Thousands of Christians come up to Jerusalem to celebrate the biblical Feast of Tabernacles; plus Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses the UN and reveals hidden Iranian atomic site; and an ancient biblical tradition - a priestly blessing.
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(shofar blaring)
- [Julie] This week on Jerusalem Dateline,
thousands of Christianscome up to Jerusalem
to celebrate the biblicalFeast of Tabernacles.
Plus, Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu
addresses the UN and revealsa hidden Iranian atomic site.
And an ancient biblical tradition.
A priestly blessing.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
(dramatic music)
- [Julie] Hello andwelcome to this edition
of Jerusalem Dateline.
I'm Julie Stahl fillingin for Chris Mitchell.
Thousands of Christiansfrom around the world
have come up to Jerusalem to participate
in the biblical Feast ofTabernacles, or Sukkot.
We'll have more on the feast celebration
later in our show, andwe're going to take you
to the Jerusalem March wheremany of those Christians
are showing their support for Israel.
But first, Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu
addressed the UN GeneralAssembly in New York.
He says Iran has hidden asecond atomic site in Tehran
and vowed that Israel wouldfind whatever Iran hides.
Just a few months afterPrime Minister Netanyahu
revealed that Israel had gotten a hold
of secret Iranian atomic archives,
he revealed a second facility.
- In May, we exposed the site
of Iran's secret atomic archive.
It's right here, in theShorabad district of Tehran.
Today, I'm revealing thesite of a second facility,
Iran's secret atomic warehouse.
It's right here, in theTurouzabad district of Tehran,
just three miles away.
- [Julie] Addressingthe UN General Assembly
with his classic visual aids,
Netanyahu said Irandidn't destroy the sites
because its goal is a nuclear weapon.
- In fact, they plan touse both of these sites
in a few years, whenthe time would be right
to break out to the atom bomb.
But ladies and gentlemen, restassured that won't happen.
It won't happen because whatIran hides Israel will find.
- [Julie] Iran, meanwhile,denied the allegations
and said there was nothing
to what the foreign minister called
Netanyahu's arts and crafts show,
but Netanyahu said Iran'saggression is clear
in Syria, Gaza and Lebanon,
and Israel would continueto defend itself.
- We will continue toact against you in Syria.
We will act against you in Lebanon.
We will act against you in Iraq.
We will act against youwhenever and wherever.
We must act to defend ourstate and to defend our people.
Instead of coddling Iran's dictators,
join the US and Israeland most of the Arab world
in supporting new sanctionsagainst the regime
that endangers all ofus and all of the world.
- Netanyahu didn't mentionRussia in his speech.
Russia is set to deliver a more advanced
anti-aircraft missile system to Syria
after Syria mistakenlyshot down a Russian plane.
That system could make it more difficult
for Israel to prevent anIranian military buildup
inside Syria.
Julie Stahl, CBN News. Jerusalem
Prime Minister Netanyahuand President Trump
met for the first time
since the US Embassy move to Jerusalem.
They were both in New York
for the United Nations General Assembly.
Netanyahu thanked Trump for his support
for Israel's right to defend itself
in a dangerous part of the world.
- The American-Israeli alliancehas never been stronger.
It's stronger than everbefore under your leadership,
and I look forward to working with you
and your team to advanceour common interests,
security, prosperity, and peace
with Israel's neighborsand for the region.
- At a press conference, Trump was asked
about his Israeli-Palestinian peace plan
and created a stir when heseemed to publicly endorse
a two state solution for the first time.
- There's nothing Iwould rather do than see
peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
I like a two state solution.
(reporters shout out questions)
That's what I think works best.
I don't even have to speak to anybody.
That's my feeling.
- Trump later clarifiedhis Tuesday comment,
saying he'd back whateverthe two sides agreed on,
one state or two.
President Trump also addressedworld leaders at the UN.
While he talked about Iran,North Korea and trade,
the President also made clearhis message is America first.
CBN White House correspondent Ben Kennedy
brings us that story.
- In a 35-minute speech,the President covered
a wide range of topics,specifically pointing out
that sanctions will remainin place against North Korea
until they get rid oftheir nuclear program,
but the driving theme ishow Trump will continue
to put his country first.
President Trump returnedto the world stage,
delivering his second addressto the UN General Assembly.
In it, he doubled down onthe White House's policy
of America first.
- In less than two years, myadministration has accomplished
more than almost any administration
in the history of our country.
America's, so true.
(audience laughs)
Didn't expect that reaction,
but that's okay.(audience laughs)
- [Ben] Just last year, Trumpstood here calling Kim Jong Un
Little Rocket Man.
- Rocket Man is on asuicide mission for himself.
- [Ben] Today, he changed his tune
against the rogue regimefollowing his historic summit
with the North Korean dictator.
- Since that meeting, we have already seen
a number of encouraging measures
that few could have imaginedonly a short time ago.
The missiles and rockets
are no longer flying in every direction.
Nuclear testing has stopped.
- [Ben] Trump then took aim at Iran.
- Iran's leaders, so chaos,death and destruction.
- [Ben] The US responded by withdrawing
from the 2015 nuclear agreement,
and even reinstated economic sanctions.
Trump's now asking nations tojoin him in isolating Iran.
- We cannot allow a regimethat chants death to America
and that threatensIsrael with annihilation
to possess the means todeliver a nuclear warhead
to any city on earth.
Just can't do it.
- [Ben] The Commander in Chiefreaffirmed support for Israel
and his decision to movethe US Embassy to Jerusalem.
- The United States iscommitted to a future
of peace and stability in the region,
including peace between theIsraelis and the Palestinians.
- Trump also announced newsanctions against Venezuela
and that, yes, the USwill respond in Syria
if Bashar al-Assad useschemical weapons again.
This was, no doubt, aclosely watched speech
as Trump says the US is committed
to making the UN more effective.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.
- In other news, The Wall Street Journal
is reporting AmericanPastor Andrew Brunson
could be released from Turkey
at his next court hearing on October 12th.
The nearly two-year-old saga
has led to an international crisis
between the two NATO allies
and as Chris Mitchell reports,
there is much more at stakethan just world politics.
- [Chris] The Turkishgovernment moved Pastor Brunson
from jail to house arrest in July.
Although the 50-year-oldpastor has ministered
in the country for more than two decades,
the Turkish government charged Brunson
with conspiring againstPresident Erdogan's rule
during a 2016 attempted coup.
The Trump administrationcalls those charges bogus
and has made securing PastorBrunson's freedom a priority.
- I don't think there's everbeen any administration,
any President that has broughtup a prisoner of conscience,
a prisoner who's in prisonbecause of his faith,
more than any other onethen President Reagan did
for Natan Sharansky, so this is historic.
- [Chris] And the Trumpadministration went beyond talking,
leveling sanctions onTurkey that put its currency
into a freefall.
- All of the secularmedia, without exception,
are saying a pastor, whocares about a pastor.
The trade with Turkeyis much more important.
The money and the value of thelira is much more important.
But the Trump administration said, no,
a pastor who's falselyaccused and is in prison
is important to us and we're willing
to really put our moneywhere our mouths are
and they're taking a strong stand.
- [Chris] Egyptian-bornMichael Youssef says
other nations are paying attention.
- Now the world is watching this.
They are not ignoring this.
They know that they're going to be next
unless they stop persecuting Christians.
- [Chris] Franklin Grahamcalled Christians to pray
and for the US to be careful.
- First I would ask everybodywho's watching right now,
the Christians, to prayfor Andrew Brunson.
He's been falsely accused.
This is just a sham.
Turkey, we have to rememberthat this is a country
that is fast becoming aradical Islamic state.
I think we need to get Brunson home
and we need to be very careful
with whatever we do asa country with Turkey
until they change leadership
and change the direction they're going.
- [Chris] Kerem saysthere's much more at stake
than an internationalcrisis between NATO allies.
- There's been manypeople, ourselves included,
that believe God was goingto do something in Izmir,
ancient Smyrna, Izmir, whereAndrew Brunson is today
that was going to impact not only Turkey,
but all the nations around it
because it's clear thatAndrew Brunson is in prison
or under arrest for one reason,
and that's his hope andfaith in Jesus Christ
as the Messiah, not only of the West,
but of the entire world.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
(driving music)
- Coming up, praying forwhat some are calling
the most importantelections in US history.
As we promised, we broughtyou to the Jerusalem March,
but first, some politicalobservers believe
that the upcoming Novemberelections in the US Congress
are some of the mostimportant in US history.
Given the close tiesbetween the US and Israel,
that could have an impacton the Jewish state.
Here's what two AmericanChristian leaders have to say.
- [Chris] On November 6th,Americans will decide the makeup
of the House ofRepresentatives and the Senate
for the next two years.
Christian leaders CindyJacobs and Lance Wallnau
told CBN News the churchcan play a vital role
in those elections.
- I think that we need to pray
that God will raise up righteous leaders.
We're at a tipping point for the nation
and I believe that, if we donot vote righteously then,
then we're going to seesomething start to unravel.
So as intercessors, wewant to pray, pray, pray
that God will be exalted.
- [Chris] Wallnau sees freedom on the line
and a time to act.
- We need to mobilize in our country
so that we're actually able to occupy
the spaces where we have freedom
and push back on havingthose freedoms taken away.
And most Christiansdon't want to mobilize.
They don't want to be activists,
but the book of Acts is about acts.
That's the root of activism.
You've got to get engaged.
- [Chris] Jacobs is mobilizinga 40-day prayer event.
- One thing we're doing is
there's a group of prayer networks
that we have all banded together
and we have somethingcalled Pray in Unity.
- [Chris] The website,
provides prayer guidesbeginning September 28th
through Election Day.
- You can sign up, prayer walk your street
or find a prayer group atyour church, but please pray.
Pray for your family, butalways pray beyond your family
because your family will suffer
under unrighteous administrations
if you don't pray for the nation.
- [Chris] They both agreeprayer is a big step
followed by actually voting.
- We have to pray, but wehave to mobilize and vote,
and I think that sometimes we think
that the prayer is the substitute
for the corresponding action,
and you can't hire someoneelse to do your civic duty.
You've got to vote
for the congressmanthat's in your district.
You can vote for thesenator in your state.
These are elections right now
where you have directauthority in your territory.
And so this is whereChristians have to show up
in their own territory.
- You know, voting is spiritual.
Voting is actually a spiritual act
because we're calledto steward our nations,
we're called to disciple our nations.
So if we vote, then wewill get righteous leaders.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Coming up, Sukkot,
the feast where we'recommanded to rejoice.
As we said earlier, Israel is celebrating
the biblical Feast of Sukkot
and thousands of Christianshave come from around the world
to celebrate with them,see prophecy fulfilled,
and attend the annual Feastof Tabernacles celebration.
Here's more on that happyand prophetic event.
- It's a gala event,Christian pilgrims dressed
in national costumes celebratingthe feast in Jerusalem.
More than 5,000 Christiansfrom nearly 100 countries
came here for the week-long celebration.
They came to worship the God of Israel
and stand with his people.
- I know it's gonna be alife changing experience,
and I love Israel and Ithink that this is a time
that things are going to turn around
and it's very prophetic.
- They're following theinvitation of Zechariah 14,
which says, one day, all the nations
will come up to celebratethis biblical feast
here in Jerusalem to worship the Lord
and keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
And we're showing up nowas a statement of faith
that that day is coming whenthe Messiah will rule here.
- [Chris] David Parsonsof the International
Christian Embassy Jerusalemsays this year's theme,
Dare to Dream, comes from Psalm 126.
- When the Lord turnedagain the captivity of Zion,
we were like those that dream.
And it's about the dream of Israel,
all those centuries of beingrestored back to the land,
ending the exile, coming back here,
and we live in the dayof Israel's restoration.
Israel is now 70 yearsold as a reborn state
and there's much to celebrate.
They've overcome many wars,terror attacks, rocket barrages,
economic boycotts, otherattempts to strangle it.
- [Chris] As part ofthis year's celebration,
people are getting the CBN documentary,
To Life: How Israeli VolunteersAre Changing the World.
The film shows how Israelworks to be among the first
to respond to disastersand needs around the world.
- And we're very happythat all the feast pilgrims
are gonna go back withcopies of it in English
and we're partneringwith CBN to also provide
Hebrew copies to all our Israeli guests
through the feast this week.
- [Chris] And Christiansare glad to be here.
- It's great.
It's a part of the propheticwords from the Bible.
- We've just been studyingthe things in the Bible
that talks about how Jerusalemis going to be restored
and Israel is going to be restored
and we want to be part of that.
It's amazing.
- I am really delighted and thrilled
to what I have been witnessedsince yesterday evening,
and I think I take with me a commitment
to now pray more for Israel,for the peace of Israel,
of Jerusalem, and even domore and mobilize more people
to also work towards the peace of Israel.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- For thousands of years,
the Jewish people have followedthe biblical injunction
to live in temporary dwellings
during the Feast ofTabernacles, or Sukkot.
Here's a story we did earlier.
We want to take you for a look inside
one of those sukkahs so you can hear
just how it brings Jewishpeople closer to God.
Some call him Hashem.
(speaking foreign language)
- It's an ancient biblical commandment
that's still being kept today.
Some call it a Jewish camping trip,
but with the conveniences of home.
- Shalom, welcome!- Shalom!
- We're so glad to have you- Thank you.
- [Te'ena] in here with us in our sukkah.
- Yes, thank you.
- We're here in oursukkah, which is really
the home away from homefor this whole week
of the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot.
- [Julie] Like many Israelis
and Jewish people around the world,
Seth and Te'ena Ben-Haimbuild a sukkah, or booth,
on the back porch of theirJerusalem apartment every year.
- It helps us remember, first of all,
we're commanded to rememberthe exodus from Egypt
and how we needed towander through the desert
for 40 years without permanent dwellings.
But it also reminds us that,
even though we've been broughtinto the land of Israel,
we haven't reached our final destination.
- So tell us about the sukkah itself.
How do you make a sukkah?
- The main thing is that it's a roof
that will make us feel thatwe're open to the elements
and then we need to--- And why is that?
- Well, because otherwise we'd be
in the protection ofour homes in some ways.
And we're supposed to bein this flimsy tabernacle
so that we can remember that, ultimately,
were under Hashem's protection.
- Most sukkahs aredecorated, at least in part,
by the children.
Families eat, sleep,study, and play together
in their temporaryhouses for a whole week.
Despite the camping conditions,
it's considered a joyful time.
- And then you can focus onthe real important things
like relationships and just sitting down
and studying the word andtalking with the children
about God's faithfulness.
- [Julie] Jonathan andhis sister, Rebecca,
enjoy the holiday so much,
Jonathan made his treehouse into a sukkah.
- Just for Sukkot.
- [Julie] Just for Sukkot.
And that too.
That's very pretty.
So you decorated your sukkah up here.
- Yeah.
- [Julie] Wow.
Another part of the Sukkot celebration,
recorded in Leviticus 23,is bringing a special fruit
and branches to rejoice before the Lord.
- We offer them toHashem, all four of these,
in our prayers every morning.
We wave them in many different directions
and we really look to above.
And that's what this type of roof
helps us remember too,is we're looking to above
'cause that's where ourhope is gonna come from.
- Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.
Still ahead, an ancientbiblical tradition,
the priestly blessing.
Thousands of Israelis andJews from around the world,
as well as Christians,packed the Western Wall plaza
to participate in anancient biblical tradition.
Take a look.
(cantor singing)
Its called the BirkatKohanim, or priestly blessing.
- If you're a man or a woman of faith,
those blessings have supernatural powers,
especially when you havesuch a large group together
of the people of Israel and priests.
- [Julie] In the book of Numbers,
God commands Moses and Aaron
to bless the children of Israel.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you
and give you peace.
The Aaronic benediction or blessing
is part of Jewish prayersevery day in Israel,
but during Sukkot, Jewish people gather
from around the world at the Western Wall
to give and receive this ancient blessing.
Jewish men who are believedto be of the priestly line
come to bless the people of Israel.
- It's an honor 'cause I myself am a kohen
and I'm gonna be the one
that's going to be blessing them.
Like for example, today Iwas all the way up front
by the Wall, blessingeveryone under my tallith.
- [Julie] And the more that come
to bless and be blessed, the better.
- Because I believe in God.
It's important.
- They pray for all of the Jewish people
of all the world for peaceand good things, good things.
(speaking foreign language)
- [Translator] Jewish people come
for the priestly blessingon the Feast of Tabernacles
and we pray and we hope that our prayers
will ascend to heaven.
(cantor singing)
- Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.
That's it for this edition.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember, you can follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
I'm Julie Stahl.
We'll leave you this weekwith more sights and sounds
of the Jerusalem March,and we'll see you next time
on Jerusalem Dateline.
(marchers shouting)
(upbeat Jewish music)
(driving music)