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Netanyahu Blasts Lebanese Govt. 'Tour' to Defend Hezbollah

Netanyahu Blasts Lebanese Govt. 'Tour' to Defend Hezbollah Read Transcript

- [Julie] Lebanon's ForeignMinister, Gebran Bassil,

accused Netanyahu oftelling lies about Lebanon

to protect himself.

But he admitted that Hezbollah does indeed

possess the accurate missiles.

- It is true that thereare many statements made

affirming the possession ofaccurate missiles by Hezbollah.

However, this does not meanthat those missiles are present

in the vicinity of Beirut Airport.

- [Julie] Late lastmonth, Hezbollah leader,

Hassan Nasrallah, boastedthat his group now possesses

highly accurate missilesdespite Israel's attempts

to thwart the acquisitions.

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah is part of

the Lebanese government, but is considered

a terrorist organization by the US.

Last week at the UN, Netanyahublasted Hezbollah and Iran.

- In Lebanon, Iran is directing Hezbollah

to build secret sites,

to convert inaccurate projectiles

into precision-guided missiles.

Missiles that can targetdeep inside Israel

within an accuracy of 10 meters.

Hezbollah is deliberatelyusing the innocent people

of Beirut as human shields.

- [Julie] Netanyahu listedthree sites near the airport:

One on the waterfront afew blocks from the runway,

a second underneath a soccer stadium,

and a third adjacentto the airport itself.

The IDF released a video at thesame time showing the sites,

calling it a diplomatic confrontation.

Bassil took dozens ofambassadors on tour of the sites.

They included the soccerstadium and a walk through

a neighborhood that'sa Hezbollah stronghold.

Netanyahu responded bysaying in a statement that,

"Hezbollah is brazenly lyingto the international community

by means of the fraudulentpropaganda tour of the Lebanese

foreign minister who tookambassadors to the soccer field

but refrained from takingthem to the nearby underground

precision missile production facility."

Last week, Netanyahu said hehas a message for Hezbollah.

- Israel also knows what you're doing,

Israel knows where you're doing this,

and Israel will not letyou get away with it.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- And our Middle East bureauchief, Chris Mitchell,

is here right now with more.

So Chris, are thesemissiles a threat to Israel?

- Yeah, they're a huge threatto Israel, because not only

are they in range, notonly from Iran but also

as we've seen from Lebanon.

We were up there in 2006on the Second Lebanon War.

At the time, Hezbollah hadmaybe 4,000 rockets, now they

have about 150,000 rockets,and many of them are much

more accurate, just likeBenjamin Netanyahu was saying.

- Wow, so does Iran planto build long-range nuclear

missiles for nuclear blackmail of Israel

and eventually the US?

- Well that would be the game-changer.

Earlier this year, BenjaminNetanyahu said that they had

discovered intelligence thatIran was trying to miniaturize

a nuclear device to puton a ballistic missile.

And if they ever had thatkind of device, that could

threaten and blackmailIsrael, the United States,

Saudi Arabia, all of the enemies of Iran.

- Could we see regime change in Iran?

- Well, it's possible, alot of people are hopeful

right now, because first ofall you have economic turmoil,

political unrest, you have aspiritual revival going on,

so that's a very possible thing.

You know, what the Trumpadministration is doing right now,

Efrem, is using somethingout of the playbook

from the Reagan administration.

They're putting maximumpressure on Iran right now

through the sanctions, moreto come next month, and what

they're trying to do is reallyjust put the same kind of

pressure on the SovietUnion that they want to do

right now in Iran.

- Let's turn to Turkey now.

How does Israel viewthe growing Islamization

of Turkey under Erdogan?

- A big threat.

They see Erdogan as wants tore-establish the caliphate,

re-establish the Neo-OttomanEmpire, and they want use

Jerusalem as the cornerstone.

I talked to two people thismorning that said Turkey

itself is undermining whatthe Israeli government wants

to do inside the old cityof Jerusalem, and so that's

a really serious threatto the state of Israel.

- All right, ChrisMitchell, thank you so much.

Really good to have you herein the studio today, thank you.


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