Why the Populist Wave that Swept Trump Into the White House May Continue Beyond November
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(dramatic music)
- Populist revolution.
Is that what American's voted for
when they elected DonaldTrump two years ago
or something else?
He's definitely rejected globalism
in favor of American nationalism
Many people say his policies
have helped provide for morejobs for American workers.
So is this President apopulist or a pragmatist?
Will the populist wave of the2016 presidential election
carry into the upcoming midterm election?
Well joining us is Steve Hilton.
He's host of the Fox Newsprogram, The Next Revolution,
and author of the newly releasedbook, Positive Populism.
Steve, thanks for joining us.
First, in your book, youtalked about the elite
of both political parties,
how they were shocked when Trump won,
so what didn't they getabout the populist wave
that swept Donald Trumpinto the White House?
- I think the main thing that was missed
was the fact that, for many decades now,
irrespective of who haswon actual elections,
you've had the same policyagenda driven forward,
which was basically enthusiasticabout globalization,
automation in the economy,centralization of government,
and uncontrolled immigration.
And all those things benefitedthe people at the top.
They did really well out of it.
So their lives were great.
And that's why I think they missed it.
What they didn't see wasthe working Americans
were losing out.
The people who actually do the hard work
and hope to benefit,they were missing out.
And that'd been going on for a long time
and they missed that and,therefore, they didn't understand
just how angry peoplehad gotten about the fact
that, whether they votedRepublican or Democrat,
nothing ever seemed to change.
The rich got richer and theirlives seemed to get worse.
- Well, I think some people would say
Trump is an elitist himself.
After all, he is a billionaire.
So how is he different, Steve,
from other wealthy, powerful people?
- I think there's a reallyimportant difference.
I'm so glad you asked that question
because it goes to the heart of this.
There's a difference betweenthe elite and elitism.
Elitism is, in my view, an ideology
of the kind of policies I was explaining,
the globalism and so on.
It's a policy agendy, elitism,that benefits the elite.
You can be in the elite, amember of it, and reject elitism.
I, frankly, would put myselfin that same position too.
I have a show on Fox News.
I think that puts me firmly in the elite.
But I care about thispositive populist agenda,
which I think President Trump
just was at the beginningof this movement.
And what I'm trying todo with my book is say
okay, how do we now take that revolution,
that populist revolution,
that was expressed in the 2016 election
and turn it into real lasting change,
a real movement forchange with positive ideas
for how to rebuilt economic security
and family and community in America?
Those are the things I thinkare at the heart of this,
is people's economic security,family, and community,
and I think that that'swhat positive populism,
for me, is all about.
- And it isn't just here.
It's in Great Britain.
Donald Trump supported, andI'm sure he would even say
predicted the positive vote for Britain
to leave the European Union, Brexit.
Now there's a push by someBrits to vote on Brexit again.
Is the populist movementthere fizzling out?
- Well, it's reallyinteresting what's going on.
And it really mirrorswhat's happening here too
in a sense that the people whohave had power for so long,
the elitists, if you'd like,who are in positions of power,
not just the politicians, butthe permanent bureaucracy,
what we've now startedto call the deep state,
big corporations who arevery closely connected,
they hated the fact thatthey lost power in 2016
both in the presidential election here,
but also in terms of the Brexit vote
where you had all of thealliance of the elitists
against Brexit, but itwent through anyway.
Now they're trying to get that power back.
In the UK, they're tryingto undermine Brexit
and overturn that result.
And we see here in America,
they're doing exactly the same thing.
You see it with all the reporting
of the way the people around Donald Trump
and throughout the bureaucracyare trying to undermine
and sabotage his agenda,
that anonymous op-edin The New York Times,
and just now with Rod Rosenstein recently.
One after another, almost daily,
you're seeing evidence of the elitists
trying to undermine that result.
Now the difference is that, here,
you've got someone atthe top, Donald Trump,
who really believes in it andis trying to push it through,
whereas in the UK, PrimeMinister Theresa May,
remember, was against Brexit.
She's now leading a government
that's trying to make it happen,
but she actually campaigned against it,
so the reason it may besomewhat fizzling out
is that you don't have thatstrong populist movement
pushing it forward.
- Well, so then what doyou think's gonna happen
in the UK and then hereback across the pond?
This populist wave thatswept Trump into office,
are we going to see the push continue
in the upcoming midetermor is it fizzling out
both in the UK and here?
- No, I don't think it's fizzling out here
because the people whovoted for Donald Trump.
And also, remember that populism
is not just a phenomenon on the right.
You see it also on theleft with Bernie Sanders,
support for him in the 2016 campaign.
And so I think workingAmericans, generally,
want really big change.
Now the reason I've writtenthis book, Positive Populism,
is to contribute to thegrowth of a movement
that lasts beyond one election cycle,
even beyond one presidentialcampaign and one presidency.
And so you get people whounderstand what it means
to have a policy agendathat is pro-worker,
pro-family, and pro-community,
and people are electedall throughout our system
to push those ideas forward.
That's exactly what I'm hoping to happen,
that this populist revolution,
that this spark that happened then
actually turns into a lastingmovement for the long term.
- Steve Hilton, we loveyour show on Fox News.
You're a host and author ofthe book Positive Populism.
We thank you for joining us.
- It's a pleasure, thanks.