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Prayer Connection

Includes object lesson. If we want God to hear our prayers we need to stay connected to Jesus. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the Superbook show.

- Where apparently, we'remaking Jello or something.

- Actually, today we'regonna be talking about

connection, prayer, and ice cubes.

- Oh, of course.


Okay, but what does prayerhave to do with ice cubes?

- Well, we'll get to that in a minute.

But first, I have aquestion from Michaela.

So the question says:

"My friend Dar saysthat prayer is just like

wishing on a star or blowingout a birthday candle

and making a wish and it'sall just wishful thinking.

Is she right?"

- I've never heard that before.

- Well, you grew up in church

so prayer has always been abig part of your faith life.

But, imagine what it mustlook like for outsiders.

- Oh.

Okay I guess I can see howsomeone might see prayer

and just wishing as the same thing.

But it does raise an interesting question.

How do we know that God hears our prayers?

- Well the Bible does giveus some helpful hints.

Do you remember that Superbook episode

where Jesus healed the blind man?

- Oh yeah. Sure do.

I like how Jesus spat in that guys eye.


Guh Gross.

But cool.

- Oh my goodness.

He also healed him on the Sabbath day

and so the Phariseestried to say that Jesus

was a sinner because he healeda man on the Sabbath day

and broke Sabbath law.

But then the man said:

- "We know that Goddoesn't listen to sinners

but he is ready to hearthose who worship him

and do his will."

- The man was right about one thing,

God promises to hear the prayers of those

who believe in Jesus.

- Ooo, I got this one.

Let me see your Superbook Bible app.

This is my favorite verse.

This is Jesus talking:

"Stay joined to me and let myteachings become part of you

then you can pray for whatever you want

and your prayer will be answered."

- Stay joined to me.

That's a perfect transition.

You know, prayer isn't justabout a bunch of magic words

or creating a wish list.

Prayer is about connection.

- Oh, us connected to God.

- That's right.

And to illustrate I have...

- Ice cubes.

Got it.

- Okay, so here's how this works.

Imagine that the bowl is you

- Okay, that the icecubes are your prayers

and that the string is Jesus.

- You've been lookingpretty thin these days.

Have you been working out?


- Try to get your prayersup out of this bowl

and up to heaven just using the string.

- Can I lift the bowl?

- Nope. Just the string.

- Okay

This is silly.

You can't just get the icecubes out with just the string.

- Well, that's because there'sno relationship between

this string which, whichis Jesus and the prayer.

But now try putting thestring on the ice cube.

- Okay.

(salt shaking)

- Jesus says, we as his followers

are the salt of the Earth.

We have a relationship,a connection to Jesus.

And if we have a connection...

- Then our prayers are heard.

Very nice.

- Stay joined to me and let my teachings

become a part of you.

Then you can pray for whatever you want

and your prayer will be answered.

- His word is forever alive.


Today's episode was pretty fun.

I hope you had fun to.

- And don't string usalong, like this episode

and don't forget to subscribe.

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For more games, videos, and Superbook fun!

- Take care!


(jazz music)




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