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'God Had Not Forgotten Me' : Hurricane Florence Survivor Recounts the Moment Operation Blessing Stepped In

'God Had Not Forgotten Me' : Hurricane Florence Survivor Recounts the Moment Operation Blessing Stepped In Read Transcript

- [Announcer] When HurricaneFlorence hit New Bern,

North Carolina and floodedJudy Nelson's home,

she had no where to turn for help.

- I'm a widow.

My brother's are all olderthan me, they broke down,

they can't help me, I don't have a lot

of young family membershere and then the ones that

I do have, they can't leave them good jobs

to come here and help meeven though they may want to.

- [Announcer] The devastation was so great

and there were so manyfamilies who needed help,

Judy knew only God could provide.


- And if you live by God's covenant

and put God back first,he'll be right there for you.

And I know that.

- [Announcer] Then a volunteer team

from Operation Blessing arrived.

- I knew, God has not forgotten me.

He sent people when Ineeded them the most.

I needed new walls doneand I needed floors up.

It was right on timecause he is right on time.

- So Judy's insurance will cover the cost

of replacing the contents of her house.

The insurance company will even

cover putting new dry wall in.

What they won't cover is the cost

of tearing the old dry wall out.

So we're here to help.

(wood breaking)

Operation Blessing got right to work.

We tore up her old flooringand cut out that dry wall

that was already starting to mold.

- I can't do it, I was rescued.

I knew it was God sending ya'll to me.

- [Announcer] When our workwas done, our volunteers

took the time to pray with Judy.

Now she can begin to take thosefirst steps toward recovery.

- Ya'll was the calvary, theonly thing you didn't have

was a white house and the army uniform on.

But ya had Operation Blessing,that was the best uniform.

They came when I needed them.

Thank you Lord.


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