot of conspiracy theories,

and the other guest alluded to that,

inside Turkey that has really smeared

the reputation of Pastor Brunson,

but ties to a dark side of terrorism,

certainly not the case.

- And Chris, we knowthat we are just several

days out from PastorBrunson's next court date.

The US wants him released.

Turkey is pushing back.

What can we expect on October 12th?

- Well certainly, a lot of people

are praying for the finalrelease of Pastor Brunson.

I know there was a possibilityof a deal earlier this year.

That fell through, and actually,

I believe President Trump was a bit

disappointed in President Erdogan

because he thought a deal had been struck.

So there's hope, anyway,

for a lot of people thatOctober 12th could be the date

that Pastor Brunson finally is released.

- And Turkey has charged Brunson

with the crime of Christianizationand sharing his faith.

Why is he such a threat in Turkey?

- Well, as I said,

he really wasn't a threatto anybody in Turkey.

He wasn't part of this coupthat was in the summer of 2016.

If there's any threat, hewas preaching the gospel.

As the other guest alluded to,

really the Islamization of Turkey

has really been the big news

ever since PresidentErdogan has consolidating

his hold on power and trying to make it

much more of an Islamicpower and also exporting,

as we the mosque going in Germany

and spreading it throughout

what had been a more secular Turkey.

Now it's becoming a muchmore Islamist Turkey.

- [Emily] And how is the Brunson family

coping in the midst ofall this persecution?

- Well, it's been very difficult,

but now he's out of a Turkish jail

and now he's under house arrest,

which is a much better condition for him.

He can be with his wife,but I think his wife,

Pastor Brunson, and Iknow people that I have

talked to that arefriends with the Pastor,

they see this in a growing,

it's not just Pastor Brunson.

They see that he could be like

the Apostle Paul that hasbeen arrested for his faith,

but really being used by the Lord

to really raise the sight of Christianity

inside Turkey which is one of the least

evangelized countries in the whole world.

- [Emily] Wow, and do you see

future crackdowns on Christians in Turkey?

- It's very much a possibilityand I'll give you an example.

We interviewed one of thepeople from Erdogan's,

not Erdogan's, but Pastor Brunson's church

and there's a concernthat there will be others.

For example, we actually had to hide

his identity because hecomes in and out of Turkey.

So I think that some people are concerned

that this could portend a growingcrackdown on Christianity.

- Chris, quickly, is Turkeya growing risk to Israel?

- Very much so.

I think it's a member of the,

it supports the Muslim Brotherhood.

It supports Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

I think the rhetoric against Israel

is pretty stern sometimesby President Erdogan.

I think it does represent athreat to the Jewish state.

- Chris, you know, this is the segment

that we talk about prayerfor the nation of Turkey.

How do we pray for theBrunson family right now?

- Well, I would say, George,

that in the midst of this,

that they would remain strong,

that his faith would remain strong.

It's been a physical, emotional,

and certainly a spiritual ordeal

for Pastor Brunson and the whole family.

I would pray for the,

that God would give them strength

throughout the midst of this ordeal.

- Chris, how do we pray forChristians in Turkey right now?

- I would say for boldness

and they could be bold in the midst

of really an oppressive government

against religious freedom and that they

would have boldness and that the gospel

would continue to go forth

to those that are strongbelievers that are inside.

Many of them, by the way, former Muslims.

- Okay, terrific, we aregonna get ready to pray.

We need to understand that in Turkey,

less than half a percent of Turkey's

80 million population ismade up of Christians.

So it truly is a very, verytough situation for them.

Chris, it's great to have you here.

Would you mind prayingfor Brunson's family

and then Emily will pray forthe Christians in Turkey?

- Sure.

Father, we just ask for Pastor Brunson,

his wife, his family, whole family,

that you would strengthenthem during this time.

Just undergird them with spiritual,

emotional, and physical strength.

Lord, we just pray forChristians around the world

to support them, intercede for them.

We do pray for hisrelease this October 12th

and that his situation can be used

to propagate the gospel inTurkey and around the world.

- And Lord, we just lift up

the Christians in Turkey right now.

God, we pray that youwould give them boldness,

that you would give them courage,

that you would protecttheir witness to you, Jesus.

We pray that even though that they face

the threat of persecution,

that they will continueto spread the gospel,

that they will ministerto their Muslim neighbors,

Lord, and you will just be there,

your presence will rest there in Turkey,

in the Christian community,

and that you will continue to uplift them

in Jesus' name we pray.

- Also pray for the flood of refugees

who are coming from Syria, Afghanistan,

Iraq, all of them findingshelter in Turkey.

Many of them are believers.

Many of them are fleeing

persecution from neighboring countries,

I pray that you will encourage them

and may they be an encouragement

to the body of Christ in Turkey.

We pray this all in thename of Jesus Christ, amen.

Well folks, that is it for thisweek's edition of Worldbeat.

My thanks to our guestsin Washington, D.C.,

and my colleague Chris Mitchell.

- Until next week,goodbye and God bless you.

(triumphant music)

- That is a look at Worldbeat.

We'll be right back with much more

CBN Newswatch right after this.

Country music artist Brad Paisley

is opening a free grocery store

in Nashville, Tennessee,for families in need.

The singer and his wife teamed up

with Belmont University,a Christian school

and Second Harvest FoodBank on the project.

The store aims to providefood for 3,000 people a year,

and will provide on-the-job training

along with healthcare and legal aide.

Well, today is BringYour Bible to School Day.

It is a chance forstudents across the country

to celebrate religious freedomand to share their faith.

It is sponsored by Focus on the Family.

We want you to send us yourimages and videos from the day.

We'll feature them righthere on CBN Newswatch.

Be sure to visit CBNNews.comto learn more about the event.

Right now, it is time foryour Thursday Thankful.

Take a moment to consider the things

we often overlook orsimply take for granted

like walking, talking, or even breathing,

and then join me in thisprayer of gratitude.

These words come from a simple psalm.

Lord, you are good.

You've been so good,even better than good.

You're been so good to me.

Take a moment today tosincerely count your blessings,

the simple things, and give God thanks.

With that word, I encourage you

to make this day indeeda very thankful Thursday.

That is gonna do it for now

on this edition of CBN Newswatch.

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Thank you again for your company.

We certainly enjoyed deliveringthe news to you today.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Make it a thankful Thursday everybody.

Goodbye and God bless.

(dramatic music)


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